(Thanks to the readers for the popular tip "Bing Da Shou". Please collect and recommend.)

When he woke up, most of Lou Chu's ambition and fighting spirit disappeared, and he began to doubt whether the entire plan could be realized. Fortunately, Ma and Guo didn't rush him, so he didn't have to worry.

As soon as the Mid-Autumn Festival passed, the Yuxue Hall suddenly became busy. No one knew why, but the East Palace actually became interested in these students who were not on the "right path" and invited them to gather at Qianzi Lake in ten days. They also asked a question, Everyone is required to write an article that is useful in the world, and will be judged by the East Palace. The three people in the first class will receive the honor and go directly to the prince to state their opinions.

The prince is just seven years old, and he probably can't read articles, but that doesn't matter. If he can gain the common sense of the officials in the East Palace, it will be like getting a way up, and it will be worth waiting no matter how long.

Wenren Xuexue has been relatively lazy recently, so he took the opportunity to give the students a holiday and steal a few days of leisure for himself.

Lou Chu did not go home and stayed in the library to write an article. He had already had an idea in his mind, and he wrote it into a draft. He planned to polish it in two days and then submit it.

When he turned around, Lou Chu saw a smiling face.

"Master Lou's article... is really well written." Zhou Lu praised.

"Thank you." Lou Chu stood up and blocked the wet ink on the paper. Only then did he realize that the other students had left, leaving only him and Zhou Lu.

Zhou Lu was very ignorant and tried to bypass the foundation of the building, "Let me read your article and let's discuss it."

The foundation of the building stood still, Zhou Lu looked over for a while, "Using... people... with time, um, a good topic..." The more he read, the harder it became. Zhou Lu shrank his head back, took two steps back, and said with a smile: "Master Lou, I'm not just blabbering, but what's the use of writing this article?"

Lou Chu was imprisoned, and it was useless no matter how good his articles were. He did not need to be reminded. He had never forgotten this matter. He turned around and put away his drafts and pens. "As a minister, I only want to devote all my energy and consideration to my heart, regardless of whether it is useful or not." ”

"Haha, you said this in front of me... You should write these sentences in the article. Dong Gong will definitely like it."

After tidying up the floor foundation, he picked up the book box and said goodbye.

Zhou Lu refused to give way, and the smile on his face became even more flattering, "Master Lou, don't go. You have finished writing your article, and you are idle. Why don't we go drink together? I have a jar at home that was just sent from Fanbang. It’s good wine. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we cooked wine and discussed it?”

Lou Chu was bullied by Zhou Lu when he was a child, but now he is not afraid of him, "I'm not interested, I have other things to be busy with."

Seeing that he couldn't please him, Zhou Lu said directly: "I want to buy this article from you, please set a price."

"Go find someone else."

Zhou Lu shook his head and said with a smile: "It has to be you. Among us, you and Ma Wei have the best articles. Scholars and scholars never praise others, but when I read your articles, I often nod my head. Everyone reads them. In the eyes."

"Then you go find Mavi."

"Hehe, Ma Wei is a person with high eyesight. He always thinks that he is the emperor of Liang Kingdom. He is not easy to deal with. He is not as easy-going as Mr. Lou..."

The "easy-going" Lou Chi ducked around Zhou Lu and strode out of the school. No matter how he shouted from behind, he refused to look back.

There was no one at home, so I took out the draft and polished it again. It felt good. I believe that this article will definitely rank first in the East Palace evaluation ten days later. As for whether I can see the prince and whether it can bring good luck in the officialdom, He didn't care, it was one of his principles: never be vague when writing.

Early the next morning, Ma Wei sent someone over to invite him, and specifically reminded Lou Chu to bring the article with him.

"Cooking wine and discussing articles" requires selecting people, so Lou Chu happily went there. As soon as he arrived at Ma's house, he immediately exchanged articles and read them.

"Brother Ma is so bold. These five items point directly to the shortcomings of this dynasty." Lou Chu praised, but was not so impressed with his article. Confidence.

Ma Wei smiled calmly and said: "They are all clichés. This dynasty or the previous dynasty, which dynasty did not have these shortcomings? But Brother Chu's article - do you really want to hand it in like this?"

"Of course, 'Utilize the people to benefit the times' is more cliché, there's nothing too extreme about it, right?"

"Haha, if we change the dynasty or the emperor, Chu's article would not be too much. I would also say that it is outdated, but in this dynasty, it is too bold. Today, we are celebrating great achievements, with endless battles and construction. , endless transfers, and the words "use the people for the sake of time" are the most disliked. Brother Chu should still remember that an official last year was demoted just because he wrote a few words in a memorial about "caring for the people." The emperor was displeased and sent people to beat him dozens of times afterwards. "

"Master Shi Luo, the Imperial Attendant? I remember, but I don't have an official position, and the East Palace is not the emperor, and--the longer some things stay in your heart, the more worthless they become."

Ma Wei put away his smile and said, "This is why we cannot accept the imprisonment. It's not that the ministers are disloyal to the emperor, but that the emperor does not use his ministers. What's more, we are not ministers of the Tiancheng Dynasty. We are full of ambitions and have nowhere to carry them forward - brother Chu, have you thought about it?"

Lou Chu nodded, "Guo Shifeng...is it credible?"

"I have known him for many years and can vouch for him. Brother Guo comes from a poor family and has lofty ambitions. Unfortunately, the court does not love talents, so he has no choice."

"Okay, but I don't know when I can approach Lou Zhongjun."

"Understood, this kind of thing cannot be rushed."

"Also -" Lou Chu felt this was very important, "Don't add any more people."

"Don't worry, Brother Chu. There are only three of us... No, there is also a hero who wields a sword and is a knight. When the time is right, I will introduce him to Brother Chu."

