Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 516 Broken Chain

Xu Chu lay on the ground and slept for a while. When he woke up, there was sunlight coming in from outside. When he opened his eyes, he saw Tang Weitian's angry eyes - he was not staring at Xu Chu, but at the door.

Xu Chu stood up and found that everyone else in the room was guarding the door. Among the prisoners, only Tang Weitian was bound by chains and could not move.

There were muffled shouts outside, mixed with a woman's crying.

Xu Chu was greatly surprised, but everyone listened attentively, so he couldn't ask questions, so he listened carefully and could barely hear a few words, but he still didn't understand.

The sounds outside gradually faded away, and several people at the door returned to sit by the wall, all of them sighing.

"What's going on?" Xu Chu asked.

Tang Weitian's anger was still lingering, "Sir, do you think there are no good people in the Zhang family?"

"Which Zhang family?"

"The Emperor Zhang's family."

“There are bad guys and there are good guys.”

"Hmph, why haven't I seen a single good person? Is King Yidu's daughter named Zhang?"


"All three daughters are named Zhang?"

"I guess so."

"No one is a good person. Not long after the death of the King of Shu, one of the two generals of the Tie family was imprisoned in the city and the other was detained outside the city. The three women named Zhang actually wanted to divorce their husbands."

"Hive off?" Xu Chu was a little surprised.

"Young master, you must be surprised that there is such a thing as divorce!"

Xu Chu was not surprised at all. He himself had been "divorced" once. Coincidentally, he was also the daughter of the Zhang family.

"Why are you laughing?" Tang Wei asked in surprise.

Xu Chu said: "At least this daughter of the Zhang family cried a few times."

"What's the use? Didn't you hear how angry General Tie was? He has always had a good temper and never got angry with anyone. Is this the first time he got angry?"

The others nodded, and one person said: "I have known General Tie Da for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have heard him so angry. Madam really made him angry."

"She's divorced, so what kind of wife is she?" Tang Weitian raised the chain with both hands, shaking loudly, "If I see her again, I'll beat her to death with one fist!"

"Maybe she couldn't help herself." Xu Chu said.

"Huh? She came to divorce her husband on her own, how could she not help herself?" Tang Weitian was angry, but he did not dare to get angry at Xu Chu.

"It was Che Quanyi's arrangement for the third daughter of King Yidu to marry the King of Shu and the two generals of the Tie family. It is probably his idea to divorce her husband now."

"Yes, the chicken bus is the worst!" Tang Weitian shook the chain again, "The old guy once asked us to accuse the general of having the intention to usurp the throne. None of us agreed. We would rather be imprisoned together. Why can't King Yidu's daughter do this? ?”

"Yeah." Xu Chu was actually a little puzzled. He had never met King Yidu's daughter. He only heard a few words from Tie Zhi and got a letter to the daughter-in-law of the Xi family. He always felt that these three daughters His temper may be similar to Zhang Shiqing's.

Xu Chu stood up and walked to the door, peeking out through the gap. He only saw two soldiers chatting quietly in the courtyard, but nothing else could be seen.

"The King of Shu was also confused at the beginning." Tang Weitian was very angry, as if he was the one who was humiliated. "Since you rebelled and became the king yourself, why did you marry the daughter of the Zhang family? The Zhang family will be exterminated."

Tang Weitian is an extremely honest person. If he regards Tie Yuan as his master, he must be devoted and empathetic.

Seeing this, Xu Chu felt a trace of jealousy in his heart. He immediately dispelled it, walked back to Tang Weitian, and couldn't help but laugh again.

Tang Weitian wondered: "What's going on, young master? Are you so happy when death is imminent?"

“You need water most when you are thirsty, and you need laughter most when you are in trouble.”

Tang Weitian was stunned for a while, then laughed loudly, and then said: "Don't say it, I feel really comfortable. The young master is really awesome, everyone, come and laugh."

People in the room laughed at the same time, and someone knocked on the door and yelled at them, but they didn't stop. They gradually felt bored and the laughter stopped. Tang Weitian said: "It only works for a short while. Do you have any other tricks, sir?" "

"No more."

"Why didn't anyone bring food today?" Tang Weitian ate more than ordinary people and he got hungry quickly.

"Since the general's wife has come to divorce her husband, I guess the chicken bus is going to attack us, right?" one person guessed.

Everyone was silent and sat down one after another, unable to laugh anymore.

"Even if I use this chain, I will strangle a few to death." Tang Weitian said bitterly.

Xu Chu didn't sit down and walked to the door again to peek out.

"Young Master, don't look, there won't be any food delivered today." Tang Weitian advised.

"Yes." Xu Chu still didn't move. After a long time, he said, "Someone is here again."

"A food delivery person?" Tang Weitian was overjoyed.

"No, it seems they are here to quarrel." Xu Chu only saw a small area.

"Fighting? Who comes here to make a quarrel..."

Before Tang Weitian finished speaking, a woman's sharp voice came from outside: "We sisters have never suffered such grievances since we were young. Do you want to forget it? If you don't get out of the way, I will scratch your face first!"

Tang Weitian couldn't move. Others in the room ran to the door, looking or listening. Someone said: "She is the wife of General Tie Er."

There was constant noise outside, and more women's voices joined in. Mrs. Tie Er obviously brought a lot of helpers.

"Tie Yuan, listen to me. Don't implicate others for the sins you have committed. We sisters can divorce our husbands if we want, and marry whomever we want. You can't control it. No one can control it. My sister Akito If you don't do anything secretive, giving you a 'letter of divorce' is a sign of respect for you..."

