Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 96: City of Lobbyists

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There are two big cities in Jizhou. One is Yuyang in the north. It serves as the administrative seat of the state. Mu Shou lives here to prepare for the invasion of the He Rong tribe from the north. The other is Yecheng in the south. It is mainly used for gathering grain and grass, and business travel from all directions. It's bigger and more prosperous.

Naturally, such an important city cannot be left entirely to Mu Shou. Yecheng is headed by a governor. Although his rank is lower, he can communicate directly with the court. With this, he can compete with Mu Shou.

After the Advent Army poured out of Qinzhou, various troops stationed in Yuyang went south one after another, claiming to protect the Eastern Capital. In fact, they were waiting to see whether they would succeed or not, and they had contacts with all forces.

These armies camped in the north, across the river from Yecheng.

When Xu Chu arrived, the gates of Yecheng were closed during the day, and outsiders were no longer allowed to enter at will. All the houses outside the city were empty, and those that were too close to the city were even pushed to the ground.

After several messages, Xu Chu was let into the city, because he was not alone. He was followed by nearly a hundred soldiers, dozens of vehicles, loaded with a large amount of money and materials, and letters from the three kings of the Incarnation Army - although he was crowned king one after another. There are more than 20 people, and the King of the World, the King of Wuyue, and the King of Liang are ranked first and have a higher status.

This is Xu Chu's request. Liang Wang Ma Wei alone will not be taken seriously at all, and the other two kings must be involved.

Ning Baoguan agreed to write a letter and put forward a condition: "Let the generals of Jizhou watch the battle, and don't let them get close to Mengjin."

Xue Liujia also agreed to write a letter, and he wrote the longest letter. The letter was written to Huangfu and his son. He did not take responsibility for the "escape", but praised King Yuyang's loyalty and hoped that he could continue his efforts and lead his troops south as soon as possible to fight with Shengshi. The troops converged.

"This letter can be shown to anyone, especially the officials of the imperial court, so that everyone in the world will know that Huangfu Kai is my crowned king, and both father and son have recognized me as their master." Xue Liujia confessed angrily, getting angry. Yu Huangfujie left without saying goodbye, but did not regret his move to become the king.

Ma Wei wrote two letters. One was similar to Ning Baoguan. In the name of the rebel army, he called on local officials and heroes to obey the destiny and arrange the envoys properly. The other was a private letter written specifically to Guo Shifeng. The content was confidential and only said: "This letter can make Guo Shifeng change his mind. I have known him for many years, and no one can understand his thoughts better than me."

None of these letters were used. Xu Chu was able to enter the city only because of the dozens of fully loaded cars behind him.

As soon as they entered the city, a man who claimed to be Mr. Huang led them to the designated residence. They carefully observed the vehicle on the road and even opened a corner to see what was on the vehicle.

The residence is located in Nancheng, an independent house. Although it is not big, it is a bit crowded with nearly a hundred people living there, but the treatment is considered good, at least it shows that the governor is more polite.

Here, Master Huang made a straightforward condition to the envoy: "Young Master Xu, right? I don't care who sent you. You have to pay taxes when you enter the city. They are collected on a per-capita basis, one thousand yuan per person. There are ninety-eight of you... …”

"Calculate it as a hundred people, one hundred thousand dollars, I'll give it to you later."

A smile appeared on Master Huang's face, "You can use gold and silver cloth to trade in the price."

"No need, I have enough money."

Master Huang smiled and nodded. Based on his observations on the road, he believed the envoy's words, "Do you want Mr. Xu to meet the Governor?"

"That's what I'm here for."

"Another hundred thousand dollars are needed. These are for notification fees. Gifts are calculated separately. There is no fixed amount. As for whether the governor is willing to see guests, it depends on the thickness of the gift."

"No problem." Xu Chu agreed happily, "Mr. Huang will take away two cars later. If it's not enough, just ask."

Master Huang's eyes opened wide, and when he smiled again, it was already a flattering smile, "Master Xu is a sensible person. In fact, my master is already very generous. Everything is clearly marked with a price. If we encounter those soldiers from the north and directly snatch things away, who will I’m still polite to you.”

