Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 420: Escape from Camp

Xu Chu only heard about the return of Yan Peiying, but did not see him in person. During the banquet, he was sitting alone in the tent in a daze, listening to the discussions outside and picking up fragments of information.

Leader Zhang and others have been transferred away by Qiu Wuye, and King Shenchi is carefully staying away from this "Xu Military Advisor".

With about ten people missing, the tent didn't look too big.

The banquet over there had just ended, and no one was talking outside the tent. Qiu Wuye came to visit. He was also cautious and his voice was very serious. "Why didn't Military Master Xu go to the banquet?"

"I drank enough yesterday." Xu Chu said with a smile, "Sorry, there are no lights here. King Shenchi has to find the place by himself. There should be a bed on your left."

"I won't sit down." Qiu Wuye hesitated, but finally said: "The Demon-Suppressing King is back."

"Which Demon-Suppressing King?" Xu Chu asked knowingly.

"The one we captured, Yan Pei Ying, he is a god now..." Qiu Wuye didn't remember the new name, "He said he escaped, but I think he was let go - you Have you given an order?"

"When I was leaving the pass, I did give an order, saying that if a big boss leaves the city to see the Hundred-Eyed King, I will release the Swallow Pecking Eagle."

"Commander Xu previously issued orders, no matter how big or small, through me. Why don't I know this order?" Qiu Wuye became more and more dissatisfied.

"Maybe I had a hunch at that time that the person who came to see the Hundred Eyes King would be the Shenchi King." Xu Chu said with a smile. In fact, he was just to prevent this order from spreading among the big bosses.

In the darkness, Qiu Wuye's expression could not be seen, and there was a trace of anger in his voice, "What's the purpose?"

"I think that if a big boss comes to see the Hundred-Eyed King, he wants to offer the city and food. In this case, it is really inappropriate to detain another King. It is better to release and make friends with each other. But I don't understand. Why does Yan Pei Ying claim to have escaped? It's so kind that no reward comes..."

"No, you let Emperor Mu go first, and then let the swallow peck the eagle. You must have a plan."

"King Shenchi didn't even bring my followers. I have no one to rely on in this camp. What else can I plan? I just hope that Yan Peiying will thank me for letting me go. Now I see that even this has to be done. No. Alas, things are unpredictable, and all kinds of accidents often happen to things that are clearly planned..."

Qiu Wuye was poked in a painful spot, grunted twice, turned around and walked away.

Xu Chu really didn't expect Yan Peiying to come back in this way, let alone how things would develop in the future. He just felt it and didn't mean to ridicule Qiu Wuye.

"In the end, I still offended someone." Xu Chu muttered helplessly.

Not long after he lay down, someone came again and stood at the door without speaking.

"Commander Wang?" Xu Chu asked.

"I have to find a way to send you away." Wang Dian said, he had just left the Hundred Eyes King.

"Don't, you will all be implicated."

"Would you like to have your eyeballs sewn on the flag?"

"I don't want to, but... the King of Hundred Eyes said he would not kill me within ten days, so he shouldn't regret it halfway, right?"

"The King of Hundred Eyes will do what he says."

"That's good."

"What will happen in ten days?"


"Commander Xu doesn't need to tell you, I'm not here to get information."

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but I'm a little embarrassed to say it."

"Why is this?" Wang Dian was curious.

"Because it sounds a little whimsical."

"Commander Xu is always 'whimsical' and is always right in the end."

"That's because you only remember the correct results - it doesn't matter, the Advent Army still rarely sends scouts to distant places, right?"

"Send some to Liangzhou."

"He Rong is also in Qinzhou, are you not worried at all?"

"The He Rong people want to attack Hanzhou in the south and have no time to pay attention to Western Qin and Liangzhou."

"Are you sure?"

Wang Dian was silent for a moment, "The news is that He Rong's army has marched towards Hanzhou, and some of them are preparing to enter Jingzhou. With their size, it is impossible to turn around and march westward. If the army is divided into ten or twenty thousand, it will be too much for Shan Yu." You underestimated the Advent Army."

"Perhaps you are right, but I am in Sang City...forget it, the news there is not entirely reliable. If the He Rong people attack by any chance, please tell the Hundred Eyes King that I have a way to avoid this disaster, He Rong If they don’t come, I will find a way to save my own life. Please don’t get involved, Military Advisor Wang, and stay as far away as possible.”

"Oh, if I had known what would happen today, why would I have bothered to do so in the first place? With thousands of troops and horses leading the way for you, wouldn't it be far better than just sitting back and waiting for death now?"

"Have you heard of Fan Guan?"

"Of course, Mr. Fan's name is well known all over the world. I even visited him when I went to Yecheng."


"I went to Yecheng to borrow troops, but I couldn't get them for a long time. I had nothing to do. I happened to go to Siguo Valley to visit Mr. Fan. I was summoned and we talked for a long time."

"What did Mr. Fan say to you?"

"That's a lot. He is especially concerned about the situation in Jiangdong..."

"No, no, what did you say to yourself?"

Wang Dian was slightly stunned, "To me... probably because I don't have a good reputation, Mr. Fan is not very interested in me. But when I said goodbye, Mr. Fan advised me not to carry a heavy burden."

"Well, Mr. Fan also knows that the seven Jiangdong clans are embarrassed."

"What did Mr. Fan say to you?"

"He asked someone to tell me, 'Wait a little longer.'"

"What's the meaning?"

"It just means 'wait a little longer', and there is no other meaning. I have always followed it, and I often get unexpected rewards."

