Plane Development Plan

Chapter 5 Choosing the Deadly Violets

Just like reading a novel, the existence of planes is diverse. Someone once said that, whether it is a TV novel or movie, as long as it can appear in the eyes of everyone, it must be something projected by a plane for people to shoot or write. .

A plane is one side of the endless universe. Perhaps it is easier to understand a book with countless pages. A plane is a page of a book. Although the size is the same, the content is very different. Some pages are rich in content, while others are only After a few words, it may be the existence of different plane sizes and structures.

The so-called crossing is like a moth piercing the page of a book, and a bit of slag in it goes to the other page. This is what Xiao Jiang understands. He went from the hole in the plane to the world of Captain America, and the way to open the hole is him. bloated head.

It is necessary to study these things, but all kinds of relevant knowledge are only vague theories, but he also intends to learn from it, maybe one day he can learn more relevant knowledge in a certain world, and finally solve the problem that he can travel by himself.

Xiao Jiang is very happy. It took seven and a half months from the time he traveled to the world of Captain America, but he didn't spend a little time when he came back. For him, who planned to learn more and acquire more knowledge, the real time was definitely not enough, even if his body was far away after evolution. Extraordinary, he doesn't know how long he can live.

Entering other worlds, he can use the time inside to study, and he can use the technological evolution in it to improve himself. He does not intend to become a top-level unparalleled scientist, but he must have a goal of existence. In the past, his goal was to make money and buy a set A better house and car, find a wife to raise two children, and then the children start a family, and he can enjoy his old age at home.

The simple future setting is 99% of the human goal. Now Xiao Jiang has a strong strength, and he can be regarded as an expert in the fields of metallurgy, physics and energy technology, and he still has several hundred kilograms in his hands. Gold, now he has never thought of building a huge business in reality, nor intends to use the acquired technology to dominate the earth. His current ideal is to go to more worlds to find the possibility of self-improvement.


The lights in the living room suddenly turned on, Xiao Jiang leaned on the sofa in a trance, in his memory, he was in a lonely and sad situation before leaving, but now he feels a little high-spirited, and the evolution of the super soldier's serum has made him He perceives that the speed of his strength has been improved extraordinary, and his stable mentality makes him understand that he is different from ordinary people.

Apart from his parents, it seems that everything in the outside world is disconnecting from him. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the torrential rain outside. A faint smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Jiang's mouth.

A night of heavy rain made the whole city cool. The next day Xiao Jiang bought some things and went back to the country, chatted with his parents for a while, and rested at home for a night. He returned to the city because he was going to leave for another world again. Knowing but not necessarily safe crossing, he is ready to face everything.

The long knife was two feet five inches long. Xiao Jiang put it in a flute box, took out a piece of vibrating gold ore and gold and put it in his backpack. The rest was a set of clothes, mineral water and food.

"Now it's time to choose. There are so many kinds of movies, novels and other worlds. The powerful ones must not go. If you want to evolve and improve yourself, you have to come step by step. Don't think about reaching the sky one step at a time. It is estimated that some people will directly pass through the Guardians of the Galaxy. Or what Star Trek world.

If you go, in the vast interstellar space, there is no power or strength, let alone find the power of evolution, you don't know how to die. "

Looking at the full screen of movie file icons, Xiao Jiang began to organize the movies in it, from the low-level danger level to the high-level danger level.

"In the Captain America world, I got a chance because I helped Professor Erkins get a knife. I don't want to do it again. Compared with the low-level sci-fi world that is useful to me, there are not many.

But the most suitable ones are the rise of the deadly violet, the doom and the special forces cobra.

Although the bloodthirsty virus in the deadly violet world is powerful, Violet's personal combat power is also very strong, but it seems that the resilience and anti-strike ability are not as good as mine, and the strength and speed are also worse than me. The only thing stronger than me should be her gunfight. Techniques and martial arts, this needs to be a little more careful.

However, the Violet World has a compressed space device. I don't have to carry a package when I wear this thing on my body. What's more, if I get a good thing, can I resist all of it? The technology to get this thing is necessary, and The anti-gravity device used by Violet seems to be a very powerful thing.

The twenty-fourth pair of chromosomes among the Doom Warriors is another direction of human evolution. If you get samples, you can study it well. There is also the ark transmission device, which is also a high-end technology in space.

Nanobots in special forces, invisibility cloaks, stealth special planes and underwater submarine carriers, these are all good things.

If I get all of them, it seems that I can avoid a lot of detours, but if I study it alone, it seems a little troublesome. "

Crunching his fingers to calculate the benefits in the movie world, Xiao Jiang slowly pointed the mouse arrow to the icon of the deadly violet. Everything else could be put aside, but he was bound to get the compressed space device. Without it, no matter where he goes No world is ready for it.

Clicking on the movie, the beginning of the screen gradually ended. When the scene of the pharmaceutical company building appeared on the screen, Xiao Jiang stared at the screen and put all his thoughts on it.

The swelling began to appear, but Xiao Jiang's eyes remained motionless. As he felt a pounding in his forehead, he blinked and opened his eyes, but he found himself standing on a square.

In front of the square is a black and peculiar building. This building is like a needle inserted into the ground. The bottom is small and the top is large. There is a ring structure at the top to form a needle nose.

He glanced at the place and looked around. Nine out of ten people walking on the street wore masks on their faces because they were afraid of contracting the bloodthirsty virus (HGV) and becoming a vampire.

This is a place similar in time to the world where Xiao Jiang lives, but the technology is far beyond the world where Xiao Jiang exists. However, there is one thing Xiao Jiang has always wondered about. This world has developed compressed space technology and anti-gravity technology. Why no interstellar migration?

If it is said that the population has dropped sharply due to virus infection, this rule does not hold, unless someone is unwilling, but Xiao Jiang has no intention of inquiring, looking for technology and HGV virus samples. Pretty violets are clouds to him.

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