Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 511: Martial Arts Competition

Cao Shenxi led a decoy force to fight with the tribes outside the fortress. During the retreat, he left a large amount of baggage and property behind, which caused the enemy to rob them. After they dispersed, Jin Shengnu's Shengshi Army and Yin Fu's Jizhou Army intercepted from behind.

This is the plan.

However, the tribes outside the wall did not belong to each other. Some of them did not pursue the decoys. Instead, they detoured to the camp behind the World Army and broke through in one fell swoop. They captured a large number of people, including Colorful. Princess Fangde followed the Golden Saint on the expedition, but escaped instead. Pass a tribulation.

Seeing that the tribes were powerful, Binfen was worried that they would pursue the World Army again, so she identified herself as a princess, hoping to deceive her for a while. However, she was never recognized. Even when she met the disciples of Fan Clan in Hanzhou, she was also recognized. It was identified as Princess Fangde herself.

On the way south from Qinzhou, more news came, saying that the Shenshi Army and the Jizhou Army had won a great victory, but Cao Shenxi was unfortunately killed in battle, and the specific situation was unknown.

As for the Yang family's participation in the war in Liangzhou, there are even more divergent opinions, and Colorful cannot guarantee the truth.

In short, Qin Bei's battle was mixed with victory and defeat, and the situation did not seem to have improved much.

Xu Chu asked Ma Qigu to take Fenfen away, and revealed his intention to go north to Song Qizhu and Guo Shifeng: "The eldest wife of Shan Yu was just borrowing a knife to kill people and get rid of her biggest opponent, King Zuo Xian, rather than actually withdrawing from the Central Plains and abandoning the three northern states." Prefecture. Now there are Zhang family, Liang Wang and Jin Wang in Hebei and Binzhou, which is at least a constraint on the He Rong people. The weakest is Qinzhou, which will also be the most important channel for the He Rong people to enter and exit the fortress, so I want to help The Jishi Army and the Jizhou Army."

Guo Shifeng said: "Mr. Xu, be careful. This trip passes through the three states of Yi, Han and Qin. They are all chaotic places. An accident may occur if you are not careful."

"Only in chaos can we have opportunities." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Song Qizhu did not persuade him, but said directly: "How many people does Mr. Xu need to bring?"

"Two followers are enough."

"I have to pick two reliable people."

"Thank you, General Song."

"Mr. Xu, please be careful on the road. You would rather go back the way you came, rather than risk going deeper."

Xu Chu smiled and nodded, "General Song must also be careful. If the Xi family really joins forces with Prince Ning, their strength cannot be underestimated."

"It's okay if the Xi family doesn't come. If they really come after me, I will seize Jiangling City." Song Qizhu said proudly. Seeing that the two of them seemed suspicious, he explained with a smile: "The three thousand people I left behind are all mine." A group of brothers and my father-in-law’s old tribe are mostly bandits, and we will go into the mountains to hide. When the time comes, I’ll ask Guo Changshi to act as a decoy and lead the Xi family’s army deep into Xiangzhou. I will take a detour to seize his lair.”

"What if the Xi family has a large number of troops in Jiangling City? Xi Yun is also a treacherous old man and will not particularly trust Prince Ning."

Song Tizhu smiled again, glanced at the door, and lowered his voice slightly, "To be honest, I used to go to Jiangling City often. I met many people there and even got married."

Xu Chu and Guo Shifeng were both surprised.

Song Qizhu said hurriedly: "There is no word of matchmaking, and there is no official visit to the court, but it is not a casual marriage. Although her family is not rich, she has many relatives, so she can be my internal agent."

Guo Shifeng said: "How many heroes have been ruined by a word of sex. General Song must not make the same mistake again."

"I don't expect her family. There are several Jiangling people among my subordinates who can help."

Song Qizhu was from Jingzhou and was quite confident in attacking Jiangling. Naturally, Xu Chu and Guo Shifeng would not interfere much, and the three of them chatted until late into the night.

