It was not Tie Yuan's order to attack Taniguchi, but he could no longer control his soldiers. The Yizhou Army marched day and night just to enter the open areas of Hanzhou. Once they heard that the exit was blocked, they all fell into a huge panic. No longer willing to obey the orders of their superiors, they flocked to the mouth of the valley as if everything was not too late.

The Hanzhou Army, who was ordered to guard the plank road, fired rockets without hesitation.

Even behind the city wall, you can see the flames shooting into the sky and hear the miserable screams. Apparently there are still soldiers from Yizhou rushing into the plank road and being caught in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Louzhi came over and asked Xu Chu to come out of the hall to watch the fire. He sighed: "I don't want to see such a result. Burning the plank road and digging trenches to divert water are all to make the Yizhou army surrender in the face of difficulties. If Tie Yuan can be like this If Wei Xuan sees the situation clearly like that, things will be much simpler."

"This section of plank road is not long. If both sides are repaired at the same time, another one can be built within one day."

"Haha, Mr. Xu still refuses to give up, but for me, everything is over. Hanzhou can only temporarily surrender to the He Rong people. This is an inevitable trend."

Xu Chu was silent for a long time, then suddenly asked: "Who owns Hanzhou?"

"Of course it's the imperial court... The imperial court said it would be given to He Rongren, so I had no choice but to obey."

"Who cares most about Hanzhou's gains and losses?"

Lou Yu refused to answer.

Xu Chu said: "This fire has cut off the Yizhou Army's way out, and also cut off Hanzhou's way of survival."

Lou Yu still didn't answer.

Xu Chu turned back to the hall and said to Chang Yan: "Tomorrow morning we will return to Hanping City and guard the city together with Tang Weitian."

"Will people be released here?" Chang Yan asked in surprise.

"It's up to me whether he can go or not, and whether he should be let go or not is nothing more than a sword and ax. Instead of watching the fall of Kyushu, it is better to close your eyes and stop looking at these troublesome things."

"Uh... Okay, it's all death anyway." Chang Yan said with courage, but he was still a little scared in his heart. Suddenly he thought about it and laughed: "Follow the young master all over the world, among the nine states, only Yizhou has not yet If I go there, my life will be worth it.”

"I have never been to Yi, Jing and Wu states." Xu Chu sighed.

"Wuzhou is not a good place. The prosperity of the past has long been gone and has never recovered. Jingzhou... is full of southern barbarians, so it is not a good place either."

While the two were chatting, Lou Yu walked in, stood at the door and listened for a while, and then said: "Jiuzhou each has its own strengths, and they are all good places."

Chang Yan was prepared to die, but he was not afraid. He squinted and said, "It's a good place, but it's a pity that everyone is rushing to offer it to outsiders."

"Instead of dying together, it's better to keep it safe for a while, and maybe there will be a chance to get it back in the future." Lou Yu said with a smile.

"Yes, smart people think so, so Kyushu will definitely be destroyed in the hands of smart people in the end."

Lou Yu laughed and said to Xu Chu, "Even Mr. Xu's followers are so good at eloquence."

"Chang Yan is not my follower. He was originally a descendant of the seven tribes in Jiangdong. He once read poetry and books, competed with other scholars, and also controlled soldiers and generals on the battlefield."

Chang Yan was embarrassed to be praised, but he was also very proud.

Lou Yu came over and said: "Okay, just because of his words 'Jiuzhou will be destroyed in the hands of smart people', I changed my mind. As long as Mr. Xu can persuade the Yizhou army - including Tie Yuan and Tang Weitian - to stay and guard Baoxie. Dao, I am willing to let them live and let us all resist the He Rong people from going south. "

Chang Yan was shocked and couldn't believe that his words had such a miraculous effect.

Xu Chu did not show any surprise, and bowed his hands deeply, "Everyone in the world should be grateful for the righteousness advocated by the building director Shi."

"Alas, I have put myself and the Hanzhou army in a near-death situation. No matter how grateful I am, it is useless. Mr. Xu might as well get some reinforcements for me as soon as possible. When the Shanyu heard that I had gone back on my word, he would be furious. He can't attack this winter. Come, as soon as spring comes next year, we will use our full strength. The few soldiers in Han and Yizhou are not enough. "

"I will do my best. If reinforcements cannot be persuaded, I will come back myself and defend the death ground with the two armies."

Lou Yu shook his head, "Before I change my mind, go and persuade the two generals Tie and Tang. Everything is as mentioned before: the Yizhou army handed over the counties of Hanzhou, leaving only the city of Hanping to guard Bao Bao. Xie Gu said. Alas, the most difficult thing in the world is to make a decision. Either the left is wrong or the right is wrong. Once you make a choice, there is no turning back, so you never know which side will make fewer mistakes. "

“When faced with a dilemma, act with your heart.”

Lou Yu still shook his head, "You have already got your wish, there is no need to say this anymore."

Xu Chu smiled, hurried out of the hall, and went to the plank road first. Chang Yan quickly caught up with him and whispered: "Can the building barrier be trusted? Young Master should have some protection."

"Building Commander Shi is sure of victory. There is really no need to deceive the Yizhou Army. Besides, if he wants to deceive my trust, he should do it another way."

Xu Chu didn't explain much. A general had already received the order from Lou Yi and was guarding the gate of the small city. He led Xu Chu through the roadblocks and came to the plank road.

The fire was raging, and people on the opposite side no longer dared to break into the plank road. Wailing could be heard vaguely.

"General Yizhou, I am Xu Chu, please send a message to General Tie on my behalf..." Xu Chu said loudly, but found that there was no response from the other side.

