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The city gate opened a crack, and Ma Wei hurried out, spreading his arms and laughing.

Xu Chu hurriedly dismounted, but before he could speak, Ma Wei hugged him and whispered: "You saved me, you really saved me. Did the gods send you here? Don't say anything. Lead people into the city and don't make the city angry." suspect."

Ma Wei's words had no beginning or end, but Xu Chu could hear the obvious nervousness, so he nodded, remounted his horse, and ran towards the five hundred soldiers sent by Ning Baoguan.

Luo Hanqi didn't plan to enter the city. The order he received was very simple. He was to escort Xu Chu to Mengjin and find Ma Wei. It didn't matter whether he saw a living person or a corpse. His mission was over.

"Mr. Xu, let's say goodbye. I'm a rough guy, I don't know etiquette, and I offended you a lot along the way. In fact, I quite admire you. You, a pretty boy, dare to participate in an assassination, let alone be friends. There will be a chance in the future. I’ll treat you to a drink, and if your drinking ability is acceptable, I can make you my friend.”

Xu Chu had already thought of his words on the road, raised his hands and said with a smile: "With General Lauro seeing you off, I will definitely sacrifice my life to accompany you when we get to the wine table."

Luo Hanqi laughed, "Forget it if you risk your life, as long as you can sacrifice your face."

Just as Luo Hanqi was about to give the order to turn around and return to camp, Xu Chu said: "General Luo can be honest. I won't hide it anymore. I have something to say to you."

"Oh?" Luo Hanqi is not willing to recruit, let alone Baoguan, and is not interested in "sending messages".

"General Luo will definitely be reprimanded by King Wu Yue if he returns to camp like this."

Luo Hanqi was stunned, "I left safely and came back safely. I didn't make any mistakes. Why should I be scolded?"

"The King of Wuyue has always wanted to lead troops to the east of the Yangtze River. However, due to the obstruction of Mengjin, it was difficult for ships to move eastward, so he allowed Ma Wei to lead troops to attack Mengjin just in case."

Although Luo Hanqi once boasted that attacking Mengjin would be easy, he knew in his heart that this was indeed a "just in case" difficult task. "Yes, Ma Wei is very powerful and actually won it, but it has nothing to do with me."

"It has a lot to do with it. Ma Wei won the pass by luck, and his foothold is not stable. If he gains it, he will lose it. General Luo is a close confidant of King Wu Yue's old army. If he fails to save people in danger and does not enter the city, he will not only be reprimanded after he returns, but I am afraid that I will make King Wu Yue very angry."

Luo Hanqi's expression changed, "The King of Wuyue was angry... Mr. Xu, you are such a good person. You saved me with just a few words. Let's go into the city together."

"Use my horse and send someone back to report to King Wuyue."

Xu Chu jumped off his horse.

Luo Hanqi also dismounted, called the two of them, and ordered them to ride back to camp immediately, "Don't stop, you can run as fast as you can."

The two led the soldiers towards the city gate. Luo Hanqi carried the long spear and said: "Prince Ning always said that scholars are also very important. I dare not object with my mouth, but I am not convinced in my heart. I was awakened by Mr. Xu's words today - Reading is so damn useful, the devils are more clever than us."

Xu Chu smiled and was thinking, why was it that he had difficulty communicating with Luo Hanqi along the way, but suddenly he was able to win his admiration with just a few words? He soon realized that he lacked the ability to communicate in daily life. Only when the other party was in trouble and was in a dilemma could he speak clearly and rationally. Even if he could not win the trust of the other party, he could still gain some respect.

You have to be an ambitious person to be in trouble all the time.

Xu Chu didn't feel relieved to understand this, because he still couldn't mingle with ordinary people anytime and anywhere.

"The situation in the city is unclear. Don't act rashly after entering the city."

"Well, I listen to you." Luo Hanqi is as brave as anyone. When it comes to acting according to the situation, he admits that he is not as good as "the pretty boy".

The city gate opened a little wider, and Ma Wei still stood under the gate and said loudly: "General Lan is true to his word. He will send troops as he said."

Luo Hanqi didn't understand, but he made up his mind. Seeing that Xu Chu didn't say a word, he also remained calm.

Five hundred people marched into the city.

