Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 448 Southern Envoy

Chen Bingcai summoned Xu Chu again in the Chinese army tent and asked only one thing: "How will the southern army cross the river?"

"Yang Qinzai has a boat, and the Confederate army can cross the river by boat."

"Ha, what a good idea, I never thought of it." Chen Bingcai called a few more generals this time and laughed out loud together.

Xu Chu did not smile, but his expression became more serious, "General Chen, do you have any other ideas?"

Chen Bing put away his smile and said, "Yang's navy is the biggest obstacle to my crossing the river. Can Mr. Xu persuade him to give up Yiling City and his ships?"

"Yiling City can't do it, but ships can. It's a loan, not a donation."

A general interjected: "How can we just borrow a boat? After crossing the river, we don't even have a way out..." After Lord Mu Shou glanced at him, the general stopped talking.

"Will Yang Moyu borrow the boat?"

"I'm not willing to borrow it now, but since General Chen has agreed to assist Xiangyang, King Yangjiang..."

"I didn't say I wanted to help Xiangyang. I just asked you how to cross the river."

"Unless it is to aid Xiangyang, otherwise, I have no way to let the Southern Army cross the river."

Chen Bing thought for a while, "Okay, then let's go to Xiangyang. As a minister of heaven, we can't just watch Kyushu fall."

"Xiangyang is grateful to General Chen, and everyone in the world should also..."

"But I have conditions." Chen Bancai interrupted.

"Please tell me."

"The Xi family army is going to retreat to Jiangling, and there is a hungry wolf by its side. I can't concentrate on protecting Xiangyang."

"That's it?"

"Also, Yang Moyu can either lead his army to surrender to me, or he can lead his troops to Jiangling with the Xi family, but he must leave his ships behind. The Southern Army can save people, but it cannot cut off its retreat."

Several generals nodded one after another. They hoped to cross the river, but they absolutely did not want the crossing channel to be controlled by others.

Chen Bancai stared at Xu Chu, waiting for him to bargain, knowing very well that neither of the two items he proposed could be realized.

Xu Chu lowered his head, turned around in a circle, and when he faced Chen Bancai again, he said, "Okay."


"As General Chen wishes, Xi's army returns to Jiangling, and Yang's army either surrenders or leaves."

Chen Bingcai smiled and said: "Master Xu agreed, what about the other two families?"

"I will go and persuade him, and I will definitely satisfy General Chen."

Chen Bingcai slowly shook his head, "Mr. Xu lied to me."

"General Chen can see whether it succeeds or not. What can I deceive?"

Xu Chu readily agreed, but Chen Bingcai hesitated and said after a long time: "Okay, when will you go to persuade the two families?"

"Without further delay, we will leave shortly, but I also have a request."


"General Chen must swear an oath in public: After crossing the river, he will help defend Xiangyang and will never surrender to the He Rong people."

"I can swear, I..."

"Not here, but in front of the whole army, so that everyone in the Southern Army knows the general's intentions."

"I've made this oath before I've even written it. Wouldn't it be ridiculous for me to make this oath? If you can't get the two families to withdraw their troops and make way for the crossing of the river, I will make an oath in vain, but it will turn out to be a promise made without faith."

"Okay, but what if..."

"As long as the two armies retreat, before crossing the river, I will build an altar and swear an oath to the world. The five generals here can bear witness. If I regret it, I will be drowned in the river and will never be able to go north."

This was a poisonous oath. Xu Chu handed over his hand and said, "General Chen's words are enough. Please also ask General Chen to write a letter explaining his intention to cross the river to aid Xiangyang, so as not to make my words empty."

Chen Bancai waved, and an attendant came forward to spread the paper and grind the ink. Chen Bancai took the pen and wrote it with one swipe. After it dried a little, he ordered the attendant to take it to Xu Chu.

Xu Chu read it quickly and nodded repeatedly: "'Nanzhou is remote, but there are still martyrs. How can there be no loyal ministers in the Central Plains clothes?' This sentence is enough to make many people blush."

