Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 87 Peacemaking

(Thanks to the reader "Big Foot" for the red reward. Please subscribe and vote for the monthly ticket.)

The camp doesn't look big, it can accommodate six or seven thousand people, the internal division is clear, and there are many flags of various colors but not messy. Even the officers and soldiers rarely see such a neat camp.

"The camp of King Wu Yue was occupied by officers and soldiers?" Gan Zhao and others were all pale, and a few people looked at Xu Chu, thinking that he had tricked them into a trap.

"Don't worry..." Xu Chu was also shocked. He was about to approach the camp alone to observe it. There was a sound behind him, and he and others turned their horses around. This time, even he couldn't keep calm.

Dozens of riders came out of nowhere and blocked the retreat.

These people didn't wear swastika scarves on their heads, some wore helmets, and some had bald heads tied in buns.

"Why did the Advent Army come to us?" A person on the opposite side asked coldly.

Gan Zhao knew this man, and felt relieved. He bowed and smiled, "Brother Luo, don't you recognize me?"

"I recognize you, but I have a military order, so I don't care about our old friendship."

Gan Zhao was a little embarrassed and looked at the "guide" Xu Chu.

Xu Chu was also a little embarrassed. If Gan Zhao and others died or were imprisoned because of him, he would be ashamed, so he slapped his horse forward.

He also recognized this "Brother Luo". They used to call each other by their first and last names. "Luo Qihaier, I'm back and I want to see the King of Wuyue."

"Hey." Luo Qihaier raised the long spear in his hand, and the tip of the spear pointed at Xu Chu's heart. "You change your surname, I change my name, and my name is Luo Hanqi now."

"Congratulations." Xu Chu bowed.

"Do you know the origin of my long spear?"

Xu Chu shook his head. He only remembered that when they met last time, this person didn't have a long weapon in his hand.

"This is one of the thirty-six spears made by the Emperor of All Things and the skilled craftsmen in the world. The King of Wuyue got it and gave it to me personally. It is worth a thousand gold."

"Congratulations." Xu Chu had to bow again, not understanding the other party's intention.

Luo Hanqi paused for a while, "Because of you, I just lost this long spear to Liu Busheng."

"Me? Liu Busheng?"

"Yes, you should remember him, right? The strongest one among us."

"Remember, the hero who uses two swords." Xu Chu only had a vague impression, and he remembered it after being reminded by the other party.

"He is good at using two swords, but he wants to take my long spear, all because you are back."

Xu Chu understood that Luo Hanqi thought he didn't dare to show up again, so he made a bet with others, and the bet was the long spear in his hand.

"The Emperor of All Things has thirty-six spears. With Brother Luo's bravery, he can grab another one."

Luo Hanqi snorted and turned his eyes to Gan Zhao, "Gan, the treasurer, why are you following?"

Gan Zhao never mentioned his previous position. It turned out that he was just a clerk in charge of the warehouse.

"This..." Gan Zhao vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"I asked them to come with me, and I also brought a message from the King of the World." Xu Chu said.

If Xu Chu came alone, Luo Hanqi would definitely not believe this, but with Gan Zhao accompanying him, he couldn't help but believe it, "You... follow me into the camp."

On the way to the camp, Gan Zhao approached Xu Chu and whispered, "Master Xu, don't you know the changes here?"

"The King of Wuyue should have just changed his flag not long ago." Xu Chu said vaguely, "I will never forget the favor of Commander Gan's escort."

Gan Zhao forced a smile and didn't ask any more questions.

A man stood at the entrance of the camp, with his hands on his hips and a big smile on his face, "Haha, isn't this Brother Xu Chu? You're finally back. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Luo Hanqi thrust his long spear into the mud under the man's footsteps and said coldly, "Here you go."

Liu Busheng was not tall, but very strong. He stretched out his hand to pull up the long spear, weighed it twice, and praised, "The stuff of the Emperor of All Things is really good. Thank you." He also said to Xu Chu, "I'll treat you to a drink later."

Luo Hanqi and Liu Busheng were both old subordinates of Ning Baoer. Gan Zhao and others naturally recognized them. Seeing that the two really knew Xu Chu, they felt relieved, but when they heard the two talking, they all felt something was wrong.

Everyone was waiting at the gate of the camp, listening to Luo and Liu bickering. Not long after, a soldier came to report that the King of Wuyue invited Commander Gan and Master Xu to enter the tent.

