Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 360: Building momentum

Princess Fang De advocated Shi Qing to remind herself to be calm and never to be anxious. She regarded the maid Fenfen as another self and said to her: "Xu Chu promised, so he will definitely come. Even if he doesn't come or comes too late, he will still come." It doesn’t matter, you can’t just wait to be rescued, you have to find a way to save yourself.”

Colorful hummed repeatedly, not understanding what the princess meant, so she replied: "I will save myself, can I save myself?"

"The general trend, everything is within the general trend."

"Oh, what's the general trend? Don't be too big, I might not be able to lift it."

"The general trend is not something to be taken, it is something to think about."

"I can't think of that."

"You can, I can teach you."

"Ah? If it's more difficult than writing, princess, don't teach me. I can't learn it." Binfen's face turned red, remembering all the difficulties and embarrassments she had when learning to write.

Zhang Shiqing sat down at the table and said with a smile: "It's not difficult at all, much easier than writing. I learned it within a month of Xu Chu's teaching. I tried it when I was in Yecheng, but it wasn't very successful. This time Be more attentive.”

Binfen breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that it's not difficult, but... can the princess learn it by herself?"

"No, you have to learn and be my first disciple."

"I would rather be the princess's maid."

"I am both a maid and a disciple." Zhang Shiqing picked up the teapot on the table, "What is this?"

"Teapot." Binfen replied immediately, thinking it was a test and felt the answer was too simple, so he added: "Dragon and Phoenix form auspicious porcelain teapot."

Zhang Shiqing put the pot on his side and said with a smile, "This is Yecheng."

Colorful was stunned, "It's obviously a teapot, and inside is the tea I just brewed."

"Silly girl, this is a metaphor. Pretend it is Yecheng and this table is the shape of Jizhou."

"Oh, I understood when the princess said this. The teapot is Yecheng, the water in it is the people, and the tea leaves are the officials. Where are the Empress Dowager and Princess Huanyan?"

"It's none of their business, just remember that the teapot is from Yecheng."


Zhang Shiqing placed a cup in front of Binfen, "This is Yuyang."

Binfen smiled and said: "I understand, Yuyang is smaller than Yecheng, so I use a cup."

"Yes." Zhang Shiqing picked up two more cups and placed them upside down on the top and left side of "Yuyang". "One is for the He Rong Department and the other is for the Bingzhou Army."

Fanfen was confused again, "Are the He Rong Department and Bingzhou Army also so small?"

"It's just a metaphor..." Zhang Shiqing saw the pastry on the plate next to him, cut off two small pieces, and placed them on top of the "He Rong Department" and the "Bingzhou Army" respectively, "Is that enough this time?"

Colorful clapped her hands and said: "Pastry is a soldier, right?"

Zhang Shiqing nodded.

Binfen stared at "Yuyang" and said, "The princess and I are hiding in this teacup."

Zhang Shiqing smiled and shook his head, "This is the general trend outside. There is Yecheng in the south, which is under attack. They are eager to invite reinforcements from the He Rong Department, so they will marry me there and they will not save me anyway."

"Princess, please be patient, maybe..."

"This is the general trend. We cannot just surrender. The Queen Mother, my family, Princess Huanyan... no one will come to save me."

"The general really tough."

"Of course, so we have to watch the general situation first. To the north is Yuyang, our temporary hiding place. To the north is He Rong's tribe. It is said that the army is gathering and will soon attack the city, asking Yuyang to hand me over. To the west The first point is the Bingzhou Army, which is not far from Yuyang, but has not dared to get too close, waiting for He Rong's cavalry."

"The Bingzhou army is timid."

"That's because General Yuyang is brave."

Zhang Shiqing pushed the pots and cups away to make a space. It was a pity that they were so colorful. He arranged them one by one, even the pastry pieces were gathered together for easy cleaning later.

Zhang Shiqing brought the tray with tea sets and placed it between the two of them, "From now on, it is Yuyang."

"It has become so big all of a sudden, bigger than Yecheng." Binfen looked surprised.

"That's the advantage of using metaphors. They can be of any size, as long as the meaning is clear."

Colorful nodded blankly.

Zhang Shiqing brought two more tea cups and placed the first one on the tray, "This is Huangfu He, the governor of Yuyang."

Colorful showed a weird smile.

"why are you laughing?"

"Look at how short and fat this teacup is, it looks a lot like Governor Huangfu."

Zhang Shiqing also smiled and continued: "This Huangfu He is the younger brother of Huangfu Kai, the shepherd of Jizhou. The relationship between the Huangfu family and our Yecheng family is very complicated. I can't explain it in a sentence or two. In short, you remember that Huangfu He just wants to protect Yuyang." The city doesn’t care about anything else.”

"He is especially unconcerned with the princess. I noticed that when he came to visit the princess, he looked dissatisfied and always wanted to drive her away."

Zhang Shiqing put down the second cup and said, "This is the soup master sent by the Zhonglang from Yecheng."

"We haven't met this general yet, and he doesn't come to see the princess either. It's very rude."

Zhang Shiqing smiled and said: "Although he is rude, he is an important figure. He brought thousands of soldiers, which far exceeded the original strength of Yuyang City. Therefore, although he is an outsider and his official position is not high, he is the real leader of the city. Guard, Huangfu He must be courteous to him. It is because of his protection that we can live in Yuyang City and not be kicked out. "

"Then General Tang is a good man." Binfen stretched out a finger and pressed twice on the rim of the cup.

Zhang Shiqing held back his laughter, "General Tang is still a smart man. When the Bingzhou army attacked, if it had been anyone else, he would have closed the city gates tightly and prepared to defend to the death. However, he did the opposite and opened the four gates to let people in and out. An envoy was sent to reward the Bingzhou army. As a result, the Bingzhou army did not know why, but stayed far away and did not dare to approach. "

"The Bingzhou Army is so stupid."

