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Tan Wuwei is eye-catching, especially the sword on his waist, which is long enough to be used as a walking stick. He must always hold the hilt with his hand, otherwise the end may drag on the ground - when he occasionally bows, this kind of thing really happens.

Two farmhands came to feed the horses and laughed from a distance: "Mr. Mopping the ground got up early today."

Tan Wuwei was polite to Xu Chu, but he looked up and ignored the farmhands. As a result, the farmhands loved to make fun of him even more, "Mr. Mopping the ground didn't catch up with breakfast again. As the saying goes, horses can't get fat without night grass. I have some night grass here. Do you want some?" "I also have beans here, which is the best for fattening."

The two farmhands laughed non-stop, not taking Tan Wuwei seriously, nor caring about the new guests on the side.

Tan Wuwei's response was to ignore him and said to Xu Chu: "It's noisy here, let's go talk somewhere else."


The two walked away, and the farmhands' laughter could still be heard from afar.

"The most lamentable thing in the world is not that good horses are divided into bad ones, but that no one knows the good horses, which makes the good horses trapped in the mud." Tan Wuwei sighed.

The two had already walked to the edge of the manor. Looking over the low wall, they could see the trees outside and the wasteland after harvest.

Xu Chu couldn't tell whether this man was a talent that was not appreciated or was deliberately mysterious. He bowed and said, "How did you recognize me?"

"I have seen the wanted notice. Although the young master's face is not exactly the same as the description above, it is roughly the same. Most people who come to this manor are seeking wealth and honor, so they often show off their talents. Only the young master is unhappy and seems to be worried. So I guess he must be the seventeenth young master of Dongdu."

"Did you see that I am a fugitive?" Xu Chu concluded.

Xu Wuwei laughed, "That's exactly what I meant. But there's one thing I don't understand."

"What is it?"

"With the ambition of the Seventeenth Young Master and the feat of assassinating the tyrant, you should be admired by the heroes of the world, and you should be able to dominate the world. Why did you fall to this point alone?"

All the way, Xu Chu didn't enjoy any benefits from the assassin. He shook his head and laughed, "You are joking. I am no different from a dog that has lost its home. How can I get a hundred responses?"

"Has the Seventeenth Young Master ever 'shouted'?"

The first time they met, Tan Wuwei The question was very straightforward, as if they were so familiar with each other that they could talk about anything. Xu Chu felt a little embarrassed. After thinking for a while, he said, "At least I know that the people in Qinzhou and Heshang who rebelled don't think that the assassin is so great."

Tan Wuwei smiled and said, "I understand. The Seventeenth Master has found the wrong person."


"People's livelihood is difficult. What the people hate is not the emperor, but the corrupt officials. The Seventeenth Master's assassination of the emperor will naturally not be praised."

"Then I don't need to bother shouting." Xu Chu smiled.

"No, there are people who hate the emperor. They are not ordinary people, but heroes of the five countries. Their fathers and brothers died in national disasters, and they themselves were imprisoned. When they heard about the assassination, they all celebrated and wanted to meet the Seventeenth Prince and thank him in person."


"For example, my father and grandfather were officials in the Liang Dynasty. Before my father died, he never forgot the great cause of restoring the country. I inherited my father's will and always have this ambition. I heard about the deeds of the Seventeenth Prince and felt excited."

Tan Wuwei was much older than Xu Chu, but he bowed and saluted, and the long sword fell to the ground again.

Xu Chu hurriedly helped him up, "The assassination was a moment of righteous indignation, and I dare not accept this great gift."

Tan Wuwei stood up and said, "The Seventeenth Prince changed his surname to his mother's. Is your mother originally from Wu?"

"Yes." The identity of the Princess of Wu was not known to everyone, and Xu Chu was reluctant to mention it.

"I guess so. Wu soldiers are sharp and will take revenge. Why didn't the Seventeenth Prince go to Jiangdong to avenge Wu, but went north to Bingzhou?"

Xu Chu also asked himself this question, and the answer was very simple. He smiled and said, "I don't know any Wu people, not even one."

