Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 422 Plank Road

The officers and soldiers of the Gong Army were deeply influenced by their former chiefs and cherished food very much. If anyone left a grain of rice in the bowl without eating it or failed to pick up the food that fell on the ground, he would immediately attract reproachful looks.

Therefore, the soldiers who were ordered to transport the food to dangerous places all sighed and walked as slowly as they could. They kept touching the large and small boxes and bags, and the more they touched them, the more reluctant they were to part with them. However, no one suggested destroying the food. Had a big meal before.

After receiving the order to transport the grain back to Sanguan, they were extremely happy. They all worked hard and completed the return journey in just half a day.

The Advent Army does not have unified vehicles. There are various types of vehicles, including ox carts, horse-drawn carriages, donkey carts, and even handcarts. It is difficult to find two similar vehicles. The only thing they have in common is that the pockets on them are neatly coded.

Qiu Wuye stood on top of a grain truck, stepping on the grain bags stacked high, speaking loudly to the leaders and soldiers, pointing to the grain under his feet from time to time, and repeatedly emphasized: "At this time next year, our grain stock will be doubled. Double! Double! Do you understand? There is no need for us to rob it. We don’t have to do anything. We only need to provide food and other incarnation armies will attack the city and fight the enemy. Let’s just follow and cheer. Do we have the voice?”

"Yes!" everyone shouted, with excited smiles on their faces.

Xu Chu couldn't bear to watch any more and turned back to his room.

Duan Siyong was a little tempted. Although he was a follower in the palace, he had suffered a lot in the past two years and was often hungry. His feelings for food were similar to those of the soldiers outside, so he reluctantly followed the young master into the house.

"They are considered developed. They don't have to worry about food shortages in three to five years."

"Yes." Xu Chu's interest waned.

"We can have enough food for a few years by following the King of Desire. The young master's worries before...may be a bit too much." Duan Siyong said with a smile.

"Do you remember King Guangling?"

Duan Siyong's expression darkened, "Of course, I was born, grew up, and served my master in the palace, how could I forget?"

"King Guangling has a large army in Jiangdong. How did the Emperor of All Things recall him to the capital?"

"Well, I don't know for sure. Anyway, I know that before King Guangling came back, the palace was decorated with lights and decorations every day. It was said that King Guangling would become a high official as soon as he came back. There was also Prince Duan, and the Emperor of All Things treated him so well that he was like a general. He regards him as his biological brother and biological son, who would have thought..."

"Who would have thought that good things are actually the beginning and bait of bad things?" Xu Chu smiled, "Everyone hopes that good things will happen to them. On the other hand, no one will force good things into the hands of others for no reason. The emperor is like this, and so is the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King.”

Duan Siyong was speechless, and after a while he said: "After all, the Emperor of All Things is that kind of emperor, the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King..." He didn't know "what kind of Heavenly King" the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King is.

The door opened and Qiu Wuye brought a few people in. Duan Siyong immediately called him "The King of Heavenly Chi", but Xu Chu just lowered his hand and asked, "Want to leave?"

"Some of the brothers have already set off, so the grain truck needs to be slower."

"What should I do if I leave the quarantine?"

"There aren't many incarnation troops coming from Hanzhou anymore. Since everyone is going to Liangzhou and it's useless to leave the customs, just leave them here. Whoever wants them can take them."

Xu Chu couldn't help but sigh, knowing that he couldn't be persuaded, but still said: "How are the Yan brothers?"

Fifth Master Qiu was stunned, "Mr. Xu really cares about them. The Yan family are no longer brothers. The news I just got, Yan Pecking the Eagle... The Divine Helping King killed the Kuming King and sent someone to send his head to the Hundred Eyes King. In the camp, it is said that Yan Xiaoguo disobeys the rules and intends to defect to the He Rong people, and the God of Divine Assistance has punished him on his behalf, so he came here to inform him."

"King Shenchi is not worried at all?"

