Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 47: Long-term planning

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The emperor was extremely angry, not because someone dared to assassinate him, but because the main messengers behind him were actually a few small figures from the Tiancheng Dynasty. He was eager to meet good talents and opponents, especially after carefully planning and playing a few good moves. , suddenly discovered that his opponent was an inferior chess player, and one can imagine his anger.

"I gave you a chance, just the two of us. You have no helpers, and I have no attendants. Why don't you take action? What are you waiting for?"

Lou Chu is waiting for Shao Junqian.

Shao Junqian didn't know what he was waiting for. He had already got the Changshan, holding it tightly in his hand, standing there in a daze, as if he had never touched a weapon. After holding it, he found that this thing was completely different from what he expected, and he didn't even know what to do. use.

Just a light prick.

The tip of the long spear is made of fine iron, shaped like a dagger, with sharp edges and a sharp end like a needle. If it stabs the emperor without armor, it will be like hot iron touching ice.

"The land is divided into good and evil. It may be good for riding, fighting on foot, or traveling in boats. For those who are good at fighting, their good land must be the enemy's bad land before they can fight. This is a good land for your majesty, and a bad land for mediocre ministers. The earth and the ministers are therefore motionless.”

"Haha, you are just a strategist at best, with a little bit of talk, nothing more. It's really disappointing. I thought I would meet a hero." The emperor shook his head, his eyes lowered slightly, as if he was hesitating on something. Decide.

The floor cast a quick glance at Shao Junqian, but it was useless. The night was still dark, and there were only a few lanterns placed on the ground around them. The light barely illuminated the figures of the three of them, and their gazes could not reach three feet away.

Shao Junqian took a step blankly, but couldn't take the second step.

The emperor came a little closer to the foundation of the building and said flatly: "Like mother, like son. Princess Wu also once assassinated her."

Lou Chu was startled and blurted out: "What?"

The emperor smiled and said: "Yes, Princess Wu once tried to assassinate the late emperor, and she was much more courageous than you. She actually took action, secretly grinding a gold hairpin into a thin tip, probably intending to pierce the late emperor's neck. But she overestimated her ability and underestimated the late emperor's skill. The late emperor blocked her and still favored her. Afterwards, he said that Wu people are like meat with tendons, which is troublesome to cook but chewy when eaten, so it is a delicious dish... "

Lou Chu was irritated, his fists clenched involuntarily, and his eyes were fixed on the emperor.

This was exactly the scene the emperor wanted.

"It turns out that Princess Wu is your weakness, which is good, because I still have many things to say about her. For example, Princess Wu once seduced me. I was only a teenager at that time, and I had just started to understand human affairs. When I saw Wu Gu The princess fell in love with her, but I am not that kind of stupid person. I immediately saw that Princess Wu wanted to separate my father and son, so I angrily rebuked her. Princess Wu was so ashamed that I thought that when I came to the throne, I must kill her. The Princess of Wu was admitted to the palace, but it is a pity that she died in the general's palace. There is no greater regret in the world than this. Even the emperor cannot..."

Lou Chu rushed to strangle the emperor's neck, but was knocked to the ground by the emperor's punch.

"Vulnerable." The emperor said contemptuously. After experiencing the expected danger, he felt bored. He turned around and saw the stubborn Shao Junqian. He was stunned for a moment, "Can you know how to do it?"

Shao Junqian had been stuck in the quagmire of hesitation for a long time. The emperor's words pulled him out instantly. His feet could move, his face could express expressions, and his mouth could speak. "I use my words like a cat or a dog." Writing this will only increase your smile. I will give it to Your Majesty just in case."

The emperor snorted coldly and stretched out his hand. Shao Junqian immediately ran over and handed it to him. When the emperor turned around, he gently exhaled and felt relaxed.

Lou Chu struggled to get up, feeling extremely regretful, but it could not be said to be an accident. Shao Junqian was talented and resourceful, but he did not make a prompt decision. It was really difficult for him to assassinate the emperor with his own hands.