At least the camp still belonged to Ning Baoer.

There was a big tent in the middle of the camp, surrounded by flags. The flag at the door was particularly eye-catching, nearly two feet above the ground, with a red flag embroidered with two big black characters - Baoguan.

Gan Zhao looked at Xu Chu and asked the meaning of the two words, but Xu Chu pretended not to notice.

The tent was spacious, but the layout was very simple. There was nothing on the ground, and there were no guards standing. There was only a Wuyue King sitting in the empty tent.

Ning Baoer was still wearing his old clothes and armor, but he had a pair of new boots on his feet. His head was not empty like before, and he didn't wear a soldier's helmet. Instead, he was wrapped in the headscarf of the Advent Army, with only one swastika on it.

Gan Zhao heaved a sigh of relief again, while Xu Chu was greatly relieved, and stepped forward to bow and salute, "I'm back."

Ning Baoer nodded to Gan Zhao first, as a courtesy to old friends, and then said to Xu Chu: "Where are the soldiers?"

"Where is Ma Wei?"

The two looked at each other, neither of them was willing to give in. Gan Zhao laughed and interrupted: "The two words 'Baoguan' outside are the new name of King Ning, right? Who gave it? It's really good."

"Well, it's been a few days since I changed it. From now on, I will be called 'Wu Yue Wang Ning Baoguan'. The new name was given by Ma Wei, and he is still alive."

Gan Zhao didn't know who Ma Wei was, so he couldn't get in the conversation.

Xu Chu bowed and said: "Hundreds of thousands of the Jiangshi Army are stationed in Linhe Town, and 50,000 Jinyang soldiers are now in Yingcheng."

To him, numbers are meaningless, so he just said it casually.

"Hey, I fought two battles with the Jiangshi Army, and you want to provoke me to fight a third time?"

"I came from Linhe Town with a peace message from the King of the World: The King of Wuyue can retain the title of king, and he will go to the fiefdom within five days and cannot stay here."

Ning Baoguan opened his eyes slightly and asked Gan, "Really?"

"The King of Avatar said it himself." Gan Zhao said.

"How could Xue Liu change his mind?" Although Ning Baoguan wore a swastika scarf, he had no respect for the coming king and called him by his old name "Xue Liu".

"King Ning's counselors are very capable. It was Mr. Xu who persuaded Xue Zu to make peace between the two families."

Ning Baoguan first sneered, then laughed, stood up, and walked to the two of them, "Have you seen my camp?"

The two nodded, both of them confused.

"The imperial court has named me General Zhenhe. These tents, armor, flags, and grain are all gifts from the imperial court."

Gan Zhao lowered his head and said nothing, Xu Chu said: "The imperial court does not have the title of 'General Zhenhe', so it was temporarily fabricated to deceive the king."

"But things are always real, right?"

"What's the point of celebrating when you're fishing for bait?"

"When you're hungry, you have to eat anything, no matter whether it's bait or not."

"Is your Majesty full?"

Ning Baoguan was stunned for a moment and said slowly: "I'm not full, not even a little bit full. I'm still so hungry."

Gan Zhao also understood and said with a smile: "Even if we accept the recruitment, the court will not regard us as its own, how can we have enough to eat? Prince Ning wears an old scarf, and he must still miss the old feelings."

Ning Baoguan took off his turban, held it in his hand and looked at it, "Where is the Patriarch Maitreya? Why has he been refusing to show his spirit for so long?"

Gan Zhao said: "We started as a common man in Qinzhou. Although we have been defeated many times, we have not fallen yet. Without the secret protection of Patriarch Maitreya, how could we have achieved such great success?"

Ning Baoguan put on his headscarf again, "Where are my wife and children?"

"They are all in Linhe Town. As long as King Ning agrees to make peace and dispatch his troops to Jiangdong, Xue Zu will return his sister-in-law, mother and son, and there will be no shortage of them."

Ning Baoguan circled half a circle around Xu Chu, and when he spoke he still spoke to Gan Zhao, "Tell King Jingshi that accepting the recruitment of officers and soldiers is just a temporary plan on my part. I am still the King of Wuyue in the Jingshi Army - as long as he is willing to admit it." This is the king's name. After eight days, I will go eastward and never return westward. During this period, everyone will draw a ridge as a boundary. If I don't go through, you don't come over. If I'm missing one of my wives and children, even if I'm missing one finger. Don't blame me for going back on your word, or being humiliated by someone. When a man is alive, he must repay kindness and revenge."

