Plane Master Copy

Chapter 126: : The Avengers dispatch


The fortress in the sky, and several people in the Avengers, all looked a little disgusted and silent.

Wu Yan's departure still feels a little bit bitter.

Especially Tony, Wu Yan's power to control the metal, he is very much looking forward to it. With his help, he will be smoother in making steel armor by himself.

Captain America is also silent, while training himself constantly, Wu Yan's departure also makes him feel very sorry.

On the same day, I used the technique of initiation to teach myself some ways to become stronger through learning. Captain America was very grateful to him. However, Wu Yan encountered such a thing, but he was not able to help him. Very guilty inside.

"Ding Dong", however, just when the atmosphere of these people in the Avengers was somewhat depressing, suddenly, Tony's cell phone rang.

Tony took out his mobile phone, but was slightly surprised that Wu Yan sent a text message to himself.

However, the text message was blank and there was nothing.

"Jarvis, locate immediately, look for Wu Yan's current position!", Tony's response was quick, and after thinking for a moment, he immediately said.

"Okay sir!" As Tony's words fell, the light screen next to it lit up.

At this time, Jarvis could mobilize almost all the surveillance forces of the SHIELD to find the source of Wuyan's information. Of course, it was very easy. It did not take long, and soon, Jarvis immediately locked Wuyan Location.

By the time Jarvis located at Wuyan, Tony had finished wearing his steel armor.

"Wait, Tony, I'll go with you ..." At this time, Captain America also dressed up in his combat uniform and walked over, tightening his shield and speaking.

"No need, I'm enough alone!", Glancing at Captain America's appearance, the old-fashioned combat suit on him is really aesthetic, Tony, did not bring him.

After dropping such a sentence, the steel armor instantly ignited and lifted into a red shadow.

Captain America was angry and helpless about Tony's unrequited personality. He had no choice but to trot in front of Director Fury and asked to mobilize a fighter and send himself to the place where Wu Yan sent the message.

Wu Yan sent a blank message and apparently something urgent happened.

Hearing Captain America's request, Fury was silent.

The thoughts of Captain America and Tony were indeed correct. The first reaction of Fury was also the urgency of Wu Yan. He sent a message to ask for help.

And not long after he left the Avengers, he was in crisis? This also made Frey think a lot. Is he really framed? Otherwise, it's too coincidental, right?

Someone outside seemed to be waiting for him to leave and then ambush him.

If Fury's mind is purely this mind, he will naturally immediately agree to Captain America's request.

However, thinking of the suspiciousness of Wu Yan, another thought followed in Fury's heart.

All this, can it be Wu Yan's conspiracy? Did he deliberately set a trap and seduce everyone over?

"What's so hesitant about this? I need a fighter now! Tony has passed, I can't stay here right now?" I could not help myself when Tony and Dr. Bruce were busy, now I can Captain America is naturally reluctant to be blind when it helps.

Thinking that Tony had already left, Fury's heart tightened and he immediately mobilized a fighter to Captain America.

If it is true that Wu Yan has encountered a crisis, of course, he needs to support it, but even if it is a trap, Tony's safety is one more point.

If it weren't for Bruce Banner's poor control, maybe Fry would have sent him along at this time.


Wu Yan, wearing Jinzhen gloves, opened her palm to block the past, like a small shield. The oncoming magical impact bomb fell on Wu Yan's left hand and was completely resisted, even He didn't even shake his body.

"Well, this vibrating gold glove is good, it can be seen as a mini version of Captain America's shield." Watching himself wearing gloves, he successfully blocked Rocky's attack, Wu Yan nodded secretly in his heart.

I am very satisfied with the strength of this gold glove.

One move blocked Rocky's magic missile, Wu Yan followed his ability to shave, and his body rushed to Rocky's face as fast as lightning. At the same time, Wushuang Sword was wrapped in an armed color domineering and nodded towards Rocky.

The dark blade is like a serpent vomiting a letter.

With a sting, Wushuang Sword is on the scepter of the mind. Although Loki is a mage, he also has the ability to fight in close combat. After being approached by Wu Yan, he does not have the ability to resist.

However, seeing that his Wushuang Sword was blocked by the grid, Wu Yan was not surprised. At the same time, his left hand wearing a vibrating gold glove punched in the direction of Rocky, and his powerful domineering was poured into the gloves. .


This punch hit Rocky's shoulder ~ ~ The powerful impact increased, which made Rocky's feet go back a few steps, looked at Wu Yan with a shocked look, and then looked at his hand deeply. Glove on the glove.

"This glove is really good and very powerful!" Looking at his current attack power, he could shake Rocky back, which made Wu Yan nodded secretly.

The strength of the physical body, plus his more than 200 crystal points, the power of this punch is tripled. The power is indeed not to be underestimated. According to the power of the awakening in the last days, the power of this punch should be close to It's a level four awakening.

Wu Yan is already very skilled in stepping on the steps and shaving. He once again bullied Loki's face, and the swords trembled, turning into several sword lights, covering Loki's body.

Puff puff……

Unfortunately, all of these attacks passed through Rocky's body and did nothing at all.

This made Wu Yan's eyes freeze, and the Rocky in front of him was just a phantom, which was his usual trick.

Sure enough, almost at the same time, Rocky's body appeared behind him ghostly, at the same time, a bright light was shining on the scepter of the soul, and a magic missile comparable to a high-explosive grenade blasted at Wu Yan. come.


When he found that the Rocky he was hitting was just a phantom, Wu Yan had already guessed the next attack that Rocky would launch.

Waist twisted, Wushuang sword flew across his chest, just blocking Loki's magic missile.

However, almost at the same time, Rocky reached out his palm and grabbed Wu Yan's wrist. A cold cold air invaded Wu Yan's body like the flood that caused the bank, almost freezing his blood instantly, making him unable to move .

At the same time, Loki's face had a conspiratorial smile on his face, and the scepter of the soul pointed towards Wu Yan's chest ...

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