The emperor loved the long tree. He held the pole with one hand and gently rubbed it with the other hand. "If there are ten thousand people like me, they can run the world with such a long tree."

The emperor held the straw in his hands and danced in a circle, like a man who was full of food. He didn't have much appetite left, so he picked up the straw and left the garden. Shao Junqian followed him hurriedly, without even looking at the foundation of the building.

Several eunuchs came in, and the leader said to the floor: "Seventeenth Young Master, please invite me. Your Majesty has arranged a good place for you."

The place is really good, a quiet little courtyard with no other houses around, and everything you need inside. Although it is not brand new, it is extremely exquisite.

The emperor really wants to fulfill his promise and let the foundation of the building see the collapse of the building with his own eyes.

Lou Chu sat at the table and didn't close his eyes all night, probably because he was afraid that he would commit suicide. Several eunuchs were patrolling back and forth outside the door, and occasionally peeked through the crack in the door.

Early in the morning, Lou Chu was taken to the Qinzheng Hall. This was the first time he had entered such an important place, but his status was not that of a minister. When facing the emperor, he did not need to kneel down or flatter.

The emperor was in high spirits and showed no sign of fatigue. The dance, grief, and anger last night seemed to have no impact on him.

"Lou Qing didn't sleep well. Was it because he chose the bed or because they didn't serve him well enough?"

Lou Chu shook his head slightly and refused to speak.

The emperor smiled and said: "You can stand next to me and wait for the good news with me. Oh, it may not be good news for you."

Lou Chu stood beside the couch, followed by two eunuchs. In fact, there was no need, he was no match for the emperor.

There was no one in the hall to say anything. The emperor played with a fan in his hand and said: "I sent King Xiangdong and Huangfu out of the city to reward the army. By the way, there is also your silly third brother. The Lou family thought Huangfu had thrown himself into a trap. The Huangfu family wants to lure the snake out of the cave, and Lou Wen will fall into my trap as soon as he leaves the camp to meet the messenger."

Lou Chu turned around slightly, and the two eunuchs behind him stretched out their hands nervously. Seeing that Lou Chu had no other intention, they lowered their arms.

"After all calculations, Your Majesty has the upper hand."

"It's a little late to flatter me now."

"I still have a few things that I don't know about."

"You feel free to ask, I will explain it clearly to you while I am free."

"Most of the generals in the camp are former members of the general. Only the general obeyed. Huangfu captured the general in front of the camp gate. Can he escape back to the capital?"

"This is exactly the problem of your Lou family, especially the problem of the general. He thought that by winning over the generals, he could control the entire army. But he forgot that this was in Luoyang, not Qinzhou. The army was invincible on all sides, so naturally the whole army was invincible. I had no fighting spirit. I changed the civil servants in the army, told them to be lenient, and paid the army in advance. I also let General Cao Shenxi, who was famous for his kindness, take charge of the army for half a month. People thought that I was afraid of offending the general. In fact, I let the army. Lieutenant generals should compare whether they should choose a moody general or a generous and generous court. "

"It's a great move, but it's uncontrollable."

The emperor laughed and said, "The general's trusted generals are only Duan, Guan, Sun, and Hua. Huangfujie has secretly recruited Generals Sun and Hua. If there is a mutiny in the camp, General Duan can be beheaded and General Guan will be kidnapped. "Tui Cao Shenxi is the master, Huangfu Kai is the deputy, and the king of Xiangdong is the guardian of the prince. What does Lou Qing think?"

General Duan is brave but lacks strategy, General Guan is cautious, and Generals Sun and Hua are wavering. This is General Lou Wen's judgment of these four people, the same as the emperor.

Lou Chi sighed softly, "Your Majesty must have been preparing for a long time."

"Twenty years, exactly twenty years, when I was still the prince, I have noticed that the important ministers in the court have different intentions. If they are not restrained, it will lead to chaos."

"The general has no objections."

