Plane Master Copy

Chapter 1048: : Dragon Ball can still be used this way! ?

Speaking of which, there are indeed many methods for Wuyan's resurrection. The dirty soil is reborn, the rebirth is born, the time goes back, and the cross is reborn ...

However, both of the first two need to have a soul, and the danger of backtracking is too high. If it is an error, let alone save Xiaomeng, maybe even you can get in.

Therefore, if there is no way until the end, Wu Yan will not use this most dangerous method.

So, if none of these methods work, what else can be done?

After a little thinking, Wu Yan can only pin his hope on Dragon Ball.

At this time, Wu Yan's heart was fortunate. Fortunately, she traveled through the world of Dragon Ball this time. Fortunately, she also met the elder of Meikexing and copied the skills of how to make Dragon Ball from him.

Do it as soon as you think of it. Although you are still wounded, making Dragon Balls is not affected.

After counting the days, he still has some time and some time is urgent. After thinking about the materials needed to make the Dragon Ball, Wu Yan quickly came to the base of Changshi.

Ignoring what these senior city officials said to themselves, Wu Yan entered the core warehouse, found all the materials he needed, and left directly.

"Mr. Wu Yan, Miss Pei Yufeng, where is she? Many things in Changshi require her to sit in town!"

"Mr. Wu Yan, where are you going !?"

"Mr. Wu Yan, with the end of the last days, many survivors want to leave Changshi and go outside for development. What should we do?"


Wu Yan didn't answer any of these people's words, opened the space channel directly, and left Changshi. Only the survivors in Changshi looked at each other and couldn't understand what happened to Wuyan.

Do not understand why Miss Pei Yufeng and Zhao Lei all disappeared for no reason?

After leaving Changshi, Wuyan wanted a quiet place to make Dragon Balls, which is naturally the most suitable place for evolution.

Let Dr. Gallo and Kenos not bother themselves, Wu Yan found a room by himself and went directly into retreat.

This retreat is just a week away.

After copying the elder's ability, I made Dragon Balls, but I was familiar with them. It took seven days to make seven basin-sized Dragon Balls.

Wu Yan took a look at his palm, the computer graphics were perfect, but it still had some time.

After leaving the Evolution House, Wu Yan returned directly to the ruins of the Hero City, laid down the seven dragon balls, and then spoke to summon the dragon.

The thundering thunder rang, and it was still a daytime world. At this moment, it seemed to become night. At the same time, the appearance of a huge dragon family emerged from the dragon balls.

"Mr. Wu Yan, what's your wish? Come on, I can do it for you!"

The emerged Shenlong clearly knows that Wu Yan is his own maker. When he spoke, his tone was relatively peaceful.

After all, to a certain extent, the death and life of Shenlong is also related to Wuyan. If the creator of Wuyan is dead, the dragon in Dragon Ball will also die, and Dragon Ball will become invalid.

"My wish is simple, I want to revive Xiao Meng!" Wu Yan looked up at Shenlong and said his wish.

"This, I can't do it ..." But, in the face of Wu Yan's wish, Shenlong was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"Can't do it !?" Wu Yan's brow frowned tightly when she heard the answer from Shenlong.

Not to mention that the Dragon Ball, which is more powerful with Meker, is able to bring the dead back to life even if it is the Earth Dragon Ball on the Dragon Ball plane. Why can't this Dragon Ball made by yourself! ?

"Mr. Wu Yan, although I can make people resurrect, but this requires a prerequisite, that is, the soul of the resurrection. Without the resurrection of the resurrection, I would not be able to resurrect. In this world, I cannot find Miss Wu Meng Undead, so the conditions for resurrection are not established! "Seeing Wu Yan's frown, Shenlong explained.

"Another soul again?" Hearing the words of Shenlong, Wu Yan's brows frowned, and he secretly vomited.

Does this resurrection of the Dragon also require the soul? If you have a dead soul, what do you need it for? Isn't it enough to use the rebirth inborn technique directly?

"Mr. Wu Yan, do you have any other wishes?" Looking at Wu Yan's silence, Shenlong waited for a moment and asked.

"Can I say that I have no other wish? Useless Dragon Ball!" Wu Yan's heart was secretly disappointed at the urging of Shenlong, unable to fulfill his wish. What else could this Dragon Ball do?

"Ah, wait ..." Just when Wu Yan's heart was secretly disappointed, suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind.

"My ability is to pass through the two-dimensional world of countless film and television dramas and anime novels. Can you let me go to the world of the formulation? For example, this time I want to go to the world of the ability and props to travel through time! With a mentality of trying, Wu Yan said to Shenlong.

"This wish is simple!" As Wu Yan's words fell, Shenlong replied.

During the conversation, two rays of light emerged from Shenlong's eyes and fell into Wu Yan's palm.

"It turned out !? The power of Dragon Ball can be used this way? It can be used in conjunction with my ability to cross the heavens and earth!"

I just tried it. I didn't expect that it was really successful. Wu Yan's eyes widened, and her heart was surprised and happy.

The equipment that travels through time and space on the Marvel plane is actually just a device that travels through parallel universes, not time that travels through its own universe.

That being the case, wouldn't it be wise to have a time-traveling ability or props and search for what you want?

After getting the means to travel through time, do n’t you just travel before Xiao Meng is killed?

"Mr. Wu Yan, do you have any other wishes? I can still fulfill your two wishes!" Wu Yan immersed himself in his surprise ~ ~ Shenlong asked.

"Other wishes? I really don't have any other wishes, just like that!" After thinking about it, he didn't have any other wishes, Wu Yan waved his hands and said.

After being determined, Shenlong no longer said anything, and his body was directly retracted into the Dragon Ball.

Immediately, the seven dragon **** turned into streamers and completely disappeared.

The computer pattern on the palm of the palm is becoming perfect. After a short period of time, Wu Yan can feel a fever in the palm of the hand. Immediately, the computer pattern suddenly collapses, turning into a space-time vortex ...

"Xiao Meng! Wait for me! I will definitely save you!" Wu Yan murmured in his mouth.

Immediately, I just felt that the whole world was distorted, and Wu Yan's figure was sucked into the vortex of time and space.

However, I don't know if I miss it too much, or because of the twist of the space-time vortex, I was dazzled. At the moment I crossed, Wu Yan seemed to see a familiar figure appear!

Xiao Meng!

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