Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 94 Knowing People

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Xu Chu was standing in a daze at the door. A group of soldiers came running from outside the courtyard, holding swords and guns. Someone shouted: "Get the assassin's accomplices!"

Xu Chu once again became an "accomplice". Although he was wronged, he had no way to defend himself. Liu Yunzhi and Chen Laoci were both from Luoyang, and he brought them to Yingcheng. From the Shen family's point of view, no matter how you look at him, A fellow assassin.

"Lord Mu Shou..."

As soon as Xu Chu said a few words, he was interrupted by a scolding voice, "This man is born to be rebellious, let's just kill him!"

Xu Chu was in embarrassment. Another person came outside and said, "Put down your weapons and don't be rude to the guests!"

Liu Youzhong was a distinguished guest of the Shen family. He was trusted by Shen Zhi and other disciples. The soldiers all recognized him and did not approach him any further. However, they refused to give up. An officer said: "Mr. Liu, this man has brought assassins... "

Liu Youzhong waved his hand, "He has nothing to do with the assassin, I can guarantee that. Mr. Shen is unharmed. The assassin has been captured alive. The truth will be found out soon. You all go on patrol and don't waste time here."

The soldiers then retreated.

Xu Chu stepped forward and cupped his hands: "The assassins are really the two I brought here?"

"Come inside and talk."

Entering the house, Liu Youzhong said: "The third brother was worried that there would be a misunderstanding. He was looking after Mr. Shen and asked me to come over. Fortunately, he arrived in time."

"Master Mu Shou is injured?"

Liu Youdian ended, "The injury is not serious, but it must be kept secret to avoid disturbing the morale of the army."

The army set off for the expedition, but before the battle began, the coach was injured first. This was indeed very bad news. Liu Youzhong concealed it from the soldiers, but was honest with Xu Chu, apparently truly believing that he had nothing to do with the assassins.

But Xu Chu still felt ashamed, "I've been traveling together for two days, and I didn't see any problems at all."

Liu Youzhong smiled and said: "If the fourth brother can see the flaw, then the two of them are not worthy of being called Lao Jianghu. These two people will confess soon, and they must be assassins sent by Lan Xun."

"Lan Xun is the commander-in-chief of the officers and soldiers, and he actually uses this method?"

"Hey, assassination is always effective. Fourth brother has read a lot of books, so he should often see the words 'assassination by envoys'."

Xu Chu nodded, "I am the assassin..."

"It's also an assassin. It also depends on who the assassin is. Fourth brother, don't think too much. I'll go to the backyard and take a look."

Xu Chu walked to the door, and the more he thought about it, the more awkward he became.

Half an hour later, Shen Dan came, entered the room and said with a smile: "Fourth brother is still awake? It's nothing serious. My father was slightly injured, and the assassin also confessed. He was indeed sent by Lan Xun."

"It's because I don't know people well..."

Shen Dan waved his hand, "It has nothing to do with the fourth brother. These two people were among the heroes of Dongdu. They wanted to defect to Jinyang with them and took advantage of the opportunity. Unexpectedly, the others stayed in Mengjin, so the two of them used them as escorts. No matter what, they will always find a way to sneak in. "

"Fortunately, Master Mu Shou is very careful in his defense."

"Haha, speaking of it, I have to thank my eldest brother for this. He saw that these two people had evil intentions and warned me to take precautions early, so they didn't succeed."

"When did brother find out?"

"When we were drinking together, my eldest brother told me afterwards that these two people looked weird. When others came to join us, they would brag about themselves in order to be used more. However, they were always humble, as if they only wanted to be soldiers here, which is not worthy of the status of a hero."

"Brother is still good at judging people." Xu Chu was so impressed that he originally thought Liu Youzhong was just a fortune teller who was good at figuring out other people's thoughts. Now he realized that this man did have some real abilities, otherwise he wouldn't have gained much. Valued by the powerful.

"The eldest brother is the real old man..."

"Do you think I can lie to people?" Liu Youzhong came in with a smile.

Xu Chu stood up and held his hands, "I just mentioned that my elder brother has the ability to recognize people."

"Haha, if you meet a lot of people, you can always figure out some tricks."

Shen Dan said: "But I was not resolute enough. Even though I was warned, I was still not sufficiently prepared. This gave the two thieves an opportunity to take advantage of me and injure my father."

