Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 495 Zhou Family

Before the Central Plains army and siege equipment arrived, the Chanyu led his army to capture Xiangyang City. There are many different opinions on the details. The most popular one is that the Chanyu led the troops and roared when he rushed to the city on horseback, and the city gate split open by itself, leaving a passage...

The servant who delivered the message was very happy, and the soldiers in the post station were also happy. Several people who were celebrating the glory shouted loudly, as if they were echoing their companions in the distance. The people of the Central Plains celebrated with each other. For them, although there was no reward, they avoided a dangerous siege.

After the servant left, Zhou Yuanbin turned around and asked, "Is this a good thing or a bad thing? It's definitely a good thing for the Chanyu, but what about us?"

"It's hard to say."

"After conquering Xiangyang, the Chanyu will be very happy. If the Queen goes and confesses, there will be a greater chance of being forgiven, right?"

"Have you ever thought about what will happen to you and me if the Queen is forgiven?"

"Well...if the Queen is fine, we will be fine too, right?"

"Can the Chanyu trust you and me as much as he trusts the Queen?"


"The Queen is eager to get rid of the current predicament and has not thought about how to deal with you and me. When she is forgiven by the Chanyu, she must ensure that the inside story will not be leaked. By then, you, me and the leaker will be the thorns in the eyes and flesh of the Chanyu and his wife."

Zhou Yuanbin's expression was a little stiff, "Maybe not. As long as those letters are found, there is no evidence to prove the matter, and the Chanyu doesn't have to worry about us talking nonsense to the outside world."

"He Is it the Chanyu, who can tolerate even the slightest accident? "

"Hey, if the Queen is not forgiven, won't we be even more miserable?"

"If the Chanyu wants to solve the problem once and for all, he should make the Queen's crime public and then execute her. Since the secret is public, there is no need to worry about leaks from now on."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. The Chanyu's love for the Queen is extraordinary, and it can even be said to be... attached. He will never kill the Queen."

"Then we have to kill all the insiders."

Zhou Yuanbin couldn't laugh, and thought for a while and said, "The biggest insider is Princess Huanyan who is far away in Yuyang..."

"The Chanyu has another reason to break through Yuyang and establish a new emperor."

Zhou Yuanbin suddenly laughed dryly, "The Queen reminded me that you would do everything you can to seduce me. Haha, I almost fell for it..."

Xu Chu smiled, "General Zhou is much more familiar with the Chanyu and his wife than I am. I just reminded them."

"The wine is cold." Zhou Yuanbin also reminded them.

Xu Chu glanced at the broken pieces of the cup on the ground and shook his head, "I'm full, sorry I can't keep you company."

Xu Chu returned to the bed and sat cross-legged, closing his eyes to rest.

There was no sound in the room for a long time, Zhou Yuanbin seemed to be in a daze, and from time to time there were shouts outside the room, which were the soldiers in the post station celebrating the victory of Xiangyang.

The door rang, Zhou Yuanbin went out, the door rang again, Zhou Yuanbin returned, and the interval between them was nearly an hour.

Xu Chu opened his eyes and saw snow on Zhou Yuanbin's body, and asked, "Is it snowing again?"

"Heavy snow." Zhou Yuanbin replied coldly and sat back in the chair. Soon, a servant brought a charcoal stove. Zhou Yuanbin burned the fire to keep warm and heated the wine. He did not invite Xu Chu, and drank by himself. After he could no longer pour a drop of wine, he threw the pot aside and said, "It turns out that the Queen wanted to kill me last night."

"Huh?" Xu Chu pretended to be confused.

"I spent a lot of money to get the servant of the Queen Mother to tell me the truth. It turns out that the Queen Mother wanted me to kill you and then get rid of me..." Zhou Yuanbin suddenly picked up the cup and threw it to the ground. "We are a family! I am loyal to her. The Zhou family is dissatisfied with her. I mediated and let the Shen and Zhou families recognize her status and give her all help... Haven't I done enough?"

"Zhou Canjun has done enough, but the Queen Mother only has two sons in her heart."

"Hey, she only has herself in her heart. Do you think I don't know how she secretly harmed the old Chanyu? Long before she had the intention to kill, she spared no effort to climb up. She felt that He Rong, who was strong at the time, was not worthy of her. Whenever she had the chance, she would sneak into the old Chanyu's tent..." Zhou Yuanbin finally took some face into consideration and didn't say anything else.

Xu Chu didn't ask either.

After a long silence, Zhou Yuanbin asked, "Mr. Xu, do you have any good ideas?"

"This is your family affair. I am an outsider and cannot say anything."

"Alas, Mr. Xu, don't be stingy with your words at this time. I know you must have an idea." Zhou Yuanbin stood up and walked over, whispering mysteriously, "The Zhou family has a close relationship with the He Rong tribe. I can't escape and there is nowhere to escape, but Mr. Xu can go far away. I can let you go."

"The Queen left a lot of people to guard the post station, right?"

"The Zhou family always gets a reward for the price they paid. The Queen didn't expect how close I was to her servants. You saved me, and you saved yourself."

Xu Chu thought for a while and shook his head, "Too risky , Zhou Canjun dare not do it. "

"I am about to die, what else can I not do?" Zhou Yuanbin was a little anxious, sitting on the edge of the bed, and said eagerly: "Many He Rong adults do not like the Central Plains. Even if the Chanyu wins battles and occupies a large area of ​​land, they are not happy. Some of them have high status and are elders in the tribe. "

"Is it them who once pleaded for the King of Jin?"