Fifth Master Qiu was stunned again, "What do I have to worry about? King Shenzhu is dead this time. He has nowhere to run. King Baimu will definitely have another eye on his banner."

Xu Chu had no choice but to give up, "In that case, let's go."

Qiu Wuye stretched out his hand to stop him, "Mr. Xu is willing to come with us, of course you are welcome. If you are not willing, please say so."

This was an unexpected surprise. Xu Chu immediately understood that Qiu Wuye was worried that he would offend the Hundred-Eyed King again by talking nonsense, so he smiled and said: "I will go wherever there is food."

"We have to borrow most of our food, and there is not much left..."

"I'm going to Hanzhou."

"Oh." Qiu Wuye smiled, "Yes, Hanzhou Mu Shou is Mr. Xu's brother, you should go. Please tell Mr. Xu when he meets my soldiers that I am going to Liangzhou with King Bai Mu. ”

"Of course, and we also need to tell them that there is a Godly King in the army."

Qiu Wuye was not sure whether this sentence was a compliment or a criticism, so he simply refused to answer, "When will Mr. Xu leave?"


"Okay, come on, bring the gift."

A soldier brought the baggage, and Xu Chu was not polite. He took it and weighed it in his hand. He knew it was some clothes and said, "Thank you, King Shenchi, for the generous gift."

"There is another horse outside, carrying some food and water. I won't send a guide. Anyway, there is only one road, and you will reach Hanzhou if you go out."

Xu Chu said "Thank you" again, and then asked Duan Siyong: "You leave with me or stay?"

"Ah? Let me think about it... I am the young master's servant, I can't..."

"You stay here. When the Incarnation Army establishes its foothold in Liangzhou, I will also find a home in Hanzhou. I will need you when I need to exchange letters with King Shenchi."

Duan Siyong whispered: "Yes, Young Master, I don't know if King Shenchi will allow it..."

Qiu Wuye didn't care about Duan Siyong, "Okay, stay, you won't be alone. There are a lot of things in the army, I'll take my leave first and see you off far away."

Xu Chu led his horse out of the city alone. After a few miles, he turned back to watch and murmured: "Maybe I was wrong. I hope I am wrong."

He set off late, and soon after entering the plank road, the sky darkened. He found a sheltered place on the roadside and opened the two bags carried by the horse. It turned out that they contained some grain and grass. There was less grain and more grass, but it would not make the horse hungry. With.

Xu Chu sat down, took a bite of hard biscuits, drank a sip of water, and was almost half full. He said to the horses that were still eating forage: "I can't sleep anyway, so let's go on the road. Brother Ma, maybe I am too suspicious, but the night is long and I have many dreams. The Hundred-Eyed King still wants my eyes... Hey, Brother Ma."

Speaking of these two words, Xu Chu thought of Ma Wei.

The road became more and more dangerous. When he came to the first section of the plank road, Xu Chu did not dare to go any further. It was really a plank road made of bamboo and wood, with one side leaning against the cliff and the other side an abyss.

Xu Chu sat close to the rock, wrapped tightly in the cloak given by Wang Dian, and slept for a while. Suddenly he was awakened by unknown birdsong in the middle of the night. He rubbed his eyes, but still felt uneasy, so he got up and led the horse on the road.

Fortunately, the plank road was only a section and wide enough. Xu Chu held the reins with one hand and supported the cliff with the other, and tentatively walked forward step by step. He was not in danger. After his feet were on the ground, he took a deep breath and felt the pain in his body. A thin layer of sweat, and I couldn't even feel the chill in the night wind.

A few miles later, he encountered the second section of the plank road. Xu Chu was still frightened and hesitated a little. While hesitating, he heard the voice of people coming from the opposite side.

"How far is it? Are we almost there?"

"Who knows... Hey, there's someone in front."

The other party also discovered Xu Chu. They didn't know each other's details, so they all stopped. After a while, the people on the plank road shouted: "We are the World Army, who are you?"

