Tie Zhi raised his head and glanced at Tang Weitian, and said coldly: "Go back and tell the general if you have something."

Tang Weitian didn't care whether he avoided suspicion or not, and said directly in front of several guards: "I'm going back to Yizhou, but I won't go back to Jindu City."

"Yeah." Tie Zhi disagreed.

"I have a grudge against Zhang's daughter, so I have to stay away from Jindu City."

"Zhang's daughter is..." Tie Zhi's face changed, "General Tang can't rely on pampering to be spoiled. Now is the time when everyone needs to work together to overcome difficulties. Don't cause trouble for me."

Tang Weitian took this matter seriously, shook his head and said: "It's not to add to the chaos, but to reduce it. When I return to Jindu City, I will cause trouble. Either Zhang's daughter wants to kill me, or I can't help but want to kill Zhang's daughter."

"That's nonsense, Madam Zhang..." Tie Zhi waved his hand to signal the guards to retreat, and asked patiently: "Which one are you talking about?"

"The three of them."

Tie Zhi frowned, "Why did you offend the princess sisters?"

"When the general was imprisoned, I thought they were going to divorce their husbands, so we had a few quarrels."

"It's a small matter, and wasn't it explained clearly at the time?"

"But I still don't like them, and they don't like me either."

"You are presumptuous, the person you are talking about is the concubine of the King of Shu, the general and my wife."

"There's no way, that's it." Tang Weitian spread his hands, "I don't believe the princess said she was pregnant..."

"What did you say?" Tie Zhi's face became even more gloomy.

"I saw the princess one day before she claimed to be pregnant. Although I am not a doctor, I felt that she was lying and that she was not pregnant at all."

"It was still early. The princess is now pregnant. You didn't see it, but others did, and they were ministers who were more trustworthy than you."

Tang Weitian curled his lips, "I still don't believe it. You can fake a big belly."

"What else can you say when the princess gives birth?"

"The princess must have brought a child from somewhere else and said it was her own."

Iron Bird laughed angrily, "You...it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Keep your mouth shut. The princess sisters don't hate you, let alone take revenge."

Tang Weitian still shook his head, "I can't control my mouth. I'm not the only one who suspects that the princess is pregnant. If others talk about it, I will definitely answer..."

"You're not the only one?"

"Yes, General Tie Er, haven't you heard about it? There are a lot of rumors, some even implicating you and the general."

"What does it have to do with our Tie family?" Tie Zhi was furious.

Tang Weitian didn't know how to look at his face, and he wouldn't back away even if he saw it, "The one who said she was pregnant was not the princess, but the wife of the general or General Tie Er. After giving birth, she was sent to the palace to pretend to be the son of the King of Shu and succeed to the throne. When the time comes, the new Shu Wang’s surname is Tiebu…”

Iron Bird pulled out his knife and shouted: "What did you say?"

Tang Weitian jumped back and drew his sword, "General Tie Er, you can't beat me, and those words were not said by me, but by others."

Tie Zhi's eyes were on fire. He was indeed no match for Tang Weitian, but he could call the guards in to help. After much hesitation, he took back his knife and suppressed his anger. "We have many enemies in the Tie family, and there are always people who make up rumors. Don't believe it, and don't do it." Nonsense."

"I don't believe the new King of Shu's surname is Tie, but I don't believe his surname is Gan either. General Tie Er knows my temper and can't control his mouth, especially after drinking. Why don't you let me go."

Tie Zhi looked at Tang Weitian suspiciously, "You came and said these words just after Xu Chu left... did he teach you?"

"If the young master is willing to teach me, I will definitely speak better than now." Tang Weitian told a half-lie.

Tie Zhi was furious in his heart, but he finally did not lose control, "You stand down first."

Tang Weitian also put away his knife, but stood there motionless.

"Let me think about it and give you an answer later."

"Uh... think quickly, I still have to catch up with the young master before dark."

After Tie Zhi waved his hand impatiently and drove Tang Weitian away, his first thought was to summon the guards and immediately capture the vanguard general alive, put him in a prison car and take him back to Yizhou. His second thought was to simply kill him and eliminate future troubles forever.

But these two thoughts were quickly dismissed. Tie Zhi didn't want anything to happen again at this time, so he murmured: "It must be Xu Chu who is causing trouble behind the scenes..."

Iron Bird walked out of the tent and led the guards to patrol the camp. He saw that all the soldiers were well prepared and ready to leave at any time. Ever since they heard that their retreat was cut off, they rarely showed a surge in morale. However, this morale was not that they were eager to fight, but that they wanted to fight as soon as possible. Return to hometown.

"Mr. Xu" was mentioned so frequently that even ordinary soldiers had heard of him and said in unison: "Mr. Xu will definitely be able to borrow a way if he goes out personally."

After going around in a circle, Tie Zhi's anger was reduced by three points, and he came to Tang Wei's tent and said to him: "Are you really going to leave?"

"I've said it several times."

Tie Yuping retreated from the guards, "Our Tie family is so miserable that we can't keep you?"

Tang Weitian respectfully handed over his hand, "General Tie Da and General Tie Er are very kind to me. They let me be a general and allowed me to fight happily. But I am really worried about the young master traveling alone."

"Xu Chu killed the King of Shu. He personally admitted that you were present at the time."

"At the scene, I also heard General Tie Er personally saying how the King of Shu treated the young master, and even gave him to the He Rong people! In any case, the young master is the first person to use me, and the kindness is the most important. Even if the King of Shu is still there, he Not as good as the young master."

Tie Zhi sighed, "Xu Chu is so virtuous... Maybe I can send you to Kuimen Pass. Forget it. If your heart is not there, what's the point of asking for help? If you really want to leave, I won't keep you."

