The sharp end of the long stick was removed and wrapped in thick cloth. After Zhang Shiqing mounted the horse, he was still chatting and laughing with his companions. Tang Weitian across from him did not laugh, but just complained: "What kind of competition is a wooden stick?"

Others were watching it as a show of excitement, but Xu Chu was shocked and hurriedly walked over to remind Tang Weitian to be gentler.

A large group of soldiers ran ahead and blocked Xu Chu from the outside of the field.

Although Xu Chu was called a "distinguished guest", he was only a guest after all. He did not have the power to command troops and could not order everyone to give way. He did not want to do that, so he had to raise his arms and shout Tang Weitian's name.

When Tang Weitian heard his name, he followed the sound, nodded with a smile, and replied something that Xu Chu couldn't hear clearly.

The two horses charged, and everyone cheered. Xu Chu stopped and watched, and saw the two horses crossing each other, making a muffled sound, and then everyone screamed.

The contest was decided in just one round. Tang Weitian reined in his horse and turned around, with a confused expression on his face. There was only a horse left dozens of steps away from him. After searching for a while, he saw his opponent's horse on the ground. figure.

"You killed the princess!" several female soldiers screamed.

"I didn't use all my strength, I thought she could withstand it..." Tang Weitian explained blankly.

Xu Chu squeezed through the crowd, pushed aside several female soldiers who had gathered around him, knelt down and wiped his nose first. He found that he was still breathing, so he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Go call the doctor."

A doctor arrived quickly and after a short inspection he said: "One of his ribs was broken and he was unconscious. He should be fine."

The doctor simply bandaged the princess and asked the female soldiers to carry the princess back to the tent to rest.

Tang Weitian walked over, and someone accused him of attacking too hard. Tang Weitian couldn't help but get angry, "I didn't use all my strength! And this is a martial arts competition, not a joke. Is it wrong if I win? Master, come on." Comment."

"General Tang is right, everyone should disperse." Xu Chu said.

Everyone left, but Tang Weitian stayed and defended: "She challenged me..."

"I understand." Xu Chu forced a smile.

"Looking at her look, I thought she was so powerful. I will never compete with a woman again. Do all Zhang girls like to lie?"

"She doesn't know how capable you are."

Tang Weitian nodded, "That's what I thought. This time she knows. Then I'm leaving, Master, won't you blame me?"

"Don't complain."

Tang Weitian breathed a sigh of relief, turned and walked away with brisk steps. He didn't care about his opponent being injured, he only cared about whether the young master was angry because of it.

Xu Chu came to Zhang Shiqing's tent and was stopped by two female soldiers. One of them said, "Did you bring that person?"


"You don't even want to talk about him. He doesn't act lightly or harshly."

"He is a general and I am a guest, so I can't say anything about him. The two of you are..."

"We are the guards sent by the Golden Saint to the princess. You don't remember us, but we remember you. You abandoned the Golden Saint in the Eastern Capital, and why are you here now?"

Xu Chu was about to answer when a cry of pain came from the tent. He rushed in directly, and the two female soldiers followed behind him without stopping him.

Zhang Shi woke up, and the other two female soldiers had already taken off her armor and re-bandaged her wounds.

"I...this is...I lost?" Zhang Shiqing asked.

"The princess was not paying attention for a moment and was hit by Tang Weitian's sneak attack." said a female soldier.

Zhang Shiqing saw Xu Chu and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"have a look."

Zhang Shiqing looked away and the two female soldiers guarding the door said: "The Golden Saint has issued a strict order that no man is allowed to approach the female soldiers' residence, let alone the princess's sleeping tent. Mr. Xu, please leave. The princess will recover and we will take care of it." Notify you."

Xu Chu hummed and turned to go, but Zhang Shiqing whispered: "Let him stay."

Xu Chu stopped. The four female soldiers looked at each other. One of them leaned down and whispered into the princess's ear. Zhang Shiqing hummed. The two female soldiers serving her got up and left together with the female soldiers guarding the gate. When they passed by Xu Chu , casting a warning look at him.

The tent here was similar to that of the He Rong people. There were no bunks, but thick felt blankets. Xu Chu knelt down on the felt blanket and looked at the dark but pale little face.

"Am I a fool?" Zhang Shiqing asked.

Xu Chu shook his head.

"I actually thought I was very powerful, but... everyone laughed at me?"

Xu Chu still shook his head.

"The people who lost to me before actually gave up to me on purpose, right?"

Xu Chu nodded.

"Can't you say something?"

"I don't know about the others. Among all the generals I have seen and heard of, Tang Weitian is the best in the world. No one has been his opponent so far."

A smile appeared on Zhang Shiqing's face, but he immediately showed pain, "But there are not many people who are as arrogant as me, but they can't even last a round."

Xu Chu thought for a while, "Well, you are very arrogant."

Zhang Shiqing's face darkened, "You still can't speak as before. You can leave. I don't want to see you. This is a female soldier camp. Don't wait to leave."

"As long as you're okay."

Just as Xu Chu stood up, Zhang Shiqing exhaled another half sound of pain, but held back the second half and could not turn around, so he had to turn away.

Xu Chu sat down again and said, "You are very arrogant, but everyone likes your arrogance."

Zhang Shiqing didn't think this was a good thing, and his face became even more gloomy. He endured the pain and refused to speak, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Xu Chu picked up the silk cloth next to her and gently wiped away her sweat, "You have great courage, you dare to challenge Tang Weitian, you dare to disobey your father's orders and escape from the wedding, and you even dare to write a 'divorce letter'. "

"Do you still remember that incident?" Zhang Shiqing was still angry.