"Since we are sworn brothers, we should not be polite to each other." Liu Youzhong did not take any credit and said to Xu Chu, "Fourth brother must return to Mengjin immediately."

"Are there assassins among those people?"

Liu Youdian ended, "There are two more who specialize in assassinating the King of the World, and may also assassinate the King of Wuyue instead."

"I'll leave now."

"Don't worry, I have sent a messenger. Fourth brother, take a rest and set out tomorrow morning. I will go to Mengjin with you."

Xu Chu still felt uneasy, but Shen Dan didn't care. He persuaded him well and had no doubts at all.

Xu Chu had a good sleep and set out early the next morning. Liu Youzhong accompanied him and more than ten soldiers served as guards.

The return journey went smoothly, and Liu Youzhong took the order from Mu Shou Shen Zhi to take the main road without any obstruction.

After a little more than a day, the group arrived at the small town of Mengjin.

There was an additional military camp outside the small town. It looked relatively scattered and could come in and out at will. Xu Chu guessed that this was part of the Incarnation Army.

In front of the city gate, a large group of people were crowded, looking up to see something. Xu Chu's heart tightened, thinking that the assassin had succeeded, so he immediately increased his speed.

The city gate was wide open and guarded by dozens of Wuyue Army soldiers. Several things hung from the city wall, swaying gently in the wind. Coming closer, Xu Chu recognized that they were more than ten human heads.

"This is the fate of assassinating King Wu Yue."

"The King of Wuyue is protected by Patriarch Maitreya, who can touch him?"

"Isn't Patriarch Maitreya protecting the King of Avatar?"

"You are stupid. Patriarch Maitreya is the current Buddha. He has vast supernatural powers and boundless power. He can protect not only two people at the same time, but also thousands or ten thousand people."

Xu Chu led his horse through the crowd, looked up, and vaguely recognized a few heads as those of heroes from Dongdu. However, Liu Yunzhi and Chen Laoci confessed that there were two assassins left, but for some reason there were ten hanging heads. More than one.

The general guarding the gate was Luo Hanqi, holding a long spear in his hand. When he saw Xu Chu, he greeted him with a smile, "I came back very quickly, but I still missed a good show."

"They..." Xu Chu pointed upward.

"A bunch of idiots were picked up before they could do anything. I chopped off three heads with my own hands." Luo Hanqi spat on the ground to show his contempt, "Hurry into the city, Prince Ning is waiting for your reply."

Liu Youzhong and others followed, Xu Chu said: "This Mr. Liu is the envoy sent by Shen Mushou."

Luo Hanqi frowned, "One came yesterday, and another group came today... I can't let them enter the city casually, I have to inform them, and Brother Xu can go in first."

"I will wait here with my guests and ask General Luo to send someone to report to the King of Wuyue."

"Okay, let's wait a while."

Luo Hanqi sent people into the city. He had no idea or care about what Xu Chu was doing. He just chatted with him and told him about the scene of killing the assassin. He was spitting and talking, but his words were unclear.

Liu Youzhong stepped forward and said with a smile: "The general has a majestic appearance, with the appearance of a 'crouching tiger'. He will become rich in middle age and soar to the sky. It's a pity..."

Luo Hanqi was stunned and stopped bragging, "What's a pity? You can read faces?"

Xu Chu said: "Liu Youzhong, Mr. Liu is a fortune-teller in Zhongnan and is well-known in the world."

"Are you Liu Youzhong?" Luo Hanqi opened his eyes wide. He had obviously heard of this name. His voice was loud and attracted both the soldiers guarding the city and the mob outside.

Luo Hanqi held his hand to ward off the crowd, and invited Xu Chu and his party to enter the city gate. He leaned on his shoulders, cupped his fists and said, "It's because I don't have eyes to see Mount Tai, so I didn't recognize Mr. Liu. Brother Xu, too, why?" Why didn't you say it earlier? Mr. Liu, you are a living god. Just now you said that I was flying into the sky, and then you said it was a pity. "

Liu Youzhong smiled and said: "It's a pity that the general has two good tastes. He is a drinker and a womanizer. After middle age, his body and bones may not be able to bear it."

Luo Hanqi laughed, "If you can't stand it, you can't stand it. Without wine and color, life would be worse than death."

