Plane Master Copy

Chapter 242: :root

Osumaru was a genius from an early age. However, it was because of seeing too many deaths with his own eyes that Osumaru felt the fragility of life. Therefore, he wanted to obtain a long life and let himself survive forever. It is the ambition in Osumaru's heart.

It is precisely because of this that he has developed the technique of rebirth in order to be able to constantly replace the young flesh to achieve the purpose of rebirth.

If it is possible to study how to make the human body never aging, the big snake pill will not switch to the study of rebirth. If it is possible, who is willing to replace the unfamiliar body?

However, Dashe Wan was originally desperate, but now a few drops of blood from Wu Yan have made Dashe Wan see the hope of longevity.

Four or five times longer life, can even increase life with increasing strength?

If you can understand the mysteries, then cultivate, or even transplant, does it mean that you can get a long life?

Thinking of this, Osumaru was shaking with excitement, and there was a weird laughter in her mouth.

At this time, he could not wait to return to Wu Yan's house immediately, and took all the blood he collected from his hands for research and cultivation.

However, after all, Da She Wan is not so impulsive. The first time the two sides met, they can be said to be unprepared, but the second time they met, they had to talk about it. Naturally, it took some time to prepare.


Although Wu Yan hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he could guess what kind of thought of Dashe Wan was.

Wu Yan is not in a hurry. He knows that once Dashe Wan has detected his life span, he will definitely come to find him.

However, after Wu Yan got up early this day, when he was about to go out to find Matkay and Kakashi to continue training, the door was knocked.

Wu Yan opened the door and froze slightly. It turned out to be Shicun Tuanzang and stood in front of him again.

"Please come in". Although I do n’t know why Tuanzang found himself again after a month, Wu Yan still asked Tuanzang to come in.

After the two sides sat down and greeted each other, Wu Yan naturally waited for Shicun Tuanzang to open his mouth.

He took the initiative to find himself, it was impossible to pass by again, so come and sit?

Sure enough, Shicun Tuanzang soon came up with a letter of appointment and said: "You have also been in Muye Village for some days. With good strength, naturally you can't just be a simple civilian. I asked Naruto In order to ask you to join the root organization I belong to, this matter, Naruto has agreed. "

"Root?", Tuanzang's words made Wu Yan's heart slightly stunned.

In his own strength, Wu Yancun wanted to leave himself, Wu Yan was not surprised, but Tuan Zang wanted himself to join the roots, and Bo Feng Shui Men actually agreed, which was somewhat unexpected by Wu Yan.

"I want to know what is the significance of the root organization? And what is my job in the root organization?"

Without saying yes or no, Wu Yan's eyes were on Tuanzang's body and he asked.

"I have talked with you before. For your vision and thoughts, I think you are very suitable for the root organization exhibition. As for the role of the root organization? It is to deal with something darker than the dark part, and do whatever it takes to ensure the wood leaves. "Tangzang thrives," Tuanzang's gaze fell on Wu Yan's body, and he explained.

"You are in the dark and your heart is bright?", Tuanzang's words made Wu Yan's heart move slightly, and his mouth popped up reflectively.

"Yes, your ending is very brilliant!" After hearing Wu Yan's words, Tuanzang's eyes brightened and he nodded.

Wu Yan's eight words describe the root organization as very appropriate.

As long as people who have some understanding of Naruto's original works, they have a bit of annoyance towards the group, and even hold hostility to the root organization.

It is only for Wu Yan that it is ordinary ninjas, dark parts, or root tissues that remain in the leaves. It does not matter. After all, he can stay for a short time and will leave sooner or later.

Although I don't know why Bofeng Shuimen accepted the request of Tuanzang, after thinking about it, Wu Yan felt that even if he joined the roots, there was nothing bad.

"Joining the roots, I can agree, but I have a request ..." After a moment of groaning, Wu Yan said to Tuan Zang.

"Well, you say", nodded, Tuanzang motioned Wu Yan to open.

"I joined the root organization, and I don't want to be restricted in personal freedom." Wu Yan opened his own request.

He remembers that people in the root organization will be brainwashed by the regiment, and will be imprinted to control personal freedom and even freedom of speech. Wu Yan does not want to be reduced to a tool for others.

"This is nature!" Tuanzang nodded and agreed to Wu Yan's request.

Ordinary members of the root organization are just tools for the organization. Naturally, they want them to be tools without emotion or even thought.

But Wu Yan, Tuan Zang had the intention of cultivating him as a heir to the root organization. Therefore, Tuan Zang himself had never thought about imposing a curse on him, let alone turning him into a tool without emotion and thought.

Wu Yan was so embarrassed that Tuanzang was so decisive in the end.

However, since Tuanzang agreed, Wu Yan naturally felt relieved, and this matter was so determined.


In the Naruto office, the third-generation Naruto and the fourth-generation Naruto stayed here, except for them, there were no other people in the office.

"The third generation, the Elder Tuanzang just said, can you really believe it? He wants to cultivate Wu Yan as a successor to the root organization?"

Bo Fengshuimen looked at Ape Flying Sun ~ ~ In terms of understanding Tuanzang, of course, the third generation is the one who knows him best.

"Well, although Tuan Zang's ideas and ideas run counter to me in many places, but what he just said, I can see that it is not a lie. He really wanted to cultivate Wu Yan as the heir of the root organization."

Ape Feiri cuts his hand and holds the pipe, but the tobacco in the pipe has already been burned out, but he doesn't notice it, but with a look of confusion on his face, apparently wondering why Tuanzang fancy Wu Yan? Is it just because of Wu Yan's strength?

"Well, with Wu Yan's strength, he shouldn't lose money, and if Wu Yan is really willing to join Muye Village, he will really let him take charge of the root organization in the future, maybe a good situation."

After getting a positive response from the third generation, Bo Fengshuimen nodded, but he looked forward to the future, which was the biggest reason he agreed to the group possession.

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