"Yes, these elders stayed in the army and did not return to the frontier, saying that they wanted to gain experience, but in fact they did not trust the Chanyu and wanted to supervise him. The elders are all in the He Rong tribe, and all the adults are related to them, and they are juniors. Whoever they save, they will definitely save..."

"What is their relationship with the old Chanyu?"

Zhou Yuanbin was at a loss for words. Most of the elders were of the same generation as Lao Shanyu. They were as close as one family. Some of them were really brothers of Lao Shanyu. If they heard that Lao Shanyu was killed, they would never forgive the murderer. He Rong The Zhou family members in the ministry, regardless of gender, will all be implicated.

"The middle palace mistakenly told me about the Zhou family." Zhou Yuanbin sighed, "Mr. Xu must have a clever plan."

"I have no clever plan, I just see the only way out. Otherwise, the Zhou family has no way to protect themselves."

"Please give me some advice, Mr. Xu."

"The truth behind Lao Shanyu's death must not be exposed."

"That's right, but Mr. Xu just said that if Shan Yu reveals the truth, he will only kill one person in the middle palace, let's..."

"The Chanyu may not kill anyone again. Where are the lords of the He Rong tribe? Where are the elders?"

"I was confused, Mr. Xu continued, the truth must not be exposed."

"The only solution now is to bite the bullet and move forward."

"Well, let's go forward...where to go?" Zhou Yuanbin looked confused.

"The only direction."

Zhou Yuanbin was still confused, "There are no outsiders here, just the two of us..." Zhou Yuanbin suddenly stood up, walked outside to check around, then came back and closed the door, "It is true that there are only two of us. I even checked the next room."

"The Zhou family has already killed a Shanyu and has no choice but to kill him again."

Zhou Yuanbin was shocked, his body swayed, and he almost fell. He stretched out his hand to hold the table, but did not speak for a while.

Xu Chu didn't say much and sat on the bed to wait.

"This inappropriate." Zhou Yuanbin finally came to his senses and shook his head repeatedly.

"I said that Zhou Shenjun might not dare to do it."

"This is not something you dare to do, but something you can't do. Although there are many Zhou family members in the He Rong tribe, most of them are women, and they are several layers away from the strong-armed Shanyu..."

"There is no barrier between the Zhonggong and Shanyu."

Zhou Yuanbin smiled bitterly and said: "It's just that the palace refuses to help..."

"Suppose the strong-armed Shanyu is killed, how can the Zhou family maintain its position in the He Rong tribe?"

"I... haven't thought of this yet."

"Zhou joins the army if he wants to."

"Well... we must establish another Shanyu who is friendly to the Zhou family. I have three or four choices."

"Who else is closer to the Zhou family than the two sons of Zhonggong?"

Zhou Yuanbin was stunned, "Of course, but it's still the same problem. The Zhonggong won't help, and will betray me to Shan Yu."

"What about when Zhonggong is desperate?"

"If the Zhonggong can obtain Shan Yu's forgiveness, there will be many ways, unless...unless..." Unknowingly, Zhou Yuanbin had begun to seriously consider this extremely bold plan, "What did Mr. Xu think when he assassinated him? "

"I just wanted to get rid of the tyrant, so I failed miserably."

"Mr. Xu succeeded in assassinating him, so why was he completely defeated?"

"Although I got rid of the tyrant, I failed to support a wise king. I gained nothing, fell into the world, and caused chaos in the world. There is no greater sin."

"Unless the Emperor of All Things dies, the world will be in chaos. Ci Jia just made the world into chaos earlier."

"Nevertheless, if I have another chance, I will think more about it. It has a beginning and an end."

Zhou Yuanbin sat down slowly, "Mr. Xu is right, there is a beginning and there must be an end. It's just not enough to save your life and mine. We also have to save the Zhou family and even the King of Jin."

"Is there any news from King Jin?"

"King Jin... Alas, in fact, King Jin wanted to lead his troops back to Bingzhou, so he deliberately suffered a huge defeat. However, the Chanyu arrived too quickly, and the Jin army was not ready yet. He Rong's cavalry has arrived."

"At that time, Chanyu only had more than 10,000 troops."

"This is called understanding after the fact. No one knew it at the time. The King of Jin and the other heroes thought that they were all the He Rong cavalry, so they were defeated and fled. The King of Jin did not dare to resist. Now that Shan Yu is staying with him, he is afraid It’s more bad than good.”

Xu Chu wanted to strike a few words while the iron was hot, but he swallowed his words again. Some things must be thought through by the other party. Otherwise, even if Zhou Yuanbin is tempted, he will regret it when he leaves the room.

Zhou Yuanbin sat there in a daze for a long time before saying: "What I stake is the lives and futures of the Zhou and Shen families. If Mr. Xu lies to me..."

"The facts are all in front of you. I will point out a way. As for whether this road is accessible and how to go, it is entirely up to Zhou Canjun to decide. What can I lie to you?"

Most of the things were asked by Zhou Yuanbin to others. Whether to blame Xu Chu or not, Zhou Yuanbin was still hesitant, "I'm not that kind of person. Our Zhou family are all businessmen, only...only..."

Zhou Yuanbin sighed, in the whole Zhou family, only Shanyu's eldest wife dared to do anything.

"Zhonggong's two sons are still on the way. Maybe... Mr. Xu, how long do you think we have left?"

"This place is not far from Shanyu's camp. Zhonggong will be there soon. After she confesses the truth, Shanyu will probably be furious for a while before he can start to solve the problem - as little as two or three days, as long as seven or eight days ”

Zhou Yuanbin stood up and said, "Everyone is going to die. You can't wait to die!"

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