Gong Fan was thinking about whether to return to Hanzhou when he suddenly heard the words "surrounded by black energy" and was startled, "Black energy? Where did the black energy come from?"

In fact, Xu Chu didn't know much about the art of looking for energy, so he avoided answering and asked directly: "Since the Shichengjun uprising, this city has changed hands dozens of times, making it the best in Qinzhou. The people in the city either died or fled, so There aren’t many left, why does Brother Gong think so?”

"What's the reason?" Gong Fan asked involuntarily.

"What is the name of this city?" Xu Chu asked without answering.

"Sang, Sang City."

"What's your original name?"

"Huh? And the original name...I don't know."

"Build your head in the city."

"Where does this name come from?" He Gousan asked in surprise. Not only him, but also several other heavenly kings looked confused and frightened.

"In ancient times, there was a great battle. Chi You was defeated by the Yellow Emperor. His head was beheaded. He used his breasts as eyes and his navel as his mouth, and danced with his arms and legs. Have you heard of this story?"

"Even the officers and soldiers sacrificed to Chi You. Who has not heard of the man who led the soldiers? What connection does he have with this city?" He Gou said three times.

"Chiyou's head was buried in this city, and he often caused trouble, so the locals planted mulberry trees to suppress it and changed its name to Mulberry City. However, it is recorded in the book that in peacetime, this city is no different. If there is a war, the city will be destroyed. Chaos continues and wars continue, and those who capture this city will not be able to defend it for more than three months."

He Gousan complained: "Brother Gong, look at the place you picked. Why don't you attack here? Even the book says this place is ominous."

"How did I know this? I met you on the way...are these things you said true?" Gong Fan asked doubtfully.

Xu Chu nodded solemnly, "It is recorded in the Book of Documents, but unfortunately I don't have any books on hand. Are there any books left in the city?"

Gong Fan shook his head, "I haven't seen a piece of paper since I entered the city. Since this city is ominous, how can we avoid disaster?"

"Simple, just leave, but do it quickly and don't stay too long."

Gong Fan thought for a while, and then a smile gradually appeared on his face, "Haha, your Excellency is well-deserved. I was almost deceived by you. To be honest, it took a lot of effort to occupy this city, and I won't let it go. No matter what, I have to live here for a while." , maybe spend the winter here. I will definitely not go north to ask for the title of King of the World, but I will not stop it. As for returning south to Hanzhou - please make your decision. I will follow you if you want. For discussion, yes, I will allocate a place to you, but I will not guarantee it.”

He Gousan immediately shook his head, "Brother Gong doesn't guarantee anything, so it's useless for you to come here. Let's go to another place to discuss the matter."

Seeing that Gong Fan was not interested, Emperor Mu also said: "We will stay one night and set off early tomorrow morning. It's really not possible, so we have to go and discuss with the King of Hundred Eyes, but he must first swear an oath not to use any evil tricks."

Gong Fan was not polite and picked up the tea bowl from the ground, "It's up to you. Do you still want to drink the tea? If not, I'll have someone pour the water away and let it dry before you can use it again."

Upon hearing that Gong Fan had the habit of making tea repeatedly, no one wanted to drink it and stood up to leave.

Gong Fan smiled at Xu Chu and said: "Your Excellency has some abilities, but it's a pity that he fell into the hands of a group of rough guys and has no use."

Xu Chu also smiled and said: "Brother Gong refuses to believe other people's words, which makes me admire him more and more, but... forget it, it's better not to say anything."

Gong Fan saw the guest off to the door, turned around, and actually ordered his entourage to pour out the water and dry the tea leaves for collection.

There are empty houses everywhere in the city, but there are only a few complete ones. Fortunately, the soldiers of the Incarnation Army are not picky, and the three heavenly kings led their troops to live in an area near the south gate.

Du Gousan was extremely worried and came to ask Xu Chu specifically, "Is it okay to stay here for one night? I don't want to get black air, Chi You's head or anything like that."