The small town is not big, and the streets are not wide. There is no one there. It is cut off halfway by a lonely high-rise building a few hundred steps away, and I am forced to turn right.

Ma Wei recognized Luo Hanqi and handed him over, "General Lauro will call out for me later."

"What to shout?"

"Whatever, the louder the better."

"Haha, this is easy, I can shout now."

"Wait a moment, look at my signal."

Luo Hanqi nodded, but shook his head in his heart. After all, he didn't like the "cunning" of scholars.

The tall building in the middle of the small town is similar in shape to the city gate tower. There is also a passage below, but the door is closed. Several people are lined up upstairs, looking down, holding bows and arrows in their hands.

"General Zhang, do you trust me? These are reinforcements sent by General Lan."

General Zhang was a veteran general. He had already seen the soldiers on the street. Just looking at the armor, flags and staffs, they did look like officers and soldiers. However, he always felt that something was wrong and asked loudly: "General Lan crossed the river? Why are the reinforcements coming in from the north gate?"

"Haha, General Zhang is too suspicious. General Lan himself did not cross the river, but Hebei has its own troops stationed there. They can be summoned as soon as a military order is issued."

General Zhang was still dubious and ordered the people on both sides to put down their bows and arrows, "You and the generals in charge come up, and the others stay where they are and are not allowed to move."

Ma Wei put his right hand behind his back and swung it gently. Luo Hanqi roared loudly, which made the ears of the people around him numb. It shocked the people upstairs and turned pale. Even the brick floor under his feet seemed to be shaking.

Not counting the yelling, Luo Hanqi still wanted to curse and say a few words, "I was ordered to help, but what the hell is this general? He actually treats me as an outsider and makes my hard work in vain. Let's go and let them defend the city by themselves." ”

General Zhang who was upstairs said hurriedly: "General, don't leave, I have something to say." After saying that, he turned around in a hurry, obviously going downstairs to see him.

Ma Wei turned around and nodded slightly to Luo Hanqi and Xu Chu.

The door downstairs opened, and General Zhang ran quickly with four followers, with a smile on his face, "I'm sorry, what's the name of this general? Where does he come from? Who is the general?"

Luo Hanqi answered all questions, "My name is Luo Hanqi. I am coming from the west. My general... my lord is the King of Wuyue."

Hearing the words "King of Wuyue", General Zhang was startled and took two more steps before stopping, "Is there a King of Wuyue in this dynasty?"

"Wu Yue Wang Ning Baoguan, have you never heard of it?" Luo Hanqi was furious.

"Oh——" General Zhang turned around and retreated into the building.

Luo Hanqi didn't need to signal, he called the soldiers behind him, and rushed to the front. He caught up with him in a few steps, and stabbed one of his followers with one stab. The remaining people, including General Zhang, all collapsed on the ground in fear.

"Prince Ning is a hundred times braver than me. Just think like me. Do you recognize him now?" Luo Han asked curiously.

"I recognize it, I recognize it." General Zhang trembled.

Ma Wei was overjoyed and said, "General Luo is a really fierce general. Please come with me to patrol the city."

"Why are you still shouting? My throat can't stand it."

"No need to shout anymore. We will patrol the city for a while and it will be over soon. Then I will treat General Luo to a drink to moisten his throat."

Ma Wei, Luo Hanqi, and Xu Chu walked in front, and the soldiers escorted General Zhang and others behind. Others lined up to follow. Everywhere they went, soldiers came out in twos and threes to meet each other.

There were not many defenders of the city, just over a hundred people. Seeing that the city lord was captured, they all laid down their weapons and surrendered.

The two hundred people brought by Ma Wei were trapped in a house in a corner of the city. After opening the door, they all knelt down and worshiped Ma Wei.

Ma Wei comforted them first, and then issued a series of orders to let his subordinates occupy key places such as the city gate, thus truly seizing the town.

General Zhang was imprisoned, and Ma Wei led people back to the high-rise building in the center of the city to collect food and prepare a feast.

There are not many guards in the city, but there is plenty of food, enough to feed three to five thousand people for a month. There is also a lot of wine and meat. Although it is not fine wine, it is just right for Luo Hanqi's appetite.

At the banquet, Ma Wei recounted his experience in capturing the city.

