Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 491: Great Defeat

The next afternoon, Xu Chu was allowed to say goodbye to Guo Shifeng - Kou Daogu only took him to see the Chanyu and had no interest in the other counselor.

The two did not have time to say too much, Xu Chu said: "I advise the King of Shu to postpone entering Jing for one day. If Brother Guo can fight for another day or two, the situation may still turn around."

Guo Shifeng smiled bitterly and said: "Every extra day is more difficult."

"There is no way, I will see the King of Shu first, so it is simpler, Brother Guo has to do it reluctantly."

"Well, the first thing is how to see the King of Shu. If he leaves me at Kuimen Pass, I can't use my ability to reach the sky."

"Do your best and leave it to fate."

Xu Chu was taken away.

The next morning, Xu Chu was escorted to Kou Daogu, and the carriages and horses were ready. There were more than a dozen He Rong people and hundreds of Central Plains soldiers accompanying him.

Guan Daogu had already said goodbye to the King of Shu. Seeing Xu Chu, he shook his head slightly, revealing a trace of contempt.

Although Xu Chu was a prisoner, he was riding in a normal vehicle, not a prisoner car. He traveled very fast all the way and had almost no rest. After nightfall, he stayed in the post station. County officials came to visit him, but Kou Daogu refused them all.

There is a plank road in Yizhou that leads directly to Hanzhou. When he arrived at the pass, it was several days later. Kou Daogu came to visit Xu Chu and sighed: "The battle of Xiangyang may have ended at this time."

Xu Chu had not received any news these days. He was in a state of anxiety, but his face remained calm. "With the strength of Tiancheng, it died in one day. Although the Shanyu has many troops, he is not as strong as Tiancheng. How long can he be rampant?"

Kou Daogu shook his head, "Mr. Xu's words are very low. I think he is confused."

Xu Chu smiled and had no way to refute.

The plank road was difficult to walk on, but fortunately there was no obstacle in front and no pursuers behind, so he walked very smoothly. Once he entered Hanzhou, he was not far from He Rong's army, and the news suddenly came overwhelmingly.

A Jizhou army, which was recruited by the Chanyu to guard the checkpoint, shouted loudly when they saw the envoy team: "Xiangyang was defeated! Xiangyang was defeated!"

Led by a dozen He Rong people, the soldiers cheered, and the Jizhou soldiers shouted again: "It was us who were defeated. The Chanyu has already led his troops to Xiangyang."

Everyone was shocked. After entering the city, Kou Daogu immediately went to see the general guarding the city to ask for details.

The guards could not explain the specific situation. They only heard that the armies of Bing, Ji, and Qin states that were ordered to attack Xiangyang were defeated at the same time. The Chanyu was furious when he received the news and immediately dispatched troops to the east. They just set out yesterday.

There were various stories circulating among the soldiers in the city, one more exaggerated than the other, and the morale of the army was obviously shaken.

Kou Daogu came back with a sullen face and ordered to set off immediately and rush back to the camp.

The Chanyu only had time to take away more than 10,000 elite cavalry yesterday, and a large number of troops and horses remained in the camp outside Hanzhong City.

The group abandoned their cars and rode on horses, traveling for a day and a night. Many people fell behind on the road. When they arrived at the camp the next afternoon, only more than 20 people were left.

Xu Chu was not allowed to fall behind. He changed horses but not people. When he finally stopped, he was so tired that his limbs were numb and his mind was blank. He couldn't think of anything.

After being sent to the tent, Xu Chu fell asleep without caring about how he would be treated next or how the battle of Xiangyang would progress.

When he opened his eyes again, it was dark all around. Xu Chu thought for a while before remembering where he was.

He went back to sleep.

This time he didn't sleep for long. He heard footsteps in his drowsiness. He immediately turned over and sat up and put on his boots.

Two He Rong soldiers came in and spoke loudly. Xu Chu didn't understand, but roughly understood that he was asked to follow them.

