Xu Chu opened the door and looked out for a while, then murmured: "It must be snowing heavily in the north."

Tang Weitian, who was sitting in the room eating, said: "Yes, Yizhou is good everywhere, but there is less snow and winter is not like winter."

Seeing someone coming in from outside the courtyard, Xu Chu went up to greet him, cupped his hands and said, "General Iron."

Tie Yuan arrived alone, dressed in casual clothes, stood in the courtyard, took a look inside the house, waved his hand to signal Tang Weitian not to get up, and then said: "There has been a message in the city, saying that Mr. Xu killed the King of Shu."

"There's no way to hide something like this."

"Mr. Xu should not have revealed the truth to my two brothers in advance." Tie Yuan was somewhat dissatisfied.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Instead of waiting for the two generals to learn the truth from others, it is better for me to confess it myself."

"You're giving me a hard time."

Xu Chu still just smiled.

Tie Yuan walked away a few steps, motioned for Xu Chu to follow, avoided Tang Weitian's eyes, and whispered: "Mr. Xu, please run away."

"Escape? Where to escape?"

"Either go back to Jingzhou to find Song Qizhu, or go north to find the World Army. In short, don't stay in Yizhou."

"Thank you so much for not killing General Tie Da, but I can't just walk away."

"Hey, don't say you want to help our Tie family guard Yizhou."

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "I help Yizhou, not the Tie family."

Tie Yuan laughed twice more and suddenly said: "The princess has been pregnant for two months. All civil and military officials believe that the legitimate son should succeed, so they have to wait for seven or eight months. If the princess gives birth to a boy, everything will go as planned. The princess will be succeeded by the eldest prince."

"Very reasonable. What about during July and August?"

Tie Yuan was silent for a while, "The princess takes charge of the government in the name of concubine, and three ministers assist her."

"Which three?"

"I, Chief Shi Feng Yechou, am serving as charioteer and Quanyi."

"Che Quanyi?"

"His loyalty to the King of Shu is undeniable, and he is deeply rooted among the residents of Luozhou. He is needed to stabilize the situation in Jindu City. The Feng family is also a guest, but they have moved to Yizhou for hundreds of years and have been operating for several generations. They are deeply loved by the indigenous people. convince."

"General Iron is well chosen. Where is General Iron II?"

"He wanted revenge, so I sent him to guard Yibei Pass, far away from Jingzhou. Kuimen Pass is still guarded by Li Shengguo."

"General Tie doesn't want to send troops to Jingzhou?"

"At least I don't want to think about it now. The concubine is pregnant and people's hearts are unstable. Yizhou's top priority is to protect itself, not to take revenge."

"What General Iron said is absolutely true."

Tie Yuan shook his head, "I know I haven't done enough."

"Where's the difference?"

"The whole Yizhou, and even the whole world, will think that the Tie family has the intention to gain benefits. Within these seven or eight months, I will not be able to prove my innocence."

"But if you have a clear conscience, you don't need to prove yourself."

"I also know that it is difficult to defend Yizhou alone for long, but this state has suffered a new setback and is unable to expand outwards. To unite with other heroes, there is no one to choose from."

"Where is Prince Ning?"

"Hey, Mr. Xu came to Jindu City in person just to prevent Yizhou from surrendering to King Ning, right?"

"I hope to hear General Iron's true thoughts."

"Prince King Ning not only sent an envoy, but also a general. He made no secret of his desire to gain benefits, and because of his personality, he would inevitably recruit too much. If Yizhou obeys his orders, all his troops and food will be lost, and Yizhou will be unable to protect itself. If you don’t comply, all your previous efforts will be wasted and it will provide an excuse for King Ning to conquer the enemy.”

"General Tie is right, but now is not the time to offend Prince Ning."

"I have sent people to see King Ning and told him that Yizhou is willing to provide grain and grass, but the amount is determined by ourselves based on the harvest and the amount of grain stored that year. We will send a ship to Yiling to hand over to the Ning army."

"Prince Ning has no reason to refuse, at least not now."