"Hey, he has no rebellious intentions, but he is also not loyal. He thinks that the Lou family can share the world with the royal family and forever control the military power of Heaven. The Zhang family will serve as a shepherd and guard for him, providing food and clothing. Lou Chi, you have the intention of assassinating him. , It shows that you are ambitious and you should understand what it means to have power. I am ambitious and cannot act based on other people's faces. Qinzhou is originally a small chaos, but it is still unfair because of the indulgence of the general, which has delayed my northern expedition to merge the state. "


"I had expected that Shen Zhi would not return to the capital honestly, but it doesn't matter. It's okay to leave him alone, so that the ministers who return to the capital can feel at ease. After getting rid of the general, I will personally lead an army of 100,000 to Tongguan. In the name of entering the Qin Dynasty and quelling the chaos, he secretly sent 30,000 troops across the river to the Bingzhou government office and captured the entire Shen family within half a month. "

"I guessed that Your Majesty would lead the expedition in person, but I didn't expect that His Majesty had already planned a northern expedition."

"Although it is the easiest to lure the ministers to the capital and catch them all, the plan is too difficult. Even I find it difficult, so I have to leave one or two outside." These plans had been lingering in the emperor's mind for a long time, and he was finally able to speak them out, and he felt very happy. , "I want to apologize to you. I did meet the Princess of Wu and she was astonished, but I only saw it from a distance and never had any contact with her. Princess Wu has never seduced anyone. I lied to anger you, which is against the emperor's rule. Dao. From now on, I will follow the righteous path, the great road, and the way of heaven. After quelling the chaos and driving away the captives, I will change my situation and take it easy, just as Lou Qing said."

The emperor was so proud that he could be approachable. He cupped his hands and said, "If this is true, the world will be very lucky. Even if I die, I will have no regrets."

"Haha, you have some talent, but unfortunately, you are not the talent I urgently need, so I won't be able to keep you for too long."

"King Guangling is in jail, the general is captured, and all the ministers are uneasy. Your Majesty's plan won't end here, right?"

"Huangfujie and I originally arranged an assassination mission, but who would have thought that an assassin would come to our door on his own initiative? You don't know how happy I was when I heard that the assassin had recruited the Lou family and Prince Guangling. But Huangfujie was involved after all. "The evidence is conclusive. Tomorrow, when the Huangfu family is most proud and least defensive, we can capture it in one fell swoop."

Lou Chu imagined how unexpected and surprised Huangfu Jie must have been when he was caught, and he felt a sense of pleasure in his heart.

"As for the other families - Cao Shenxi can use it for a few more years. The Lan family is full of idiots and can be watched for a while. Xi Yun is deeply rooted in Jingzhou and can be imprisoned but not killed, and his branches are gradually cut off. The King of Jibei is my biological brother, far away If he is approached, he will be resentful. Let him stay in the guard for a few years. As long as he does not go too far, he can be dismissed from his post and return to his post, and give him a good death. "

The emperor was not talking to the foundation of the building, but to himself.

"Yizhou is a land of abundant resources. The people are abundant and the resources are abundant. The four fortresses are dangerous and solid. It cannot be left to one person. King Yidu must stay in the capital and then divide Yizhou into three parts. As for the King of Xiangdong, I will let him oversee the execution of King Guangling. , if he shows his brotherly love in public, the problem will not be big. If he holds back, he must have a different ambition in his heart, and he must plan for it early..."

The emperor was deep in thought, already thinking about things one year, ten years, or even a hundred years from now.

An eunuch came in and announced: "Sima Huangfu, who is on duty at the left of the palace, is asking for an audience."

"Come back so soon?" The emperor nodded.

Huangfu Jie ran in, panting and looking panicked.

The emperor stood up and asked, "What's the matter?"

"General, the general is not in the camp!" Huangfu shouted.

The emperor was stunned and turned sharply to the foundation of the building, his eyes burning with anger.

Lou Chu couldn't help but laugh. The general was not that easy to deceive, but how did his father spot the flaw?

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