Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 418: Divine Effort

Xu Chu quietly returned to his residence, listening to the snoring that was louder than the strong wind outside. He could no longer fall asleep and lay there, fighting with thousands of thoughts.

What really convinced him was not those words, but Wang Dian himself. Wang Dian had always regarded himself as a counselor. He was quite well-behaved under the "King of Wu" and had no special performance. After experiencing a life-and-death crisis and switching to the King of Hundred Eyes, he was able to contribute extremely. Not a bad strategy.

There is also the Golden Saint. She has experienced so many things during Xu Chu's retirement. According to rumors, her strength has been weakening. Even with the help of Cao Shenxi, can she really be the opponent of the tribes outside the Great Wall? It would be a costly battle with little gain, and would be of little help to the Advent Army, which desperately needed a foothold.

After thinking about others, Xu Chu thought about himself again. He said he needed ten days to think about it, which was just an excuse. He didn't have ten days. All the extra time belonged to the King of Hundred Eyes. The longer it was delayed, the more detrimental it would be to him and Gong Jun's soldiers. .

The envoys of the Hundred-Eyed King are most likely persuading the leaders in the city to hand over the food. Even Xu Chu is occasionally moved by the words. How long can Qiu Wuye and others hold on?

"He not only has a hundred eyes, but also a hundred faces." Xu Chu murmured. It was the same to him. He could see through Xu Dashi's true nature. The two incidents of Emperor Mu being killed and a new king being established were enough to prove it. This is not a "real hero".

But Wang Dian couldn't see it, and Xu Chu couldn't make Wang Dian see it clearly.

"Maybe I'm wrong." Xu Chu whispered. He had made many mistakes. The most recent one was misunderstanding the Hanzhou World Army, thinking that they all had no long-term plan and were just looking for and grabbing food. , to accumulate grain, the King of Hundred Eyes gave him a surprise.

At dawn, the soldiers got up one after another and went out to relieve themselves. After leader Zhang came back, he walked to the front of the shop to check. Seeing Xu Chu open his eyes, he smiled and said, "Mr. Xu drank a lot last night."

"Well, my head still hurts now."

"I hope I can get a headache after drinking." Zhang Toumu swallowed his saliva and did not dare to think about it. He sat across from him and said with a smile: "We have finished chatting. Mr. Xu, do you want to listen?"

"What? Oh." Xu Chu turned over and sat up, "Waiting."

Zhang Toumo can't write, and he doesn't have pen and paper in his hand, but he has his own way of taking note of things. He gently pinches the knuckles of the five fingers of his right hand with his left hand in order, and each knot represents one thing.

"Each person in the Hundred Eyes Heavenly King's Camp gets two taels of millet per day. Tsk tsk. It's really generous. Two taels of dry millet, when cooked, is almost four taels. After it is made into porridge, it will be even more. It can almost feed a kid and a half. It was originally rumored that It is said that the Hundred-Eyed King is short of food, and everyone feels at ease this time.”

"King Ku Mie Tian Wang is dead. His wife is making trouble. She doesn't dare to come and make trouble with Hundred Eyes King. She is also making trouble with her brother-in-law Mu Jian. For three nights in a row, Mu Jian has been staying here and doesn't dare to go back to his own camp."

"Venerable Feilong has a daughter who is over 20 years old and has not yet been married. Ever since her father announced that she would be given a hundred dendrobium grains as a dowry, everyone has gone crazy. It is said that even Yan Xiaoguo sent people to propose marriage, saying My wife is seriously ill and will die soon."

Things became more and more trivial as time went on. Leader Zhang twirled his knuckles twice and four times and finally finished speaking, "That's it. There are a few more things that I think are too small, so I won't talk about them."

Xu Chu smiled and nodded. These things did not help him much, but they gave him a better understanding of the World Army.

There are two meals a day in the Avatar Army. Breakfast is served very late. It is only around three o'clock in the morning that someone brings raw millet, firewood and salt. They are distributed according to the head, and there is no more. As for the side dishes, they are a few pieces of slightly smelly pickles. .