"Lan Xun is really the best fool in the world. He didn't know who to listen to. He thought there were rebels everywhere, so he led his troops to huddle near the capital, under the euphemistic name of protecting the emperor and the empress dowager. He also recruited garrison troops from various cities. Even Meng Jin didn't want to defend, saying he wanted to let the thieves cross the river and fight to the death. "

"When the government sent people to recruit people, I guessed that the court must have a guilty conscience, so I volunteered and led 200 people to attack the city. I didn't expect that Lan Xun was so guilty that he actually transferred most of the small town's garrison, leaving only a hundred or so people. . I entered the city as an officer, but General Zhang was so cunning that he tricked my people into a trap and forced me to produce my superior's documents. Fortunately, I knew some about the sky and looked up, so I predicted that there would be a savior today. Coming. Haha.”

Luo Hanqi admired him very much and said while eating the meat: "Both of you can do it, you are better than I expected. Meng Jin has already taken it. Just wait for King Wu Yue to come and let's go to Jiangdong together. I heard that there is gold and silver everywhere there. There are hordes of beauties, enough for an army of millions to share, and I want to grab the top spot.”

"With General Luo's bravery, why worry about not having money or a wife?" Ma Wei insisted on drinking.

Xu Chu asked: "Now that we have the small city, where is the big city on the south bank?"

"There are slightly more guards in the big city, and they have blocked the bridge and don't allow anyone to pass, not even the officers and soldiers. After the King of Wuyue arrives, we will find a way to capture it."

Luo Hanqi took a big sip of wine and said to Xu Chu, "Didn't I agree to risk my life to be with you? Why don't I see you drinking?"

Xu Chu picked up the wine bowl with a smile and took a big sip.

As the wine got stronger, Xu Chu and Ma Wei took a sip, while Luo Hanqi and several of his subordinates drank a bowl. They soon became extremely drunk, staggering around and punching themselves to persuade them to drink.

The smile on Ma Wei's face disappeared, and he cupped his hands to Xu Chu and said: "Brother Chu came a step too late, and brother Yu died here."

Ma Wei recounted his experience of capturing the city again. He claimed that it was true that the officers and soldiers entered the city. However, he made a mistake and trusted General Zhang too much. He even handed over 200 people to General Zhang. However, he was trapped by the other party. He had no choice but to claim that he still had more soldiers. When reinforcements arrive, they will have documents from the Ministry of War in hand.

General Zhang sent people to escort Ma Wei to the top of the city. If no reinforcements were seen before dark, he would be beheaded.

"Mengjin is not far from Luoyang. Why doesn't General Zhang send someone to ask?"

"We all know that Lan Xun is incompetent, but we still can't imagine how stupid he is. It was he who gave the order that no one from anywhere is allowed to go to Luoyang."

"Why is this? He doesn't want to know about the situation... I understand. He used Qinzhou's tricks again to prevent any news from reaching the court."

"He said that most of the news coming from everywhere was untrue and would disturb the Holy Masters of the two palaces for no reason. It would be better not to listen. He has made a clever plan and will soon annihilate the rebels in one fell swoop, without the need for help from various places."

Xu Chu was stunned. After a moment, he understood.

"Brother Chu, do you think the same as me?" Ma Wei asked with a smile.

Xu Chu nodded, but there was no smile on his face, "It can only be for this reason that Lan Xun felt that his position in the court was not yet stable, so he transferred his troops back to the capital and put them all under his command, and then..."

"Seize the imperial army and suppress the imperial court, but I guess he doesn't have the guts to usurp the throne. He just wants to keep the Lan family in power and have no worries."

"But he is about to knock down the last pillar of Tiancheng Dynasty..." Xu Chu kept shaking his head, believing that this was something Lan Xun could do, but he couldn't understand the stupidity in it.

"Brother Chu, are you a little homesick?"

Lan Xun wanted to consolidate his power, so he had to attack the Lou family. Xu Chu said, "I have changed my surname, and I have no home to think about."

"Well, I knew that Brother Chu was not a person who would look ahead and behind. Brother Chu returned as promised, and I appreciate this kindness. Now, you have to do me another favor."

"Brother Ma, just speak up."

Ma Wei looked at the drunk people, "I only want soldiers, not generals. Now that the small city of Mengjin is in my hands, I will never give it to others."

Xu Chu was shocked.

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