Xu Chu returned the letter, and his entourage put the letter back on the table, waited for Chen Bing to seal it, then folded it carefully, put it into the envelope, and handed it to the guest again.

Xu Chu held the letter with both hands and said, "Please ask General Chen to send someone to give me a ride."

"You have so many demands." A general said dissatisfiedly.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "I am the envoy of Xiangyang. Xiangyang is in danger and I need help from others, so I come here alone with only one attendant. Here I go to the Xi family and the Yang family, but I am the envoy of the Southern Army. There are many generals in the Southern Army. Guang, General Chen is loyal to the king and assists Xiang. It would be very inappropriate for me to go on a mission alone again. "

The general was speechless, curled his lips and said nothing.

Chen Bingcai said: "I'll give you a team of advocates, a team of guards, a car, and a pole. Is that enough?"

"It's enough. Originally I was seventy percent sure, but now I'm ninety percent sure."

Chen Bingcai chuckled, "Let's go then."

"Please return Master Leng's letter to me. There was an error in that letter. It would be a joke to leave it here."

Chen Bingcai didn't care about the letter and ordered his entourage to fetch it from his sleeping tent and return it to Xu Chu.

Twenty agitators and twenty guards arrived soon. Xu Chu got into the car with a black knot standing beside him. I don’t know where Chen Bingcai found it. It was already a bit worn and the animal hair had fallen off, but it couldn’t be seen from a distance. come out.

Chang Yan carried his luggage on horseback to escort the carriage. When the people around him were not paying attention, he whispered to Xu Chu: "This man really has a good reputation. He actually carries these things in the army. He must be thinking about the glory of entering the Eastern Capital..."

Xu Chu hissed, and Chen Bingcai led the generals to see him off. He came over and said, "Is there any news about Mr. Xu in three days?"

"It will be revealed tomorrow." Xu Chu stood up in the car and said.

Chen Bancai laughed and said, "Just wait for the good news."

The advocates were in the front and the guards were in the back, beating all the way out of the camp.

Chen Bingcai watched the envoy send off, and the trusted general beside him said: "General Chen really wants to..."

"Let him do the hard work." Chen Bingcai said calmly, "The Southern Army doesn't count on him. They will attack Yiling within three days."

The generals on the left and right nodded one after another, finally understanding that Master Mu Shou was trying to use Xu Chu to deceive the Xi and Yang armies into slacking off, and then launch a surprise attack.

Not long after Xu Chu left the camp, he asked Chang Yan to go to the front and deliver an order: Instead of going to Yiling City, go to the Xijiajun camp.

The Nanjun, Yiling, and Xi family were three sides apart, not too far away from each other. Before dark, the group had arrived outside the Xi family's military camp, and Chang Yan ran ahead to report.

Although the three parties were at war, there were occasional envoys coming and going. Xi Jiajun was not surprised by this. However, after seeing the propagandist, he felt that the support was a bit too much. He was surprised by this and did not dare to neglect. He first greeted him in the camp and then quickly asked for instructions.

Xu Chu sat in the car and waited, quietly observing the situation in the camp.

The Xi family can be regarded as officers and soldiers. They are much more orderly than the World Army and Yang Army, but not as good as the Southern Army. Occasionally, some people ride horses and gallop in the camp, shouting.

A member of the Xi family came out to check. When he saw the Southern Army envoy, he couldn't help being shocked and blurted out: "Why is it you?"

Xu Chu got out of the car and said with a smile: "When did General Xi leave Yiling?"

Xi Yuanyi's face turned red and white, and he laughed dryly: "This's strange, how could Mr. Xu..."

"It's a long story, but I am now the envoy of the Southern Army, and I am here to ask for an audience with Duke Heng."

Xi Yuanyi's expression never returned to normal, " did Mr. Xu know that Duke Heng was in the camp?"

"I heard that King Yang Jiang returned from Jiangling, and I guess Duke Heng will also come to supervise the battle."