Song Qizhu left first, while Guo Shifeng stayed behind and said to Xu Chu: "Brother Chu has a good eye. This General Song is quite ambitious, and he can and dares to employ people. I hope he can persist, but..."

"But what?" Xu Chu asked with a smile.

"A little exaggerated, too heroic."

"Haha, no one is perfect."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I want to lead troops south to Hunan and Guangzhou. Alas, this is not the plan in my heart."

"Brother Guo was originally going to take a detour to join King Liang, right?"

"Prince Liang is my last resort."

"Assisting the King of Liang is just sticking to Ji and merging the two states. It is also like being the hero of one party and relying on others. It is better to build your own business."

"Hebei and Heping at least have a chance to win the championship. Hunan and Guangzhou are really on one side. But I still want to thank Brother Chu for giving me this opportunity. You are right. It is better to start your own business than to rely on others. Hunan and Guangzhou No matter who the two states are dedicated to in the future, it will be a great contribution to the title of marquis and prime minister - I hope Brother Chu has not made a mistake. "

Xu Chu slept a full sleep and didn't get up until noon the next day. Kou Daogu had already said goodbye and left, and he could leave.

Song Qizhu arranged for two followers, one of whom was his distant relative with no serious name and was known as "Song Wushou" - much less than Qianshou - who was very knowledgeable in the world and familiar with the world, and the other was Ma Qigu My cousin, known as "Tongueless" Ma Jin, actually has a tongue and can talk, but he is very honest, carrying a lot of luggage, and did not say a word for a long time.

There were three people and four horses, one of which was carrying the horse for the ceremony. Song Wushou ran in front. Before leaving, he said, "I can't find a hundred boats to cross the river. I have a way to find a small boat to go to Yizhou. Mr. Xu walks steadily behind, and there will be ships to greet him when he reaches the river."

Xu Chu started talking several times on the road, but the only responses he got were "um", "yes", and "ah". After all, he didn't understand what Ma Jin's voice was.

It was already dark when we arrived at the riverside. Song Wushou greeted us and found the boat. "The boat is not big, so Mr. Xu will make do with it."

It was a slender civilian boat. It was hidden somewhere before, but it actually escaped the fire of King Ning and the conscription of the Yizhou Army. There were several boatmen, all of whom were not good-looking. They were quite polite to Song Wushou, and to Xu Chu and Xu Chu. Ma Jin ignored it.

The boatman could not carry the horses, so they stayed on the shore to serve as ship's wages. Xu Chu went into the cabin to rest, and only heard the laughter and laughter outside. Most of the time, Song Wushou was talking. The boatman occasionally replied a few words, but Ma Jin didn't say a word.

On the afternoon of the second day after sailing, the ship encountered a warship from Yizhou. Song Wushou no longer dared to say that he was a relative of Song Qizhu, so he directly mentioned the name "Xu Chu and Xu Gongzi" and asked to see General Tiejie Tieer.

The Yizhou soldiers did not know that Xu Chu had defected to Song Qizhu. Some people remembered that he was a guest of the King of Shu, so they took him to the ship and sent him to Kuimen Pass.

As a result, they arrived one day late, and Tie Zhi had already left for Jindu City. The remaining general was still Li Shengguo, who lamented the death of the Shu king with Xu Chu, and generously provided horses and soldiers to send Mr. Xu to chase General Tie Er.

Tie Zhi was obviously impatient and marched very fast. Xu Chu was late at every step and never caught up. By the time he arrived at Jindu City, he was two days behind Tie Zhi.

Far away from Jindu City, Xu Chu and others heard rumors that the city gates were closed and entry and exit were prohibited. It seemed that a war was about to begin. The people were looking for places to hide, and they were panicked.

Tie Yuan, who had been staying in Hanzhou for a long time, brought some Yizhou soldiers back to Yizhou a few days ago, and was immediately imprisoned along with some important generals. However, his subordinates who stayed outside the city refused to admit the general's crime and took the posture of attacking the city. , the city was panicked and immediately closed its doors. They wanted to wait for the King of Shu's decree, but what they waited for was the news of his death.