"It is precisely because Governor Zhou understands the truth that everyone came to Yecheng to visit him."

The surname of the governor of Yecheng was Zhou Mingguan. When Xu Chu was still in the Eastern Capital, he had heard that this man was extremely greedy. Speaking of which, the governor of Zhou was related to the Lou family by marriage. One of Zhou Guan's nieces married a son of the Lou family. .

Master Huang seemed very satisfied, "You are quite sensible. It seems that you are a member of a noble family. Why would you serve as a messenger for the World Coming Army?"

"The world is overturned, the hierarchy is in chaos, no matter who serves as the envoy, it is no surprise." Xu Chu whispered: "For those two carts of goods, I need to trouble Mr. Huang to write a gift list, which will be enough to satisfy the governor."

Of course, Master Huang understood the meaning. This was to let him get some property for himself. He liked Mr. Xu more and more and said with a smile: "It's easy to say. It's easy to write a gift list. It's very easy. Just rely on Mr. Xu's knowledge of books and etiquette, and the governor." The adults must meet you, haha.”

All the lavish talk is not as useful as money paving the way. Xu Chu has curry favor with Master Huang, so he can ask some "secrets", "There are a lot of people like me in the city, right?"

"Haha, it's not what I said. Mr. Xu arrived late. A few days ago, Huangfu arrived. He thought he was a pastor and ordered the governor to open the door to greet him. In fact, the imperial court had already exempted him from being a commoner. The governor was kind-hearted. , did not admit him to prison, and did not open the door.”

"Where is Huangfu Kairen?"

"I went to the north to look for his old subordinates. I don't know if anyone has accepted him. There has been no information. Oh, his son Huangfujie just arrived the day before yesterday and lives not far from here. He knows some rules and gave him a small gift. He is still there. I'm waiting in line to meet the governor. Don't worry, Mr. Xu, you can be in front of him."

"Are there other messengers?"

"Well... Shen Bingzhou sent a son. He has already met the governor. He often goes north these days." Master Huang showed a knowing look and laughed twice, "Of course, everyone comes to Yecheng for the north. Several armies. The governor said that he would not interfere with military affairs and asked military affairs not to bother him. Regardless of who wins the loyalty of the Yuyang generals, Yecheng will not stop him and will even provide him with some food and grass to see him off. However, the governor is still an official of the Tiancheng Dynasty. It depends on the situation in the future. The governor will guard the city and wait for fate. "

"The governor is really a smart man."

"Haha, no matter who the world belongs to, Yecheng will surrender completely. It will be beneficial to both parties, right?"

"That's right. If all the counties, counties and cities in the world had this idea, how many military disasters could be avoided."

"That's not the truth!"

"One of the Shen family envoys is Guo Shifeng..."

"I know, he has been staying in the city and rarely goes to the north. The governor seems to appreciate him very much and often calls him to talk." Master Huang curled his lips, "If this continues, I will have to give up my position to this uncle Guo Here.”

"Guo Shifeng is a newbie here, how can he compare to Mr. Huang's confidant?"

"Haha, you can talk, what else do you want to ask?"

"The imperial court also sent an envoy, right?"

"Yes, the one who arrived first, with a good background, was Lan Yong, the son of Da Sima and general of the Zuo Army. He was just passing by and announced that Huangfu Kai had been exempted from being a commoner, and asked the governor to send troops to send him to Yuyang. As a result, , he was intercepted by a group of Yuyang soldiers on the way, and ran back in disgrace. This time he was honest and didn't dare to be arrogant, but he still didn't want to give up the money, and he was waiting in line to see the governor again. "

The Lan family has always been proud of their favor. Xu Chu was not surprised at all that Lan Yong could do such a thing, "Do the envoys live nearby?"

"Yes, there is something I forgot to mention. The governor has set a rule. All distinguished guests from outside live in Nanzhongfang. You can interact with each other as long as you want, but please don't cause trouble and you are not allowed to leave the house. If you have anything to go out, you must tell me. "I'll ask the governor for instructions. I'll live at the gate of the square. If I'm not here, someone else will take care of you."

