Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 438 Asking for the Stories

Just a moment ago, Gan Zhao was vigorously hitting rocks with a hammer. Although he looked a little tired, he was in good spirits. He suddenly sat down when he asked him to sit down. But it caused big trouble.

Xu Chu hurriedly stepped forward to help, but Che Quanyi had already taken the lead.

"King of Shu..."

"Help me leave, hurry up." Gan Zhao's voice was not right, as if there was a breath held in his chest and he couldn't breathe out no matter what.

Che Quanyi couldn't help him alone, so he raised his hand and called three palace maids. The four of them worked together to carry the King of Shu away. When Che Quanyi left, he did not forget to give the order: "Watch Xu Chu, don't allow him..."

Gan Zhao could no longer say a word.

The female soldiers who followed surrounded Xu Chu, pointing their halberds at him. Xu Chu could see clearly that the weapons were indeed made of wood.

From a "miracle doctor" to a "sinner" all of a sudden, Xu Chu couldn't use any of his tricks at this time. He had to stand there honestly, smiled at the female soldier directly opposite and said: "The King of Shu probably jumped to his waist, no. It will be a serious problem.”

The female soldier's face was as dark as water and she said nothing.

After waiting for a while, there was still no news from the King of Shu. A young palace maid walked out of the main room, stood outside the female soldiers and said to Xu Chu: "Are you the seventeenth son of the general who married Princess Fangde?"

"Exactly, now his surname has been changed to Xu."

"Well, my princess...the queen ordered me to ask: Have you met the two princesses Huanyan and Fangde again? How are they?"

Xu Chu then remembered that the newly married queen of Ganzhao was the daughter of King Yidu, and she was probably acquainted with Huanyan and others, and was very familiar with her.

"We met a few months ago. As far as I know, Princess Huanyan currently lives in Yuyang, and Princess Fangde... She is a princess now. Rumor has it that she once fled to Xijing and followed the World Army to the north. Where exactly is she? , I didn’t get the news either.”

The palace maid hummed, went back to resume her duties, and came out quickly, "Why did Princess Fangde escape to the rebel army?"

Yizhou is remote and news from Jizhou rarely reaches here. Xu Chu's words were incomprehensible to the queen.

Xu Chu then explained from the beginning, as briefly as possible. The palace maid nodded repeatedly, and halfway through, she said, "Stop, you tell me this first. I can't remember any more."

The palace maid went into the room to deliver the message, and came out for the third time, becoming much more polite, "Master Xu, please continue."

Although the palace maid was only responsible for delivering messages, after hearing the whole story, she couldn't help but said: "Princess Fangde's courage is really boundless. You can tell us about Princess Huanyan's deeds later. The queen and the princess were once close friends. It's a pity that …”

The palace maid went in again to deliver the message, but before she could come out again, Che Quanyi ran over, covered in sweat, panting a few times, and said coldly: "Follow me."

"King of Shu..." Xu Chu was eager to know Gan Zhao's situation, but Che Quanyi did not answer and just walked in front. The female soldier urged him with a wooden halberd, so Xu Chu had to follow.

Gan Zhao returned to the large low couch, looking very embarrassed, but at least he was still alive. The curtains were open, the doors and windows were wide open, and the smell of medicine in the room was much lighter.

Che Quanyi came straight to the couch, knelt on the ground, stretched out his hands to hug the King of Shu's feet, and said sadly: "It's all because of Xu Chu's evil words that the King of Shu has suffered so much. Please allow the King of Shu to do so." I……"

"It's not that serious. Just stand aside and let me ask you questions first."

"Yes." Che Quanyi just shut up and did not go aside. Instead, he knelt down and pinched the King of Shu's feet. As a minister, he did the work of a chamberlain.

"Xu Chu, come here." Gan Zhao spoke weakly and called him by his first name, obviously a little annoyed.

Xu Chu took two steps forward and said, "King Shu, please speak."

"You said that a wandering Taoist priest once taught you "Thousands of Strange Prescriptions". Where is the book?"


"Why burn it?"

"I thought the book was useless and just a joke, so I burned it."

"Then recite a few paragraphs to me."

Che Quanyi nodded repeatedly, agreeing with this idea.

Xu Chu couldn't recite a single sentence, so he laughed and said, "How can I still remember the words of the book I read when I was ten years old? The King of Shu didn't pay attention to trivial matters. He only asked me whether my strange prescription for treating diseases is good or not?"

Che Quanyi wanted to speak, but was lightly kicked by King Shu. He immediately lowered his head and continued to pinch his feet.

"I did everything you told me, and I didn't feel any better. On the contrary, I felt even weaker."

"I think King Shu's complexion is much better than before."

"Xu Chu, I treat you as a person, don't play tricks on me." Gan Zhao showed an obvious anger, and his good impression of Xu Chu was quickly disappearing.

"How dare you?" Xu Chu took another small step forward, "The King of Shu was in a hurry to leave just now. What did he do?"

"I..." Gan Zhao looked angrier and a little embarrassed.

"King Shu, please don't think that I am my old friend Xu Chu. Please think of me as a famous doctor."

"Humph, I've never seen a doctor like you. I just...had unbearable abdominal pain, so I came back to relieve myself. My legs are still weak now."

"Is it much?"


"As a doctor, I need to know everything."

Gan Zhao narrowed his eyes slightly, his heart getting more and more angry, but his expression calmed down, "Since you want to know everything... Ji Gong, take Xu Chu to see it."