"It's just one night, I guess it's okay."

The three heavenly kings went to discuss how to contact the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King. Xu Chu lived in a room full of holes. Chang Yan looked around and gave up the plan of repairing it. Duan Siyong came forward and knelt down, thanking Xu Chu for saving his life. kindness.

Xu Chu helped him up, "You said that the defender had other motives for abandoning the city. What do you mean?"

"I don't know the details, but before the arrival of the World Army, General Bai - the general above us, I don't know his origins, he calls himself the Governor of Qinzhou West Road - received several groups of envoys and had many secret conversations. The Advent Army besieged the city for several days. General Bai and a dozen of his cronies escaped secretly, saying they were going to get reinforcements, and ordered us to hold on for ten days. However, we all only held on for one day before surrendering. I heard that General Bai had no intention of holding the city in the first place. The city was actually given to the World Army to set up a trap, otherwise the Army of the World would run around and it would be difficult for the officers and soldiers to catch up. "

"Officers and soldiers?"

"I said it smoothly. Although the several groups of envoys who came came under the banner of officers and soldiers, I saw with my own eyes that there were people from He Rong among them."

"Have the He Rong people already attacked here?"

"I haven't seen the army yet, only a few people."

Xu Chu thought for a while and asked Chang Yan and Duan Siyong to stay. He was going to see the three heavenly kings, but was stopped by several soldiers as soon as he left the room.

"You can't go anywhere. The King of Heaven specifically told you that you can only stay in the house and are not allowed to go out. Hey, you have already taken a step, so go back quickly."

Xu Chu had no choice but to say: "Please go and inform me that I have something urgent and I must meet the three kings immediately."

However, the three heavenly kings were not in a hurry to see Xu Chu, and did not let anyone take him there until nightfall.

Probably due to Gong Fan's influence, the three heavenly kings also became stingy. They only invited people after dinner. The table was empty, but the smell of wine and meat still lingered.

Du Gousan burped and said, "We have thought about it carefully and feel that the words of King Shenxing make more sense. Why are you fighting for those illusory and unreal names? It is better to concentrate on finding and accumulating food, and get through this winter first. . So we won’t compete with children for the title of King of the World.”

"You won't even fight for the big boss?" Xu Chu asked.

Du Gousan shook his head, "King Shenxing is right. Even if I get the title of Big Boss, no one will listen to my orders."

"Then...can I go?" Xu Chu smiled, guessing what kind of answer he would get next.

As he expected, Du Gousan exhaled, like a hiccup or a sigh, "We have also discussed it and decided to return you to the He Rong people in exchange for some food."

Xu Chu smiled.

Yan Peiying was a little embarrassed and explained: "I told you before entering the city that this matter can only be successful with the support of King Shenxing. Without his intermediary guarantee, the leaders can't get together. With King Bai Mu - even if he swears an oath , we don’t want to go either.”

Mu Tianzi was not ashamed and said coldly: "Your 'clever plan' is actually all about letting us contribute, and you can enjoy the fruits of it."

Xu Chu couldn't help but sigh, "In troubled times, you are still heroes. You don't want to make progress, but you blame those who advise you to make progress. It's pitiful."

Du Gousan said angrily: "How pitiful are we? Think about yourself first. You have forced King Xiong to death, offended Shanyu, and are not pleased with both sides. Who in the whole Qinzhou is more pitiable than you?"

"Well, I'm even more pitiful. It's okay for the three of you to kill me or send me away, but there are a few things I have to say."

"The so-called urgent matter?"


Du Gousan glanced at the other two heavenly kings and said, "You tell me, it's up to us whether you believe it or not."

"Please let me ask first, which way do you enter Qinzhou?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Once Du Gousan gave up his ambition, he was no longer so polite to Xu Chu.

"Sanguan?" Xu Chu guessed that the two states of Han and Qin were separated by high mountains and ridges, and there were not many passages. The westernmost one was Sanguan.

