Plane Master Copy

Chapter 100: : Since the Ancient Routine

For the next few days, the male domineering was made in a simple way. However, the gang members in the world did not think much about it. They only thought that the male dominating was preparing for the war. ,

The news of the battle between Wu Xiongba and Jian Sheng has spread throughout the martial arts, and even invited a lot of martial arts masters to watch the battle.

Just, these people think that the male tyrant is preparing for the sword sage, but only the male tyrant knows that he is in fact wounding.

At that night, Shenwutang and his party almost completely collapsed Xiongba's outlook on life.

In terms of martial arts, Xiongba thinks that he is still a top player in the arena. Some people may be slightly better than themselves in martial arts, but at least they should start with each other.

However, the experience that night, until now, the bully still remembers it, and it even feels like a nightmare.

神秘 A mysterious old man, even eating his three palms, there is nothing at all, that terrible skill makes the hegemon feel shocked.

This skill is no longer a question of high strength or high strength.

There is also a young woman who looks like a biennium, and at this age, even if she started to practice martial arts from her mother's womb, could she not be stronger than herself?

In fact, the situation was that he was not the woman's opponent, and his arm was broken by one stroke.

Hiding alone in his practice room, Xiongba secretly recuperated his injured arm, and at the same time worked harder, trying to improve his martial arts as much as possible on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival.

雄 Xiongba was full of confidence in defeating Juggernaut, but now, after being hit by Emperor Shitian and Luo Xian, Xiongba is awake a lot, without the expansionary mentality.

Of course, Wuyan is not wasted these days, because the match between Emperor Shi Tian and Luo Xian did not dare to disobey the will of Emperor Shi Tian. Therefore, in these days, the relationship between Wu Yan and Luo Xian heats up quickly. .

The two people often go out for fun, giving the impression that Wu Yan and Luo Xian are already a match made in heaven.

Of course, these days, Wu Yan's cultivation has not fallen. The body technique of the Pirate Throne Plane, combined with the internal training method of Yi Jin Jing, makes Wu Yan's growth also very fast.

However, although Wu Yan wants to do something intimate with Luo Xian, but this is an ancient plane after all, and the defense of men and women is very serious. Therefore, Wu Yan has never found a suitable opportunity to copy and simplify from Luo Xian. The version of the Sacred Heart came over.

Fortunately, there were still short-term contacts. Wu Yan also found the document of the Sacred Heart from Luo Xian's E disk.

The simplified version of the Sacred Heart has a small capacity, only 15G. If Wu Yan copied it, the capacity would be enough.

武 For Wu Yan, in addition to practicing internal strength, the main method of Yi Jin Jing is to exercise the spirit and the sea, and improve the physical fitness.

However, the practice of Yi Jinjing has not helped Wu Yan so much. After all, the strongest invincible East in the Swordsman River and Lake Plane is undefeated. Now it is not a master in Fengyun Plane.

Therefore, for Wu Yan, it is definitely the right choice to switch to Sacred Heart Decision at this time.

The effect of Sacred Heart's prolonged life will make your C drive's cache files generate very slowly. From a long-term perspective, it can save a lot of C drive space.

Twenty-two, even the simplified version of the method of sacred heart determination is much smarter than the Yijinjing.

Finally, the Sacred Heart also has a very powerful method of spiritual training.

For example, the extreme gods in the Four Sacred Hearts are using the power of the Yuanshen to attack the target. Doesn't this prove that the Sacred Heart can cultivate the Yuanshen?

On this day, Wu Yan and Luo Xian are playing in a valley, although Luo Xian looks very happy, but every time Wu Yan wants to hold her hand or hug something, Luo Immortals will avoid it, which makes Wu Yan unable to replicate the Sacred Heart Decision.

"Do you want to do the trick again?" After thinking for a long time, Wu Yan finally sighed helplessly.

复制 The original copy of Wanci Wang ’s gene was because he was injured. Wanci Wang copied it when he bandaged himself. Would he have to think of a way for people to fight against himself and pretend to be injured?

When Wu Yan was thinking secretly in Wu Yan's heart, suddenly, his eyes lightened slightly.

I saw a gorgeous and inexplicable flower growing on the cliff not far away. Wu Yan patted Luo Xian's shoulder and pointed at the cliff. Isn't it pretty? ".

"It's beautiful!".

Sister woman, there is always little resistance to flowers. Luo Xian's eyes lightened slightly when she saw the beautiful flowers growing on the cliff.

"How about I pick it for you?" Wu Yan said, watching what Luo Xian liked.

"No, this is too dangerous ...", Luo Xian shook her head when she heard Wu Yan's flower.

It is not dangerous to use one's martial arts to pick a flower on a cliff, but Luo Xian knows that Wu Yan's internal cultivation is actually not high. The unpredictable shaving only works on flat ground. For Wu Yan, it is indeed dangerous.

"It's okay, as long as you like it, I will not hesitate even if I am on the knife!" The affectionate models looked at Luo Xian, Wu Yan said.

Well, if it ’s so numb, Wu Yan actually feels goosebumps, but it does n’t work well.

Sure enough, when she heard Wu Yan's love words, Luo Xian's eyes flashed with emotion.

I could not help but say that Wu Yan rushed towards the cliff and then climbed up the cliff with difficulty ...

From the perspective of internal practice, picking flowers on the cliff is indeed dangerous, but wearing chain mail, Wu Yan knows that there is absolutely no problem.


He screamed, after Wu Yan picked the flowers on the cliff ~ ~ when he came down, he slipped on his feet and immediately fell to the ground.

"Wu Gongzi, are you okay?" Watching Wu Yan fall, Luo Xian hurried over and said worriedly and moved.

Even if the relationship between Luo Xian and Wu Yan is due to the order of Emperor Shi Tian, ​​however, a man is willing to risk his life to pick a flower for himself on the cliff, I believe no woman will not be moved.

"It's okay, I just broke my leg, but I've picked the flowers for you ...", holding up the flowers in his hands, Wu Yan felt a fine layer of sweat beads on his forehead because of pain.

"You, why are you so stupid ...", looking at the flowers in Wu Yan's hand, Luo Xian murmured in his mouth.

"You like it", looking at Luo Xian moved, Wu Yan knew in his heart that his routine was successful, but his mouth was still affectionate.

"By the way, there are still some things to deal with in the gang, Xianer, you help me go back ...", while Luo Xian was very moved now, Wu Yan said logically.

Luo Xian naturally refused to accept Wu Yan's request. He carefully supported Wu Yan, and the two walked slowly to Shenwu Hall.

Ding Ding, found removable storage devices.

"Sure enough, since ancient times, the routine has won the hearts of people ...", watching Luo Xian beside him carefully help herself, Wu Yan secretly sighed.

I have n’t been holding hands for so many days, but now I ’m pretending to have broken a leg in order to pick a flower, and I used a little routine to succeed immediately.

With the help of Luo Xian, Wu Yan limped and walked slowly.

At the same time, he entered Luo Xian's E disk, copied the simplified version of the Sacred Heart Decision, and pasted it on his E disk ...

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