The situation suddenly became more complicated.

Naturally, Xu Chu would not enter the city and led his people straight to the military camp outside the city.

You can feel the chaos in the camp from a distance. The camp door is wide open, and people are running in and out all the time, all of them looking nervous.

Xu Chu was escorted by more than a dozen Yizhou soldiers, so he was not stopped and entered the camp smoothly. He found that many fences had been erected in the camp, and soldiers were guarding behind the fences, apparently to be wary of each other.

Song Wushou asked about Tie Zhi's whereabouts, but no one knew.

The little leader of the guards was worried and said to Xu Chu: "The situation is not right. Many soldiers in the camp don't seem to be from Yizhou. General Tie Da was captured when he entered the city. General Tie Er's whereabouts are unknown. I'm afraid there will be trouble in the camp. Why don't we go first?" Go out and wait and see for a while."

"I haven't heard that General Tie Er has entered the city. Please ask your acquaintances. I really can't find General Tie Er. Let's make plans later."

The little leader went to look for acquaintances, while Xu Chu and others stayed where they were. They were able to enter the camp gate, but it was difficult to walk around freely. There were fences and vigilant soldiers everywhere, and soldiers with swords and guns often passed by. For this little leader, The group of "guests" looked at her again and again.

The little boss never came back. Suddenly someone in the distance shouted loudly: "The fight is starting! The fight is starting!"

The soldiers at the gate of the camp all ran in one direction.

Xu Chu was curious and stretched his neck to look into the distance. Song Wushou, who was standing next to him, said, "Mr. Xu, wait here for a moment. Lao Jin and I will give you a look."

Ma Jin said nothing, but when Song Wushou walked away, he followed him.

The shouting in the distance became louder and louder. It didn't sound like they were fighting each other, but more like they were cheering for someone.

The little boss still didn't show up, so Ma Jin ran back alone, came to Xu Chu and said directly: "Xu Dashi and Du Heimao."

Xu Chu was stunned because he remembered these two names, one was the Hundred Eyes King and the other was the Sun King. They were both leaders of the New World Army. They actually went to Yizhou, especially Xu Dashi, who was ruthless and had a relationship with Ning Bao. It was somewhat similar. Du Heimao was probably very afraid of him, but for some reason he got into a fight.

"Are they two competing in martial arts?"


"Tie Yuan unexpectedly brought the World Army over... I'll go take a look." Xu Chu stepped forward. The Yizhou soldiers escorting him looked at each other and did not follow. Only Ma Jin grabbed the two bags on the ground and hurriedly chased after him. superior.

A large number of soldiers gathered in front, with three floors inside and three floors outside, and the noise was loud.

Song Wushou came over and said, "The winner is about to be decided..."

Before he could say anything, the crowd suddenly cheered loudly.

"Xu Dashu wins." Song Wushou said. He just squeezed in and took a look. Xu Dashu had the upper hand.

The crowd dispersed to make way for a passage, and Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King Xu Dashi rode out alone, holding a long spear with a severed hand on the tip. His appearance was not majestic, but at this moment he was as fierce as a ferocious god, making everyone who saw it tremble with fear. .

"Is there anyone who is not afraid of death?" Xu Dashu reined in his horse and shouted loudly.

The crowd gave way a few more steps, and no one came out to challenge.

"Don't care whether they are from Qinzhou or Yizhou. Anyone with blood will follow me to attack the city and rescue General Tie Da and the others. They have knives and guns in their hands. Why do they talk with their mouths?" Xu Dashu cursed. , "After half an hour, the entire army will attack the city. Anyone who refuses to obey orders will be killed by everyone!"

Xu Dashi looked around, and everyone shouted "attack the city".

Xu Chu stood in the crowd watching, and was suddenly pulled from behind. "Mr. Xu, aren't you afraid of death?" the man whispered, dragging Xu Chu out.

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