Spring is coming, everything is recovering, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and the world is full of life...

But this has nothing to do with Lu Hanzhang.

After all, she can only sit behind the cash register of her small supermarket now, stunned.


Not long after graduating from college, her grandmother also passed away due to illness.

This is already her last loved one.

Since then, she has been in a state of collapse and lying at home.

After lying down enough, they ran the small supermarket at home while continuing to complete their obsession with the people of the province: taking the public examination and taking the postgraduate examination.

In short, in the past two years, every exam must be examined, and every exam must be passed.

Fortunately, there are still two demolition and resettlement houses for rent at home, otherwise she would have starved to death.

Then she calculated a hexagram for herself and asked if she could pass the next exam.

The answer is no.

She didn't believe it, and went to several local "masters".

The answer is no.

She had given up, and it was a big deal to continue to lie at home, anyway, her material desire was low, and the rent was enough for her to live.

It's impossible to go out to work, and their old Lu family doesn't have this tradition.

Their family relied on renting a house, and opened a small supermarket to survive by demolishing and replacing the front house.

But the half-blind master, who knew her best (and counted the most), stopped her before she left, and said, "Go to the south, the south is good for you, and you will be smooth sailing over there in the future."

She believed it, thanked the master very much for his guidance, and said that she would definitely go.

The master was also very moved, and then tearfully accepted her two hundred.

So here she came.

I sold the two houses in my family.

She wasn't stupid, the one she had been living in didn't sell it together, but she still stayed.

The small supermarket was also rented out, and I thought I had to leave some way back for myself.

That's it, as if fleeing, a person ran to the south, and when he didn't know what to do, he started his old job again.

Open a supermarket.

This can't be blamed on her, there is a lack of people who are beaten by society, even if they are 25 years old, their eyes still reveal clear stupidity, and anyone who sees it feels that it is a loss not to cheat.

Originally, I just wanted to rent a house to live in, but somehow I looked at the shop, and somehow I fell in love with this two-story small supermarket for both commercial and residential purposes.

In the end, everything is so silky.

After paying the rent for a year in the small supermarket and signing the contract, she slowly reacted: Since she

wants to open a supermarket, can't she just open it at home? Is what the master said so accurate? Is it too late for me to go home now?

But apparently the landlord didn't give her a chance to regret it, and said directly: "Little girl, I'm a real person, if I didn't plan to go to the other place with the goose to care for the elderly, and I see that you are quite well-behaved, I won't rent it to you, my supermarket business is good, wait for you to open it." Besides, our hungry building can also live in people, the living room, kitchen, toilet and everything, and two bedrooms, you can decorate it yourself, I won't care, and then put it in when you return the rent. As

he spoke, Lu Hanzhang was crippled again. She thought to herself, she didn't want to go out to find a job anyway, and it wasn't just right that the first floor sold things and the second floor was inhabited. And this is a big city! This wave has won directly, after I finish speaking, who is in favor and who is against?

Thinking about it, I made a self-attack and happily moved in.

And then it's back to the beginning.


It's been two months.

Lu Hanzhang has been here for two months.

From the beginning of the full of confidence, to the end of the month when I found a little unable to make ends meet, and then began to curse wildly, including but not limited to God, my own life, the master who let her come to the south, the landlord of this house, etc., in the end, my heart was like water and no emotion, I could only sit at the door of the small supermarket in a daze every day, and occasionally a few people came over to buy something, and the day was over.

She also reviewed what the landlord said, and thought carefully that the person who came was right, the small supermarket was indeed doing okay. But the premise of all this is based on one foundation - this is his own house.

At this time, she also suddenly realized why her family could support herself by renting a house and opening a small supermarket, because the house was her own because she

was paying most of the money!

After thinking about this, she was extremely remorseful, hating herself for being a big fool, and she couldn't settle such a simple account, and she couldn't blame anyone else, and hated God for always giving her a little trouble every once in a while, as if she was born to be unlucky.

Why, you Heavenly Court Moldy God are taking advantage of me?

After regretting it, she went to cook.

There's no way, I'm tired of eating this bit of food in the supermarket, and if you don't want to starve to death, you have to get it yourself.

What? You ask her why she doesn't order takeout

? Do you give money? (forked waist .jpg)

is already unable to make ends meet, and does not save some flowers, is this planning to eat soil in the future?

Either say that this person is good, or no heart and lungs, this is just a little longer, just listen to crosstalk while cooking, quack and start to have fun, and almost give the bowl of beating eggs to CEI.

Xiao Lu said: Nothing else, we just have a good attitude!

Since he was a child, Lu Hanzhang has been more unlucky than ordinary people, but it is not a fatal problem.

Unlucky things like the occasional encounter are already commonplace for her.

The masters said that she was not lucky enough, and it would slowly get better after the change.

So every time she asked if the bad luck was over, and when would it be finished?

The masters answered different answers, from twenty to forty years old, and the answers were varied, so she counted the days on her fingers to see when she could wait for this day.

Of course, she knows that she can't live by fortune telling, but people, you have to have some hope to live. Someone tells you that you will get ahead after forty, which is better than hanging yourself by the neck before you are forty.

Either Zhou Yi is the most suitable psychiatrist for the physique of the flower baby, the main one is weird, but you don't blame yourself.

Tell you how beautiful the future is, then the current bad luck is nothing, this is all for the future to accumulate virtue!

Lu Hanzhang has believed for so many years, thought about it for so many years, waited for so many years, and looked forward to it for so many years.

Others thought she was stunned and had a problem with her brain, and suggested that she find a class if she had nothing to do, so that she wouldn't be cranky.

But she doesn't, she firmly believes that she will get ahead one day.

When the time comes, she will definitely repay all those who look down on her, those who have hurt and ridiculed

her! But every time she arrives, she stops, after all, revenge or something sounds so troublesome, so forget it, don't see them like ordinary people! Although so

many years have passed, her "change years" have also passed one by one, and she should still be unlucky.

Maybe it's next year?

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