"Master Xu, please come with me." Xi Yuanyi looked a little nervous.

There are many people in the Chinese army tent. Duke Heng Guo and Jingzhou Shepherd Xi Yun are discussing matters with the generals. Most of them are descendants of the Xi family. They all offer suggestions and suggestions.

Xi Yuanyuan coughed and said, "I would like to report to Duke Xi that Xu Chu, the envoy of the Southern Army, is here."

Xi Yun kept looking down at the map on the table. When he heard the word "Xu Chu", he suddenly raised his head. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to normal. Everyone else in the tent also looked over in surprise. Regardless of whether they knew each other or not, they all looked up from head to toe. He looked at Xu Chu carefully.

Xu Chu took two steps forward, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Is Mr. Hengguo okay after your farewell?"

Xi Yun and Xu Chu had never formally met, and the Xi and Lou families were at odds with each other and had no friendship. They especially hated Xu Chu and the Xi family.

A Xi family member walked toward Xu Chu angrily, and Xi Yun said coldly: "What do you want to do?"

"Father, please allow me..."

"Stand aside."

The man retreated to his original position, still casting a hateful look at Xu Chu.

Xi Yun signaled his entourage to roll up the map on the table, and then said to Xu Chu: "I heard that you deceived the Yiling City defenders last night. It turned out that you were going to defect to Chen Bingcai."

"The officers and soldiers of Yiling City treated me very kindly, and I reciprocated the courtesy. How can I say 'cheated'? This is what General Yususu saw with his own eyes."

Xi Yuansu became more and more embarrassed and lowered his head in silence.

Xi Yun waved his hand and ordered some irrelevant generals to retreat, leaving only a few children of the Xi family.

"Xu Chu, you don't tell lies in front of real people, you don't have to pretend anymore."

"Why did Duke Hengguo say this?"

"Song Tizhu didn't tell you the truth?"

"What's the truth?" Xu Chu looked surprised, "The city of Xiangyang is in danger. Master Leng asked the Chu army for help. The King of Chu agreed, but he felt that his troops were insufficient, so he sent me to persuade Yang Jun and the Southern Army to go north to aid Xiang. This is Is what Duke Heng said the truth? "

Xi Yun had previously sent a group of soldiers to bring food in exchange for Xu Chu, but no one was seen. Afterwards, the Chu army said that the soldiers had escaped. Xi Yun was initially dubious, but now that he heard what Xu Chu said, he was even more convinced that he had been captured by Song Dynasty. Qizhu deceived him and couldn't help but snorted, but a smile appeared on his face: "Whose envoy are you?"

"Master Leng of Xiangyang, King Chu of Song Dynasty in the north of Jiangbei, and General Chen in the south of the Yangtze River all appointed me as the envoy."

Xi Yun's face changed slightly, thinking that these three families had joined forces. Although the two Jiangbei families were not strong enough, they could still cause him a lot of trouble.

Xi Yuan said suspiciously: "Master Xiangyang Leng has always been friendly with our Xi family..."

"So you just believe him?" Xi Yun asked coldly.

Xi Yuanyu's face turned red and he did not dare to say more.

"What are you doing here?" Xi Yun asked again.

Xu Chu handed over his hand and said, "Please ask Duke Heng to lead his army north and help defend Xiangyang together."

"Hey." Xi Yun took out a letter from the desk and threw it on the ground, "What do you think this is?"

Xu Chu did not lean over to read the letter, but smiled and said, "I know the letter Sir Leng wrote to Duke Heng for help."

"Since you know, why do you bother to come to me?"

"Because I also know that Duke Heng Guo will definitely refuse, so I have to come."

"Do you think you can persuade me to change my mind?" Xi Yun said with a smile.

"No, I'm here to offer advice to help Duke Heng seize Xiangyang, drive back the Bingzhou army, and win Shanyu's trust, so as to turn the crisis into safety and ensure the safety of Jingzhou and the Xi family."

Even though he didn't believe it, Xi Yun was still moved because Xu Cuzheng hit his mark.

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