Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 485: Self-sacrifice

After several rounds of drinking, Song Chuzhu invited Xu Chu outside the tent, "As long as the rebels are willing to leave Xiangyang, the Xi family will provide a batch of armor, cotton-padded clothes, and food and grass. If they go to Jiangling City, the gifts will be doubled." ”

"The Xi family will eventually surrender to Shan Yu?" Xu Chu guessed.

"Well, it is said that the King of Jin arranged it. The Xi family wants to destroy Xiangyang's defense and claim credit from Shanyu."

Xu Chu sighed softly. Although the power of Ma Lao Machete was not very great, his influence was quite extensive. If he left, it would probably cause fatal cracks to the Xiangyang defenders.

"When does Ling Yue plan to leave?"

"Just these two days, let's see when the Xi family will deliver the 'gift' to the place."

"He doesn't want to join the Xi family?"

"Ma Lao Machete? How can he, a third-generation bandit in his family, defect to the officers and soldiers?"

"Can't Madam Ling persuade him?"

"It's no use trying to persuade him. The old man said that he chose his son-in-law and supported him. If he wants to do a big business, he should find his own way and don't use his capital. He said these things in front of me. I I can’t even refute it. Alas, I seem to have entered the Zauma family.”

"What are General Song's plans?"

"To be honest, I'm on the fence right now, so I'd like to hear your opinion."

"Why did General Song start the uprising?"

"I... I'm just taking advantage of the situation."

"Then why do you still hesitate? Ling Yue's choice is correct. It is better to stop when you are ready than to take risks to defend a dangerous city."

Song took the bamboo and said nothing.

Xu Chu waited for a while, then took out a small bundle from his arms and handed it over. Song Qizhu took it in his hand. He knew what was inside before opening it and said in surprise: "The treasure seal is still in your hand?"

"General Song decides whether he wants it or not."

Song Qizhu held the treasure seal firmly in his hand, "I have been thinking about it these days. I thought Mr. Xu gave it away, so I gave up this idea. Now that it is back in my hands - Don’t worry, Mr. Xu. I heard that you are going to Yizhou to borrow troops, so go ahead, I will never leave Xiangyang.”

Xu Chu handed over.

Song Qizhu said again: "There is something I almost forgot to mention. Let's invite Mr. Xu and Mr. Guo to leave early tomorrow morning. You have brought too much property. Putting it here is simply a temptation. You didn't see many people's eyes. It’s all straight, Ma Lao Ma Ke Dao will inevitably not be tempted.”

"I thought they were grateful to me."

"Haha, gratitude is gratitude, but the rules of their profession are different from Mr. Xu. They may kill Mr. Guo, seize the property, and then give you a share. If you accept it, you will be friends of life and death from now on. If you don't If you show any displeasure, you are looking down on them. No matter how deep friendship or gratitude you have, there will be no need for them.”

"I understand." Xu Chu smiled.

The two returned to the tent and continued drinking. Xu Chu drank less and had already lost the favor of everyone. However, Guo Shifeng was able to make friends with these people and talk about strange people and anecdotes in the world. Amazed.

After the banquet, Xu Chu and the drunk Guo Shifeng stayed in the guests' tent.

"Brother Guo, go to bed early and we'll leave early tomorrow morning."

"Why worry? One day, I can persuade Ma Lao Machete to stay in Xiangyang."

"The Xi family has been here."

"I know." Guo Shifeng said with a smile. Because he was drunk, his smile was a little incomprehensible. "Those people are not strict with their mouths. I asked a few questions. But it doesn't matter. These people are greedy. A little persuasion can make them Take away the Xi family’s belongings and go to Prince Ning.”

"The property Mr. Guo brought with him may have been coveted."

"Haha, there's a problem if they don't move." Guo Shifeng suddenly stood up, ran outside to vomit for a while, and then came back and said, "These belongings are the 'smart teeth' I used to persuade them to defect to Prince Ning."

"Brother Guo doesn't plan to take him to Yizhou?"

Guo Shifeng was very drunk and said with a smile: "Brother Chu comes from a noble family. He occasionally walks among the people and only sees the surface. I'm afraid he has never come into contact with too many people in the world, right?"

"There really isn't much contact."

"Actually, there is only one important rule when dealing with Jianghu people. Everyone knows it, but you can't say it. Saying it will hurt the friendship."

"Is there such a rule?" Xu Chu was a little interested.

"Brother Chu is not a Jianghu person, so it doesn't matter if I tell you. Remember, when dealing with Jianghu people, you must give everything you have without any ambiguity. Even if you just frown, the friendship will be ruined. If someone takes your things, you should not return it. Thank you."

"Giving everything you have? Isn't this too high a request?" Xu Chu was a little surprised.

Guo Shifeng laughed, remembering his experience of being in the world, and sighed again, "I figured out this rule after going through a lot of hardships, but no one explained it to me at the time. Giving everything is actually a gesture, not a real surrender. If you hand over all your belongings, wouldn’t you become a fool?”

"I kind of get it."

"For example, two people meet by chance and appreciate each other. What do ordinary people do? Praise each other, pass name tags to each other, you treat me today, I treat you tomorrow, and enhance the friendship bit by bit. People in the world don't do this kind of slow work. They need to be drunk. Hugh, then he took out all the money he had and gave it to the other party, even took off his clothes and went home shirtless. If he didn't have anything, he borrowed it. He couldn't borrow it quietly, but he had to borrow it in a big way to show his true qualities as a hero. "

"What about the party who got the benefit? Doesn't he need to pay it back?"