"But this is not a long-term solution. After King Ning pacifies Jing and Wu, he will still turn around to attack."

"Not necessarily. If King Ning just wants to cross the river and rule, he will definitely attack the enemy. If he wants to conquer the world, he will definitely go north to compete with He Rongren, King Liang, King Jin and others."

Tie Yuan pondered for a long time, "Mr. Xu still thinks that Yizhou will also go north to compete?"

"There is no other way. Sitting in Yizhou will only prolong the battle for a few more years. If General Tie is looking for a long-term solution, he must go north."

"Although the He Rong people were defeated in Xiangyang, their strength still exists. The Han and Qin states are all under their control..."

"Going north is about fighting, not about taking advantage of the situation, not about taking advantage of the situation. King Ning's victory will shock the world, why can't General Tie?"

"This state is unstable, and it's the winter months... Mr. Xu really doesn't want to leave?"

"If General Tie doesn't open the way to Hanzhou, I will have no way out."

"Hey, let's stay a few more days." Tie Yuan said goodbye.

In the morning of the next day, Xu Chu and Tang Weitian were sent to live in another small courtyard in the city. Song Wushou and Ma Jin were also sent. There were several servants who served them day and night, but no one cared about them anymore, and no one sought revenge from him.

Although Yizhou has experienced a series of misfortunes, its foundation has not been destroyed. During the New Year, it is bustling with lanterns and colorful lights everywhere.

Tang Weitian couldn't bear the loneliness and saw that Xu Chu was very safe, so he became a vanguard general again. He trained his troops before the year and prepared to attack several counties that openly opposed the Tie family after the year.

"I haven't been on the battlefield for a few days, and my whole body is itchy." Tang Weitian said as he scratched it twice, "Young Master, don't worry, General Tie has guaranteed your safety, and I have also declared that whoever touches a single hair of the Young Master will be safe." When I come back with my troops, we will fight to the death."

"Then I'm at ease. You should also be careful." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Tang Weitian lowered his lips and whispered: "Yizhou people are actually not very good at fighting, especially the natives. They will disperse as soon as they are beaten. Wait until I come back victorious."

Just after the New Year and before the Lantern Festival, Tang Wei's Tianshun Army set out on an expedition.

On the night of the 15th day of the first lunar month, Jindu City becomes more lively. Different from staying at home on New Year's Eve, people take to the streets to enjoy the lanterns, which can last until the early morning of the next day.

Xu Chu stood at the entrance of the courtyard and looked at it for a while, then said to his two followers: "Back then, the lantern viewing in Dongdu was nothing more than that."

Ma Jin didn't like to talk, but Song Wushou said with emotion: "Xiangyang used to be very lively. We would enjoy the lanterns in the first half of the night and drink in the second half of the night. The singers were all as beautiful as gods. We drank endless wine and talked endless words... Alas, it’s all gone.”

"I have to rest early, you can go shopping."

Song Wushou was overjoyed and looked at Ma Jin, "I know a few fun places, as long as you are willing to spend money..."

"Rich." Ma Jin replied.

The two of them went to the street together. Xu Chu closed the door and went back to his room to lie down and speculate on Tie Yuan's thoughts.

There was a sound of banging on the door outside. The servant asked his identity and opened the door immediately.

Xu Chu turned over and sat up. Just as he put on his shoes, the visitor had already broken into the bedroom.

"Xu Chu, ha, what a wonderful Mr. Xu."

"When did General Tie Er return to the city?" Xu Chu asked, asking the servant who followed him to light the oil lamp.

Tie Zhi obviously drank a lot of wine, his face was red, he was walking a little unsteadily, and his eyes were bloodshot. He sat on a stool with one hand on the table, lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said, "I still don't understand."

"What don't you understand?"

"Do you really only want revenge?"

Xu Chu sat across from him, signaled the servant to leave, and then said, "Do you want revenge?"

"If it weren't for my brother's permission..." Tie Zhi gritted his teeth, "My brother would be much less courageous than before."

“Those who do great things must be timid first and then brave.”

"No matter how big or small it is, killing you will make me feel better."

Xu Chu smiled.

