Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 79 Knowing People

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As the sky was getting dark, Guo Shifeng lit the oil lamp and said, "Things in the world are so interesting. On the same rainy day, roadside vendors are worried about losing business, but umbrella sellers are happy."

Xu Chu understood what he meant, "The world is also in chaos, the people are suffering, the officials are frightened, but the counselors find a few more ways for nothing."

"That's right. In the past, it was difficult for me to knock on a door. Now, it's up to me whether I can open the door or not. Haha, if the world is peaceful, the king will choose his ministers. If the world is in chaos, the ministers will choose the king."

"Not everyone is as free and easy as Brother Guo."

Guo Shifeng didn't take this sentence as a mockery, "Brother Chu's problem is the same as Brother Ma's."


"Both of you don't think of yourself as pure counselors in your bones. You can assess the situation and want to be the master of troubled times when you have the opportunity. I'm not saying that this is not a good idea, but to be honest, you two can only be counselors with your talents. The sooner you understand this, , the better for you.”

"Brother Guo has specially observed the two of us?" Xu Chu became interested.

"Of course, how can you dare to join the gang if you don't observe such a big thing as assassinating a driver? Brother Chu, do you want to hear it?"

"I was about to ask for advice."

"You're welcome then. Brother Chu and Brother Ma are the same type of people. Brother Ma often talks about 'the former Liang Emperor', but Brother Chu never says it, but in his heart he always remembers that he is the daughter of Princess Wu. born."

Guo Shifeng hit the mark, Xu Chu remained silent, and suddenly discovered that the feeling of being told the central issue was not comfortable, but rather disgusting.

"You two have noble status, so it's inevitable that you think the counselor is a bit lowly."

"I don't have such an idea." Xu Chu argued.

"You don't have to think about some things. Do rich people have to remind themselves how much money they have at home every day after getting up? Those who are born rich don't think about money at all. Brother Chu, it's the same, you have a wealth that others can't even dream of. "

Xu Chu was dumbfounded. For him, his biological mother, Princess Wu, was more like a burden, but he had to admit that sometimes this burden also gave him a unique sense of pride.

Seeing that Xu Chu was silent, Guo Shifeng knew that he was right and continued to smile: "Unfortunately, whether it is Brother Ma's 'former Liang Emperor' or Brother Chu's 'Princess of Wu State', they are all buried wealth. There’s no way to use it, and there’s no way to get other people’s approval.”

"Brother Guo really... speaks frankly today."

"Haha, my younger brother Haihan." Guo Shifeng was unapologetic, "Everyone learns in name only. If we ourselves can't bear the principle of 'following name and being responsible for reality', how can we use it to others?"

"Brother Guo taught you the lesson, please continue."

Guo Shifeng listened intently, "It's noisy outside. Shen Wu probably brought someone to the door."

"It's just nightfall."

"Shen Wu has always prided himself on being a knight. If you come here to join him, he will definitely stand up for you and show his love to the world. If it is too late, he will make you feel like you are not a friend enough."

"We just became sworn brothers with different surnames last night. He ranks third and I rank fourth."

Guo Shifeng couldn't help but nod, "Look, this is where Brother Chu and Brother Ma are inferior to Shen Wu."

The noise outside became more and more obvious, but no one came in to report, indicating that Manager Miao had the upper hand. Guo Shifeng listened for a while and said, "Shen Wu is the real rich man. Wealth is in his hands and on his body. Everyone sees it." He knew it, so he spent his money freely and had friends everywhere from Bingzhou to Dongdu."

Guo Shifeng sighed softly, "It's not my fault that Brother Chu came to seek refuge with him. Even I, if I met Shen Wu first, would be willing to be used by him."

"I just came here to seek refuge, but I never thought I would be used by him."

"Some things have to be forced. In troubled times, who doesn't want to be the emperor? He doesn't want to, but he really can't. The Shen family raises the flag, the whole world responds, Brother Chu shouts, how many people care? Even Brother Ma usually makes many friends , when there is really going to be trouble, who is willing to follow him?”

"Brother Guo is wrong. A common man proclaims himself emperor and dominates the world. This kind of thing has happened before."

"Yes, it's written in the history books. But I'm afraid that if I say that I'm high enough, I won't be able to respond to everything at once, and if I say that I'm low enough, I won't be able to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. With my humble background, can I eat and drink with the rioters and talk about household matters?"

Xu Chu thought of Ning Bao'er, there were some things he really couldn't do, "Brother Guo thinks I can only be a counselor?"

"Haha, 'only' people like Brother Chu and Brother Ma can say it. If it were me, I would be happy and proud to be a counselor."

The noise outside faded away, and Miao Sa ran over excitedly, opened the door and walked in, "Imperial envoy..."

"If you think highly of me, please call me 'sir'." The more respectful the other party is, the more humble Guo Shifeng becomes.

"Then I would be rude, Mr. Guo. As you expected, Shen Dan led dozens of people to attack our mansion and was repulsed."

"Has anyone been caught?"

"Killed three people and captured seven alive. Unfortunately, Shen Dan was not caught. He did come, but he ran fast."

"Don't be careless, he will come again."

"Yes, I have arranged for soldiers to be on guard. The Shen family robbed the imperial convicts. Can we declare their family's crime tomorrow?"

Guo Shifeng stood up, came to Miao Sa, and said with a smile: "The imperial court sent me to Jinyang not to plead guilty, but to mobilize soldiers from the state to go south to quell the rebellion. How can I be convicted of a crime?"

"But the Shen family is about to rebel."