"Eight days? I can agree on behalf of Xue Zu first. If there is no objection, we will make a blood alliance and worship Buddha to make a covenant."

"what ever."

"Then I'll go back first."

"Don't worry. Liu Busheng!" Ning Baoguan shouted loudly.

Liu Busheng entered the tent, still holding the long spear in his hand.

"Enter Brother Gan for me, good wine and good meat. He is still my brother."

Liu Busheng grinned and said: "It's still easy to get along with the brothers before. Treasurer Gan, come on, let's get drunk and then we'll stop."

Gan Zhao handed over his hand, Xu Chu also handed over his hand, Ning Baoguan said: "You stay."

There was no one else in the tent, so Ning Baoguan sat back on his chair and remained silent for a long time, not looking at anyone. Xu Chu didn't say a word and looked to the other side.

"How do you know I want to make peace?" Ning Baoguan looked away and asked.

"The world is not at peace, and it is not appropriate to fight among ourselves. Your Majesty must understand this. The title of Your Majesty is obtained by the descending army. Fighting with it, regardless of victory or defeat, will be detrimental to your reputation."

"The thing I hate most in life is having other people make decisions for me."

"Sometimes what I see is the same. Peace or war is still decided by the king alone. I will put my life in the hands of the king without any regrets or complaints."

Ning Baoguan laughed, "Scholar, haha, scholar. What's going on with the Jinyang soldiers? From the look of you, are you hiding these things from Gan Zhao?"

"If they don't ask, I won't tell."

"Hey, Gan Zhao was smart and confused for a while, and he was deceived by you. Did the Jinyang soldiers really go south?"

"On the way, we can reach Yingcheng in three to five minutes." Xu Chu speculated so, but his tone was very sure.

"What's Shen Zhi's intention?"

"Watch the battle and choose the opportunity to act."

Ning Baoguan cursed, "What the hell, there are more and more officers and soldiers. Even if I make peace with the World Army, I will still be no match for the officers and soldiers. The Jinyang soldiers are trying to take advantage of the situation."

"Otherwise, Shen Mushou once made a move to resist the imperial decree, but his true nature has been revealed and he cannot be trusted by the court. The Jinyang soldiers would rather see the officers and soldiers defeated. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will definitely join the war."

"Where's the glimmer of hope? I can't see a hair on it."

"Together we are strong, divided we are weak." Xu Chu responded accordingly, telling King Jingshi about the benefits of enfeoffing the kings, and to Ning Baoguan he urged the necessity of alliance.

"How can we get along? Xue Liu and I are from the same background, so we can make peace. I have nothing to say to Shen Zhi."

"The king accepted the imperial court's offer of peace as a temporary measure. Why not implement a temporary plan and submit to Shen Mushou?"

Ning Baoguan cursed again, "I am the King of Wuyue, so it doesn't matter if I am inferior to Xue Liu. Who asked him to be the first to cause trouble? Who is Shen Zhi? A mere shepherd, let the King of Wuyue become a minister?"

"Shen Mu Shou will soon be crowned king. Moreover, a temporary plan can only be used temporarily. In the melee in the Central Plains, the sooner the king escapes, the better. Only by occupying Jiangdong can he be qualified to conquer the world. If he clings to this small area, even if he wins a big victory. Can your Majesty, Zidu, hold on to the field?"

Ning Baoguan was silent for a moment, "How do I know if you are thinking of me or setting a trap for me?"

"With your great king's wisdom, you should clearly identify the loyal and the traitor."

"Haha, I do see clearly that you are not loyal, but you are not treacherous either. Okay, I will give you a chance. If you can really bring the three families together and tide over the difficulties, I will consider you capable and give you whatever you want."

"I have no other request, I just want to ask where Ma Wei is now?"

"I didn't expect you to be a man who values ​​friendship. It was Ma Wei who suggested that I accept the amnesty, but he is not here. He went to Mengjin."


"He volunteered to take Mengjin and present it to me, so I gave him two hundred people and asked him to try."

The two cities of Mengjin, north and south, are as solid as a rock. Even with two thousand or twenty thousand people, they may not be able to capture them. Ma Wei only brought two hundred people, which was tantamount to sending himself to death.

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