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It wasn't until he walked out of the palace, got on his horse and was about to go home that Lou Chu fully understood the emperor's intention. He turned around and saw that his third brother Lou Jian was very proud and had no fear at all. He still thought that the Lou family had won the emperor's favor - Lou Chu repeatedly After careful consideration, I realized that no one would believe what I said.

Unless Mrs. Lan comes forward to testify.

But this path quickly proved unworkable.

Lou Jian would rather ride a bullock cart. The two bulls pulling the cart are all white, with not a single hair on them. They have four tall horns, inlaid with a lot of gold and jade. They flicker in the sun and can shine at pedestrians on the opposite side from a distance. To announce the arrival of the general of the Chinese army, the cow's back was covered with brocade clothes, which was equally gorgeous.

The royal family often uses horse-drawn carriages, and ministers like to ride in ox-carts. There is no second such car in Luoyang.

Lou Gang waved his brother over and said in a brother's majestic tone: "Stay at home tonight and follow me out of the city to see my father tomorrow."

"Yes, Madam, will you come back home too?"

Lou Jian looked at his younger brother coldly. Mrs. Lan was his biological mother. Even if the other brothers called themselves "mother", they would not be treated like sons. "No, you are still in the palace with the Queen Mother. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Lou Chu smiled, planning to talk to his father again.

The group stopped in front of the Chinese Army General's Mansion. Lou Ji dismounted and helped his brother. Lou Ji didn't know what he was thinking along the way, but said to his brother: "Your Majesty looks up to you. You have to cherish it, but don't think that this means you will be successful." , There is still a long way to go, you have to listen more and see more, do you understand? "

Even at this time, Lou Jian's biggest concern is still competing for favor.

The foundation of the building cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your teaching, brother. I will keep it in mind, my foolish brother."

"Yes." Lou Jian pushed his brother aside majestically and went back to the house.

He mounted the horse again and returned to his new house. The red lantern in front of the door was still there, indicating that a wedding had just been held here. The servants who were not familiar with him greeted him with smiles, and the old servant who was very familiar stood beside him with tears in his eyes... …

No one noticed the danger. They had more confidence in the Lou family than Lou Jian.

In the bedroom, a strange maid saluted him and asked: "Master, you have worked hard. Master, do you want to have a meal? Is it here, or in the living room?"

"Here... no, no, the living room." Lou Chu looked at the guarded Fang Dejun Zhang Shiqing and her personal maid beside the bed in surprise.

"When...you came?" Lou Chu asked his "wife".

Zhang Shiqing's face did not have the joy and shyness of a newlywed wife. Her childish face was not even suitable for a woman's hairstyle. "My family forced me to come. They..." Zhang Shiqing couldn't continue and shed tears silently. The little girl beside him Huan comforted her while glaring at his uncle.

In order to temporarily appease the general, the emperor didn't care about the happiness of a princess. He was probably angry now because Zhang Shiqing and his daughter acted cleverly and ruined the emperor's plan.

He stood up and went to the living room to eat. He waited until it was dark and finally had to go back to the bedroom to rest.

There were bright candles in the bedroom, and the decoration still looked like a wedding room. Zhang Shiqing, with tears still wet, sat on the edge of the bed and sobbed, while the little maid stood aside and whispered comfort.

Seeing Lou Chu coming in, the two of them raised their heads, looking even more alert than before.

Lu Chu sat on the stool beside the table, "You guys sleep on the bed, and I'll sleep here. I'm leaving the city early tomorrow morning. I don't know when I'll be back, or I may never come back."

"It would be best not to come back." Zhang Shiqing choked up.

Lou Chu breathed out, still unable to resolve the embarrassment, and couldn't help but ask: "Is it so sad to marry me?"

"I...I...no one else is willing to marry you, but I am the only one who has no choice but to marry you. How can I not be sad?"

Lou Chu understood that the girls of these clans had a close friendship and even had the same ideas. Once someone was despised by them, it would be despised by everyone. Zhang Shiqing was still young, so of course he was not exempt from the custom.

Once Zhang Shiqing spoke, he no longer wanted to endure it, "They kept saying it was for my own good, but when they forced me to get married, they wanted to beat me out with a broom. My mother would only cry, my father would only get angry, and my brother would not stand. From my side, Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Zhang Shiqing cried harder.

Lou Chu didn't know how to persuade a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, so he could only sigh softly, "Everyone can't help themselves."

Zhang Shiqing was holding back his tears while saying, "Why can't you help yourself? You must be very proud of being able to marry me."

Lou Chu could not help but laugh twice, "There are not many things that Lou is proud of in his life, and marriage is not one of them. Even if he marries a princess, it is just a matter of clinging to a dragon and a phoenix. He will not lose even half of his life."

Zhang Shiqing was stunned for a moment, then burst into tears and said to the little maid: "He thinks I'm not a princess!"

The little maid didn't dare to say anything to his face, she would only glare.

Lou Chu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he simply got up and went out, saying as he walked: "'First there are people to persuade, and then there are words to persuade.' This is indeed true."

The night was getting colder and colder, and the servants had all rested. Lu Chi was pacing back and forth in the courtyard alone. The courtyard was not big enough to accommodate his pace. After a few laps, he felt bored. When he was about to go to the living room to sit for a while, the little maid opened the door. He came out and whispered: "Princess, please... Young Master go back to your room and rest."

Lou Chu couldn't be serious with a little girl, so he went back to his room, sat down at the table, and said, "Get some rest. We'll talk about anything later."

Zhang Shiqing at least stopped crying. He nodded silently, put on his clothes and got into bed, pulling the quilt over him. The little maid was lying at her feet. She blew out the candles on the floor and was not sleepy.