"Don't worry, Shen Dan will be defeated tonight. Lord Mu Shou will definitely see me tomorrow, and I will have my say then. But I'm just talking. If I want to succeed, I must have a strong backer from the General Manager, who will guard Jinyang City. , is the fundamental solution.”

Miao Sa was so excited by these words that she did not use her official position to pressure others. Instead, she bowed her head repeatedly. When Guo Shifeng was her superior, she said, "Mr. Guo, thank you. Without Mr. Guo's mouth, I would have broken my legs and my achievements would have been useless." ”

After the two of them exchanged a few polite words, Miao Sa resigned and assigned command, feeling more confident.

Guo Shifeng returned to his seat, "Look, I've won the first half of the game."

"There is no first half or second half, and it is difficult to determine victory or defeat until the end."

"This is what I admire the most about Brother Chu. He is determined and does not change easily when things go wrong. He is not like me who is ups and downs in the world, nor is he like Brother Ma. He is too smart and will run away as soon as danger appears. But you have a The shortcomings are not as good as Brother Ma, or even worse than me.”

"Want to hear the details."

"Make friends with people. The world is dead, but the people of the world are alive. Fighting for the world means fighting for the hearts of the people. Regardless of whether they are born nobles or ordinary heroes, those who can win the throne are all chivalrous people. They usually have friends. Chaos Shi was naturally elected as the leader. Shen Dan has this ability, Brother Ma also has some, and even I have more friends than Brother Chu."

"Brother Guo hit the nail on the head."

"So I say, the sooner Brother Chu confirms his identity as a counselor, the greater the benefits will be."

"Brother Guo took the trouble to persuade me to be a counselor, but he never said who he wanted to be a counselor for."

"Brother Chu's cleverness, I'm willing to give in to." Guo Shifeng held up his hand and leaned forward and said, "Back in the Eastern Capital, you and I will work together to promote the Northern King of Ji as the emperor. We will make immortal contributions and enjoy life-long blessings."

"From what Brother Guo said before, the Empress Dowager has already planned to establish the King of Jibei."

"Women are short-sighted, and the Empress Dowager is no exception. She has this intention, but is hesitant. After all, the new emperor is his grandson. The slightest bit of bullying will make the Empress Dowager intolerable."

"The Liang family treats Brother Guo well."

Guo Shifeng said with a smile: "It's not because I am ungrateful. Liang Xima is narrow-minded and cannot tolerate others. Taifu Liang thinks too highly of himself. Troubled times are coming, but he is determined to rule the world with the way of sages. He will not last long. Since I want to rely on Tiancheng, naturally I hope this dynasty can last longer. The King of Jibei is a good drinker and a tolerant man, but he has no ambitions. If there are many heroes competing for the throne, he is not the best choice. If he succeeds and maintains the throne, he will be supported by wise and understanding people. "

"Brother Guo is so frank, and I must also tell the truth. Princess Fangde divorced me before leaving Dongdu, and I still have the divorce letter with me."

Guo Shifeng was stunned for a while, then laughed, "That's a joke, no one will take it seriously. Besides, Brother Chu doesn't need the princess to advise the King of Jibei."

"Without the status of son-in-law, why should the King of Jibei listen to me?"

"The identity of the son-in-law is not important, the friendship between life and death is the assassination together."

Guo Shifeng obviously knew the details about Xu Chu and other three people's joint assassination of the emperor. He wanted to use Xu Chu's "friendship" with Zhang Shiyu to persuade him for this.

"Where's Shao Junqian?"

"Oh, he was also a counselor. Unfortunately, he made a wrong move. Among so many people, he chose the eldest princess. Before he could gain a firm foothold, he was defeated - he was whipped to death by the little emperor himself. There is no need to go into details. I guess he will wait until we return. When we were in Dongdu, the eldest princess also died. "

Shao Junqian's target at the beginning was not the eldest princess, but the general. Xu Chu did not mention this and remained silent.

Guo Shifeng thought that he had been tempted, and took advantage of the victory to pursue him, "There is nothing wrong with being a counselor, but it is a good thing for us to be incompetent. The King of Jibei and the Crown Prince of Yu will both rely on Chu Di to govern the world. Although he does not have the title of prime minister, he can still exercise power. In fact, why not do it?”

"If I take power, I will clear away the charges of assassination, kill everyone who knows about it, and turn it into a secret shared only by Prince Yu and me."

Guo Shifeng was stunned again, smiled and shook his head, "You are still too young, and there are some things that you can't figure out or get rid of. Don't be in a hurry. Let's talk slowly on the way back to Beijing."

"I won't go back to Beijing, at least not in the near future."

"Do you think you can win?"

"Brother Guo, what do you think of Tan Wuwei?"

Guo Shifeng frowned, "Is that the man who was locked under the pillar? I'm not familiar with him. I heard he's a madman. Brother Chu, do you think he can save you?"

"Tan Wuwei has some strange ideas, which are often unexpected. If Mr. Shen Wu can listen to his plan tonight, I will be fine."

"What tricks can he come up with?"

"I don't know about this. As a counselor, I only look at people, not recruit them. I see that Tan Wuwei has a way, and I also see that Shen Wu is likely to reuse this person at the critical moment. Other than that, I only Can wait for destiny."

"Brother Chu finally regards himself as a counselor." The smile on Guo Shifeng's face became slightly stiff, and he stood up suddenly, "Don't trust anything to your advantage. Miao Sa is a little confused in what he does. I have to give him some more warnings."

Suddenly there was another noise outside, this time very close. It didn't sound like a conflict on the street outside, but more like someone inside the mansion was shouting.

Guo Shifeng's expression suddenly changed, he picked up his clothes and ran outside.

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