Plane Master Copy

Chapter 248: : Since

This ninja represents Yuni Village who stands out. The strength in Yuni Village is obviously not weak. Even if it is placed in the five major ninja countries, it is also the strength of Shangni.

However, in front of Wu Yan, his strength was just restrained, so the discussion between the two men was almost over from the beginning.

Wu Yan's demonstrated ability, let alone Yuren Village, was surprised, even those who had seen the root organization of Wu Yan's shot were surprised.

Regardless of the previous battle with the fog, or the battle with the ninja in Yuyin Village, Wu Yan's clean three-stroke two-style solution to the battle.

Up to now, although Wu Yan has shot, these two shots are far from enough to express where the limit of Wu Yan's strength is.

All I know is that he is strong and unfathomable.

How, do you have any other objections? Tuanzang's eyes were on Hanzang's body. Although his expression was calm, there was something he couldn't hide in his tone.

Tuan Zang is not surprised that Wu Yan can defeat the opponent, but the degree that Wu Yan just shaved has surprised Tuan Zang's heart secretly.

Muye Village is worthy of being one of the five major ninja nations. Your ability, although it only reveals the tip of the iceberg, but in my opinion, compared to Muye Santo, it will not be inferior to that. He fell on Wu Yan and said.

At that time, the name of Sanye Muye was passed on from the mouth of Hanzo, and today his evaluation of Wu Yan is very high.

However, for this evaluation of Hanzo, the people in Kuba village did not have any unusual emotions.

It's no surprise that the hero who can retreat Nine Tail says that his strength is not weaker than the three leaves of Konoha.

In any case, a simple discussion between the people in Wuyan and Yuyin Village can only be regarded as an episode of tentative exploration of cooperation between Hanzang and Tuanzang.

After the cooperation was discussed, everyone started to act, the trap was ready, and people waiting for the organization to throw in their hands

And in another corner of the country of rain, a short orange man, wearing a long robe, quietly watching the rain scene of the country of rain at night, without a word.

Behind him, Xiao Nan, the blue beauty, stood quietly, and there was a long red-headed long door, staring at a pair of lilac reincarnation eyes, and both of them had a faint look in their eyes.

Yahiko, Hanzo asked us to meet, did you really decide to go and see for yourself? .

Xiao Nan is a quiet beauty, she can't rest assured when she thinks about the things she is about to face. After all, in recent days, the friction between Xiao organization and Yuyin Village has become more and more serious.

Our purpose is to be committed to peace, and to make the entire Ninja world peaceful. At least we must first let Ujin Village be peaceful. Therefore, the thing between Hanzo and the Tibetan must reach a concept that has been shared by both parties. We didn't have any room to refuse this meeting anyway, and Yahiko said calmly about Xiao Nan's words.

The Nagato opened his mouth and wanted to remind Yahiko to be careful, but after hearing this, he could n’t say anything. Indeed, Yahiko ’s words were reasonable. There is a glimmer of hope that everyone will not give up.

Hey hey, it's so white, it's really big, if it can be rubbed, it must be very comfortable, right? Somewhere, on the roof of the female soup pond, a white man with a long mouth and a haraz at the corner of his mouth kept flowing down, whispering in his mouth, and secretly looked into the girl's bathhouse. This man was exactly three forbearance One's also.

Speaking of Zi, this time may be his most joyous. He watched it for two hours and waited until the night was deep. After all the women in Tangchi had gone, Ziyi was still thinking about it. The appearance of the left, at the same time, still nodded and will remember today's heart firmly.

Maybe this will be the most exciting part of my next "Living Paradise" series.

Hey hey, but, after seeing so many women, if you talk about your figure, it ’s still Tsunade ’s hottest. Thinking of the just-beautiful picture, you ca n’t help flashing in your mind. The sight of time is drooling.

However, when I think of this scene, I have also reached out and rubbed my ribs. This place is tingling.

When peeking at Tsunade, she was half-deadly hit by her strange powers.

Your idiot's low-level taste hasn't changed for so many years, but, just when Sutra's mind was immersed in Tsunabe's fantasies, suddenly, a magnetic hoarse voice sounded, which caused self Come and pay attention.

Who owns this voice?

