Plane Master Copy

Chapter 227: :arrogant

The Naruto office, after Wu Yan left, an old man with a cross-scarred chin next to him could not help but said, "Ape flying, you are too kind. The origin of this Wu Yan is unknown, and the strength is amazing. "Kiba-mura is very dangerous."

"Tuanzang, of course, there are dangers, but if Wu Yan can join Muye Village, he will certainly become a top-notch combat force. The incident of Nine Tail is enough to prove that he is not malicious to Muye Village, isn't he? Then, in recent days, he has been secretly investigating his origins. "He knocked on his pipe, and Ape Feizhan did not care.

"The strength is amazing, but I have never heard of such people staying in Muye Village is too much of a hidden danger. The role of our root organization is to eliminate all factors that are not good for Muye Village. Therefore, the task of this investigation, We have an unwavering responsibility, "Tuanzang looked very solemnly and said earnestly.

Having said that, while watching the ape flying sun cut, but also refuting his appearance, Tuanzang went on to say: "Ape flying, don't forget, the time and space ninja used by Wu Yan and the mysterious man of the psychic Nine Tail Similarly, it is difficult to guarantee that they have nothing to do with each other. If all of this is just a bureau, then they have a great plan, and everyone can see that just now, Wu Yan is actually willing to stay in Muye Village. "

This analysis of Lu Tuanzang made Ape Fei Ri cut silent, and the two elders next to him nodded secretly, feeling that Tuanzang's words were indeed reasonable.

It is indeed unreasonable that Wuwuyan has such a strong strength, but has never been exposed in the ninja world.

Time Space Ninjutsu looks just like the invaders, which makes one have to doubt.

In addition, it seems that he himself is very willing to stay in Koba. If all this is really a conspiracy, his conspiracy must be very big.

The wave wind and water gate next to the cricket has never spoken. Perhaps Wu Yan is because he has the friendship to fight side by side, so he still trusts it.

However, the wave wind and water gate is also clear. As the village's Naruto, he has to be responsible for the entire village by his words and deeds. Doing things can not be done by feeling or idealized.

"Well, this matter will be left to the roots, but it must not be shot at Wu Yan. After all, he is the hero of the village. If it gets too hot, the village's face will not look good."

After a moment of groaning, as the fourth-generation Naruto's wave wind and water gate, the task of investigating Wuyan was handed over to Tuanzang. Finally, the water gate reminded Wuyan of his popularity in the village.

With these words, Tuanzang's brow frowned slightly.

It is indeed true that Wu Yan's popularity in the village is a little troublesome to investigate his own words; otherwise, he was arrested and put to the roots for a good torture. What secrets could not be tortured?

Uh ...

Wu Yan naturally didn't know what happened in the Naruto office. At this time, Wu Yan just stood quietly in front of his house, watching the Uchiha family's residence not far away, and whispered in his heart: " Uchiha family ... ".

Naruto, when it was in the real world, was also nicknamed "Eye Legend", although it was just a joke, but it has to be said that pupil technique is indeed a very special group of abilities in Naruto.

Among them, the writing of the round eye is even more brilliant, and the kaleidoscope of endless ability emerges, plus the form that can evolve into the recurrent eye ...

Also, the white eye evolved to the extreme reincarnation eye, the ability is also very powerful, remember that in the original version of the theater, the pupil of the rebirth eye once split the moon.

Now that he has come to the plane of Naruto, if it is possible, Wu Yan naturally wants to copy the blood boundary of this plane.

After all, after copying the blood of Thor, Thor, the capacity of Wu C's disk has also increased. There is no pressure to copy the power of some blood genes.

After thinking about the capacity of his C drive, Wu Yan followed him and looked at the D drive and E drive, with a helpless sigh in his heart.

Relatively speaking, the capacity of C drive is very large now, but D drive and E drive are still the same.

I do n’t know about these two disks. Is there a way to increase the capacity?

Especially the E-disk for storing knowledge, the remaining capacity is not much.

He shook his head, Wu Yan temporarily suppressed these thoughts in his mind, thinking that he was not far away from the Uchiha family's residence, Wu Yan lifted his leg and walked directly ...

Wu Yan's bloodline, of course, Wu Yan wants to make a good copy, and his copying ability, once copied, is the ability that the copyman has.

It seems that after copying Thor's bloodline, Wu Yan's bloodline is the same as Thor's Thor.

Well, whose kaleidoscope is more useful in the blood of the original Uchiha family?

It's certainly nice to have Uchiha in the soil, but it's much more difficult to plan.

Uchiha Itachi? Well, at this time he should still be a four or five year old kid, right? Tian Zhao and Yue Du also have strong pupil skills.

Sasuke Uchiha? Hmm ~ ~ He should be born now, right?

By the way, and their father, Uchiha Fuchi, remembered that the kaleidoscope was also turned on in the original work, but he didn't know what his kaleidoscope ability was.

However, it is relatively easy to copy the capabilities of the Uchiha patriarch.

In Wu Yan's heart, he secretly thought about the ability of several kaleidoscopes in the original book to write the chakras. When it seemed to be useful, Wu Yan had already come to the Uchiha family's residence.

"Stop, Wu Yan, what are you doing here?"

The Uchiha clan ’s residence is indeed a village in the village, and there is a ninja guarding the entrance of the station. With Wu Yan approaching, these two Uchibo ninjas stopped him politely, looking proud. Looks like, look at them, apparently do not like Wu Yan.

Although I know from the original book that the people of the Uchiha family are not easy to get along with, they only came to the Uchiha station for the first time. This attitude made Wuyan frown slightly.

I and the Uchiha clan do not seem to have any holidays?

And the other person can tell his own name, obviously he also recognizes himself.

"Oh, nothing, I will live not far from here, and live next to you Uchiha family, so come and say hello." Since the other party's attitude is not very friendly, Wu Yan's look is naturally cold. A lot.

"No, you go, our Uchiha family does not need you to please ..."

Only, for Wu Yan, the two ninjas standing at the gate of the station were unwillingly expelled from the road, and looked like they were high above them.

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