Others were fine, but Tang Wei was so angry that he screamed, "Sure enough, there are no good people in the Zhang family, stinky women, bitches, come to me if you have the ability!"

But his voice could not be heard, and Xu Chu and others at the door could not hear what was being said outside.

It gradually became quiet outside, Xu Chu and others turned around, and one of them said: "Mrs. Tie Er has gone in, General Tie... Alas, the end of the hero, he was humiliated by a woman."

"It must be the master of Jigong Cha again." Tang Weitian was so angry that he suddenly shouted and pulled an iron chain out of the wall.

This is not a special cell. The ends of the iron chains are fixed on the gable wall with long nails. Tang Weitian once tried to pull, but even with the help of his companions, it was only slightly loosened. Now he was so angry that he actually pulled out one.

Tang Weitian continued to exert force, his face turned red from suppressing it. The others were startled at first, and then ran over to help. Eight iron chains were pulled out one after another, one of which was nailed too deep and directly broke a link.

Several iron chains were still bound to his body, but Tang Weitian's movements were no longer restricted, and he shouted: "Everyone, get out of the way."

"Hold on……"

As soon as Xu Chu finished speaking, Tang Weitian rushed to the door with chains all over his body, roared, knocked open the two doors, and waved the chains with both hands, "The Zhang family is here to accept your fate!"

Xu Chu and others hurriedly followed out, only to see dozens of soldiers outside turned pale with fright, and surrounded them with swords and guns in hand.

Tang Weitian was filled with anger and was looking for a place to vent his anger. Although he had never learned the chain dance, he relied on his great strength and was invincible wherever he wielded it. The soldiers were outnumbered and all moved out of the way, fearing that they would be swept away by the chain.

Tang Weitian did not chase after him, turned to look at the next room, and said to the women outside the door: "Let Zhang's daughter come out and die!"

The women were fierce when facing the soldiers, but now their faces turned pale and they were trembling against the wall.

Mrs. Tie Er walked out of the room. She was a very young woman with a frosty face. She said coldly: "Is the 'Zhang's daughter' you are talking about me?"

"Are you the daughter of King Yidu and the wife of General Tie Er?" Tang Weitian had seen her before, but he had no impression of her.

"Are you Tang Weitian?" Mrs. Tie Er remembered him.

Tang Weitian swung the chain and slammed it on the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust and shouted: "It's your grandpa and me!"

Several soldiers behind him wanted to make a sneak attack, but they were frightened and retreated. Mrs. Tie Er's face also changed a little, "What a reckless person."

"Better than a bitch like you!" Tang Weitian walked up to him holding the chain.

Tie Yuan walked out of the room and stopped in front of Mrs. Tie Er, "Tang Weitian, what do you want to do?"

Tang Weitian had only one thought in his mind, and didn't even notice that Tie Yuan had a knife in his hand, "General, get out of the way. I'll kill this bitch first, and then I'll kill your wife and the King of Shu's wife, and kill the Zhang family in the city..."

"You idiot, the guards are behind you. Why don't you lead everyone out and kill your benefactor? If you want to kill, go kill Che Quanyi."

"Benefactor?" Tang Weitian was stunned for a moment, but finally came to his senses, looked down at his freed hands and feet, turned to face the soldiers in the courtyard, and laughed suddenly, "I can really laugh this time, who will die?"

Tang Weitian was well-known, otherwise he would not have been locked up alone. After a moment's hesitation, the soldiers turned around and ran away. The impatient ones even dropped their weapons.

Tang Weitian waved the iron chain and chased after him. Xu Chu and Tie Yuan shouted in unison: "Come back!"

Tang Weitian caught up with a soldier who was running slowly, threw him away with a chain, knocked him to the ground, and then turned back.

Xu Chu raised his hand to Tie Yuan and said, "General Tie Yuan has suffered."

Tie Yuan turned the knife in his hand over, cupped his hand and said, "It's my fault that I have caused trouble to Mr. Xu."

Mrs. Tie Er poked her head out and looked at Xu Chu, "Have you found Fang De?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "Not yet."

Mrs. Tie Er shrank back again.

Tang Weitian strode over, "General Tie, let's kill the chicken bus first, and then kill the Zhang family..."

"Why don't you understand?" Tie Yuan shook the knife in his hand.

"Understand what?" Tang Weitian was still confused.

Xu Chu walked up to him and whispered: "The plan of the two ladies of the Tie family is actually to give a knife to General Tie."

"Oh, why bother? Why don't you just bring someone in?"

"Not everyone has your strength."

"Ahhh..." Tang Weitian suddenly screamed, and the place where the chain had been strangled was now painful to the bone.

Mrs. Tie Er brought over thirty female companions with a knife hidden in her skirt, but he was the only one living in Tie Yuan's house, so he did not rush out after getting the knife. Instead, Tang Weitian took the lead.

Tie Yuan immediately ordered the women to distribute the knives to his subordinates, and then personally went to pick the lock and open the door, and released the other prisoners. A total of twenty-one people, armed with short knives, went to look for Che Quanyi.

Xu Chu did not take the sword and walked behind. Tie Yuan designated a person to protect him.

Mrs. Tie Er refused to wait and led her people to follow Xu Chu. She said, "If Fang De dies in the hands of He Rongren..."

"The person who was arrested is Binfen, and the princess is still with Qinbei's World Army."

"Are you going to find her?"


Mrs. Tie Er showed a smile, "When we took a boat together to see Mr. Xu, we all said you were not worthy of Fang De. Now it seems that you are somewhat suitable."

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