Xu Chu breathed a sigh of relief, "Which of the king's subordinates?"

The people on the plank road breathed a huge sigh of relief, "We haven't decided yet... Let's go to Brother Gong, the King of Divine Walking."

The news of Gong Fan's death had obviously not spread yet. Xu Chu did not want to cause more trouble and stepped aside. "You are here just in time. The subordinates of King Shenxing have just left Sanguan, not far from here. You go first."

Seven or eight people walked quickly through the plank road. The leader was a middle-aged man. His face could not be seen clearly in the darkness. Seeing that Xu Chu was alone, he was a little surprised. He cupped his hands in thanks and asked, "How far is it from Sangguan?"

"It's not far, twenty or thirty miles away. You can find the Avatar Army twenty or thirty miles after leaving the customs."

Everyone cheered, and the leader said again: "King Shenxing Tian has entered Qin a long time ago, why is he still stopping near Sanguan?"

"The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King summoned all the heavenly kings to discuss important matters, so everyone returned to Sanguan."

The man wanted to ask again, but the others were already anxious and kept urging them to go on their way. He thanked him again and led them away in a hurry.

Xu Chu sighed again. When he was the king of Wu, he had to deliberately put some people to death, so he felt uneasy. Now watching others go to death, he is still uneasy, but it is not strong enough to feel guilty.

"The troubled times are just the beginning." Xu Chu whispered, leading his horse onto the plank road. Someone had just passed by, so he felt relieved and walked faster.

Set foot on the ground again, the sky was slightly bright. Xu Chu was really tired, so he sat down to rest for a while. Just as he opened his bag and prepared to feed the horse, he suddenly heard someone shouting from behind: "Sir, walk slowly, we are the people who met last night. I still have a few questions to ask.”

Xu Chu turned around and saw seven or eight people running from a distance. As soon as he thought about it, he immediately sensed the danger, threw away the bag on his horse, turned over, and galloped.

The people behind started to persuade, but soon turned into yelling. Xu Chu turned around and vaguely caught a glimpse of someone else appearing behind the seven or eight people, and they were riding horses.

As expected, the Hundred-Eyed King still refused to let him go.

Xu Chu worked hard and never wanted to go back again.

The mountain road was twists and turns, and soon he could no longer see the people behind him, but he knew that the pursuers would not give up easily and would definitely pursue him.

There was another plank road ahead. He ignored the danger and urged his horse up. The sound of his hooves stepping on the wooden board was heart-stopping.

"Xu Chu stop!"

Xu Chu turned around and looked around, crying out in pain. He ran for a long time but failed to get rid of his pursuers. Instead, they got closer and closer.

This section of the plank road was not long, and soon they reached the ground. Xu Chu cried out in pain again, and there were more than a dozen people sitting on the ground on the roadside in front. It seemed that they were also coming to join the Heavenly King's World Army and take a rest here.

Xu Chu lowered his head and urged his horse to run quickly. Those people stood up to get out of the way, shouting and scolding, dissatisfied with this man's riding skills.

"Hey, is it Mr. Xu?" someone suddenly shouted.

Xu Chu heard the familiar voice and hurriedly reined in his horse and turned around. Sure enough, he saw Chang Yan and couldn't help but be overjoyed, "You guys are back early."

"Why are you running so fast, young master?"

"There are people chasing me behind." Xu Chu did not dare to mention the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King, because the people around Changyan were all members of the Avatar Army.

Chang Yan immediately pulled out his sword and said, "Young Master, don't worry, we have a backer this time."

"I'm afraid there are too many people on the other side..." Before Xu Chu could finish his words, the pursuers had already appeared. There were at least thirty riders, which was far more than the number of people here.

A man suddenly rushed out from Chang Yan's side, holding a long spear, and faced the pursuers alone.

Chang Yan was not worried at all, he turned around and said with a smile: "Master, do you still recognize this 'backer'?"

Xu Chu recognized it, but couldn't believe it.

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