"I can't forget it, because someone just imitated you not long ago."


Xu Chu briefly recounted the deeds of the three daughters of King Yidu.

"They were pretending."

"That was also learning from you, and Madam Tie Er told me in person that the three sisters envied and admired you for daring to escape marriage."

Zhang Shiqing finally showed a trace of smile on his face again, "Madam Tie Er... it's better to call her Zhang Shisheng, were they really forced to marry?"

"King Yidu was killed, and they were controlled by the treacherous minister Che Quanyi and hid among the people. When King Shu entered Yidu, Che Quanyi offered the princess for glory, and he would not ask for their permission."

Zhang Shiqing smiled a little more.

"King Shu and the two generals of the Tie family are both outstanding people. The three daughters of King Yidu are living well and do not regret getting married, otherwise they would not have designed to rescue them."

"That was also forced to marry."

"Hmm." Xu Chu smiled and nodded.

"If they knew I was defeated so badly, they would definitely laugh at me."

"No, they don't even have the courage to challenge, how dare they laugh at you?"

"Maybe. General Tang... No one made things difficult for him, right? The fault is all mine, not his."

"Tang Weitian holds a spear in his hand, no one dares to make things difficult for him."

Zhang Shiqing hummed, revealing obvious fatigue.

Xu Chu got up and said, "You should sleep for a while."

"Are you leaving?" Zhang Shiqing's tone was a little disappointed.

Xu Chu thought for a while, "I'll go take care of some things and be back soon."

"Well, come quickly. I'm injured, you should accompany me."

"You should." Xu Chu smiled.

Xu Chu had just walked out of the female soldiers' camp when Tang Weitian stopped him and said, "Sir, take me in. I'll apologize to the princess."

Xu Chu was stunned, "Why do you have to apologize?"

"I hurt her."

"Someone is bound to get hurt in a duel. If you have to apologize for this, why not just ban the duel?"

Tang Weitian blurted out, "That's what I said, but they said..."

"What? Who said that?"

Tang Weitian scratched his head embarrassedly, "Everyone said that I didn't know how to control my strength, that the princess is the young master's beloved wife, and that she doesn't care about the monks. I think carefully, since they are both the wives of the young master, I should respect the princess as I do the Golden Saint. "

"The princess has forgiven you and specifically told me not to let anyone embarrass you."



"Haha, then I'm relieved. Although they are all Zhang's daughters, the princess is much better than the three in Yizhou. The young master still has good vision. "

Xu Chu returned to his tent and felt that he could not wait any longer. He wrote a letter in his own handwriting and sent someone to Liangzhou to give the letter to the Golden Saint, and then went to visit Tan Wuwei.

Tan Wuwei had already woken up and was sitting there in a daze. He looked up at Xu Chu blankly, "I can't remember it a little bit. Did you and Lord Yin agree to the strategy I mentioned?"


"Oh, even my fourth brother thinks it's risky."

"This is not my army. I am not qualified to take risks with all the soldiers. I believe that He Rongren's army is unstable, but the morale here is not high. If we divide our troops to encircle and annihilate them, I am afraid that our army will flee first."

"I understand. It's like a hungry beggar who just wants to ask for a meal, but I want to teach him how to make thousands of silver coins. It's really ridiculous."

"Don't worry, second brother. Lord Yin is cautious. Jin Shengnv may be willing to take risks. I have asked her to come back as soon as possible to discuss the big plan."

"Well." Tan Wuwei was not in a good mood. He stroked his long sword and fell asleep again.

Xu Chu came to visit Zhang Shiqing again. This time he was not stopped or questioned by the female soldiers.

Zhang Shiqing was sleeping, but she opened her eyes and smiled as soon as Xu Chu came in.

The two female soldiers left the tent tactfully.

"How long have you been walking?"

"About two quarters of an hour."

"I think it's been two hours."

"Not that long, it's just getting dark."

"No wonder you lit the candle. I'm a little thirsty."

Food and water were placed nearby, and Xu Chu sat next to Zhang Shiqing, one hand behind his head and the other holding a cup of water.

Zhang Shiqing only took a sip and refused to close his eyes to rest. He was hungry, wanted to move, felt itchy on his scalp, and wanted to look at his knife... He kept ordering Xu Chu around, as if the two female soldiers before him couldn't do anything.

As the night deepened, Xu Chu trimmed the candle wick several times and advised: "You were just injured, you need to rest more."

Zhang Shiqing yawned, but refused to close his eyes, "Are you going to leave as soon as I fall asleep?"

"This is the female soldiers' camp..."

"If Saint Jin is injured, you don't have to leave, right?"

Xu Chu was speechless.

"You came here to reunite with Saint Jin, go find her."

Xu Chu sighed, "Silly girl..."

"I'm not stupid."

"Saint Jin asked you to come back to ask me something, don't you understand?"


Xu Chu held her hand and whispered, "Sleep well, don't worry about anything."

"Really don't worry?"


"I believe you." Zhang Shiqing smiled, finally closed his eyes, and fell asleep soon.

Xu Chu waited for a while, let go of her hand, quietly walked out of the tent, bowed to the female soldier and said softly, "I'll come again tomorrow."

Xu Chu had just returned to his tent when a guard brought him a letter, "Left by General Tan, he said he had something urgent, so he didn't say goodbye to Mr. Xu."

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