Wang Dian laughed twice, probably because he was injured, and his voice was a little weird, "Then I won't bother you. I also want to see if the 'accident' will happen."

"I have stayed with Shanyu for a while and am very familiar with him." Xu Chu reminded.

"Understood." Wang Dian also planned to persuade Baimu Tianwang to spare Xu Chu's life.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Xu Chu was sleeping soundly when he was "disturbed" by Wang Dian again.

"Wake up, Xu Chu, wake up quickly!" Wang Dian shouted urgently.

Xu Chu opened his eyes and saw the burned face, which looked even more terrifying than in the dark, especially with a bit of anxiety and anger.

"What's wrong?" Xu Chu got up, his eyes bleary, "He Rongren... called?"

"It's not He Rong - you haven't heard of it yet?"

"No, I have been sleeping since you left."

"Yan Pei Ying escaped with his troops."

Xu Chu was stunned for a while, digesting the unexpected news, and then laughed and said: "What a swallow pecking an eagle, I underestimated him."

"What do you know about this?"

"Know nothing."

"Don't lie to me. The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King is furious. If he knew that you had given advice to the Yan Peking Eagle, he would kill you in advance. No one can stop you."

"Before leaving Sanguan, I did give an order to release Yan Pei Ying at the right time, that's all. But according to what Yan Pei Ying said, he escaped on his own and had nothing to do with me..."

"Alas, you were too clever to be clever. You stay here and I'll see what else I can do for you." Wang Dian left in a hurry.

Xu Chu stood up, put on his boots, walked to the door, and asked the guard: "How many people did Yan Pei Ying take away?"

Ever since the news about Xu Chunai being the son of the general spread, the attitude of the ordinary soldiers has become much more respectful. The two guards, both of whom are talkative, rushed to answer: "Take them all away, not a single one is left." "Do it clean." "No, no, there are a lot of tents and useless things left behind." "It's strange that no one noticed that the camp is so close." "Isn't that right? The brothers guarding Ximen are in trouble, they are the closest... …”

The two of them shut up at the same time, straightened their bodies, and signaled Xu Chu to return to the tent.

Before putting down the curtain, Xu Chu heard Xu Dashi's roar.

The Hundred-Eyed King was extremely angry. Firstly, because nearly ten thousand people had escaped and were not discovered until early in the morning. Secondly, he had decided to get rid of Yanpeiying today, but was beaten to the punch by the other party. Sometimes the plan is discovered better than the plan fails. Even more annoying.

"Drag Xu Chu here, there must be something wrong with him here." Xu Dashi ordered through gritted teeth.

Xu Chu didn't need anyone to drag him. He walked over by himself. After entering the main tent, he saw Xu Dashi scolding more than a dozen soldiers kneeling on the ground. These people were more unlucky. The guard place was close to Yan Peiying's camp, so they had to bear the responsibility. Liability for oversight.

"A jar of wine! Just a jar of wine!" Xu Dashi kept swearing. Listening to his meaning, the soldiers got a jar of wine last night. No one could control themselves and they were all drunk.

After scolding his soldiers, Xu Dashi scolded Yan Xiaoguo and others again, "They got benefits from me, but they actually ate them inside and out, and were willing to be dogs for Yan to peck at eagles. After I caught them, I skinned them alive!"

Seeing Xu Chu at a glance, Xu Dashi rushed over in a few steps, "You, it must be you!"

"Definitely not me."

Xu Dashi pulled out his sword. Wang Dian was not around, and no one could or dared to persuade him. "I want both of your eyes."

"The departure of Yan Pei Ying has nothing to do with me. Otherwise, why would I stay?"

Just as Xu Dashi was about to speak, a soldier hurried in, holding a letter in his hand, "Found in Yan Pei Ying's tent, it says..."

Xu Dashi put away his knife, took the letter, opened it, read it, and tore it into pieces. "You will be my vanguard to attack Liangzhou? If you dare to touch a hair of Liangzhou, I will kill you without a burial place."

Xu Dashu had already regarded Liangzhou as a forbidden area and did not allow others to get involved.

"Mu Jian, Du Heimao!" Xu Dashi violated his own rules and was no longer even a king.

The two people who were called stood nearby. When their names were called, they immediately knelt down and said in unison: "I don't know about this..."

"Your camp is adjacent to the Swallow Pecking Eagle. Were you drunk last night?"

Du Heimao trembled: "We... did... hear some voices, but they said... said..."

"say what?"

"It was said that he left the camp on the order of King Bai Mu..."

Xu Dashi drew his sword again and ordered chaos. He couldn't solve it for a while, but he would never allow it to become an excuse.

Du Heimao was so frightened that he sat on the ground, "King of Hundred Eyes, I am loyal..."

Xu Dashi ignored him and turned towards Xu Chu, "Tell me, which eye should I dig out first?"

Xu Chu didn't want to think about any of them. The three-word magic formula left by Fan Guan was of no use at this time. Xu Chu could only say: "The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King once promised a ten-day deadline, and this is the third day. If the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King is If you go back on your word, it’s no wonder that your subordinates don’t keep their word.”

Xu Dashi was a little hesitant, holding the knife and weighing it, whether to kill or not to kill, all in one thought.

"Where is King Shenchi?" Xu Dashi suddenly noticed that an important person was missing from the tent.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one could answer. Someone went out to look for it, and soon came back and said from a distance: "King Shenchi... has left. He said that if King Baimu asked, he would say that he had returned to Sanguan to load grain. …”

"When did you leave?"

"Just this morning, I heard that swallows pecked eagles..." The soldier did not dare to say any more, because Xu Dashi was already so angry that his face turned red as blood.

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