Plane Master Copy

Chapter 115: : Iron Man's Tongue

Millionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist ...

Wu Wuyan and Phil went up the elevator to the top floor of the Stark Building, and their minds kept flashing the label about Tony Stark.

The purpose of this trip was mainly to persuade Tony Stark to join the Avengers. To be honest, Tony Stark's existence can almost be said to satisfy the illusions of all men.

Genius mind, wanton character, billions of wealth ...

Of course, these are all his appearances. Before the end of the world, the Marvel series of movies can be said to be popular all over the world. Of course, as the most popular Iron Man, Wu Yan is of course very clear.

Under the cynical appearance, Tony also has a sense of responsibility and mission.

Everyone says that a boy can grow into a real man. In fact, it only takes a moment, and Tony's growth is in the cave of the terrorists.


A crisp elevator sound sounded, and the elevator door opened, interrupting the messy thoughts in Wu Yan's heart.

As the elevator door opened, it happened to be able to see a man in his forties about to embrace a beautiful figure with a beautiful figure, with champagne in his hands, and the atmosphere was bleak.

"Cough ..." Seeing this scene, Phil also knew that he was not at the right time, and coughed a little awkwardly.

哦 "Oh, disappointment ...", Tony glanced helplessly after glancing at Phil and Wu Yan.

I do n’t think it ’s a **** like him. Any man is interrupted when he is dating his girlfriend. No one will be happy.

"Hi, Phil ...", looking at the people in the elevator, Pepper Pepper happily greeted.

"Is this an Iron Man?" Wu Yan, for the first time, really saw Tony Stark's real person, and couldn't help looking at it a few more times.

The heart of steel, the body of a mortal, is worthy of shoulders ...

This is the evaluation of Tony by many fans when the end of the year has not yet erupted.

A mortal man, using his top wisdom, built steel armor. When the US team taunted him in the Avengers Alliance when he was not team spirit, he went into a dangerous situation to push the engine of the air base to be buried.

Puppet was also resolutely lonely army holding a nuclear bomb into the enemy's nest, knowing that there might be no return.

The performance of infinite warfare is even more dazzling, and he boldly and carefully chose to take the initiative to attack the Titan Star.

If it weren't for the pig teammate of Xingjue that time, maybe they had successfully taken the infinite gloves from the hands of the tyrants ...

"Hey, who is this person? Why look at me like that? I already have a girlfriend, not to mention, I'm not interested in men ...".

Wu Wuyan stared at Tony Stark, secretly thinking about his performance in the original plot, but regarding Wu Yan's "passionate" eyes, Tony felt a chill, and groaned in his mouth.

Tony's words made Wu Yan's face dark.

I took a deep breath, pressed down on my thought of wanting to slam Tony, and held out my hand, saying, "Mr. Stark, my name is Wu Yan, and we may be teammates in the future ...".

"Do n’t, what I hate most is that any male creature and I have a physical disengagement." For Tony ’s outstretched palm, Tony did n’t mean to shake hands with Wuyan at all, and he said politely.

Male creatures!

Tony's words made Wu Yan's mouth twitch slightly.

He doesn't call Wu Yan by man, but by male creatures. This sentence feels almost the same as that of Rocky's scornful description of Wu Yan as a monkey.

Although Wu Yan knows what kind of character Tony is, his poisonous tongue is very often, or when you are not familiar with him, he will really be mad at him.

When Sugawara first met, she mocked Bruce Banner for turning into a green monster, and even quarreled with the US team.

听说 "I heard that Mr. Tony's steel armor is very powerful, but I want to learn ..." Tony's uncivilized attitude and poisonous tongue, Wu Yan didn't have the patience to speak, and began to fight.

Uh-huh, this kind of character is very embarrassing, Wu Yan doesn't mind taking good lessons to teach him.

"Wu Yan, don't do this ..." With regard to Wu Yan's hot temper, Phil hurried forward to look like a peacemaker, with a secret smile in his heart.

Sure enough, capable guys are not bad-tempered, although Wu Yan is already getting along well, but few people in the world really can't be angry with him during the period of contact with Tony.

"Oh? Bone guys ..." In the face of these official staff, most of the time Tony will not give them a good look. After all, these people are really trying to gain their steel armor, but it is really clear The dark ones are used.

Because of his identity, even members of parliament can be hard-pressed, but an agent actually has to do it himself? This surprised Tony.

"Okay, I also want to see what the so-called Avengers plan is, what kind of guys are recruited ...", looking at Wu Yan seriously, Tony said politely, and immediately raised his hands.

光芒 The bracelet on her wrist flashed, and then, a gorgeous red box burst out of the room next to it, transforming it into steel armor quickly covering Tony's body.

"Hey, Tony, do n’t make a mess, do n’t waste our precious time?" Seeing that Tony was really moving ~ ~ Even the steel armor was put on, and Pepper Pepper followed the talk to persuade him .

"Relax, baby, five minutes, no, I can get rid of this guy in three minutes ...", Tony under the mask looked confident and buckled directly between the talk.

Well, Phil and Pepper want to persuade Wu Yan and Tony respectively, but both of them can't help it.

Wu Wuyan felt that if he wanted to get Tony's righteous treatment, he should show his own strength, and gather things together, only the same strong can face each other.

Therefore, Tony's poison tongue Wuyan has no meaning to endure. This anger looks half-true and half-false.

Similarly, Tony also wants to do something. One is to see what the arrogant guy is capable of, and the second is to see for himself how much strength the Avengers organization has.

"Hoo!" After putting on the steel armor, Tony directly let Peper back away, the ejector on the bottom of the foot burst into flames, his body rushed directly towards Wu Yan, and punched at Wu Yan at the same time. come.

"Good job!", Watching Tony's movement, Wu Yan's eyes were slightly frozen.

At the same time, the ability was activated and he waved slightly at Tony who rushed over.

An invisible force acted on Tony's iron armor. The Iron Man who had rushed towards Wu Yan had shifted an uncontrolled angle to the side, and then slammed into his own wall, directly Hit the wall out of a hole.

"Whole body of steel, this really gives Wange Wang's genetic power to a full use ...".

Wu's understatement shifted Tony's iron armor's flight direction. Wu Yan murmured in his heart as he looked at some embarrassing Iron Man.

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