"You move first." Tie Zhi ordered, raising his hand to knock on the table, "You move, I will fight back."

"I can't beat you." Xu Chu smiled.

"Don't pretend to be a coward. How dare you do this when you are plotting to harm the King of Shu?"

Xu Chu put away his smile and said, "General Tie Er has been staying with the King of Shu. From what you have seen, how long can the King of Shu stay in Yiling and Xiangyang?"

Tie Zhi stared at Xu Chu coldly, "Song Chuzhu attacked Yiling and Jiangling a few days ago. Is this your purpose? Kill the King of Shu and free up the place?"

"It was my purpose, but General Song attacked the two cities on his own initiative, and I didn't help."

"Don't be too happy too early. Song Qizhu has angered King Ning and will be retaliated. Yizhou takes the opportunity to send troops to take revenge."

"Is this what General Iron means?"

"It doesn't matter what he wants, I can make the decision myself. Li Shengguo and I will switch guard. He will go to the north and I will go to Kuimen. I can lead the troops out of the gorge at any time."

Xu Chu sighed softly.

"Are you afraid? My brother is keeping you alive just because he doesn't want to make enemies. When I get rid of Song Tizhu, I will leave you... useless."

"I feel sorry for General Iron."


"General Tie spent all his efforts to protect the Shu King's family and the entire Yizhou, and even had to compromise with his old enemy. He stayed behind to avoid killing and was appointed as an auxiliary minister. Why is this?"

Tie Zhi didn't answer. He was actually quite dissatisfied with his brother's compromise.

"Because he has no helpers around him, and his brothers want to ruin his affairs."

Tie Zhi's face turned even redder, he stood up and smacked the table, murmured a few times, then slowly sat down again, "I can go through life and death for my brother."

"General Iron is also willing to go through life and death for you."

Iron Bird remained silent.

Xu Chu continued: "Your Tie family is from Qinzhou. It is not established in Yizhou, and it does not bring enough troops. It is all supported by General Tie. If there is a quarrel between the brothers, it will not only attract big enemies." It’s a disaster and will make people laugh at you.”

Tie Zhi said in a dull voice: "If the King of Shu does not die..."

"If the King of Shu does not die, the Tie family will perish, and Yizhou will not last long."

"The King of Shu promised me that he would pardon my brother and let us two brothers go and capture Hanzhou again to atone for our sins."

Xu Chu said: "Do you know what King Ning said? He was only willing to give up Yiling, and would never give up Xiangyang and Hanzhou. Once the King of Shu surrenders, King Ning will soon recruit Yizhou soldiers to fight with him, especially "You two brothers will be named, do you think the King of Shu will refuse?"

"Why does Prince Ning insist on the two of us?"

"This is called moving the tiger away from the mountain, letting Che Quanyi take power, evading the King of Shu, and finally giving the entire Yizhou to King Ning. When the time comes, you two brothers will serve as generals under King Ning. You will not be trusted for your meritorious service, and you will be feared for the slightest abnormality. Is this the result you want?"

Iron Bird was silent again. His original intention was to provoke, but he was silenced.

"Drink less, think less, and help General Iron more."

"I've been helping."

"General Tie Da is in charge of Yizhou alone. Everyone else has the honorific title. Why does General Tie Er still call him 'brother'?"

"He is...my brother."

"General Tie refused to call himself the king and took charge of affairs as an assistant to the government. Just when he wanted to show his impartiality and selflessness, you treated him like a family member in public. What was your intention?"

"I...I...will be called General from now on."

"General Tie is determined to conquer Hanzhou, but he has no one to help him. Why can't you help?"

Tie Zhi was stunned, "Brother... the general never said he wanted to conquer Hanzhou."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Just after the New Year, General Tie sent troops to pacify the counties in preparation for the northward march to Hanzhou. Yizhou is not short of soldiers and brave generals, but it lacks a general who can be trusted."

"I can do it." Tie Ying stepped forward and said.

"You must quit drinking first, and you must be able to distinguish between the important and the urgent. Otherwise, General Tie would rather trust outsiders than you."

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