I don't know how much time passed, but Zhang Shiqing suddenly said on the bed: "That sentence was said by Princess Huanyan."


"'People who can be persuaded, words that can be persuaded', that is a sentence said by Princess Huanyan, I remember it very clearly, because the eldest princess said that this sentence is not good, not loyal enough, there has always been a rule that the king chooses his ministers, how can the ministers choose the king? The ministers should fulfill their duties and should not ask the emperor whether they can be persuaded."

"Well." Lou Chu said without thinking about the origin of this sentence, it seemed to have been hidden in his heart for a long time.

There was another long silence.

"Why don't you marry Huanyan?" Zhang Shiqing asked.

"Uh..." Lou Chu couldn't answer.

"You two are a perfect match. Among so many sisters, only Princess Huanyan thinks you are talented and praises you as an extraordinary person in front of the eldest princess."

"This is what I mean by being helpless."

"You can go and ask the emperor. His Majesty is so good to you that he even keeps you in the palace. His Majesty will listen to whatever you ask."

After all, Zhang Shiqing is just a little girl. Lou Chu doesn't care about her contempt. Instead, he sympathizes with her experience. "Is your Majesty better to me than to Prince Duan?"

Zhang Shiqing didn't say anything. Prince Duan's fate was a big blow to them, the children of the royal family. The most solid backing collapsed, and the dust was filled, which would not dissipate for a long time.

Lou Chu fell asleep unconsciously. When he woke up, he found that he had an extra coat on his body. I don't know who of the master and servant put it on.

Zhang Shiqing didn't sleep well and looked haggard. Seeing Lou Chu sitting up, he didn't say anything and sat on the bed in a daze.

Lou Chu didn't say anything either. He put down his coat, went to another room to wash and change clothes, and came to the General's Mansion of the Central Army early to wait for his third brother.

Lou Hard woke up, but refused to get up immediately. He ordered someone to prepare breakfast for his Seventeenth Brother, as he wanted to stay in bed for a while longer.

The servant was very enthusiastic about the Seventeenth Young Master. Although breakfast was just a bowl of noodles and a few side dishes, there were more meat slices in the bowl than noodles. After serving it, he apologized: "I was in a hurry and there is nothing to prepare. Please make do with it, Seventeenth Young Master."

Lou Chu was indeed very hungry, and he was not polite. He ate a bowl of noodles and drank two cups of tea. He felt much better, but his third brother did not show up yet. He could not help but ask the servant who was waiting on the side: "Does the General of the Central Army always get up so late?"

The servant smiled and said: "The Seventeenth Young Master is not an outsider, so it's okay to say it. A few days ago, we bought a few Jiangdong beauties, and the General of the Central Army was busy. He only had the opportunity to enjoy them last night. He was probably tired, haha."

Lou Chu smiled, but he was wondering if the emperor would come after hearing the news. But he didn't even know Ma Wei's safety now. If he rashly went to the Yuefu Marquis' Mansion, it would only bring trouble.

The emperor was one step ahead. Lou Chu was already tied up and could only wait for the opportunity, if there was still an opportunity.

At noon, Lou Ying finally came out. He looked much kinder than yesterday. He patted his belly and smiled at his brother, saying, "You came early. It's my fault. I didn't tell you clearly that father is not in a hurry. We can just get there today and see him off tomorrow."

"Dad is going to war early?"

"It's only one or two days early. Dad said that General Lan returned to the capital and Qinzhou lacked a commander. Therefore, he wrote a letter and was willing to lead 20,000 vanguards to Xijing to calm the morale of the Qinzhou army. If there is a chance, we will fight a few battles first to destroy the fighting spirit of the rebels and pave the way for the follow-up army."

The two brothers actually knew that the general was eager to leave Dongdu. As long as he had the army in his hands, the farther he was from the emperor, the safer he would be.

It was already afternoon when they arrived at the military camp. The general was very busy and had no time to see his two sons. Lou Ying went to drink with familiar generals, under the pretext of winning over his father's subordinates.

Lou Chu had nothing to do, and he couldn't walk around in the military camp, so he went to find his staff member Qiao Zhisu.

Qiao Zhisu was always so enthusiastic about the Seventeenth Young Master. He took him to his tent and said privately: "It seems that the Lou family has escaped a disaster again. After the expedition tomorrow, the court will not be able to control the general for a while."

"Can we really set off tomorrow?" Lou Chu still felt suspicious.

There was no one around, and Qiao Zhisu still lowered his voice: "No problem, the prince will set off with the army, and there will be General Huangfu. The general will not let him leave."

"General Huangfu has been staying in the camp?"

Qiao Zhisu nodded, "After rewarding the troops yesterday, the King of Xiangdong returned to the city. General Huangfu was forcibly detained by several of us and invited him to drink. When the general comes back, he can't leave. This morning, Huangfu Jie entered the camp to join the army and wanted to replace his father. The general decided to take them all away and make a decision when they arrive at Tongguan."

After Tongguan is Qinzhou. No matter how to deal with the Huangfu family, the emperor is helpless.

"The general is the general. Some things cannot be explained, but the general is always invincible." Qiao Zhisu smiled, no doubt in his heart.

Lou Chu originally wanted to get support from Qiao Zhisu, but now he has given up. Looking around, he can't find anyone to persuade. Only Madam Lan may listen to his opinion, but she is in the palace and dare not leave the Empress Dowager for a step, and the emperor will not allow her to leave the palace.

He can only continue to wait.

"I brought a man named Guo Shifeng two days ago. Can I meet him?"

"Sure, Mr. Guo is also the general's staff now." Qiao Zhisu smiled.

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