Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 425: Flatterer

Tie Yuan was unwilling to make random comments behind his back, so he refused to reveal more details. He just urged Xu Chu to go to Yizhou: "When we arrive at Jindu City, Mr. Xu will know what is going on at the first sight."

"It's hard to reject warm hospitality. I really want to see the King of Shu, but I will stop in Hanzhou on the way."

"As long as it is on the territory of the Yizhou Army, Mr. Xu can pass without hindrance and can stay as long as he wants."

"One more favor."

"Young master Xu, you don't have to be polite. Whether you want horses, food, or wealth or things, as long as I have them here, I will give them to you."

"No, I want to be alone."

"one person?"


"It can't be General Xiao Tang, right?" Tie Yuan said with a smile.

"It's him. Tang Weitian and I are master and servant after all. His size and strength have grown, but his temper is still so impatient. I can't bear to see him trapped in Qinzhou."

"Young Master Xu is still worried about Qinzhou... Tang Weitian is a fierce general under my command. Without him, it would be like missing an arm. However, I went to Qinzhou to lure troops, but I don't really need him. So, Mr. Xu, go and persuade me. General Tang, if he wants to go with you, I will let him go. If he doesn't want to, I can't force him."

"Thank you."

"With Mr. Xu's eloquence and his friendship with General Xiaotang, this persuasion will definitely come true. I hope that Mr. Xu can also persuade the King of Shu when he arrives in Yizhou. The King of Shu has suffered too much, and it is inevitable that he will be a little agitated once he enters a gentle land. He is addicted, but the King of Shu is by no means a foolish and tyrannical king. Once he wakes up, he will achieve great things. Master Xu is wise and courageous, and his words of gold and jade are worth more than ten iron kites and millions of soldiers."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "General Tie has exaggerated too much. I can't even persuade General Tie to turn back. How can I make the King of Shu moved?"

"It's different, it's very different. I have a lord above me and soldiers below me. I can't help myself. If I can make the decision on my own, I will be persuaded by Mr. Xu. The King of Shu is dictatorial and needs counselors like Mr. Xu. Mr. Xu also needs King of Shu."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "The greatest ability of the King of Shu is to have General Iron to follow him."

The two complimented each other for a while, and Xu Chu left and went to his tent. He saw Chang Yan sleeping soundly, smelling of alcohol. He also drank a lot at the banquet just now.

Xu Chu sat for a while, not wanting to wait until tomorrow, so he went out to ask where Tang Weitian lived and went to visit.

Tang Weitian's tent was nearby, and he slept more soundly. His entourage's calls and Xu Chu's lighting of candles did not wake him up.

"General Tang is really happy and drinks a lot." The attendant smiled apologetically. Because of his master's attention, he was also very respectful to Xu Chu. "If General Tang is disturbed when he is sleeping soundly, he will beat people when he gets up. He will not recognize his relatives and will not even recognize him." General Tie Da almost got beaten once."

"I'll stay here for a while, you go and rest."

Although Tang Weitian became a general, his living habits have not changed much. He still lives in an ordinary tent and sleeps on hay mats, just like a soldier. His entourage is also a soldier, sleeping in other tents and does not need to be around him. .

There were no tables and chairs in the tent. Xu Chu held a small half-length candle and listened to the roaring snores. He looked around and soon noticed that Tang Weitian was holding a roll of brocade in his arms, which did not match the simple style of the tent.

"He still keeps that stick?" Xu Chu laughed dumbly. He once casually designated a stick as the "relative" of the Incarnate King's Divine Stick. Tang Weitian took it seriously and kept carrying it with him. It seems that he has not abandoned it now and is still careful. Wrapped up.

Xu Chu wanted to take out the brocade and take a look. Tang Weitian seemed to be just hugging him casually. Xu Chu didn't twitch at the first time. With a little force, he only pulled out a piece. With another force, Tang Weitian hugged him tighter and snored. become smaller.

If the entourage was still there, or if Xu Chu was more alert, he would definitely not continue to use force, but he also had times when he was confused, and he never took precautions against Tang Weitian. The less he could pull out the brocade, the more interested he became, so he used it With all my strength, I want to pull it out suddenly.

He didn't pull out the brocade, but was kicked in the stomach. He flew up in the air and fell heavily to the ground. He let out a scream, and the candle in his hand fell to the ground. The flame went out, and the surroundings were dark.

"Who is so bold as to take my magic stick?" Tang Weitian shouted.

"Don't do it, it's me." Xu Chu endured the pain and said, truly experiencing what it means to be heartbroken.

Tang Weitian heard the voice and said in a panic: "Master, what's wrong... I'll ask someone to light the lamp..."

"No need to call anyone, I have a candle here." Xu Chu took a few deep breaths, touched the candle and lit it again. He was sitting on the ground unable to stand up.

Tang Weitian stepped forward to help him, "Drinking is really harmful to people. I actually hurt the young master."

"It's not the wine, it's my fault. I want to see that magic stick..."

"Here." Tang Weitian helped Xu Chu sit on the bed, opened the brocade, took out the stick wrapped in it, and held it in both hands, "Young master, use it to hit me, hit me hard."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "You didn't make any mistake, why do you have to be beaten? Put it away, I only need to take a look."

"You really don't want to fight?"

"No fighting."

Tang Weitian rewrapped the stick, "It's okay if you don't hit me, this thing... Bah, bah, it hurts to hit someone with the magic stick."

"It's hard for you to keep carrying it."

