Plane Master Copy

Chapter 1036: : Make a wish

Vegeta's remarks came out and Wu Yan did not refute that he occupied a wishing place. As for how others allocate it, it is their own business.

With Vegeta's words falling, Sun Wukong and others looked at each other, but no one came out to refute him.

Indeed, Vegeta's words are not considered arrogant. According to the most powerful force in the action of that mexican, Vegeta's power may be second only to Wu Yan, so he will occupy a wish Qualifications and nothing.

To whom is the last chance to make a wish? This was something that Klin and Sun Wukong discussed on their own.

Based on their relationship, it is naturally very harmonious to discuss. The last chance to make a wish is on the Sun Wukong and his wife.

After all, the power of the two of them today is also very great, and it should reasonably be given to them.

After Wu Yan and others completed the allocation of their wishing places, the elders next to them shouted in the language of the mexican star, summoning the dragon!

With a loud bang, the dragon ball suddenly bloomed a bright light, and then, a huge figure emerged from the dragon ball.

The mexican dragon is a bit similar to the Westernized dragon family. He looked down at all the people, and his majestic voice echoed between heaven and earth: "Say, after calling me, you can make three wishes, say, What is your wish !? "

Everyone's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, waiting for him to speak.

Wu Yan had already figured out what his wish was. He stood two steps forward and said, "My wish is to make Xiao Meng a real human!"

"Brother!" He heard Wu Yan's wish for himself. Xiao Meng looked at him with a complicated look, and the complex look in her eyes made her unable to understand her mind.

"Ah !? Transform back to human !? Isn't Miss Wu Meng a human ?!" The next Klin and others, after hearing Wu Yan's wishes, widened their eyes and looked at them in surprise. Xiao Meng.

However, no matter how she looks, she is no different from ordinary people. What is the desire to make her a human being! ?

Not to mention how surprised the clin next to them was, Wu Yan didn't bother, but his eyes fell on Shenlong, waiting for its answer.

Under Wu Yan's gaze, after being silent for a while, Shenlong spoke, and replied, "Is it human ?! Sorry, I can't do it!"

"Can't do it !?" Wu Yan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

In the original work, even the dragons of the earth can make humans humans?

It stands to reason that the dragon of the mexican dragon is stronger than the dragon of the earth. It should be able to do it!

"Why! Why can't you do it !?" Wu Yan's heart was a little anxious, and she asked at the Dragon.

"To turn her back into a human being requires her body and soul to be reborn! However, I can't find her soul, so I can't let her turn back to humanity!" Looking down at Wu Yan, Shenlong slightly After a moment of silence, he replied.

"Soul !? Doesn't she have her own soul in her body? What kind of soul do you want !?" Wu Yan was surprised by the words of Shenlong.

"She does have a soul in her body, but it is not the original soul in her physical body! Your wish is to make her a human, not a human!" This dragon is very patient. For Wu Yan's Ask and continue to explain.

"Back !? Xiao Meng's identity before becoming a zombie is Zhao Lei's sister, Zhao Xue? So, the wish I just made is actually to make Xiao Meng back to Zhao Xue !?" Hear this explanation from Shenlong Wu Yan's heart was stunned, but at the same time he was a little scared.

Unexpectedly, is this Dragon Ball's wish so real?

Thanks to this Shenlong's ability, otherwise, if Xiao Meng is really turned into Zhao Xue, wouldn't he have killed Xiao Meng in disguise! ?

"Sorry, I need to ensure that her current soul will not be changed, so that she can become a human body, can you do it?" After realizing that the wish he had just promised was actually wrong, Wu Yan followed and changed. Asked his wish.

This time, Shenlong was silent again, just staring at Xiao Meng.

Wu Yan said nothing and waited quietly.

After a moment of silence, Shenlong spoke again, saying: "This wish is simple!"

"Pretend B!" Hearing this answer from Wulong, Wu Yan murmured secretly in his heart.

This seems to be the thing for the Dragon Dragon's wish. If it can do it, it will say that this wish is very simple, and how powerful it is.

But when he really encountered a more difficult desire, he persuaded him that he couldn't do it.

Not to mention how vomiting in Wu Yan's heart, Shenlong's eyes shot out two rays of light, and fell on Xiao Meng's body.

A moment later, after these rays had completely dissipated, Xiao Meng didn't seem to change in the slightest, and still looked like herself.

Of course, Xiao Meng's situation can't be seen on the surface.

Anxious, Wu Yan hurried over, grabbed Xiao Meng's hand, and held it tightly.

Ding, found removable storage!

After Wu Yan held Xiaomeng's hand, a computer page in his head suddenly popped up.

And this reminder makes Wu Yan ecstatic, which means that Xiao Meng has indeed become a real human.

You know, when Xiao Meng was a zombie, her disk was in a damaged state and would not be displayed at all, but now, Wu Yan can see Xiao Meng's disk space in the computer page ~ www ~ can also browse some files on her disk space!

"Great, you have become a human! You have really become a human!" Holding Xiao Meng's hand, Wu Yan said happily.

Not to mention what Wu Yan is thinking at the moment, on the other hand, after Wu Yan's wish was completed, Vegeta took a few steps forward.

"Say, what is your wish !?" Shenlong asked, looking at Vegeta's body.

It was her turn to make a wish and Vegeta was silent.

What is your wish! ? Gain invincible power! ? Forever squandering wealth! ? Or something else! ?

"Come on! What is your wish!" Seeing Vegeta's silence, Shenlong couldn't help urging.

"My wish is that Vegeta before the resurrection will return to the way it was before being destroyed by Frieza!"

After being urged by the Dragon, after a long silence, Vegeta began to express his wish.

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