Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 471 Gentleness

Princess Huanyan couldn't help but laugh, "The imperial court is in a precarious situation. If any party comes to attack, the Zhang family will have to use all their strength to protect themselves, but you ask me to let Prince Liang go? Alas, I don't know whether I should be happy. , it’s still sad, it’s like you’re telling a hungry person to eat less and not hold on.”

"I think you will not do nothing during your stay in Yuyang."

"I do try my best, hoping to have some room for maneuver, but - what would you do if it were you?"

"First, we must reconcile with the Sheng family."

"We reconciled. After the princess married to Huaizhou, the Sheng family sent a daughter to be a concubine. I personally came forward and swore to the Sheng family that we would be vassals to each other and prosper together. But it was useless. After noticing Liang Jun's movements, the court They frequently asked the Sheng family for help, and even asked Concubine Sheng to write to her father for help. However, the Sheng family insisted that Liang Jun's march north was just a feint, and his real intention was to compete with King Ning in Huaizhou, and instead asked the court to borrow troops from Shan Yu. "

"The King of Jin has lofty ambitions and will never truly obey Shan Yu."

"I thought about it and sent someone to contact him, but the King of Jin's ambitions were too 'lofty', he was hypocritical towards Shan Yu, and he didn't even have any intention of pretending towards the Tiancheng court. The envoy I sent didn't even dare to say I understand very well, and I am afraid that if King Jin turns around, he will report it to Shan Yu.”

"Tiancheng has reconciled with the Avatar Army, and Princess Fangde has gone there again to provide reinforcements."

Princess Huanyan smiled and said: "I might as well tell you the truth. I sent Princess Fangde there. I asked her to pretend to be a man, and together with Tian Jiang and others, claimed to be the envoys of the Huangfu family in Liaodong, and took a detour to Qinzhou. I am indeed right. The Advent Army there had hope, but Chanyu suddenly turned westward, and the Advent Army was defeated miserably in Xijing. The remaining troops fled north, farther away from Yuyang, and were of little help to Jizhou. "

"Lord Yin Fuyin led a group of Jizhou soldiers to join the Jishi Army. Has he contacted Yuyang?"

"Master Yin is still loyal to the court, but he lacks food and grass and cannot rush back to Jizhou. He is trying to persuade the Yang family in Liangzhou to provide help, but the Yang family is not at ease now. They dare not offend the He Rong tribe and face the Qiang people. The attack was too weak. Master Yin sent a letter half a month ago, saying that he was preparing to fight with the tribes outside the Great Wall. There was no news after that, and it was probably a disaster. "

"King Ning of Jiangdong is growing stronger. Lord Fei Zhenfei went to negotiate peace before. What was the result?"

"Master Fei went south with Lou Ji, Lou Ji stayed there, and Master Fei returned alone. King Ning claimed to attack Huaizhou and sent the Queen Mother to Yuyang, but it was just a claim. In the end, he led his troops west to Jingzhou, He didn’t even say hello to Yuyang, and the envoy I sent couldn’t be summoned.”

Xu Chu was silent.

Princess Huanyan sighed softly, "Thank you for your high opinion, but I really don't have the ability to turn things around. Prince Liang wants to marry me, so I have no choice but to obey his orders. I just have to make a few more requests."

"What request?" Xu Chu asked blankly, but he was still thinking about other things.

"I am the princess, and I cannot remarry just because I want to. Prince Liang wants to find Lou Ji. If he is dead, the matter will be simple. If he is alive, he must ask Lou Ji to write a letter of abandonment of the engagement."

"Prince Liang will definitely choose the 'easy' path."

"I don't care about that. I can't marry someone else without breaking off the engagement."

"What else?"

"In the current situation, if King Liang is defeated, Yuyang may still be able to obtain Shan Yu's forgiveness. If I marry him, there will be no retreat. He must first occupy the entire Bingzhou and be able to compete with the He Rong people before he can officially marry me. wife."

"The King of Liang is not in a hurry. He appreciates you very much and hopes to get your help to revive Liang together. He also said that he is willing to retain the title of Emperor Tiancheng and grant the three counties to establish the country."

"Without even a single stroke of the horoscope, Prince Liang already thinks that he is the emperor of Liang who dominates the world?"

"Anyone without such ambition would not dare to compete with the He Rong people."

"But his ambition was exposed early, making people doubt whether he has the ability." Princess Huanyan sighed softly, "It's the same for me, I have no choice. Is there a wife in Prince Liang's family?"

"Well, they got married when he was still Yue Fuhou."

"In the military?"

"In Dongdu."

"Dongdu is isolated and surrounded by enemies on all sides. He has brought his army to Jizhou. Dongdu is in more danger than Yuyang. Can he rest assured?"

"The King of Liang left his most trusted and capable general in Dongdu to protect his wife and children."

"Oh, I can't help myself after all. In fact, Prince Liang doesn't need to send you as a lobbyist. I'm not the kind of person who knows it's impossible. Princess Fangde can escape, but I won't."

"Actually, the princess might as well run away." Xu Chu blurted out.

Princess Huanyan was stunned for a moment, then showed a gentle smile that was rare in these years, "It's not enough to persuade one of them to leave, and you want me to escape from the marriage too?"

"The earth has collapsed, and there is no way to bring it back to life. You know this, why bother..."

The smile on Princess Huanyan's face disappeared, "If I can't bring him back to life, I will create another Tiancheng."

"Now that things have come to this, you still have illusions?"