"I have to bring it with me. It's all thanks to it that I can grow taller and become a general." Tang Weitian gently stroked the brocade, with a doting look on his face, and immediately said: "Young master, are you okay? My kick is not light."

"Fortunately, it doesn't hurt anymore." Xu Chu lied, not wanting Tang Weitian to worry too much.

"Because I was drunk and didn't use my full strength. Otherwise... Fortunately, I was drunk." Tang Weitian smiled sheepishly, "Why did you come to my place, Master? I asked someone to arrange a good tent for you. Better than here."

"I have something to talk to you about."

"Oh, Young Master said." Tang Weitian was still standing in front of Xu Chu as before.

"Well, I hope you can send me to Yizhou."

"Ha, I thought it was something difficult, but it turned out to be a farewell. In fact, it was useless. Tie Yuan conquered a large territory and sent people to stay in all the towns he captured. He also left an army to guard the grain road, from here to Yizhou It’s smooth and there’s no danger.”

"General Iron said the same thing."

"Then you don't need me to escort you. I have to chase the soldiers in front tomorrow. We can't fight in Qinzhou without me."

Xu Chu didn't want to tell the truth, so he covered his lower abdomen with his other hand, "It's obviously better, but now it hurts a little bit again. I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's internal injury."

Tang Weitian's expression suddenly changed, "I've caused a big trouble. I'm going to find the doctor..."

"No, even if the injury is not serious, walking will be affected a little. It may not be enough for Chang Yan to serve me alone."

"I'll go tell Tie Yuan and allocate hundred people to serve the young master."

"No matter how many people there are, it can't be used. It has to be someone you know."

Tang Weitian was very reluctant, " has to be me - does the young master really need two people to serve him? I think Chang Yanzhi served him well on the way."

"He used to be a descendant of the Seven Jiangdong Clans, and later he became a general. He has always been served by others and is not good at serving others."

Tang Weitian nodded and said: "That's true. How long have I been serving the young master, and I am good at it. When I was a child, those pigs and sheep liked me. If it were anyone else, they would not be obedient."

"That's right." Xu Chu smiled and said, "You are a general now, and I am just a commoner. Can you still serve me?"

"Even if I become the emperor in the future, I can still serve you."

"You also want to be an emperor?"

"I don't want to, it's just a talk. Anyway, you can say whatever you want now. It's not like before, if you said you want to be the emperor, you will lose your head."

Xu Chu "persuaded" Tang Weitian and stood up to leave, but he felt real pain in his abdomen and could not stand up straight.

Tang Weitian was greatly frightened and helped Xu Chu, "Why don't you, Master, deal with me at my place tonight?"

"I'd better go back to sleep, it's... more comfortable there."

Tang Weitian supported Xu Chu all the way back to the tent, spread out the bedding, and watched Xu Chu lie down before he blew out the candles, tiptoed away, woke up his entourage, explained to him, returned to his residence, and had a short rest. After carrying the baggage, especially the stick, and then holding the thin quilt, he tiptoed to Xu Chu's tent, fell asleep on the floor, and soon started to argue with Chang Yan about how loud his snoring was.

Xu Chu was also tired and didn't know anything after falling asleep. When he woke up, Tang Weitian and Chang Yan had prepared water and food.

Chang Yan was very happy to have someone serve Xu Chu on his behalf, and he felt at ease.

Tie Yuan first let the army set off, and then he saw off the guests ten miles away. He gave Tang Weitian a thousand instructions and instructions before bidding farewell to Xu Chu and turning back to chase his men.

Watching Tie Yuan go away, Xu Chu couldn't help but sigh, once again hoping that he had miscalculated Shan Yu.

"My lord, does your stomach still hurt? You should really find a doctor." Tang Weitian said with concern. He felt that he and Chang Yan were enough to serve Xu Chu, so he did not bring any other entourage.

"It doesn't hurt. General Iron has treated me well. I owe him a huge favor and I don't know how to repay it."

"It's just a drink. I'll treat you to a meal in return for the young master." Tang Weitian disagreed and led his horse on foot, walking in front and handing his mount to Chang Yan.

"One drink is not enough. Tang Weitian, it is said that there is a sycophant around the King of Shu. Do you know who it is?"

Tang Weitian turned to look at Xu Chu who was riding a horse, and asked in confusion: "What is a sycophant?"

"He has no skills, only speaks nice words, but he is favored by the Lord."

Tang Weitian turned around, walked backwards, and looked at Chang Yan behind him.

Chang Yan couldn't laugh or cry, "I don't have much ability, but I can't speak...and the young master has abdicated the throne a long time ago. He is no one's lord, so where can I be a sycophant?"

Tang Weitian giggled twice, turned around and walked normally, "I understand, the sycophant is a shameless villain. Well, General Chang is indeed not. There is no such person around the King of Shu. Anyway, I haven't seen him."

Neither Tie Yuan nor Tang Weitian knew how to lie. Xu Chu asked in a different way, "Who is the person the King of Shu trusts most now, besides General Tie?"

Tang Weitian thought for a while, "That's the chicken bus."


"The chicken bus is a small car with a wheel."

"I asked what this person's identity was. I've never heard of him before. He's probably not an old member of the Advent Army."

"Well, he is from Yizhou. He calls a taxi... Quanyi. He is nicknamed Ji Gongche. It seems that he was some kind of confidant of King Yidu in the past. He was the one who guided the King of Shu to find King Yidu's three daughters."

Xu Chu nodded, knowing something about it.

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