Plane Master Copy

Chapter 110: : Dominant Zombie

Zombies came out of the darkness in various shapes.

For example, the three-meter-tall, sturdy arms are a third-level tyrant zombies.

As if the body was thin, there was a long bone tail behind the butt, and a barb at the end of the bone tail was a third-level phantom zombie.

There is also a zombies with a head as big as a bucket and a tank as big as a tank.

Uh ...

After each of the robots attacked by themselves, the transparent barrier that blocked everyone's retreat remained unmoved, and Wu Yan and others knew that this barrier could not be broken.

Immediately, turning around, his eyes fell on these zombies, and he swept away roughly. There were about 20 or 30 zombies, and he took a careful measurement with a crystallizer.

Most of them are second-level zombies, but there are also four or three third-level zombies. This strength, Wu Yan and others look heavy.

Twenty or thirty zombies, the lowest are all secondary zombies?

I want to know that when Wu Yan was in that shopping mall, a second-level phantom zombie killed a whole survival team.

Wu Wuyan, clenching Wushuang Sword in his hand, stared seriously at these zombies, and was ready to start at any time.

Alas, these zombies just roared at Wu Yan, but they didn't rush up.

Wu Wuyan knows that it should be the ability to command zombies, otherwise, these zombies have only instincts left, and have already rushed up.

Step on ...

I was waiting for Wu Yan and others to wait. When these zombies were ready, the footsteps rang out in the dim Jiayin Building.

With the sound of footsteps, these roaring zombies slowly became quiet.

Soon, a black shadow came out, and Wu Yan and others finally clearly saw the legendary leader-style zombies.

This zombie looks like a woman in her thirties, wearing a black evening dress. It looks like she has been carefully dressed and looks very beautiful.

Of course, if her skin does not have the paleness unique to zombies, it will look more like a human, and her smart eyes show that she does have wisdom, not just instinct like other zombies.

I walked out of the zombie leader, and glanced at Wu Yan and others. It seemed that because of his short stature, the gaze of the zombie leader finally fell on Xiaomeng.

Wu Xiaomeng seemed a little scared, and he slammed Wu Yan's clothing corner, hiding himself behind Wu Yan.

I can feel Xiao Meng's fear, Wu Yan is protecting her behind her, while Wushuang sword crosses her chest, her eyes staring at the zombie leader in front of her.

I shaved!

Wu Yan was strong first, Wu Yan didn't wait for these zombies to do it first, the shaving skills were fully exhibited, and his body appeared in front of the dominating zombies like lightning.

At the same time, the sharp Wushuang Sword crossed a mysterious arc, and slashed towards the head of this commanding zombie.

Wu Wushuang's sword is as dark as ink. Obviously, this trick has been attached to the armed color domineering.

I do n’t know why this leader zombies came out, but for Wu Yan, this is an opportunity. If the leader zombies are killed here now, the zombie frenzy will be resolved.

However, although Wu Yan moves fast, some zombies can move faster.

Almost at the same time, a layer of translucent barrier ran across Wu Yan's face like glass. Although Wushuang Sword was sharp, although this sword was fast, it was blocked by this barrier.


The action of Xun Wuyan immediately angered the leader-type zombie, which originally looked like a miuling woman, suddenly opened his mouth and issued a sharp roar.

It seemed like some kind of command. At about the same time, these zombies around them were ready to move and rushed towards Wuyan.

Of the twenty or thirty zombies, the weakest are all secondary evolutionary types. This force is naturally very powerful.

Howling ...

But, almost at the same time, Xiao Meng's ability was launched. 霎 Times in this Jiayin Building, countless blizzards appeared, swept towards all the zombies.

The cold blizzard caused by cricket caused ice crystals to appear on the bodies of these zombies. Under the influence of the snow and wind, these aggressive zombies could not help slowing down.

These snowstorms not only hurt the zombies, they even hung them down as a group.

"The power of the demon fruit of nature is indeed strong, almost every one is a group attacking ability." Looking at the strength exerted by Xiao Meng, Wu Yan nodded secretly.

At the same time, the shaving ability was exerted, and he immediately came to a second-level zombie. Wushuang Sword crossed a mysterious arc. Immediately, the head of the zombie flew up.

For Wu Yan, the second-level zombies were like a nightmare to Wuyan, but now, the so-called second-level zombies are just ants, and they can be killed in a single stroke.

The third-level Phantom Zombie is as fast as a ghost, approaching Wuyan almost instantaneously, and at the same time, sharp claws scratch at Wuyan.


Raised the Wushuang Sword in the palm of his hand, and the phantom's claw was blocked.

Almost at the same time, the sound of the wind breaking behind him sounded, but it was the barb of the third-level Phantom Zombie that launched an attack from behind Wu Yan.

However, watching the bones of the third-level Phantom Zombie drew on Wu Yan's body, but the sound of golden iron and iron symphony also sounded.

Through the ripped clothes, you can see that Wu Yan's back is completely black. This is the attachment of the armed color domineering, blocking the attack of the phantom zombies.

A twist of his wrist, black blood sprayed out, and the sharpness of Wushuang Sword instantly cut off the claw of this third-level phantom zombie.

Exquisite sword skill, armed and domineering attack and defense blessing, the sharpness of Wushuang Sword, coupled with the speed of shaving, Wu Yan at this time is like an all-around physical power.

These evolutionary zombies are actually difficult to cause damage to Wu Yan, but for a moment, four or five zombies had their heads cut by the Wushuang sword, including the third-level phantom zombie.


Dull footsteps sounded, and the huge tyrant zombie ~ ~ rushed to Xiao Meng's body, opened his huge palm at the same time, and grabbed at Xiao Meng.

Howling ...

I just watched Xiaomeng being caught in the tyrant's zombies, but suddenly turned into countless snowstorms and disappeared from the palms of the tyrant's zombies.

Nature is the elementalization of the devil's fruit, and it is impossible for a person who is not armed and domineering to catch it.

"It's awesome ...", the lightning next to her could barely rely on her own speed to dodge the attacks of these zombies, but looking at the strength of several of them in Wuyan, she was a little dumbfounded.

Xi Wuyan's strength is so strong that the third-level awakening can have such power. He seems to have seen it only on Zhao Han.

Pei Yufeng has a spear in her hand, and she has the same momentum. The most important thing is to block and kick the two moves with almost law-like skills. Even if she faces several zombies at the same time, she can cope.

I was most surprised by Lightning, Xiao Meng. A little girl thought that she would become a tow bottle. I did not expect that she would have the same power as a magician.

Alas, she can transform into a snowstorm, and it seems that no zombies' attack can hurt her.

"I, I seem to be the towing oil bottle?", Glanced, it seems that only his own crisis is the biggest, which makes Lightning's heart a little difficult to accept.

As a tertiary awakened person, you will become a tow bottle?

This is something she never thought of.

闪电 Just when Lightning was distracted, the huge figure suddenly came to Lightning's back, holding up a huge fist, such as a water tank-sized fist, and slamming it down into the lightning, it was the third-level tyrant.

"It's bad!", Looking back at the huge fist smashed, the lightning changed suddenly, and his eyes were in despair.

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