"I'll listen to the arrangements, but I would like to ask Mr. Huang to take your time and ask the Governor to arrange a meeting as soon as possible. I will send someone out of the city tomorrow, and I would like to ask Mr. Huang to ask for instructions on my behalf."

"Haha, easy to say." Mr. Huang refused to make a promise. He wanted to see how much cargo was in those two cars and whether it was worth his warm reception.

Master Huang took his leave and went out to write a gift list. He came back two-quarters of an hour later, with a spring breeze on his face and an even more enthusiastic attitude: "Within three days, the governor will definitely meet Mr. Xu. How many people will Mr. Xu send out of the city tomorrow?"

"Two people and two horses, leave early and come back late."

"It's not a big problem. You can write your name to me after I ask for instructions."

Master Huang chatted for a while and then said goodbye again. When he walked to the door, he turned around and said, "I'm talking too much. Does Mr. Xu only care about these few envoys?"

"Are there other messengers?"

"Haha, with just these few envoys, the governor can't have enough to eat. To tell you the truth, including Mr. Xu, there are seventeen families in total, with different origins and more or less people. I can't figure out the details. If Mr. Xu is interested, he can go to the Xuanwen Hall across the street, where tea is served. Envoys from various families often sit there, exchange news, and occasionally quarrel. Again, you can use your mouth, but don't use your hands to see blood. If you use the gun, don't blame the governor for being rude."

"Do I look like someone who uses swords and guns?" Xu Chu was surprised. He didn't expect there to be so many messengers.

"It doesn't look like that." Master Huang said goodbye with a smile, took away two trucks of goods, and looked at the remaining vehicles a few more times.

There were a total of forty carts, of which only five were fully loaded with treasures. The rest were all fodder and stones, which were not as valuable as the horses pulling the carts. This was Ma Wei's idea, and it worked really well.

Xu Chu went out, arranged for the accompanying soldiers, and headed to the Xuanwen Hall mentioned by Master Huang.

Xuanwen Hall was originally a school in the city. When the war broke out, the students went home to seek refuge. The governor Zhou Guan then temporarily changed the place into a teahouse, which served tea and rice. The price was expensive, but there was an endless stream of guests. Envoys from all over the world came here to inquire about the news. , communicate with each other.

As soon as Xu Chu walked to the gate, someone came up to meet him, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, why are you here so late?"

"It's not as quick as Brother Guo to see the opportunity." Xu Chu also smiled and did not immediately take out Ma Wei's letter.

"It's better to come early than to come by chance. Brother Chu came at the right time and can help me."

The Jinyang Army and the Jishi Army have ostensibly formed an alliance, and Xu Chu is the sworn brother of Lord Shen Wu, and he and Guo Shifeng are considered the same family.

"The Ministry of Shen and Industry has left the city again?" Xu Chu asked.

Guo Shifeng nodded, pulled Xu Chu into the hall, found an empty table in the main hall and sat down, ignoring the curious glances around him, and said: "The matter is almost settled. It won't take long before we can follow the leaders of Jizhou." The army returned to Yingcheng."

He did not lower his voice, and everyone in the hall could hear it. Immediately, some people laughed rudely, but no one spoke to refute.

More than 20 people were divided into seven or eight tables, each talking and whispering. Guo Shifeng and Xu Chu did not stand out.

Xu Chu took a peek and saw an acquaintance, General Lou Wen's staff Qiao Zhisu, nodding to him not far away. He did not come over to say hello, but quickly looked away and continued talking to his tablemates, with a look on his face. serious.

Guo Shifeng said a few words loudly, then suddenly lowered his voice and came over and said, "Another group of envoys have been sent from Dongdu. They will arrive tomorrow."

"This is not surprising. All parties attach great importance to the military force of Jizhou."

"But this group of envoys is very strange. The chief envoy is the prince of Jibei, a child who has not grown up."

Zhang Shiyu is fourteen years old and indeed has not grown up. Xu Chu said: "It must be that there are important officials helping him."

"Hey, the strangest thing is this. It is said that the deputy envoy of Dongdu is a princess!"

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