Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 403 Opening the Letter

An army of the Advent Army attacked the He Rong people in the early morning. They rushed in, hacked anyone they saw, threw torches at any tents they saw, and seemed to have no intention of leaving anyone alive.

The Advent Army was large in number, and everyone was vying for the lead, but they were extremely disorganized, not even forming a formation. They probably thought that they would win the battle with more people against fewer, so they were not afraid at all.

Ma Touqing grew up on the battlefield. Since entering the Central Plains, he has never slacked off for a single day. Whenever he set up camp, he would definitely send scouts far away. Therefore, he had been notified when the Advent Army was still more than ten miles away.

Ma Touqing immediately got up, without untying the rope around his waist, took Xu Chu and Chang Yanzhi out of the tent, quietly woke up all the soldiers, hid in a corner of the camp, surrounded by horses, and waited for the enemy to arrive.

He was very patient. He waited until several tents were set on fire and several servants who were deliberately left in the tents were killed before he ordered the shooting of arrows. He was the first to do it, and with the help of the firelight, he shot an arrow at the target.

Although He Rong's men were few in number, they were fearless and drew their bows fully, aimed their arrows, hid in the dark, and shot down the targets in the firelight one by one.

The Jiangshi Army received news that He Rong's men were few in number, so they attacked the camp in the early morning. They did not expect to be counterattacked. They did not know why in the dark. They only heard arrows whizzing and people falling around them. They could not help but fall into great panic, thinking that the news was wrong and the attack was ambushed.

This was a newly assembled army. When panic broke out, the soldiers immediately fled in all directions. The leaders ran faster, all thinking about saving their lives first.

Ma Touqing ordered the soldiers to mount their horses and pursue, but they were only allowed to chase ten miles at most and return to the camp before dawn to avoid being seen through by the enemy and suffering defeat.

This time he did not take risks. He stayed in the camp and focused on guarding the two "prisoners" - his idea was very simple. He must watch over the people that the Chanyu asked him to watch over.

His next idea was also very simple. If the Chanyu asked him to send people to the King of Liang, then he must send them there.

The Jiangshi Army was dispersed. When all the soldiers came back, Ma Touqing ordered to set off, and everyone ate on horseback.

Xu Chu took a small road when he fled south, and took a big road when he returned north. If he hurried, he might be able to enter the territory of Liangzhou tonight.

Shortly after dawn, He Rong’s people were attacked for the second time, still by the Jiangshi Army, but not the previous one.

Yi Qi Tun was indeed persuaded by Xu Chu to kill the "King of Wu" in front of the leaders, so he sent people to send letters everywhere. He was killed, and the letters were still on the way. Some of them had been delivered, attracting several contenders.

In the daytime battle, the shortcomings of He Rong’s insufficient manpower were obvious at a glance and could not be concealed. Ma Touqing handed Xu Chu and Chang Yanzhi to four trusted soldiers, asked them to guard them strictly, and led the team to fight.

He Rong’s people were good at riding and shooting, and the Jiangshi Army relied on the large number of people. Once someone was shot down, they immediately "gave way", and no one wanted to rush to the front.

The He Rong people fought and marched. Although they were not in a desperate situation, their marching speed was greatly affected. The most fatal thing was that the arrows they carried were almost used up.

The Jiangshi Army dispersed and regrouped, retreated and came back, and never gave up.

Ma Touqing was furious, but he had no idea what to do. He didn't know that the purpose of these Jiangshi Army was to capture Xu Chu, and he simply thought it was revenge on He Rong people.

Shortly after noon, He Rong people had very few arrows left. Ma Touqing knew that he couldn't continue to waste like this. He gathered everyone and spoke loudly, then gathered the arrows and gave them to more than ten people with the best archery skills, preparing to flee separately. He and these more than ten people continued to complete the mission.

A guide was ordered to say to Xu Chu: "Master He Rong said that you have to follow him closely. If you want to escape, he will shoot you. When the arrows are used up, he will also kill you."

"Tell him that if you hand me over, the Jiangshi Army will retreat. They came for me."

The guide immediately relayed the message. Ma Touqing was passionate and obviously unwilling to hand over the person.

Without waiting for the guide to speak, Xu Chu said, "The Chanyu gave him a secret letter. Let him open it and he won't be so stubborn."

Ma Touqing was very surprised and asked the guide, "Do you know there is a secret letter?"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the secret letter is not secret and can be opened."

The Jiangshi Army in the distance slowly caught up again. Ma Touqing looked at the soldiers around him. Most of them had handed over their arrows and only had short swords for self-defense. Although he believed that He Rong's warriors were not afraid of close combat and each of them could fight ten people, the number of enemies was more than ten times. Once they came into close combat, they could only fight with their lives and there was no chance of winning.

Ma Touqing finally took out the secret letter from his arms and opened it carefully, but he could not read, so he had to ask others to read it. He was shocked to learn the content of the book.

The reader of the letter used the language of He Rong. Xu Chu could not understand it, but he roughly knew the content. He said to the guide: "Tell Ma Tou Qing that they are all going to kill me. It is better to hand it over to the Jiangshi Army and let them do it."

The Jiangshi Army kept shouting "Kill Xu Chu" and "Avenge King Xiong". The guide understood and knew that Xu Chu was right, so he immediately translated it to Ma Tou Qing.

Ma Tou Qing did not reply, but drew his knife.