The two chatted for a while, then Ma Wei turned around and took out a package from the cabinet, put it on the table and opened it, revealing the gold and silver jewelry inside, smiling without saying a word.

Lou Chu was a little confused, "Brother Ma, are you trying to bribe me? It seems... not enough."

Compared with the danger of assassination, this treasure is indeed small.

Ma Wei smiled and said: "The friendship between you and me as gentlemen is about friendship and ambition. When have you ever discussed these external things? If this matter is revealed, your life and mine will not be safe. If this matter is completed, we will have glory and wealth. This point This thing is for Brother Chu to take care of the people in the general’s residence.”

Although he is the son of a general, Lou Chu has no status in the family. If he wants to get close to his brother Lou Kang, he really needs gold and silver to clear the way.

The foundation of the building was silent, and Ma Wei explained: "This is not Brother Guo and I's money. We are both very poor. This is a small gift from King Guangling."

"That's what I'm worried about, King Guangling..."

"Brother Chu, don't you think highly of King Guangling?" Ma Wei smiled and tied the package, "The King of Guangling is polite and virtuous, and everyone expects him to return. When the late emperor was still alive, he had many thoughts of changing the crown prince, but the ministers insisted on passing on the son rather than the younger brother. Let the emperor ascend the throne. Over the years, King Guangling has been deeply suspected and had to go out to Jiangdong. Now he has 100,000 elite soldiers under his command, and great things will happen. "

Lou Chu shook his head slowly, "The emperor has been afraid of King Guangling for so long, so he will not be unprepared for him."

"That's why we need to assassinate you all at once and respond internally and externally. Brother Chu, don't worry. You only need to find out the emperor's whereabouts. You don't need to come forward for other matters. If everything fails, I will try not to implicate you."

Lou Chu said seriously: "If I had been timid, I would have reported it to the official a long time ago. I'm afraid Brother Ma would have been tortured in prison by now. Success requires courage, and planning requires cowardice. If you don't think clearly in advance, you will definitely fail when the opportunity arises."

"I know Brother Chu is not a timid person." Ma Wei bowed his hand and apologized, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have dragged Brother Chu into the water. Please rest assured, Brother Chu, I will take good care of Guo Shifeng and King Guangling."

Lou Chu thought for a while and pushed the package back, "It's not needed yet."

Ma Wei didn't insist, "Put it here, brother Chu can take it whenever he wants. This matter - is it settled?"

"Wait a minute. If I can successfully approach the general of the Chinese army, the matter will be settled. If there is no result, it means that I can't help. Please ask Brother Ma to find someone better."

"Although the world is vast, it is difficult to find a confidant. Without Brother Chu's participation, I will withdraw and let Guo Shifeng find another assassin for King Guangling."

Lou Chu left after dinner. Ma Wei couldn't help but said when he saw him off: "Brother Chu's article... don't cause trouble, especially at this time."

Lou Chu smiled and did not give an answer. For him, the things he was sure about rarely changed. Because of this, he did not have many friends around him and had few contacts with relatives at home.

Today, someone insisted on "associating" with him.

Zhou Lu came to visit with two servants. He had been waiting for a long time. The old servant at Lou Chu's house recognized Mr. Zhou, so he welcomed him in, served tea and water, and served him very attentively.

Lou Chu was surprised, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Lu stood up to greet him as if this was his home. He held his hands and smiled and said, "I have been classmates for many years, and this is my first time to visit your house. Mr. Lou, don't be surprised."

Lou Chu ordered the old servant to boil water, put down the book box, and said: "My articles will not be given to anyone."

"It's not 'gift', it's 'sell'. Look, I brought all the money." Zhou Lu pointed to a plate on the table with copper coins piled high on it, like a small mountain.

Lou Chu was furious and was about to drive him away with his money when he suddenly changed his mind and asked, "Do you really want my article?"

Zhou Lu was overjoyed and immediately said: "Yes, if Mr. Lou thinks the money is not enough, I will add more."

"How did you identify my article?"

"Didn't I say it before? Among us, your articles are the best. Several academics in the library once commented that among the students over the years, Mr. Lou, Mr. Ma, and one have already left. Guo Shifeng of the museum is the most outstanding and can be called the 'Three Heroes'. Unfortunately, bad luck has made it difficult for the three of them to get ahead, so I think..."

Zhou Lu said casually, but Lou Chu was shocked. The so-called "three heroes" among scholars were actually the three people who conspired to assassinate him.

Lou Chu took out the manuscript and said, "Take it."

Zhou Lu immediately took it in his hand, his face shining with excitement, "Young Master Lou is very loyal, please accept the money. If you need money in the future, just ask."

Lou Chu shook his head, "Take the money too."

Zhou Lu was confused, "No money...what do you want?"

"I don't want anything. I just hope that my article will be treated fairly."

Zhou Lu frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly realized, "Haha, Mr. Lou, don't worry, as long as I sign my name, this article will definitely get a first-class rating. There's nothing to say, I'm a friend of yours, and when I become a successful person, I will definitely not Forget about this friendship. As for the money..."

"If you don't take it away, I will throw it out."

"Since Mr. Lou said so." Zhou Lu put the manuscript in his arms, asked the servant to come in and pick up a plate of copper coins, and said to Lou Chu: "Let's have a few drinks together."

"I'm not in the mood today. Mr. Zhou, walk slowly."

Zhou Lu had already received the manuscript and had no intention of staying. He smiled and said, "Then I'll leave another day."

Lou Chu was sitting at home, trying to compose another article, but slowly his thoughts drifted away, and he actually came up with a way to get close to his third brother, Lou Ji, but it was a bit risky.

"In this life..." Lou Chu murmured, feeling that nothing could be more risky than assassination itself.

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