It was late at night outside, but the camp was not quiet. There were knights running and shouting everywhere.

Xu Chu was taken into a big tent, and the soldiers did not follow him in.

More than 20 people gathered in the tent, standing or standing, all of them were generals from the Central Plains, and Xu Chu recognized several of them.

No one paid attention to Xu Chu, and after a while a childish voice came from the innermost: "Master Xu! Master Xu, come here."

The emperor's younger brother, Yuyang King Zhang Geng, sat on a thick blanket and waved to Xu Chu.

Xu Chu walked through the crowd and approached, bowed and smiled: "How is the Prince of Yuyang?"

"Sit down." Zhang Geng said.

Xu Chu sat on the left hand side, looked at the person opposite, and bowed again: "Lord Huangfu, long time no see."

Yingguogong Huangfu Jie turned his head and whispered to the Prince of Yuyang: "This man is a serious criminal wanted by the Chanyu, and your highness should not be too close to him."

Zhang Geng smiled and said: "Although I am angry with Master Xu, the Chanyu, I also have some respect for him. It is not certain whether he will be killed or used. Besides, we are in a similar situation now, so let's not avoid suspicion."

"The Prince of Yuyang is a distinguished guest of the Chanyu, how can his situation be similar to mine?" Xu Chu was a little surprised.

"It's all Shen Dan's fault. He was defeated in Xiangyang, and all the people in the Central Plains can no longer be trusted."

"I still don't understand what happened in Xiangyang."

"It was a big defeat... General Huangfu, you tell me."

Huangfu Jie then looked at Xu Chu, still a little reluctant, "I still don't know the details. Anyway, the Jin army was defeated and retreated dozens of miles. The Chanyu led his troops to support them. On the way, he sent back an order to send all the generals in the Central Plains to the big tent."

"I am actually a general in the Central Plains?"

Huangfu Jie sneered.

"Why is Kou Daogu not here?"

Zhang Geng sighed: "He is the teacher of the Chanyu's son and is protected by the Queen."

"Prince Yuyang..."

"Don't mention it, I just touched the child. It looks like a beating, but it's just a flick. He doesn't know why he keeps crying. The Queen is very angry and hasn't seen me for several days." Zhang Geng himself is a child, but his tone is like an adult.

"I see."

"Yuyang has caused so much trouble for me. He couldn't even defend a small town. He actually surrendered to Marquis Yuefu. He lost face and even hurt me..."

Huangfujie advised: "Shan Yu is fair in his dealings and will not offend His Highness because of this."

Zhang Geng also realized that his words were a bit excessive and nodded: "The Chanyu didn't say anything to me. It's just that the imperial court seems to be weaker, so he still had the nerve to send someone to ask for help."

Huangfu Jie said: "The imperial court was forced to surrender to the rebels, so of course it has to come to Shanyu for help."

Xu Chu opened his mouth and said, "My son Huangfukai was defeated in Yuyang, and Shanyu didn't say anything?"

Huangfujie's expression changed and he snorted.

Zhang Geng said with a smile: "The Chanyu deprived Duke Ying of his military position and said that the imperial family was unwilling to serve the He Rong tribe and deliberately lost to Liang Jun."

Huangfu Jie's face became even more ugly, "My son fell into the trap and was defeated. Sooner or later, the debt will be settled."

Although the Central Plains generals were all sent to the big tent, they were not too alarmed, thinking that this was just a temporary move. Shanyu would release them when he arrived in Xiangyang and found out that the defeat there had nothing to do with the Central Plains soldiers here.

There was a sudden noise outside, and someone ran to the door to inquire. He quickly turned around and said, "The Yizhou Army is crazy. They actually attacked the camp at night!"

"Maybe because I heard that Shan Yu was leading his troops to Xiangyang, I thought there weren't many people left in the camp, right?"

"I guess so. There is not enough food and grass in the city, and if we continue to use it up, we will be dead."

Xu Chu said to Zhang Geng: "It's strange, hasn't the King of Shu surrendered to Chanyu? Why doesn't Chanyu want to relieve the siege?"