"You have to wait until the fire is extinguished before you can hear the sound from the other side, and the master's voice is not loud enough."

"You stay here, and when you get the chance, inform the other side and ask them to invite General Tie to come over. They say that the peace negotiation has been concluded. I will go and invite Tang Weitian over first."

"Yes. Master, be careful, I'm still a little... worried."

Xu Chu nodded and hurried back to the small town. Lou Yu had already prepared horses for him, "I will order people to put out the fire. Mr. Xu can invite General Tang here first. He must stay and garrison. As the saying goes, the brave will win when we meet on a narrow road." Xiegu Road is where General Tang comes into play. With him there, we can increase our chances of winning by one or two points against the He Rong people."

"I will analyze the pros and cons and persuade him to stay."

"You must stay. I don't ask General Tang to switch to the Hanzhou Army, but you must stay. Otherwise, the peace talks will be suspended."

"Okay." Xu Chu didn't say much, got on his horse, and headed straight for Hanping City under the escort of more than ten Hanzhou Army officers and soldiers.

Hanping City was surrounded. Xu Chu went straight to the city gate and shouted: "I am Xu Chu. Please come out and speak, General Xiao Tang."

Someone at the top of the city immediately replied: "I'm right here, haha. I knew the Hanzhou people didn't dare to kill you."

"Come down and talk."

Tang Weitian didn't ask any more questions. After a while, the city gate opened, and he rode out alone, holding a long spear, not afraid that the Hanzhou army would take advantage of the situation to attack the city.

"Master Xu, follow me into the city."

"I'm here to persuade you to make peace?"

"What kind of peace are you talking about?"

Xu Chu explained the situation of Tie Yuan Army and the meaning of Lou Yi, "The Yizhou Army is still the Yizhou Army. It will stay at Hanping City and Baoxie Ancient Road, while the Hanzhou Army will guard elsewhere."

Tang Weitian only asked: "General Tie agrees?"

"That was his idea."

"That's enough. I listen to General Tie's orders, and I trust Young Master's words. What do you think I should do?"

"Take your people and follow me to see the building manager Shi."

Tang Weitian said nothing, turned around and entered the city, and soon led all his soldiers out of the city. He was fearless, but the soldiers were a little panicked. They looked at the Hanzhou Army not far away, holding onto their weapons and staying alert.

The Hanzhou Army had been ordered to give up the passage. As soon as the Yizhou Army passed through, they immediately rushed to Hanping City, cheering, and after a few slight turns, the Hanzhou people finally recaptured the headquarters.

In front of the trench, the Yizhou soldiers stayed behind. Only Tang Weitian and Xu Chu were allowed to pass, and Tang Weitian's long spear was not allowed to be carried.

On the way to visit Lou Yan, Xu Chu whispered: "If anything happens..."

"Fight to the death." Tang Weitian said immediately.

Xu Chu smiled and nodded, "You have really grown up. I should no longer call you General Tang, just General Tang."

"Hehe. One thing is that I may not be able to take care of the young master then."

"I have to fight hard myself. I don't need to take care of me. Who said that a counselor can only move his mouth but not his actions?"

"Young Master said that, I really hope something happens." Tang Weitian wanted to know what it would be like for Xu Chu to fight with others.

Lou Yan was already waiting at the city gate. When he saw the two approaching, he laughed and said, "Master Xu keeps his promise, and General Xiao Tang keeps his justice. It's admirable."

Tang Weitian said proudly: "Young Master has been promoted to my official position. From now on, I will be General Tang, not General Tang Xiao."

"Congratulations." Lou Yu said with cupped hands and refused to let the guards approach, entering the city side by side with the two of them. "The fire has almost been extinguished. It is said that Tie Yuan has also arrived. Please go and pass the message, Mr. Xu."

The Hanzhou soldiers were removing the roadblocks. Thick smoke was billowing over the plank road, but there were no flames. Chang Yan shouted loudly there. When he heard the footsteps, he turned around and saw Xu Chu and others. He hurriedly shouted: "Master Xu and General Xiao Tang are coming. "

"I am General Tang now." Tang Weitian corrected him everywhere and shouted to the other side: "Is General Tie here?"

"It's me!" said the voice on the other side.

Because the plank road turned a corner, the sound was not very clear, but Tang Weitian could still tell that it was indeed Tie Yuan, "Are we all following Mr. Xu's arrangements?"

"Listen to him!"

Tang Weitian looked around, then turned to Lou Yu who was following him and said, "Do you all want to make an oath?"

"General Tang will come first." Lou Yu said with a smile.

"I, Tang Weitian, swore to Maitreya Buddha that I would defend Hanping City and Baoxie Ancient Road. If I violate this oath and escape halfway, I will die under the magic rod and be a turtle bastard in my next life, captured and carried around the house!"

Tang Weitian's voice was loud, and many Hanzhou soldiers behind him heard it, and they all felt that this oath was strange and cruel.

Tie Yuan on the opposite side, Lou Yi and Xu Chu on the other side swore one after another. Tang Weitian curled his lips while listening, feeling that they were not as sincere as himself.

It was getting dark and the thick smoke had basically dissipated. The Hanzhou Army and the Yizhou Army rushed to repair the plank road at the same time. Tang Weitian went back to comfort his soldiers, while Lou Yu summoned his generals and redeployed.

Xu Chu was so exhausted that he had to ask for a place to rest for a while, and slept until noon. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Chang Yan pushing the door open and entering with a panic on his face.

"What's wrong?" Xu Chu immediately stood up and asked.

"The Shepherd of Hanzhou is here. He is not allowed to rebuild the plank road. He will also besiege General Tang and arrest the building leader Shi."

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