"It has to be repaid, and the sooner the better, because your reputation has spread, and you owe someone a big favor. It has to be sooner, and it's just money. It has to be later, and you might have to sacrifice your life to repay it. If you really don't repay it, your reputation will be ruined and you will not be able to gain a foothold in the world. "

"Jianghu people also have a theory of name and reality." Xu Chu said with emotion.

"This is just a simple example. It's actually more complicated. People in the world especially value reputation. Today you give everything to me, and tomorrow someone will give everything to you. This is a cycle."

"There is always a time when the cycle cannot continue, right?"

"Haha, so people in the world of Jianghu have to deceive, kidnap, and rob people who don't abide by the rules and don't understand the rules, so that this cycle continues. When this method doesn't work, then there will be a big war, all friendships will be destroyed, and everything will start again. "

"So, Brother Guo has already given away dozens of carts of property?"

"Nothing will be left behind, not even the horses that pull the carts will be given to the leaders."

Xu Chu was surprised and said: "I was sitting next to you, why didn't you notice?"

"Brother Chu still doesn't understand. Since it's a gesture, of course you have to do it to the best of your ability. Giving everything you have is just a matter of one sentence. If you mention one more word, it will appear to be insincere."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "I am a layman, what next? How does Brother Guo plan to continue the 'circulation'?"

"All the leaders now know that I am a Jianghu person, and Prince Ning is also a Jianghu person, and he is a Jianghu person who knows the rules. Unlike the Xi family, they think they are great after giving some food and grass, and put forward many conditions, completely ruining the friendship. Brother Chu, just wait. If I say a few words tomorrow, I can encourage Ma Lao Ma Ke Dao to lead his troops to rob the Xi family’s property, and then surrender to Prince Ning.”

"Won't they leave Xiangyang and hide in the mountains?"

"As long as Prince Ning comes, they will not leave." Guo Shifeng lay on the bed with his clothes on, closed his eyes, and murmured: "People in Jianghu love face and reputation. In fact, it is best to deal with them. You have to dare to give, and you have to dare If you want, give everything you have today, and let them pay with your life tomorrow. On the contrary, it is difficult for ordinary people to deal with them, especially scholars. There are too many rules, too trivial, and difficult to deal with..."

Guo Shifeng snored loudly and had fallen asleep.

Xu Chu blew out the oil lamp, took off his boots and went to bed. After thinking about it, he decided not to remind Song Qizhu and let him make his own decision. Xu Chu wanted to know if Song Qizhu also belonged to the Jianghu people.

Early the next morning, Xu Chu said goodbye and continued to visit other camps, agreeing to return within two days and go to Yizhou with Guo Shifeng.

There is a camp that Xu Chu must go to, and he cannot go with Guo Shifeng.

An advance team of Liang Jun escorted the grain and grass south, and had camped dozens of miles outside Xiangyang City. It was the farthest away from the city, but at least it was there. As a result, news of the fall of Dongdu soon came, and the Liang Army was immediately trapped. A dilemma.

Xu Chu rode to Liangying alone without anyone, and arrived at the location that afternoon.

This Liang army only had more than a thousand men. They had sufficient food and grass, but their morale was extremely low. When they saw Xu Chu, they were all overjoyed and gathered around to inquire about the situation. The general came to drive away the soldiers and took Xu Chu to his tent.

Xu Chu did not hide anything, and roughly told the story of the fall of Dongdu.

The general's surname was Yu Mingyuan, and he was very familiar with Pan Kai. He never believed the rumors. After hearing Xu Chu's story, he reluctantly admitted the fact and sighed, "General Pan, that's General Pan. How could it be... how could it be possible... "

"Everyone is at fault in this matter, but now is not the time to argue. Besides, everyone in the Pan family died at the hands of Prince Ning. There is no point in pursuing it."

"Mr. Xu..."

"General Yu, don't be suspicious. If I had gone to Prince Ning, I wouldn't have come alone today."

Yu Yuan cupped his hands and said, "The friendship between Mr. Xu and the King of Liang is as deep as Pan Kai's. I have no doubts about Mr. Xu. I am about to ask Mr. Xu to show us a way to see the King of Liang. It is said that the King of Liang is now in Bingzhou." , I am from Bingzhou Liang..."

"The bright road is not in Bingzhou, but in Xiangyang."

"What do you mean by this?" Yu Yuan asked in surprise.

"From here to Bingzhou, the road is difficult and difficult. With only a thousand people going north, it is very difficult. Now there are many heroes in Xiangyang, and there will be more in the future. King Ning is about to lead his army. If he wants to establish his reputation, he will not dare to attack the rebels. . Instead of going north, General Yu would be safer if he defended Xiangyang and raised the Liang flag."

Yu Yuan was shocked, "This... what Mr. Xu said is reasonable, but... let me think about it, let me think about it carefully. Mr. Xu, please rest for a while. There will be a banquet in the evening. We can take care of Mr. Xu and discuss it together." ”

Xu Chu didn't try to dissuade him. He stood up and said, "King Ning is moody and will be killed if he doesn't surrender. He will be killed if he surrenders. He needs to take dangerous measures to have a chance of survival. General Yu must bear this in mind."

"I will consider it carefully. Mr. Xu is full of tricks. Your chance of survival is a sure way of survival for me."

Xu Chu resigned and went to rest in his tent. He was used to living in a strange tent and could fall asleep when he fell down. But he didn't want to rest now. Thinking about the current situation in Xiangyang, he just felt like a mess with no way to start.

Someone came in. Xu Chu thought it was a banquet set up over there. He stood up and was about to speak when he realized that the person who came was an acquaintance.

The fortune teller Liu Youzhong cupped his hands and said with a smile: "The fourth brother came a little late. This Liang army has already switched to the Jin Dynasty."

Only then did Xu Chu understand the true meaning of Yu Yuan's so-called "people from Bingzhou".

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