The soldiers had to cook their own meals, and the soldiers were very skilled in making a fire and setting up a stove outside the tent. If they needed anything, they would borrow it from acquaintances.

Leader Zhang was quite disappointed, "I thought the King of Hundred Eyes would treat guests more favorably, but why are you still doing these things? We can make do with it. Isn't Mr. Xu a military advisor? Or will there be food and drinks delivered later?"

Until the raw millet was cooked and the rice was cooked, no other food was delivered. Leader Zhang brought the first bowl to Xu Chu, "There is no other way, Mr. Xu has to make do with it."

"I'm also used to eating military food." Xu Chu smiled and ate the whole bowl.

A soldier saw it and said with a smile: "Thankfully Mr. Xu can eat it. If I had enjoyed wine and meat last night, I would not eat rice and corn for three days in a row, just to keep the smell of wine."

Everyone laughed, telling each other off, pointing out how much each other ate and how embarrassed they were the last time they were drunk.

Listening to their conversation, the last time they got drunk was three months ago, before they left Hanzhou.

"Are you willing to return to Hanzhou?" Xu Chu asked.

"Of course I do." Everyone said in unison, and then kept sighing, "If I could go back, I wouldn't have come out in the first place." "No, the officers and soldiers are too fierce, and they really can't be beaten."

"If the new Mu Shou of Hanzhou is really Lou Yu, I might be able to speak." Xu Chu told half a lie. He could indeed talk to Lou Yu, but the other party would definitely not listen.

Leader Zhang had no doubts and asked enthusiastically: "I heard from people in the old army that Mr. Xu's original surname was Lou, and he was the son of the general?"

"Well, the general has many sons, and I am one of them."

The soldiers exclaimed in unison. When they looked at Xu Chu, their expressions changed slightly. In their eyes, the identity of "the son of the general" was much more noble than the "temporarily guarding chief" and the inexplicable "King of Wu".

"Then Hanzhou Mu Shouluoyin is also the son of a general?"

"He can do six and I can do seventeen."



"These are real brothers." Leader Zhang smiled.

"But there are rumors that Hanzhou Mu Shou may not be a building blocker. With his qualifications, it seems too fast to become a Mu Shou."

"That was in the past. Now even a mud-legged man can be king, let alone the son of a general?" Leader Zhang and others were excited. "If Mu Shou is really an obstacle to the building, can Mr. Xu allow him to give the World Army a place to stay?" ?”

"It's hard to say. Although Lou Yu and I are brothers, we have very little contact. He may not recognize me."

"Brothers, how could you not recognize him?" Leader Zhang said with a smile. He could not imagine how many concubines and descendants the general had. "This is a good thing."

"Whether we go back to Hanzhou or not is not up to us. Even if I recognize the Hanzhou Mu Shou, it's useless." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Everyone nodded, but they were obviously moved.

"Do you still want us to chat?" Leader Zhang asked.

"You can do whatever you want. I guess everyone has nothing to do today. I want to catch up on some sleep."

Leader Zhang immediately ordered his soldiers to withdraw from the tent and make room for the "son of the general".

Xu Chu slept again.

The afternoon meal was exactly the same as breakfast. The "strategist" solemnly introduced by the King of Hundred Eyes last night was mixed with the soldiers today.

After dinner, it was still a long time before dark, so no one dared to run around for fear of consuming their energy and making them even hungrier at night.

Chief Zhang and others spread the true identity of Military Advisor Xu everywhere, but many people did not believe it. It was not until soldiers from the old army came forward to testify that they were taken seriously.

When Xu Chu was called to see the King of Hundred Eyes, he received many probing glances on the road, but that was all. No one would suddenly want to return to Hanzhou to face the encirclement and suppression by officers and soldiers just because he was a descendant of the Lou family.

There was no banquet in the tent. The King of Hundred Eyes was chatting and laughing with several people. Wang Dian was not there. Due to his appearance, this counselor rarely appeared in public.