Che Quanyi made a strange noise.

Gan Zhao kicked him hard this time, "Why, do you even dislike it?"

"How could it be? It came out of King Shu's body..." Rao Che Quanyi couldn't think of the right words at this time. He stood up and came to Xu Chu and said coldly: "In the inner room."

Xu Chu covered his nose and glanced, then came out immediately and said with a smile: "Congratulations, King Shu."


"King Shu has recovered."

"Nonsense, I could still walk a few steps before, but now I can't even stand up, and you say I'm cured?"

"Using my prescription, the King of Shu has completely eliminated the evil poison in his body, but it is inevitable that he will be weak after recovering from a serious illness. This is not physical weakness, but the accumulated weakness left over from the illness. At most three days, the King of Shu will be able to recover as before, riding a horse and wielding a sword. It's no problem at all."

Gan Zhao was half-believing and half-doubting, and Che Quanyi whispered: "Xu Chu didn't mention the evil poison before, and now he said it, it's obviously a temporary lie."

"Does the King of Shu feel a little hungry?" Xu Chu asked.

Gan Zhao thought for a while and nodded.

"That's right. When I first recovered, I lay in bed for three days. My appetite was very good, and then nothing happened. It's just a pity that I didn't use the best stone, and I couldn't eliminate the evil poison completely..."

"Don't say anything more, Xu Chu, you said three days, then wait for three days. You stay in the palace. After three days, if I recover, I will treat you as a god. If I don't get better..."

"I will take my head to apologize." At this point, Xu Chu had to say such words.

"Please go down and rest, Master Xu. Don't treat him badly." Gan Zhao became a little more polite.

Che Quanyi took Xu Chu to another room and locked the door from the outside. "Master Xu, stay here. It's your blessing that you are allowed to live in the palace. Remember not to make any noise and disturb the rest of the King of Shu."

The room is not big. It is obviously where the servants live. The bed, table, chairs and stools are mostly made of bamboo, which is unique.

Not long after, someone unlocked the door and brought some tea, wine and food to show that the guest was not "treated unfairly", and then locked the door again.

Xu Chu was indeed hungry, so he ate some food and sat on the bed in a daze, thinking that he might be a little too bold this time, and he only speculated that Gan Zhao was not sick based on very few signs. If he was wrong, he would die, and all the benefits he had given Gan Zhao in the past would be useless.

At this point, he could not care too much, and seeing that it was getting dark outside, he simply lay down to sleep.

Before he fell asleep completely, he heard someone unlock the door, and he hurriedly turned over.

It was a palace maid who came in, holding a lantern in her hand, but she was not here to clean up the cups and plates. She whispered: "Please follow me, Mr. Xu."

Xu Chu stepped forward and said: "Is the King of Shu better?"

The palace maid refused to answer anything and turned to lead the way.

To Xu Chu's great surprise, the palace maid actually took him out of the courtyard gate and went to the Bodhisattva Palace next door, and the female soldiers guarding the gate did not stop him.

In the courtyard of the Bodhisattva Palace, the rubble had not been cleared away. Xu Chu was still standing where he had been during the day. The queen's maid came out, "Please continue, Master Xu."


"The matter of Princess Huanyan."

"Uh, may I ask the King of Shu..."

"Master Xu, just speak, don't ask."

Xu Chu had to recount what he knew roughly again. He had not seen Princess Huanyan much in Yecheng, so he had no way to provide details, and he had to keep the word "rumored" on his lips.

The maid listened with great interest and did not interrupt again. It was obvious that the queen was hiding not far away and could hear Xu Chu's voice.

The maid entered the room and soon came out with questions, all asking about the whereabouts of the old friend. Xu Chu picked out the answers he knew. He knew more about Emperor Zhang Shiyu, and tried to be straightforward and not make any comments. However, when it came to the emperor making Shanyu's sister the queen, a clear sigh was still heard in the room.

After talking for nearly an hour, the queen was finally satisfied, and the maid came out and said, "Master Xu can go back."

"As for the King of Shu..." Xu Chu wanted to ask clearly while the other party was in a good mood.

The maid was not polite at all, "The Queen can't take care of the King of Shu's affairs. It's already troublesome to summon you here. Please don't cause more trouble, Master Xu."

Xu Chu returned to his residence. The cups and plates on the table had been taken away, and a candle was lit. He sat down to rest. He vaguely felt that the queen married by Gan Zhao had a temper more like Zhang Shiqing. She summoned him to listen to a few interesting stories before the King of Shu killed him. She would never be grateful for it, let alone help him out of trouble.

This seemed like an ominous sign.

Xu Chu couldn't sleep, and tried to think about what to say to Gan Zhao next time he saw him so that he would immediately arouse his interest and not be killed immediately.

Until the candle went out, Xu Chu came to a conclusion that if Gan Zhao found out that he was deceived, no matter what Xu Chu said, he would not calm down.

This sleep was not very restful. Xu Chu opened his eyes early in the morning, dressed neatly, and waited for the summons.

At noon, Che Quanyi personally unlocked the door and called people. From his expression and tone, Xu Chu could not hear any hint.

Xu Chu was taken to another room, which was full of various weapons. Xu Chu was asked to stand at the door and not approach any of them.

Gan Zhao was wiping a steel knife, looked up at Xu Chu, and continued to wipe the knife.

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