Tang Weitian cheered, grabbed the baggage that had been prepared on the bed, and started to leave.


"Anything else?"

"Stay away from Yizhou, can you control your mouth?"

"Huh?" Tang Weitian didn't understand.

"You won't spread any more rumors about the princess, will you?"

"Oh, that, no more, out of sight, out of mind, can't see each other, there's nothing to say."

"Don't leave just like that. If you call the people who are willing to go with you, take them all with you. I will give you the title of 'Left General'. After you catch up with Xu Chu, you will command the thousands of people who want to go with you." people."

Tang Weitian bowed respectfully again, "I will still remember General Tie Er's kindness to me. If you run away alone in the future, as long as there is nothing wrong with the young master, I will definitely protect you."

Tie Zhi smiled bitterly, "Our Tie family would rather die fighting in Yizhou than flee alone."

Tang Weitian went to call his subordinates outside the tent. There were thirty or fifty people who were willing to follow him. The appointment letter from Tie Zhi was also written. Tang Weitian took it with him and said goodbye to the generals.

Tie Zhi personally sent him outside the camp and gave a few words of warning in public. To outsiders, it seemed to outsiders that it was not that Tang Weitian wanted to leave, but that Tie Zhi was worried about Xu Chu's lack of troops, so he reluctantly gave up and sent capable generals to help.

Tang Weitian caught up with Xu Chu who had not gone far that night, which boosted the morale of the troops here.

Tang Weitian was quite excited, "I finally came out. Good general Tie Er, but he was a bit verbose. He thought about it for a while before letting him go. I said I had a grudge against Zhang's daughter, but he didn't care at all. I said the princess was fake. He kept asking me about my pregnancy, and before leaving, he told me not to talk nonsense.”

Xu Chu smiled and said, "You spoke to his heart. Follow me, and you may not be able to fight for a while."

"Ah? Aren't you going to help Liangzhou fight the Qiang people?"

"If everything goes well, bluffing will be enough, not a real fight."

"Then I'll just hope it doesn't go well."

Early the next morning, we broke camp and set off. This time we marched normally, no longer deliberately slowing down or taking long detours, and headed straight to Liangzhou.

Shortly after noon that day, the scouts from the front came back to report that a team was blocking the road and the Yizhou Army was not allowed to pass.

Tang Weitian was very excited, but Xu Chu did not allow him to go to invite a fight, and sent people to inquire again to find out the origin of the other party.

News soon came that the team was under the banner of Zuojiazhai and had only six to seven hundred soldiers. After the other general heard about Xu Chu's name, he was willing to meet and discuss.

Xu Chu was in danger at Zuojiazhai and saw the people there, so he left Tang Weitian to lead the army and took a few guards to meet at the front.

The general blocking the road was Zuo Jun, the seventh son of the Zuo family. They were less than a year apart. Zuo Jun suddenly aged dozens of years, from a young man to an old man. He looked extremely depressed. After seeing Xu Chu, he rode on horseback and said: " Mr. Xu is fine."

Zuo Jun only led a dozen guards. He looked up and saw the Yizhou Army two or three miles away, and said: "Mr. Xu was in danger alone at first, and now he is leading the army himself. How fast it is."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Those are not my soldiers. Why is General Zuo blocking the road here?"

"I am here to guard the road under the orders of King Qiang. I wonder where Mr. Xu is going?"


"Liangzhou is in chaos. Which side does Mr. Xu want to help with his troops?"


"Hey, then we are enemies."

Xu Chu also took a look at Zuo Jiajun. There were indeed not many in number, but they were all locals and familiar with the terrain. There were many mountains and valleys around them. If they set up an ambush, they would be a big trouble.

"General Zuo has been a general of Qinzhou for generations, why should he help outsiders?"

"Mr. Xu saw it with his own eyes. Do you still want to ask again?"

"For revenge." Most of the soldiers from Yizhou brought by Xu Chu were former "bandits" and enemies of Zuojiazhai. Naturally, he would not mention it and continued: "I remember that General Zuo has avenged his great revenge. We have complied with the agreement and brought the Qiang people to Liang, so we should be clean, right?"

"How can it be so easy?" Zuo Jun gritted his teeth gently, "King Qiang will not allow others to easily forget the kindness he has given... How many troops will Mr. Xu lead?"

"Fifty thousand people."

"Haha, Mr. Xu, do you think I am blind? There are at most five thousand people behind you."

"This is the vanguard, and the army will follow."

Zuo Jun seemed to believe it, "I heard that a Yizhou army came to Qinzhou. Is it you who brought it?"

Xu Chu nodded.

"Why did Yizhou get involved in Liangzhou's affairs? The strong-armed Shanyu didn't interfere when he was alive."

"The general situation has changed. The He Rong people are retreating outside the fortress. The Yizhou army wants to show its prestige to the world and prepares to advance in several directions to annihilate all the He Rong cavalry. Therefore, they want to use the road to Liangzhou to quell the Qiang rebellion."

Zuo Jun was slightly startled. He was guarding the small town alone, and the news was not smooth. He had not heard about the changes in Hanzhou, but he had not heard about the Yizhou army that was "advancing in parallel". "The Yizhou army really has 50,000 people?"

"One of the ways."

Zuo Jun was startled again, and looked at the army behind Xu Chu a few more times, "You have many soldiers. It's not that I don't want to stop you, but I can't stop you. I allow you to pass, don't stop, and go directly to Liangzhou."

"Thank you. The Yizhou Army doesn't want to cause any more trouble."

Zuo Jun nodded, said goodbye, and went to order his soldiers to make way.

Xu Chu returned to the army and told Tang Weitian: "The enemy is unprepared and can be defeated in one fell swoop. Capture Zuo Jun alive and give it to me."

"Ho ho." Tang Weitian was overjoyed.

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