Xu Chu found that he had said less, and immediately added: "There is a reason why the Chanyu asked others to kill me. Ma Tou Qing cannot do it himself."

After listening to the guide's words, Ma Tou Qing showed a confused expression.

"The Chanyu wants to use my death to provoke the Central Plains forces to fight each other. If I am killed by the He Rong people, the plan will fail. In short, Ma Tou Qing cannot kill me, otherwise, the Chanyu can do it. Why send me to Liangzhou?"

Ma Touqing asked someone to read the letter again, and felt that it was very clear. He asked King Liang to kill Chu Chu as evidence of Liangzhou's submission to the He Rong tribe. Whether he killed him himself or handed it over to the World Army, he would It doesn't count as completing the mission.

He refused to surrender, but he did not let his soldiers disperse and flee. They still gathered together. After the sharpshooter cut them off, the others cheered with their swords.

After marching for a while, from morning to night, they only ran for more than twenty miles, which was far away from Liangzhou. The number of the descending army chasing them did not decrease, but became more and more. Ma Touqing sighed and ordered everyone to stop. , and asked the guide to say to Xu Chu: "Master He Rong lets you go. He will be watching from behind. If the bandit doesn't kill you, he will kill you with one arrow."

Xu Chu raised his hand to Ma Touqing and said with a smile: "Thank you for escorting me all the way." Then he and Chang Yan rode horses slowly toward the World Army.

Chang Yan was uneasy, "Sir, the world-born army... won't do it if they meet each other, right?"

"If the Avatar Army doesn't take action, Ma Touqing will shoot an arrow. You have seen his archery skills. He is sure of it."

"What should I do? I stand behind the young master..."

"No need." Xu Chu stopped reining in, looked back, and was within a stone's throw of Ma Touqing, "Let's wait here."

"When the first group of incarnation troops attacked the camp, they killed everyone they saw." Chang Yan murmured.

The Avatar Army gradually approached, Xu Chu said: "Tell them my identity."

Chang Yan groaned, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Mr. Xu Chu is here, guys come here!"

The Advent Army stopped when they heard the shouting, and suddenly cheered in unison, galloping towards them on horseback, brandishing swords and guns in their hands. It seemed that everyone wanted to make the first cut.

Ma Touqing, who was watching this scene with his bow, loosened his bow string and led his men to gallop away. There were also some enemies behind him. If he didn't escape, he would be surrounded.

The Avatar Army was more afraid of the He Rong people and did not want to fight with them head-on. They made a gap and all pounced on Xu Chu.

In an instant, Xu Chu and Chang Yan were surrounded. Sharp knives and spears were flying in the air, and the closest ones almost missed them.

But no one actually attacked, not because they didn't want to, but because they were frequently stopped.

When there was only one Advent Army, it was very easy to kill people, but with several Advent Armies, you had to fight for it, but no one could do it, and they were quarreling with each other, trying to get the credit to themselves.

Chang Yan held his breath for a while, then slowly let it out and whispered, "How long will they fight?"

"I guess the 'King of Heaven' will arrive soon." Xu Chu also whispered. Facing a large group of reckless men striving for credit, his persuasion skills were of no use and he could only watch silently.

He guessed right. Not long after, someone shouted loudly, ordering the soldiers to make way. There really were "Heavenly Kings" arriving, not one, but three.

There are many "Heavenly Kings" in the Incarnation Army, and there are eight famous ones. One of them is one of them. After getting his letter, three "Heavenly Kings" came in advance, and several more were on the way.

The "King of Heaven" was very powerful. As soon as he arrived, he separated everyone and ordered them to shut up. Some people were not convinced and shouted "first come, first served". Before he could finish speaking, he was frightened into silence by many looks.

The Advent Army has no clear leadership, but it is certain that the small bosses are afraid of the big bosses.

A short and stout "Heavenly King" spoke first. He held a long spear in his hand. Every time he spoke, he would always raise the weapon high, as if to remind God to listen carefully, "The one who comes first will be rewarded. Kill Xu Chu, The matter of fighting for the big boss has nothing to do with you. Those who are not convinced should stand up now and see if you have the ability to be a small boss. "

No one dared to say anything, but no one stepped back, hoping that "the first to come will be rewarded."

The Short and Stout Heavenly King said to the other two people: "What's the matter? Let's talk about it."

The yellow-faced king said: "Don't worry, let's confirm this person's identity first."

Another black-faced king also said: "Yes, no one knows Xu Chu. Don't kill the wrong person and make the world laugh."

So many eyes turned to the white-faced scholar, and no one saw the wrong target.

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I am indeed Xu Chu. I haven't asked you how to call the three heroes?"

The short and sturdy king said: "You don't need to worry about our names. If you say you are Xu Chu, show us the evidence."

"It's simple. Find an old army leader who has seen me in Dongdu. You can tell the truth at a glance."

The three heavenly kings look at me and I look at you. Obviously, there is no leader of the old army among their subordinates.

"Didn't the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King recruit a group of old troops? There must be someone there who knows who Xu Chu is." The Yellow-faced Heavenly King said.

"It's just Xu Chu. The three of us are not enough. The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King will definitely fight for it." The Short and Stout Heavenly King said.

The three kings began to discuss, but they couldn't come up with a good solution for a long time.

Xu Chu listened for a while and then said, "Let me give you some advice."

The short and sturdy king said smoothly: "What's your idea?"

Xu Chu smiled. Although the other party was a new soldier, he felt friendly and familiar and had something to say.

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