Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 73: Retreating

(Thanks to the reader "Huangliang Yimengzhongzhuangyuan" for the red reward. Please collect and recommend)

The more I walked, the more painful my feet became. Before dark, a group of people under Ning Baoer had become brothers with Xu Chu and Ma Wei, and revealed all the details of the leader.

When Ning Baoer was in his teens, he moved with his family from Jiangdong to Guanzhong. His father died on the way. Just after settling down, his mother died and his family fell into a state of decline. He was really irritable at that time and offended all his clansmen. He was young and made his way in the rivers and lakes. He lived one day at a time and made many friends.

Guanzhong had been either drought or flood for several consecutive years. The government did not provide relief properly, so riots broke out. Ning Baoer joined immediately and quickly attracted a group of followers, but he was few and weak, so he went to join the King of the World, Xue Liujia.

Speaking of the King of the World, everyone restrained their expressions and dared not mention his name and deeds.

Ning Baoer was brave in battle and good at deploying troops. He soon became an important general in the Jiangshi Army, but his temper was still so irritable. He would turn against others at the slightest disagreement. Even in front of the Jiangshi King, he would not compromise.

At a banquet, the generals were competing for merit. Ning Baoer was unwilling to be inferior to others and quarreled with several generals on the spot. The Jiangshi King was annoyed and slammed the table and said, "Don't fight or grab. Don't you all want to be king? Well, I will let you draw lots to be the king. Whichever you draw is the king. Set off immediately and don't cheat."

There are ten kings in total. Nine of them are located in Qin, Bing and Han. Although they are also official military territories, at least they are closer. There is only one King of Wuyue. His fiefdom seems to be the largest, but it is thousands of miles away from the Jiangshi Army.

Perhaps it was bad luck or someone's calculation. Ning Baoer drew the King of Wuyue. Without saying a word, he took his subordinates to go out of the customs and really went to Jiangdong to be the king.

Not everyone was optimistic about the new king. When he was still in Guanzhong, more than half of his subordinates had fled. They encountered soldiers on the road and suffered a lot of losses after several battles. In the end, only more than 20 loyal brothers were left, and they followed him all the way to Mengjin.

They lived on looting along the way, walked on remote roads, and were isolated from the news. They knew nothing about what was happening in the outside world. They were happy when they heard that the Emperor of All Things had passed away. They were excited when they heard that the Tongguan River Workers rebelled. When they heard that the Jiangshi Army defeated the general in Guanzhong, they were overjoyed and some of them danced on the spot.

Xu Chu and Ma Wei carefully reminded them that it was a group of rioters who defeated the general, not necessarily the Jiangshi Army. Those people didn't listen at all, thinking that there was only the Jiangshi Army in Guanzhong.

Near dusk, everyone stopped to rest. Ning Baoer led people to find food, and others were responsible for guarding. Although the number of people was small, it was no different from a normal march.

While no one was around, Ma Wei rubbed his feet and whispered, "We won't really be his military advisors, will we? We'll be laughed at if we tell others."

"This man has a method for leading troops in battle."

Ma Wei opened his eyes wide in horror, but lowered his voice even lower, "With our status, even if we can't dominate one side, we have to give advice to the overlord like the Shen family in Bingzhou. Ning Baoer..." Ma Wei shook his head, "Even the rioters don't tolerate him, his future is worrying, and he will definitely not be able to reach Jiangdong."

"Well, I don't want to stay with him, but I can't escape. It's best to find a way to get him to send us to Jinyang."

"Okay, I have a way, you can listen to me later." Ma Wei didn't explain much, continued to rub his feet, and sighed, "I didn't expect that I would end up like this."

Ning Baoer brought people back, they walked on deserted roads, far away from villages and towns, no one to rob, they could only shoot some birds and rabbits to fill their stomachs.

The meal was prepared in a hurry, and the fire had to be put out before dark. The meat was not cleaned up and was half-cooked. Xu Chu and Ma Wei only ate a few bites and could not chew as much as others, which made them laugh.

Taking advantage of Ning Baoer's good mood, Ma Wei said: "Excuse me, may I ask what plans the king will make after he takes over the river workers?"

Ning Baoer said calmly with blood on the corners of his mouth: "Go east along the river, first to Huainan, then cross the river to Jiangdong."

"Then what?"

"Then I will be the King of Wuyue, recruiting soldiers and consolidating the territory. Why are you asking this?"

Ma Wei smiled and said: "Since the king has left us two as military advisors, I can't help but think about the future for the king. As the saying goes, people who don't think about the future will have immediate worries. When it comes to marching and fighting, the two of us It's useless. If we talk about long-term planning, I do have some ideas. "

Ning Baoer smiled, with blood on his teeth, and said to his brothers: "The military advisor I found is good. He has begun to plan for our future. You can tell me."

"It shouldn't be a big problem to collect river works. If we lead the army eastward, we will be intercepted by officers and soldiers. With the king's reputation, we will surely be able to break through. But there will be big troubles in Jiangdong. The Jiangshi Army is in the west and the king is in the east. They are separated by thousands of miles. If there is an accident, it will be difficult for each other to help each other."

"That's right, why don't you say anything?" Ning Baoer looked at Xu Chu.

Xu Chu already understood Ma Wei's intention and said: "Brother Ma is right. It is said that a single tree cannot support itself. The king needs to make long-term plans."

"I am the King of Wuyue, and I must go to Jiangdong."

"Of course, if there is another ally between Jiangdong and Guanzhong, the king can contact the King of Jiangshi." Ma Wei said.

Ning Baoer did not ask any more questions, silently chewing the half-cooked rabbit meat. Ma Wei and Xu Chu knew that they needed to keep quiet at this time, so they did not speak.