Seeing one of the guests, Xu Chu couldn't help but sigh.

Qiu Wuye was sitting on the right hand side of the King of Hundred Eyes, smiling happily, as if he had rejuvenated his youth, but the wrinkles on his face could not go away, and he also looked like a merchant who had just made a big business and couldn't wait to serve his customers.

Xu Chu guessed that the leader of the Gong army would be persuaded, but he did not expect it to be so fast, nor did he expect it to be Qiu Wuye. He only persisted for one day.

Seeing Xu Chu coming in, the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King waved and said with a smile: "Come on, military advisor, meet our Shenchi Heavenly King, the Fifth Master of Qiuchuxuqiu."

The name "Chuxu" was obviously new. Xu Chu stepped forward, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations to King Shenchi, why don't you use the title of 'Shenxing'?"

Qiu Wuye's face turned red and he didn't answer.

Xu Dashi said regretfully: "Everyone has discussed it, and the title of Divine King of Heaven should belong to Brother Gong alone, and there should not be another person."

"Brother Gong always pushed for the title of King of Heaven during his lifetime." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"That's Brother Gong's humility, which is especially admirable. In short, there is only one King of Shenxing, and there will be no second one. From today on, Master Qiu is the King of Shenchi, commanding all of Brother Gong's subordinates."

Xu Chu said "congratulations" again.

Xu Dashi said to Du Heimao and Qiu Wuye: "The dead are gone, but the living are still alive. Today, you two resolve their grievances in front of me. In the future, we will get along with each other as brothers. No more troubles will be allowed."

Du Heimao said with emotion: "What happened before was just a misunderstanding. Where did the grudge come from? From now on, Fifth Master... No, no, King Shenchi is my elder. I call him King in my mouth and uncle in my heart. I hope Shenchi King, please don’t think that I am ugly and stupid..."

Fifth Master Qiu also said: "That's right, where is the grudge? We are all brothers from the beginning, and the King of the Sun cannot call him uncle in his heart. The generations are messed up. No matter how old or young, we are all brothers!"

Everyone stood up and laughed in unison. Xu Dashe said: "King Shenchi, please explain to my new military advisor, lest he think he has been deceived."

Qiu Wuye looked a little embarrassed when facing Xu Chu, "Um... Baimu Tianwang sent someone to explain to me clearly. It turned out that he wanted to gather all the descending armies to attack Liangzhou together, and he had already opened a good battle with the help of Qiang soldiers. Boss. Our food is just a loan and will be repaid before next autumn."

"Repay it twice as much," Xu Da Shi said.

Fifth Master Qiu smiled again, "Just come back. I have an explanation for my subordinates. There is no need to double it..."

"It must be doubled." Xu Dashi said sternly, "King Shenchi saved the entire army from danger today. It is what we should do to double the food return. In addition, the first three cities captured by the World Army in Liangzhou are all The king of Shenchi will search for three days first."

Qiu Wuye couldn't stop smiling. Searching the city meant getting benefits first, which was enough to make up for the loss of borrowing food.

Xu Chu could only say "congratulations".

Xu Dashu sent several heavenly kings out of the tent, turned back, and said with a smile: "The military advisor still doesn't know enough about the World Coming Army."

"When does the Hundred-Eyed King plan to take action?"

"What are you doing?"

"The King of Hundred Eyes will not lead a group of 'beneficiaries' to attack Liangzhou."

"Haha, the military advisor knows me well. Well, once the food is transported back from the plank road, I will send troops to attack the city - the food must be recaptured before it tastes delicious. But I will not kill them all, as long as they are willing to surrender , you can follow me to attack Liangzhou. As for Qiu Wuye, he will be the king of heaven for a few days, so I will keep this title for him. "

"I must be of no use anymore." Xu Chu said.

"Ten days, Wang Dian wants to repay you, I will give him 'ten days', after that -" Xu Dashu frowned, "It depends on my mood, I really like your eyes."

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