"Ah, so what?"

"How far is this place from Sanguan?" Xu Chu asked. He really didn't know this.

Du Gousan glanced at the two heavenly kings again, thinking that the matter was not important, and replied: "With all the running around these days, who can remember how far it is? If you ride a horse, it's probably two or three days' journey."

"Are all the descending armies of Hanzhou not far from here?"

"It's only three to five days' journey. If we walk further, we'll be far apart." Du Gousan looked at the two heavenly kings Fu Mo and Ku Mie again. Which direction to march in was a major unresolved conflict between the three of them. Didn't want to change path, didn't want to get too close.

"Well, very good. Are the three heavenly kings going to return me to the He Rong people?"

"Yes, it is said that the people of He Rong offered a reward for your capture. If we return, we can still get some rewards." Du Gousan said with a smile.

Mu Tianzi added: "At least I can get He Rongren's understanding. It's really not worth it to offend a powerful enemy because of you."

Xu Chu had long been accustomed to the capriciousness of the Avatar Army, and said with a smile: "Do you know where He Rong is now?"

Du Gousan said: "Let me ask. Anyway, there is a large group in Xijing and a small group in the direction of Liangzhou. We think it is better to return you directly to Shanyu. Anyway, send someone to contact you first. It will take a few days to go back and forth, so You have to stay with us for now.”

"You don't need to send anyone. The He Rong people will come soon. Not a 'small group', but a 'large group'."

The three people on the opposite side were startled, and Mu Tianzi said: "You are deceiving us with empty words again."

Yan Pei Ying also looked displeased, "It's enough to use the same trick once or twice. If you use it again, you're looking down on us."

Du Gousan stood up with a fierce look in his eyes, "You look down on us? As long as we are willing, we can still kill you at any time, just for fun."

Xu Chu took a step forward and said, "Chanyu wants to invade Hanzhou before winter comes, and Sanguan is one of the channels he likes."

"The Chanyu occupies Xijing and wants to attack Hanzhou. He should take the Ziwu Road in the east. It is far and difficult to travel through the pass. Why would the Chanyu bother to go here?" Du Gousan said disdainfully.

Yan Peiying also said: "Earlier you said that all the heroes of Hanzhou went to pay homage to Chanyu. If you are so submissive, can you not avoid being attacked?"

Xu Chu said: "Even if the whole state of Hanzhou surrenders, it will not be able to prevent He Rong's cavalry from entering. Chanyu must send troops in two or even three lines at the same time, which is both false and true. If I am not wrong, although Sanguan in the west is far and dangerous, it is actually It is the path of actual attack, from where you can attack the enemy unprepared.”

The three kings looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"You still don't believe me?"

"So what about the letter?" Du Gousan laughed loudly, "Even if Chanyu wants to enter the Han Dynasty from Sanguan, we don't care. Anyway, we are going to Liangzhou to 'borrow' food, and we will not go back."

"The Qiang soldiers from Zuojiazhai are marching towards Liangzhou, and they may have already engaged in battle. Do you think you can win?"

"It just so happens that the Qiang and Liang are fighting, so we and the others just take advantage of it." Du Gousan was even more happy, "Brothers, if it's really difficult, let's go into the Liang together and take advantage of the situation, right?"

Xu Chu sighed: "If you don't believe me, just wait until you see it. The Jishi Army has fallen into Shanyu's trap and has no chance to enter Liang. When the time comes, you will not hand me back to Shanyu, but Shanyu will seize me." "

"Get lost." Du Gousan didn't want to hear any more and spat out one word.

Xu Chu turned around and walked out. He knew that the leader of the Advent Army could not be persuaded, but he was still a little disappointed.

Outside his residence, there were more than a dozen soldiers. As soon as he appeared, someone pointed out: "This is Xu Chu."

Several soldiers came and looked him up and down.

Xu Chu was ready to deal with bad luck and asked, "What do you want?"

An old soldier asked, "Did you really see black air above the city?"

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