"The Tiancheng Zhang family was originally a minister of the Qianliang Dynasty, with no more than a princely position and no more than a few thousand soldiers. How could Emperor Zhang Xi conquer the world if he didn't have any illusions? Nowadays, the heroes are divided into nine states, and everyone has illusions. You can see Who has the appearance of an emperor? Before Chanyu succeeded to the throne, he was just a barbarian king. In just one year, he became powerful in the world. He has no illusions in his heart. Xu Chu, I admire you for choosing to abdicate, but it does not mean that everyone I must learn from you. As long as Tiancheng is alive, he will be one of the heroes. I will not give up."

"Is it because of Shanyu's eldest wife?"

"Huh?" Princess Huanyan showed a hint of vigilance.

"I met Shan Yu's wife several times in the He Rong camp, and I always felt that she seemed to have a deep connection with the princess. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the princess refused to give up hope?"

"The eldest wife of the Shanyu is from the Shen family. Even if she is willing to be used by me, she is just a woman. She is just saying a few good words for the Tiancheng court in front of the Shanyu. How much concession can the Shanyu make with his ambition?"

"What if the strong-armed Chanyu dies suddenly like the old Chanyu? Not long after He Rong's tribes gathered together, people's hearts are not unified. Once something happens to the Chanyu, he will inevitably collapse."

"If I had such ability, I should have let Shanyu die suddenly when the He Rong people entered the fortress."

"The death of Shanyu will be of greatest benefit to Tiancheng after the He Rong people have eliminated all the heroes in the Central Plains."

Princess Huanyan smiled and said: "You still say that I have fantasies? Your own fantasies are even more bizarre."

"I'm speculating."

"Then you can speculate further. How can I make Shan Yu's wife kill her husband? What benefits can she get from it?"

"I speculate that the princess must have something to do with the eldest wife of Shanyu, which should be related to the death of old Chanyu. Once the evidence is made public, the eldest wife must be executed whether the eldest wife knows it or not to prove her innocence. The two eldest wives Her son is still young, and if she dies, her two sons will definitely fall out of favor, so if she doesn't want to die, there is only one way to kill Shanyu in advance and let her two sons succeed to the throne, but the timing is in the hands of the princess. "

Princess Huanyan showed a gentle smile again, "You, once you realize that I have a special ability, you will hold on to it, attach every detail you see to my head, and plan a conspiracy for me. . Do you know? When I read your article, I thought you were an old scholar, and then I thought you were an open-minded scholar. It wasn’t until after the assassination that I realized that you had more conspiracies than anyone else. "

"My guess is not accurate at all?"

"Shame comes from the heart, and your conspiracy only exists in your own heart."

"If, and I mean if, my speculation is even a little accurate, I hope you can take action earlier. The swarms of heroes will rise, the old ones will die, and new ones will emerge again, with more and more casualties. If you want to recreate Tiancheng, We can only use normal means, there is no trick.”

Princess Huanyan's face darkened, "I have used normal means. In Yecheng, I tried to 'use the people with time'. What was the result? When foreign enemies came, the people I protected did not protect the imperial court. Instead, they were recruited by outsiders. Before Attacking cities and plundering territory will of course cause more and more casualties. Only in this way will people in the world miss Tiancheng. Although Tiancheng's founding of the dynasty was short-lived and the Emperor of All Worlds did not care about the people's strength, compared with today's troubled times, those twenty years will be long. It will become a peaceful and prosperous era in everyone’s memory.”

Princess Huanyan breathed out gently and her expression returned to normal, "Tiancheng may really be able to bring the dead back to life."

"So, my guess is not entirely wrong?"

Princess Huanyan sneered, "So what if they are all right? Do you still want to assassinate me again? Why don't you do it now? I will sit here and kill me, and all the conspiracy will disappear."

"You know I wouldn't do anything like that again, especially not to you."

"Are you worried that after my death, no one will reveal the truth? The wife of a Shanyu will not kill her husband, and no one among the heroes in the Central Plains can be the opponent of He Rong's army, right?"

Xu Chu was silent for a moment and then said: "If Shanyu has an accident, fewer people will die, but Kyushu will eventually rely on strength to repel foreign enemies without any conspiracy."

Princess Huanyan smiled and said: "You use your method and I use mine. Maybe one day we will have a confrontation. That would be interesting."

"Prince Liang..."

"No one needs you to worry about." Princess Huanyan said a little sternly, "If King Liang needs you to protect him, he will die at the hands of others sooner or later. If King Liang is the hero of the world and can bring peace to the world, who can touch him? I I would also like to marry such a person.”

Since Princess Huanyan came to power, she has always kept her emotions and anger secret, and today is an exception. But she felt that enough was enough, and said calmly: "Go and ask Prince Liang to come back, and tell him that I agree to the marriage, and it will be done later." Announcement, but don't say who it is yet, just say that King Liang will marry the daughter of the clan. After he has dealt with Louji, he can get engaged. When he takes over Bingzhou and can compete with Shanyu, he will talk about the marriage. Those who have great ambitions will not talk about it. Although I am a woman, I understand this truth. If you don’t love yourself, you certainly don’t love others. Please give up the last selfish thoughts in your heart, Mr. Xu, and use your own method to calm the world, without caring about anyone. "

Xu Chu stood up, cupped his hands and bowed deeply, "I will defend Xiangyang to the death."

Princess Huanyan smiled slightly, "I will defend Tiancheng to the end."

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