Luo Hanqi left Xu Chu aside and chatted and laughed with Liu Youzhong, like friends he hadn't seen for many years.

Liu Youzhong was not a warrior, but he could establish friendship with anyone in just a few words. This made Xu Chu feel a little more respectful, and he did not dare to underestimate this old fortune teller. He listened carefully and stopped thinking that these were lies. nonsense.

The soldier came back quickly and shouted from a distance: "King Ning has an order, Mr. Xu and the messenger go to see him immediately."

Luo Hanqi personally sent him off for more than a hundred steps before turning back to the city gate to continue his duties.

The Jinyang guards stayed outside the door, and Xu Chu and Liu You eventually went in to meet Ning Baoguan.

Ning Baoguan sat alone in the hall, with no desk in front of him and no guards around him. When he saw the guests, he stood up to greet them with a smile on his face: "I thought Liu Xiangshi was a legendary figure, but I didn't expect that I would be able to see him in person today. Gotta see.”

Liu Youzhong had just revealed his identity under the city gate not long ago, and Ning Baoguan had already learned about it and was very well-informed.

"The sky above Mengjin is surrounded by red air. Everyone who knows it comes to watch. I am not the first, nor will I be the last."

Ning Baoguan actually laughed and said to Xu Chu, "Young master Xu is so capable that he invited Liu Xiangshi."

Xu Chu said he was humble, but his heart was churning. The reply he brought back to the Shen family was not as important as a fortune teller.

Xu Chu was often said to be too young, but Xu Chu never took it too seriously, but today he admitted that he had indeed experienced too few things. In the past, it was not obvious that he was supported by the Lou family, but now he is on his own, and everyone he meets is a hero. It made him both ashamed and excited.

Ning Baoguan and Liu Youzhong talked for a long time, and they seemed to regret meeting each other too late. Liu Youzhong turned the topic to the Shen family, and Xu Chu had the opportunity to take out the letter written by Shen Zhi to the three kings.

Ning Baoguan only took his own letter, opened it and read it again, and said, "Nothing to say. At this point, there is no other choice unless we join forces. My request with the King of the World and the King of Liang It's very simple, just give us a place to stand. We are all rough people. The rebellion is just for the sake of food and we don't have much ambition. We will discuss it in detail when we meet Mr. Shen."

"Where is King Liang?" Xu Chu asked.

"In Dacheng, the officers and soldiers sent scouts over, probably to see how many people are here. Mr. Xu, please go over and deliver the message. I will keep Mr. Liu for a while."

Liu Youzhong was the distinguished guest, so Xu Chu excused himself. He kept thinking on the way and felt that Liu Youzhong was quite consistent with the theory of name and reality. He had not noticed it before, but now the more he thought about it, the more interesting he became, and he began to understand why he had not been able to start from "thorn." There are too many benefits derived from the name of "driver".

Ma Wei had already heard about Xu Chu's return and had been waiting at the city gate. He was ordered to guard the city and did not dare to take another step.

"Brother Chu is finally back!" Ma Wei looked a little excited.

When he arrived in the hall, Xu Chu first took out the letter and then asked: "Did the assassin take action in Mengjin?"

"I caught him out before I even made a move."

"Brother Ma found the assassin?"

"Hey, there is a good friend of mine among those heroes, the kind who is willing to sacrifice his life for me. The night Brother Chu left, he overheard two assassins talking. They were afraid of King Wu Yue and were discussing whether to give up the plan. I got After receiving the news, they were captured immediately, interrogated, and beheaded in public.”

Xu Chu was shocked. One was that Ma Wei was so devoted to Ning, and the other was that Ma Wei kept his composure and did not show any special treatment to his "friend".

"There were two assassins, but there were more than ten heads on display."

"Who knows if there are any accomplices? All the suspicious ones have been killed. I almost implicated Brother Chu. I was relieved when I heard that Shen Mushou was fine."

"It's okay, Brother Ma..."

"Hey, I have other plans. Brother Chu was right before. The only one who can fight against the soldiers is the King of Wuyue. Brother Chu, can you go out for me again?"

"Of course, where to?"

"Jizhou, I finally figured it out. Mengjin is just a battlefield, and Jizhou is the place where the dragon rises."

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