Tan Wuwei was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "So that's it. In fact, Bingzhou is indeed better. It is the place where Liang and Cheng dynasties rose. There is the chaotic Qinzhou in the west, the headless Jizhou in the east, and Luozhou in the south. It swept down to the Eastern Capital, and perhaps it will rise again."

"How long have you been here?"

"More than a year."

"Have you been living here all the time?"

"Shen Bingzhou probably thinks it's not time for me to gallop."

This man is really proud. Xu Chu said, "Excuse me for being so nosy, what are your abilities?"

"I have a million soldiers in my heart."

"Oh." Xu Chu didn't know what to say. It turned out that this man's pride had not been fully revealed.

Tan Wuwei didn't care about other people's indifference. Instead, he came over and said with great interest: "I have learned military tactics since I was young and have learned a lot. Unfortunately, I am imprisoned and have no place to use my skills."

"For example, if this manor is attacked, do you have any defensive skills?"

Tan Wuwei said: "Why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken? A small manor is not worth my defense."

"What about Jinyang?"

"Jinyang is a place where the dragon rises. It is not a city that can be defended. We should send all the troops to expand the territory."

"Take Qinzhou in the west, attack Ji in the east, and roll up Luoyang in the south?" Xu Chu guessed.

"That's roughly what I mean, but we can't stick to it. Military tactics are tricks. If the enemy changes, I change. If the enemy doesn't change, I also change. When to attack and where to attack first are all uncertain. We must adapt to the situation."

"Then how many soldiers do you need?"

"Three hundred thousand."

Xu Chu was speechless. If there were three hundred thousand troops, he felt that he could also pacify the world, so he smiled and said: "Your ambition is not small. Well, I have something else to do and I have to go back to my residence..."

Xu Chu handed over and left, but Tan Wuwei refused to end there. He actually followed him and continued: "I have been in Bingzhou for more than a year, and I deeply thought that this was the best opportunity. I don't know what Shen Bingzhou was thinking, but he was reluctant to take action. , when Qinzhou is pacified and Jizhou is under control, the situation will be over. Yizhou in the southwest actually has the potential to dominate. It needs to go north to Hanzhong and Guanzhong, but the terrain is not as convenient as Bingzhou in the southeast. If the Seventeenth Young Master goes to Wuzhou, he must. Remember one thing, you must first take Huaizhou and conquer Jizhou in the north, and then you can conquer the world..."

All the way to the door of the thatched cottage, Tan Wuwei was talking about his plan to annex the world. Xu Chu was listening at first, but gradually lost his patience and guarded the door and said: "The house is simple, so I won't invite you in."

Xu Chu closed the door, and Tan Wuwei stood outside the door and still said: "In terms of the general trend, Wuzhou is not the first choice. However, if you plan well and catch up with the opportunity, it is possible to compete, but you must be bolder. You cannot I have the will to defend my success. There are few horses in Jiangdong, so I have to go north first. If I can get a surprise ride from Jizhou, the big thing will be half done..."

Xu Chu finally understood how the general felt. At that time, he frequently persuaded his father to rebel, and the general must have been tired of hearing this.

Tan Wuwei talked for a while, and finally said: "If the Seventeenth Young Master goes to Jiangdong, you can take me with you. You rest first, and we will talk tomorrow."

Ma Wei's life hung in the hands of Ning Bao'er. Xu Chu didn't want today to be wasted, so he packed the remaining jewelry into a small package and planned to use it to bribe the manager of the village. No matter what, he wanted to give it to Mr. Shen Wu in the city. A letter.

Opening the door, Tan Wuwei was still there, with his back turned to him, arguing with several scholars in the thatched hall. Although he was a rhetorical person, there was one good thing about him: he was never angry, even if the other party's spit sprayed on his face, he would not Don't be annoyed, at most you can take a step back and continue to talk about your plans for peace in the world.

Xu Chu walked away quickly, fearing that he would be entangled again.

The manor was very large. Xu Chu searched for a while before arriving at the front yard. The houses here were much better and there were more guests. Before dinner time, they all gathered in the courtyard to argue with each other, which was more heated than in the thatched cottage. .