Looking for sound, sure enough, in the shadow of a street lamp not far away, a man's figure walked out slowly.

Orochimaru! ? Looking at the man who came out, Zi Lai's face was surprised, and with joy, but with anger, etc., all the complex expressions poured into his face.

Obviously, he didn't expect to encounter Dasumaru in this place, and it seemed that he had observed himself in the dark for some time.

Dashe Wan, how long have you been following me? Looking seriously at his former companion in front of him, now the s-class rebellion in Muye Village, he also asked.

How long? It's been from the beginning of your experience. For Taeya, Oshimaru shrugged and said calmly.

The words of Da Snake Pill, let Su Lai also scold in his heart, did you lower your vigilance when taking the material? Osumaru observed that he hadn't seen him for so long.

Say, what are you doing for me? I don't believe you have watched us for so long, but just came to me to talk about the old.

Although I really wanted to take Da Snake Pill back, how many years have passed, and since then, he has already understood his character very well.

Dashe Wan's face had a faint smile and a calm look, saying: Did you receive three disciples when you were in Yu Ren Village? One of the children had the reincarnation eye of the legendary Six Immortals.

You don't have to think of a few of them! When he heard the words of Osumaru, Tachiya's face suddenly changed, and he said aloud.

From the understanding of Dashe Wan, of course, he also knew what kind of mind he would have after reincarnation.

Sure enough, what Wu Yan said was true! Seeing such a fierce reaction from Talai, Dashewan's heart murmured secretly, and he could be sure that Wu Yan's words were indeed true. Among the several disciples accepted by Taura Yuren Village, there was indeed a reincarnation eye.

Although my heart moved, the look on Dashe Wan's face was still calm. When I looked at it, I was so excited. There was a smirk on his face, saying: You are a fool, you really do n’t have to think about it. ? If I really want to start with those people, will I come over to inform you? .

Er, the words of Dashe Wan made the taps stagnate a little, and they immediately reacted. This is indeed the case.

Since you are not going to prepare for Nagato, why did you come to me? What do you want to do? .

I don't want to do anything, I just trust someone to come and inform you of a message.

I shrugged my shoulders, and Osumaru said calmly: I wo n’t know what the reincarnation is, it does n’t mean that others wo n’t. Someone asked me to tell you a message, Tuanzang and Hanzang. A few disciples have begun. Your disciples have formed an organization called 'Xiao'. It seems that Yu Ren Village is becoming more and more famous.

Sansho fish, Hanzo, and Tuanzo? I heard that the two men were united, and they were going to start fighting against Nagato. A few of them changed their faces.

Who is Hanzo? A man known as a demigod, but what about group possession? He shouldn't be underestimated. The two men joined forces to deal with Nagato them?

Thinking of the crisis they encountered in Nagato, of course, they can't wait to immediately fly over to help.

But, in such a situation, can you do it alone?

how is it? Stupid, do you want me to help you? Since Zi Lai's gaze fell on his own body, Dashe Wan certainly understood his mind, and asked with a faint smile on his face.

No need, I can solve this problem by myself.

He hesitated for a moment, and since then, he shook his head and refused the idea of ​​asking Dashe Wan for help.

It is precisely because of his understanding of Dashe Wan, that he has not dared to trust Dashe Wan regarding reincarnation.

Once he was really let go, he would rather not have such a companion than a companion who could not rest assured.

Ozumaru shrugged as he refused.

He didn't intend to get involved in this matter at first. Wu Yan asked himself to help him, and he was already done, so Dashe Wan turned around and was about to leave.

Wait ~ ~ Dashemaru, who have n’t said the news, who asked you to tell me. Seeing Dashamaru ’s body, Zilai also asked.

As for Taeya's words, Dashe Wan's footsteps were slightly hesitated, but he did not answer, and gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Wuyan entrusted himself to this matter, and of course Daerumaru would not say it. Otherwise, wouldn't it have declared that Wuyan around the world had contact with himself?

By then, where can Wuyan stay in Muye Village? If Wu Yan broke off his cooperation in a fit of anger, then he would have no place to cry.

Therefore, Dashemaru will never tell anyone about the relationship between himself and Wuyan, at least not until the research results come out.

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