"It's not stupid, but there are two things that are unpredictable. First, will Yecheng send more troops to set a trap in Yuyang? Second, which side does the He Rong Ministry support?"

"Yecheng doesn't have more troops, and He Rong's Ministry will definitely not support Yuyang." Binfen replied immediately.

"We know these two things, but the Bingzhou Army does not, so we have to wait and see from a distance, but we can't last too long. Sooner or later, we will understand. How will General Tang respond then?"

"How to deal with it?" Binfen also asked.

Zhang Shiqing thought for a while and sighed softly, "After much thought, he seems to have no other choice but to hand me over."

"That won't work. Since General Tang is a good man and the princess summoned him, let's say more good things..."

"Kind words are useless." Zhang Shiqing smiled and stared at the two teacups on the tray. "Tian Jiang said that the reason why Tang Shiju was willing to take me in was because he came from a family of generals. His father and brother died outside the Great Wall. He said to congratulations Rongbu hated it very much, so he refused He Rongpingshan's request."

"Tian Jiang knows a lot and is a friend of Mr. Xu. The princess should discuss the 'general situation' with him." Binfen was a little behind.

Zhang Shiqing shook his head, "Tian Jiang has tried his best to protect me. I should find a way to help him rather than trouble him again."

"What can be done?" Binfen leaned on the table and whispered: "General Tang is definitely not short and fat."

Zhang Shiqing had a headache thinking about it, and wanted to give up several times and do something else, but she was used to competing for victory since she was a child, and this time she wanted to save herself, so she bit the bullet and continued to think, and kept mumbling the two words "general trend". word.

Binfen had long since given up studying. Seeing that the princess was serious, she couldn't say anything else, so she looked at the two teacups on the tray. She was really bored. She really thought that one of them was the governor and the other was a general, and manipulated the two of them to salute and greet each other. He also made them bump into each other and fight.

Zhang Shiqing's eyes suddenly lit up and he praised: "Binfen, you are so smart!"

"Really?" Binfen was a little embarrassed.

Zhang Shiqing pointed to the two cups, "Tang Shiju has a feud with He Rong's tribe. Tian Jiang knows it, and Huanyan must also know it. She must have deep meaning in sending such a general to guard Yuyang."

Colorful nodded.

"The Huangfu family is actually the puppet of He Rongbu. Huangfuhe is not so much guarding Yuyang for Yecheng as he is guarding Herongbu. When the time comes, he will definitely betray Yecheng. Master Tang came to guard Yuyang. To prevent this from happening.”

"That's great. After General Tang defeats Governor Huangfu, he can protect the princess exclusively." Binfen picked up a teacup and knocked lightly on the other teacup.

"But when Huanyan sent General Tang, he must not have made it clear. Now the two cities are blocked by Liang Jun, and the news is blocked. Tang Shiju does not understand Yecheng's intentions, so he has not taken action against Huangfu Governor."

"Then what should we do? Send someone back to Yecheng to give orders to Commander Huanyan?"

Zhang Shiqing smiled and shook his head, "That's not possible. Firstly, it's too late, and secondly, what if I guess wrong? With Huanyan's order, Tang Shiju will immediately send me to He Rongbu."

"The princess just said it clearly, how could she guess wrong?"

"This is what Xu Chu taught me. Under the general trend, you not only have to accept the situation, but also rise against it. The less clear the general trend, the more beneficial it is to the lobbyists. I can...create a general trend, as long as it sounds reasonable, that's enough ”

Binfen laughed twice but didn't understand a word.

"But I can't say these things - Tian Jiang can, he will come back next time..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside, "Tian Jiang wants to see the princess."

Binfen's eyes widened in horror, but Zhang Shiqing smiled proudly, "This is a good sign, go and open the door."

Binfen stood up and opened the door, and was startled when she saw the people outside, "Hey, you... old man in the valley, why are you here?"

Zhang Shiqing came over in a hurry, surprised and happy, and looked out, "Where is he?"

The old servant was so excited that he could not speak. Tian Jiang said: "Master Xu has gone to meet the Bingzhou army."

Zhang Shiqing was greatly disappointed, but immediately became happy again, "It's okay, he stopped the Bingzhou Army outside the city, and I was in the city... Tian Zhuangshi, I thought of a way to persuade General Tang..."

Tian Jiang interrupted: "Yecheng has just sent a messenger, saying that the emperor will personally lead the army to Yuyang, and Princess Huanyan will also follow."

Zhang Shiqing was stunned, "The emperor is going to conquer it himself? Who is he going to conquer?"

"Actually, the emperor gave up Yecheng and came to Yuyang to take refuge." Tian Jiang said.

Zhang Shiqing was stunned again, vaguely feeling that the change in the situation was not very beneficial to him.

"There are still orders from Yecheng," Tian Jiang continued, "requiring General Tang and Governor Huangfu to hand over the princess immediately."

"Let them come and kill me." Zhang Shiqing was anxious and stopped thinking about the general trend.

Tian Jiang said: "The news from the front is that He Rong's cavalry is still three days away from Yuyang. During these three days, the princess is temporarily safe. Either we persuade General Tang to close the city and defend it, or Mr. Xu comes up with another clever strategy. Otherwise, the princess will be safe for the time being." You have to escape from the city with me and try your luck to see if you can escape He Rong's cavalry."

"You can't hide from it." Zhang Shiqing bit his lip, "Can Tian Zhuangshi invite General Tang to come? I want to persuade him personally."

The old servant at the door was surprised. The person in the room didn't look like the little princess he knew.

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