Plane Master Copy

Chapter 235: : Vibrating Hyuga

The soft fists of the Hyuga tribe are well-known in the ninja world. To a certain extent, they can even be called invincible melees!

Acupuncture points of the Hyuga fist can be regarded as a kind of bug ability.

In the melee, the two sides you come to me will successfully hit the other side in the battle. This is very common. In the face of other strong sportsmen, you are hit at most, and you can continue to fight, but In the face of the Hyuga family? Being hit once can almost be regarded as the end of the battle.

The ability to pierce points can ban your chakras, or even restrict your limb movements, just like some kind of seal.

Therefore, with the ability of white eyes and soft fist, the soft body technique of the Hyuga family is well-known in the ninja world, and it can even be called invincible in melee.

Now, Matekai and Nixiang ’s ninjas have begun to fight. The fight between Gangquan and Rouquan looks very lively. Although it is only a 14-year-old boy, Akai ’s strength has let the Hyuga family. Ninjas are secretly shocked.

However, after all, it was the Ninja tribe's forbearance. In terms of fighting each other, although Akai successfully hit the opponent with a punch, the same, the Ninja tribe Ninja also pointed on Akai's body.

Chakra invaded the veins, and instantly sealed Acha's Chakra.

"Well, the physical skill at a young age is very strong. In time, will it be enough to become a representative ninja in the village? The genius of physical skill ...".

After successfully hitting Akai with one finger, the Ninjas of this family secretly nodded in their hearts, expressing marvel at his physical ability.

However, although he was hit by the acupoints of the Hyuga tribe, the internal force of the sacred heart in Akai ’s body moved freely and mixed with his chakra. It was very technical and directly blocked in his veins. Chakra in the veins dispersed.


The strong and powerful legs directly kicked out of the wooden leaves rigid whirlwind, and the Ninja tribe Ninja who had just been relieved next to him was kicked out.

"Mr. Wu Yan's ability to teach is really amazing! What is even more powerful is the recognition of acupuncture points and veins. Is it true that the acupuncture method of the Hyuga family?"

After kicking and flying out of the Ninja tribe with one foot, Akai went through the acupuncture of the Hyuga tribe, feeling the heart, perfusing the internal force at his fingertips, and also poking his finger towards the ninja tribe. past.


The Hyuga tribe, as the top giants in Muye Village, the status of the Hyuga tribe in Muye Village can almost be said to be second only to the Uchiha tribe. The giants naturally have the pride of the giants, but tonight, the patriarch of the Hyuga tribe, even the night generals The elders of the family all convened in their own homes, looking very dignified.

And here, there was an injured Hyuga tribe.

Continuing with 66, several elders who came to the tribe all came to sleepy eyes. Although they were puzzled about the patriarch calling himself overnight, they also knew that something must have happened.

Sure enough, when I came to the home of Sun Xiangri, I could see that he was also wearing a pajamas, and his face was extremely dignified.

"Patriarch, what happened?" As all the elders expired, Nichi opened his mouth to the elders of the clan and asked Nichizu.

"Misaka was injured today. The elder first looked at how his injury was caused." Rizu sold a pass and said to the elder.

He looked at Sunzu with some doubts, and immediately the elder walked to the people in the neighbourhood, his eyes were blue, and his eyes were opened. At the same time, after carefully examining the injuries of the people, he said: "He The injury was caused by the physical technique of Gang Quan, but his body also seems to have injuries to the veins. It seems to be acupoints of our soft boxing? ".

"Yes, Misaka today met a ninja specializing in rigid boxing, named Matekai, and just when Misaka and him were discussing, Matekai was hit by a point, but he acted as usual. Also similar to acupuncture, hit him ... ", Sunzu's face was very dignified, and his mouth said at the same time.

"What !? It's impossible!".

With the words of Sunward and Sunfoot, all the elders of the Sunward clan next to each other changed color, exclaiming in astonishment!

Yeah, what keeps the glory of the Hyuga tribe? The white eyes of the blood following limit, as well as the acupoint technique called the melee bug ability.

The degree to which the Nuxiang tribe attaches importance to the limit of blood success can be seen from the difference between the clan family and the separation. Now, a foreigner can actually perform acupoint surgery? What's more, the point of the Hyuga tribe has no effect on him?

"Maitekai? Who is this person? Does anyone know?" Realizing the seriousness of the matter, the elder said, and looked at several ethnic people next to him and asked.

"I'm a bit impressed ...".

At this time, one of the elders spoke, saying: "Cimu Kakashi is one of the most dazzling geniuses in the village, and Matkay seems to have a very good relationship with him."

"Have you remembered in the village that Matte Dai, who was said to have endured forever?" At this time, another elder suddenly spoke.

"Did you mean that Mattet, who was alone in the face of the seven Ninja swords and killed four of them alone?" When you heard the name, several faces of the Nixiang clan could not help but change.

At that time, a wooden leaf under forbearance actually faced the seven people of Ninja Sword alone at the most critical time, and actually killed four of them with the rigid boxing technique. It can be said that the Ninja world shook, and the people of Hyuga certainly knew.

Hearing Meiteke's name, and thinking of Meitedai's last name, these people of the Hyuga tribe can already guess Meteke's identity.

Hearing Mike Kay's identity, he was actually the son of Matte, and the elders of the Hyuga family became more tangled.

If it is an ordinary ninja ~ ~ who is proficient in acupoints, and even immune to the acupoints of the Hyuga tribe, they have already arrested people. It is no wonder that the patriarch just summoned everyone and did not arrest Meteka.

At the beginning, Matte ’s behavior can be said to have greatly raised the face of Muye Village, and it was even regarded as a heroic existence. If you want to do something to Mattekai, even the Hyuga family must weigh the problem.

After all, the Hyuga family is not the Uchiha family with high eyes.

"This matter is very important. Although it can't be too tough, it can approach the core interests of the family. Send someone to understand it ..."

Several elders, after discussing with you for a long time, and after everyone's opinions were gradually unified, Hyuga opened his mouth and said.

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