Plane Master Copy

Chapter 1010: :anger

Wu Yan's words made Vegeta hold back. Obviously, Frieza's ancestors had seen the Super Saiyan and even been defeated by the Super Saiyan, so only the legend of the Super Saiyan passed down?

It turns out that this is what caused the destruction of Vegeta and the almost extinction of the Saiyans.

"Isn't it? King Frieza ..." Napa next to him heard these secrets, completely unbelievable.

Although Napa has always felt very honored as a Saiyan superior warrior, Frieza was completely out of reach in his heart, like a god.

Not to mention Frieza, even the Kinute team under Frieza has made Napa completely unable to resist.

Now, some people have told themselves that the Saiyans have stronger Super Saiyan form, even powerful enough to defeat King Frieza?

Suddenly learned of this news, Napa couldn't believe it, but felt that this earth man was provoking the relationship between the Lia Saiyan and King Frieza.

Opening his mouth, Napa wanted to scold him, and even spoke aloud to show his loyalty to King Frieza.

However, he had just opened his mouth and saw Vegeta next to him. He couldn't say what was in his mouth. Soon, he could only swallow it.

I have to say that the information revealed in Wu Yan's mouth is almost unknown to Vegeta. Moreover, the information is very shocking and makes people think it is false.

However, in contrast to Napa, a Saiyan who knows nothing, Vegeta, a Saiyan prince, knows something in his heart.

And because of knowing something, Vegeta can compare the information he knows with the information spoken by Wu Yan. It seems that they can be completely matched?

Of course, despite the many thoughts in his heart, Vegeta's complexion was still very calm.

Looking at Wu Yan, he continued to ask, "So, what else do you know? Tell me everything you know."

"I know? It ’s not a lot. Actually, I can tell you that the whole universe is stronger than it is imagined. For example, Frieza, although he calls himself the emperor of the universe, Behind him, but there is a more powerful father, do you know? "Wu Yan continued to break the news after thinking about it.

"Frisa, and his father?" Vegeta frowned, hearing that.

I really do n’t know the news. Although I have good strength, in the entire large army of Frieza, in fact, it can only be regarded as mid-range strength. Many of the Mississippis about Frieza do not know .

Only Frieza's confidants, or the talent of the Kinut team, knew more.

"Anything else besides these?" Vegeta continued to ask, looking at Wu Yan seriously.

"Oh, I don't really have any important information anymore, but let me give you some advice!"

After thinking about it, Wu Yan said, "Frisa can transform, and can transform in three stages. After each transformation, the strength will be greatly improved, so if you want to kill Frieza , I urge you to use a thunderous method to make a quick decision and don't give him a chance to transform. "

"Very well, I took your advice, so, have you decided how to die?"

After nodding his head, Vegeta's eyes glanced at Wu Yan and the next Klin and others, and he said.

I already know what I should know. As for what Wu Yan said is true or false, I will try to find out and verify it.

Prior to this, none of these people on earth needed to exist.

As Vegeta's words came down, Napa next to him grinned and took two steps forward.

You don't need to think hard about these questions, you just have to follow Vegeta's orders to fight.

With so much nonsense now, is it time to get started?

As Vegeta's words came to an end, Klin and others next to each other got up and immediately leaned over one by one.

Although Wu Yan has been trying for a long time, but now it is almost extreme. Can I still avoid it?

"Hey hey, I don't care what it means to have such a sharp mouth, now it's time to do it, I'm going to tear your mouth alive!"

Napa's gaze was mainly on Wu Yan's body, and he squeezed his fists, creaked, and said with a harsh expression on his face.

"Well, are you going to do it yourself? I remember that you still don't have vegetable seeds? Don't you plant vegetable people for fun?"

Looking at Napa holding his fist and looking to do it himself, Wu Yan froze slightly and reminded him.

"Vegetarians? Sorry, I can't wait to tear up your stinky mouth now." For Wu Yan, Napa shook her head and looked impatient.

Obviously, he did not accept Wu Yan's suggestions.

"It's strange!"

Napa's mind was very straight, so he didn't consider so many meanings, but Vegeta next to him, after hearing Wu Yan's words, looked slightly moved.

Staring deeply at Wu Yan, where did he know he had vegetable seeds in his hands?

Eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, watching the fighting power emerging from him was indeed not high.

However, Wu Yan's mystery seemed to know everything, but it made Vegeta care.

"Okay ~ ~ Looks like my delay was just a waste of time?"

After getting Napa's answer, Wu Yan shook his head somewhat secretly.

According to the original plot, these Saiyans claimed to be self-identified, and did not mean to do it themselves, but instead planted some so-called vegetable people, which took a lot of time.

However, he did not expect that although he had procrastinated by words, Napa caused his anger to be angered by Vegeta to himself, so that even the interest of vegetable growers was gone.

"Hey hey, are you ready? I hope you have the skills under your hand to have such a powerful mouth"

Hehe laughed straight, Napa's voice dropped, and he rushed towards Wuyan like lightning, struggling to be clever, and relying on his relatively high fighting power, he smashed into Wuyan.

Looking at the rushing Napa, Wu Yan lifted his hand, the Qingdi sword appeared in his hand, and then the sword body of the Qingdi sword patted towards Napa.

Soul Draining!

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