"Maybe... the Shanyu is unwilling." Zhang Geng looked at Huangfu Jie.

Huangfujie explained helplessly: "Although the King of Shu surrendered, Hanzhong City did not surrender. Even after receiving the order from the King of Shu, it refused to open the door and instead shot the envoy. Therefore, the Chanyu refused to relieve the siege and issued a strict order that the city must be breached. Leave no one behind.”

Zhang Geng lowered his lips and said, "The Yizhou army is really stupid. They know they are outmatched but refuse to give in. In the end, they will all be killed and will be called disloyal."

Xu Chu listened to the sounds outside, but the noise gradually faded away. This night attack obviously did not have much impact on He Rong's camp.

Zhang Geng reached out and poked Xu Chu, "Where have you been these days? Everyone is looking for you."

"I... entered Han and Yi from Qin, took a boat to Jingzhou, went north to Luo and Ji, and then came back the same way."

Zhang Geng was stunned for a while, then suddenly laughed, "Mr. Xu also likes to brag."

Xu Chu smiled and Huangfu on the other side said: "He is not bragging. He was indeed present when Liang Jun attacked Yuyang. I asked about it from the imperial envoy."

Zhang Geng was taken aback, "It's thousands of miles back and forth, you... why bother?"

Xu Chu patted his legs and said, "They can't stay idle."

"They have to relax this time, Shanyu won't let you go again."

Xu Chu was always concerned about external affairs and did not answer the conversation. Zhang Geng kept nagging on his own, talking about his own affairs, with Huangfu Jie helping him.

Xu Chu suddenly felt strange that Huangfu Jie was one of Tiancheng's "six ministers". Although he had been losing power, he still did not please Zhang's children, so he said to Zhang Geng: "Congratulations to King Yuyang."

"Huh? Why are you congratulating me for no reason?"

"Chanyu is dissatisfied with the Yuyang court and wants to make King Yuyang emperor, right?"

Zhang Geng's eyes lit up, and then his expression darkened, "It's all rumors. There is no certainty at all. Who did you listen to?"

Huangfu said: "Your Highness, don't listen to him. He doesn't know anything and is trying to trick you."

Zhang Geng was greatly disappointed, "I thought... I don't care about this kind of thing. The emperor is good, and he is Shanyu's brother-in-law. Even if he makes a mistake, he will be forgiven. Where can I get my turn?"

Someone at the door shouted: "King Yuyang, Xu Chu, come here!"

Zhang Geng was surprised, "Why are we just called two of us?"

Huangfujie reminded in a low voice again: "Your Highness, don't be surprised. I think that person is a guard of the middle palace."

"The palace is fine." Zhang Geng stood up and walked to the door with Xu Chu.

The guard led the way, and the two followed him out of the tent.

There was no change in the camp. The cavalry were running around to prepare for the road and go to catch up with Shanyu. It was as if the night attack just now had never happened.

As expected, the two were taken to Shan Yu's eldest wife's tent.

The tent was smaller and as warm as spring. The eldest wife sat in the middle, with a pair of twins sleeping beside her. Several servants looked after them carefully, and four guards guarded the door.

Kou Daogu was also there, sitting on one side, closing his eyes and concentrating, like a statue.

Zhang Geng is a child after all. When he saw Shan Yu's eldest wife again, he was both happy and afraid. He knelt down and kowtowed, "Forgive me, I was not so naive that day..."

"Forget it, sit aside." The eldest wife said.

Zhang Geng felt relieved and sat next to Kou Daogu.

The eldest wife looked at Xu Chu and said for a long time: "I sent you to Liangzhou because I wanted to kill you there."

"I know." Xu Chu nodded.

"But you're not dead. It must be God's will that sent you back again. I changed my mind. I don't want to kill you now. I want to exchange you for something."

"I'm worthless."

"It's not valuable to others, but it's not necessarily true for Princess Huanyan."

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