An old man in his 40s or 50s held a mulberry tail and acted as the host, so that the scene did not get further out of control.

Xu Chu was walking around when someone suddenly grabbed his arm and dragged him to an empty room next to him.

"Seventeenth Young Master is so bold."

"Mr. Liu, long time no see." Xu Chu was overjoyed. He knew this man. He was the fortune teller Liu Youzhong. He suddenly fled Dongdu and had been in Jinyang for some time.

"I heard you were coming, so I came out of the city to greet you early in the morning. Why did the Seventeenth Young Master come out so arrogantly?"

"You knew I was coming?"

"Haha, when receiving guests in the village, it is necessary to notify the city in time. As soon as I heard the word 'Xu Chu', I knew who it was."

"Fifth Young Master Shen..."

"Seventeenth Young Master, go back to your residence first. I will visit you later."

The manor clearly belonged to the son-in-law of the Shen family, but he was acting so sneakily. Xu Chu was quite surprised. He nodded and was about to leave when he remembered something, "What happened to the man named Tan Wuwei?"

"Has the Seventeenth Young Master seen him? He is a madman. The Fifth Young Master Shen occasionally invites him to relieve his boredom, so he stays in the village. The Seventeenth Young Master does not need to pay attention to him."

Xu Chu smiled, opened the door and left the house, still avoiding the crowd, and returned to the thatched cottage, glad that he had saved a bag of jewelry.

Tan Wuwei was still standing outside the thatched cottage, but a group of people changed inside. The leader was the big man who complained about the bad food. Instead of attacking with spittle, he raised his fist and waved it around several times. Approaching Tan Wuwei's door.

Not long after, Liu Youzhong arrived. Without knocking, he opened the door and went straight in. He smiled and said, "It would be very offensive to let the Seventeenth Young Master live in a place like this. I hope everyone can see Haihan."

"Tell me quickly, what are the Shen family's plans?" Xu Chu didn't care about the quality of the room.

The room was dark. Liu Youzhong adapted for a moment and found a stool to sit down. "Seventeenth Young Master, please tell me how you got here first. We thought that Seventeenth Young Master wouldn't be able to make it."

"It's hard to describe in one sentence." Xu Chu told his escape experience as briefly as possible.

Liu Youdian stopped, "Seventeenth Young Master hasn't heard the news about Dongdu yet, has he?"

"What happened?" Xu Chu was walking in a hurry and had no time to inquire about the news. He occasionally met people and all he heard was about the riots along the river. No one mentioned the Dongdu.

"The Battle of Tongguan was fought by Cao Shenxi. Although he won a great victory, he failed to completely wipe out the rebels. Instead, the river workers were scattered and spread to all directions. The officers and soldiers were attacking everywhere."

"Where's the general?"

"Still outside Dongdu City."

"Still there?" Xu Chu was greatly surprised. His father handed him over to the court. With the imperial edict in hand and the help of the King of Eastern Hunan, he should have gone to Tongguan to take over the army.

"The specific situation is not clear yet. In short, the Western Expedition army is still led by Cao Shenxi. While guarding Tongguan, intercepting the rebels in Qinzhou, and chasing down Hegong, they are very worried."

"Even so, the imperial court won't let the general take charge of the army?"

"The current situation in the Eastern Capital is chaotic. The general, Taifu Liang, Lan Xun, Xi Yun, the King of Jibei, the King of Eastern Hunan and others are fighting for power. It is even more chaotic than I expected. The Seventeenth Young Master raised his hand and stabbed him, which is really shocking. The world is in chaos."

Liu Youzhong spoke with a smile, but Xu Chu couldn't laugh. "This is it. Hasn't Shen Bingzhou made up his mind yet?"

"The determination has been made, but it is difficult to act because of the obstruction from the head of Jinyang."

"Can't we get rid of it?"

"I had this intention, but the imperial court sent an envoy a few days ago. On the first day, he came up with ideas to help the general manager gather Jinyang soldiers, but instead trapped Mu Shou and his son. Speaking of this envoy, the Seventeenth Young Master may know him. I also studied at Yuxue Hall, my surname is Guo and my given name is Shifeng.”

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