Plane Master Copy

Chapter 216: : Stealing Chicken Doesn't Make Eroded Rice

Real world, Dalongshan base.

After Zhao Han returned to his residence, his face was very ugly.

In a short period of about half a year, Wu Yan started from scratch, and the number of crystal points actually reached 400 or so, almost chasing himself. This horrible growth rate made Zhao Han unbelievable.

The number of his crystal points has only grown over three years. He has reached such a point in about half a year. How did he do it?

"Boss, do you want me to take a shot?" When Zhao Han sat coldly in front of the window, thinking secretly how to deal with Wu Yan's horrible growth rate, suddenly, behind him, a shadow as dark as ink Slowly emerged, his voice said in a low voice.

Looking at the figure that emerged from the shadow, it really looks like a dark shadow. It feels like a ball of ink. The only place under the body that can see different colors is snow-white teeth and the white parts of the eyes. Already.

"Well, after the attack on Changshi a few days ago, the leading zombies have summoned all the zombies back. The crisis of this zombie frenzy has been temporarily lifted." Hearing, Zhao Han's eyes flashed slightly Nodded silently.

Originally, because of the zombies frenzy, like a big rock pressed on everyone's head, whether it is Wu Yan or Zhao Han, or other members of the base, are not willing to internalize the Dalongshan base.

But now, the crisis of the zombie frenzy has been temporarily lifted, Zhao Han feels that it is time to strike Wu Yan.

Otherwise, at his growth rate, wait a few months, who dare to guarantee that he will not break through to the third level of the awakening? Even, Level 4 Awakeners! ?

"Your ability can be transformed into a fluid. You can protect yourself very well. Try it. The third-level awakener next to Wu Yan is a teenage girl who has entered the third-level awakener ..." After a moment of groaning, Zhao Han thought of Xiao Meng and thought that he could break each one well, so he gave instructions.

"I understand, I will complete the task". After receiving Zhao Han's instructions, this figure like ink nodded, and then the figure turned back into a black shadow and disappeared.

Uh ...

The night was getting dark. As the sky gradually darkened, there were fewer and fewer survivors walking in the Dalongshan base.

Although I have n’t heard of a zombie attack in more than half a month, but not many people are willing to stay alone at night, but in the dark night, a young girl in her tenth year, Walking alone on the base.

Xiao Xiaomeng was calm and had no expression. Perhaps for Xiaomeng, only Wu Yan could make her smile?

It was only tonight, Wu Yan was gone, Xiao Meng didn't even like to stay with Pei Yufeng, so she walked out of the house alone.

But when Xiao Meng walked alone in the dark base, suddenly, a black shadow appeared behind her, and then at night, it was almost impossible to see his existence.

The black figure raised his hand, and saw that his arm turned into a dark blade, and then he went straight to Xiao Meng's back, and he was cruel, not because she was a little girl Soft hands.

Slam! The black blade fell directly into Xiao Meng's body.

"Success!", Seeing that his attack succeeded in hitting the target, the black figure was ecstatic.

However, this figure was horrified immediately, because of the blade of the body, an amazing cold swept through, making his arms almost unconscious.

Wu Xiaomeng's head turned around at an incredible angle, and he looked at the dark figure in peace, looking calm, without any pain or pain.

Seeing Xiao Meng's calm face, this black figure was shocked, and carefully looked at the place where he stabbed. There was no blood flowing out, only the wound and countless snowflakes.

This made him startled, even more disbelieving. How could that be? Although I know that this little girl can control the power of snow and wind, but her body can turn into a snow and snow?

"You, what is your ability?".

She looked at the little girl in front of her shockedly, visible to the naked eye, the dark blade of snow was spreading rapidly, and the figure looked at Xiaomeni with shock.

He just, Xiao Meng, who had never spoken to his words, suddenly grinned slightly and then opened his mouth.


The scream of horror was very short, and it disappeared instantly. Many of the people who heard the scream in the night shrank unconsciously.

Uh ...

The whole person seemed to be thrown into the washing machine, and his brain felt a little dizzy, but soon Wu Yan recovered, stood on the ground, looked around, and of course he returned to the real world.

I took an electronic watch from the side. This is what Wu Yan puts in the real world as usual. Sure enough, from the time point of view, he left exactly 24 hours. Right. Yan can also make sure that every time he crosses, the real world is exactly 24 hours away, and then Wu Yan walks directly to his home.

Suffice it to say that although Wu Yan has nothing good to copy this time in the Legend of the Sword and Heroes, at least this half of the year, his crystal point number has increased to 525, which is also good for Wu Yan. Grow up.

From the perspective of the number of crystal points, Wu Yan feels that he should now be the highest in the entire Dalongshan base.

Moreover, in the position of the Legend of the Sword Swordsman, it is not that there is no harvest at all. After spending half a year in Shushan, Wu Yan also practiced the skill of using the sword of the gods.

From the perspective of all aspects of his ability, Wu Yan is now regarded as a sword practitioner who has learned swordsmanship. He has a very high level of kendo knowledge, so Wu Yan cultivated the Shushan sword tactics and entered the country very quickly.

Wu Xin secretly thought about his growth in the fairy swordsman plane this time, Wu Yan stepped towards his home step by step.

Only, Wu Yan walking on the road, but saw a lot of people in the base look very ugly, which made him slightly surprised.

I just left for a day, what happened to the base?

I returned home, Pei Yufeng, Xiao Meng, Damu, Guo Xiaoyan, and Ding Han were all there.

Seeing Wu Yan coming back, Pei Yufeng looked dignified, and the first sentence surprised Wu Yan.

"Wuyan, there has been another zombie attack inside the base."

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