Ning Baoer ate all the meat, threw away the bones, grabbed a handful of soil and rubbed his hands, burped, and said to his subordinates: "Eat quickly, we will set off tonight." He actually left the two military advisors aside.

Ma Wei could not help but speak, hoping to lead the topic to the Bingzhou Shen family, so that he and Xu Chu could leave this group of rioters as lobbyists.

Xu Chu pulled Ma Wei's clothes. This kind of thing can't be rushed. Ning Baoer didn't show interest. It's better not to rush to give advice, otherwise, he will be suspected.

Ma Wei understood this truth and took back his words. When he thought about traveling overnight, he secretly complained in his heart. He thought that being stranded in the market was the worst experience, but he didn't expect that there would be worse things behind.

Ning Baoer said he would go on the road, and his subordinates had no complaints. They were used to suffering. If the leader could bear it, they could bear it. Only the two military advisors suffered. They didn't have enough food, their feet had blisters, and they walked in the wild in the dark. Every step seemed to wear out half of their lives.

It was not until the second half of the night that Ning Baoer allowed everyone to rest for an hour, and they got up before dawn and continued on the road.

After three days of trekking, they finally met the rebellious river workers. On the way, Ma Wei tried several times to arouse Ning Baoer's interest in "long-term considerations" again, but all failed. Ning Baoer did not respond at all, and occasionally glared at Ma Wei, which could make Ma Wei tremble for a long time.

Ning Baoer and his party first robbed several refugee families, had a big meal, and then asked about the situation ahead.

Sure enough, there was a rebellion by river workers, and the momentum was not small. Two days ago, they were defeated in Tongguan and fled in all directions. A group of scattered soldiers went eastward, and the towns along the way closed their doors to protect themselves. Villagers went into the city to take refuge, but they did not expect to encounter thieves in front.

Ning Baoer showed his brutal side. After the questioning, he ordered more than a dozen people to be killed to prevent the disclosure of their whereabouts. The two "military advisors" did not dare to ask, but they felt more and more that this person would not be able to achieve great things.

In the evening of the same day, they ran into the fleeing river workers. They started to disperse, and more and more successors followed, and even a team of hundreds of people gathered together to follow someone, which was considered a force.

Although the rebellion lasted less than a month, these people were no longer "good citizens". They burned, killed and looted along the way. They wanted to run fast and rob as much as possible without any rules.

Ning Baoer showed some real skills. He ordered more than 20 subordinates to organize their weapons and armor, throw away all useless things, line up in two rows, tie Xu Chu's winter clothes to the gun handle to make a flag, write the word "coming to the world" on it with human blood, and walk in front, fluttering in the wind.

Ning Baoer, who was good at setting ambushes, marched openly at this time. When he met scattered river workers, he would capture them alive and recruit them into the army in the name of Xue Liujia, the King of Coming to the World.

The three words "King of Coming to the World" were quite famous among the people. The river workers had heard of it. When they rebelled, they also fought under this banner. They originally wanted to cooperate with Guanzhong from inside and outside, but they were defeated by the government army. Therefore, when they heard that this team was sent by the King of Coming to the World, they joined one after another. Some of them were reluctant, but they did not dare to resist when they saw these people's bright weapons and armor.

Ning Baoer himself did not say much, and asked his brothers to hint to the newcomers that there was a large army following behind him, which won more and more people's hearts. No one doubted why the Jiangshi Army in Guanzhong would run to the east.

The team became larger and larger, and even grabbed a few horses. Ning Baoer rode one horse, the flag bearer rode one horse, and the two "military advisors" were treated preferentially and each got one horse.

The saddle on the horse was incomplete, and it was quite uncomfortable to ride, but for Xu Chu and Ma Wei, it was like a sweet rain after a long drought.

By midnight, Ning Baoer had gathered hundreds of people. He ordered the army to stop and set up a team in the wilderness. His subordinates led the river workers, exchanged their names and hometowns, and vowed to follow him.

Xu Chu and Ma Wei secretly praised Ning Baoer for his ability. No wonder some people were willing to follow him all the way to Jiangdong.

Ning Baoer's greatest skill is that he never gets in a mess. He has a bad temper and kills without blinking an eye. However, he is calmer than anyone else when he encounters difficulties. He always has a plan, which is sometimes incredible. For example, he led more than 20 people to attack the small city of Mengjinkou, but he was able to stabilize the morale of the army and make his subordinates swear allegiance to death.

Not long after the team was reorganized, another group of river workers came in front of them. They had more people and better equipment, unlike many people in Ning Baoer's team who did not even have weapons.

The two sides confronted each other for a while and tested each other with words. Ning Baoer did not like this kind of thing. He ordered a brother to guard the team and broke into the opponent's formation alone to talk to the leader face to face.

The people in the rear were panicked, but only Ning Baoer's brothers were not worried at all. They talked and laughed, and even ran to the front to brandish swords and guns to demonstrate to the people on the opposite side.

It took less than a quarter of an hour for Ning Baoer to drive his horse back with the two leaders of the other side and successfully took them under his command.

With nearly a thousand men, Ning Baoer stopped marching and set up camp in a place with water. He sent people to gather the river workers who had fled and surveyed the terrain to see where there were villages and towns that could be captured.

Before dawn, Ning Baoer's army had taken shape. Although it was still a mob and could not compete with the government army, it at least had some momentum and was no longer a scattered defeated army.

As soon as dawn broke, Ning Baoer found two "military advisors" and said, "You two draw lots. One goes to Jinyang to borrow troops from the Shen family, and the other stays to continue to give me advice. Within half a month, if the Shen family's troops arrive, I will make you two marquises. If the troops do not arrive, I will kill the one who stayed behind to offer sacrifices to the river."

It turned out that Ning Baoer knew everything in his heart without the "military advisor" explaining.

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