Plane Master Copy

Chapter 250: : Black Must

Domino effect!

For Wu Yan, he just added a word of mouth and asked Dashemaru to notify Zilai, and told him what was going to happen here. Wu Yan did not expect that Zilai also responded so quickly, not only himself Came here, even recruited the fourth-generation Naruto wave Fengshuimen.

Bo Fengshuimen headed to this station, and the people in the root organization could not continue to shoot against Xiao.

Seeing that Bofeng Shuimen was iron and standing on the side of Zilai, and this matter, he was indeed caught by a handle by Bofeng Shuimen. Shicun Tuanzang's complexion was blue and white, and finally, also I can only hate to speak, let the root organization retreat.

"How? As Naruto of Koba Village, do you want to get involved in our country of rain?"

Regarding the departure of Shicun Tuanzang, Hanzo didn't say much, but focused on Bo Feng Shui Men.

For Hanzo's words, the face of Bo Feng Shui Men hesitated a bit. As Naruto of Koba Village, it was really inappropriate to intervene in this matter at this time, and his identity was too sensitive.

Of course, the nearby side also understands the difficulties of Watergate, saying: "Go back first, and I can handle the matter here myself."

"Teacher, but ..."

Bo Fengshuimen's face had a sloppy look on his face. After all, the other party was called "Semi-God", the pepper pepper and Hanzo. Although the teacher's strength was strong, once, Hanzo was able to suppress the existence of the three forbearance alone what.

He waved his hand, and since he stopped, what Bo Fengshuimen wanted to say, he immediately turned his eyes on the Han pepper fish Hanzo, saying, "Hanzo, today's battle represents me personally and has nothing to do with Muye Village. Come on, I want to see if these years have passed and whether your strength has declined. "

"Oh? I also want to see one of the three forbearance titles that I was given back then. How much has your strength improved, but now that this little girl is in my hands, you really have the ability to take back people Is it? ", Sansho fish Hanzo's gaze fell on Tiriya's body, his mouth also said calmly.

Although he is now facing Yahiko alone, Nagato and Zuri are also three, but holding Xiaonan in his hands, Shanzhuang Yu Hanzo is holding a handle, let them three cast a rodent.


Tuanzang's face had an angry look. I didn't expect that the three people in Xiao's organization were the disciples of the guy who came from here, even if he came from here.

In front of the eyes, he was oppressed by a milky boy with the identity of Naruto, which made Tuanzang feel very aggrieved and angry.

As I walked all the way, I didn't bother about the horrific battle scene that day behind me. The ninjas of the root organization wore masks, and all of them remained silent.

Apparently they can feel the current anger of Tuan Zang, so they dare not touch the mold of Tuan Zang easily at this time.

"Yes, you can stay and watch the battle situation here." But, just when everyone was silent, suddenly, the footsteps of Tuanzang stopped, and his eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, and his look also became A lot of dignity.

"If you don't have a chance, you don't have to take a shot, but if you have a chance, I think you know what to do."

"This is still immortal, do you want me to stay and help him win reincarnation eyes?" What does Tuanzang mean, Wu Yan certainly understands.

However, it happened that Wu Yan was going to take a trip to Yin Ren Village. The opportunity was just right, so Wu Yan nodded and turned around to stay.

Wu Yan's strength is beyond doubt, leaving him behind is the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If there is no opportunity and no loss, what if Wu Yan succeeds?

That is the legendary reincarnation eyes of the Six Immortals. With the power of these eyes, Tuanzang is not only confident to fight for the position of Naruto, but also to lead the Makura Village and suppress the other four ninja powers.

Not to mention the thoughts in Tuanzang's heart, Wu Yan turned around and continued to walk on the battlefield in Hanzang. The battle between several film-level strong men, Wu Yan also wanted to observe more.

After all, the eight-door armored armour can greatly improve its own strength. Maybe in the future, the combat effectiveness of the Naruto system is the strongest.

However, when Wu Yan turned around and continued to walk on the battlefield, suddenly, a feeling of peeping appeared.

Wu Yan stood still, his perception was fully spread out, and his mouth said, "No need to hide, just come out."

"Interesting, you can actually detect my existence, and it really has a lot of strength ...".

As Wu Yan's words fell, behind a large stone, a figure came out.

This figure, with a spiral wooden mask, only exposed the right eye of a scarlet three-hook jade writing round eye.

This picture looks like this person's identity.

"Wu Zhibo brought soil, why did he appear here?" Looking at the figure coming out, Wu Yan's heart tightened slightly.

He broke his plan in Muye Village. When he met again at this time, it was arrogant that the enemies met.

Although it seems strange to bring soil here, it is reasonable to think about it carefully.

The reincarnation eye of Nagato is left by Uchiha Spot. The existence of Nagato is an important part of the Uchiha Spot plan. Now, when it comes to the crisis of Nagato and others, it is natural to take a look at it.

If the Nagato is as black as the original, he jumps out to guide him. Of course, if the Nagato is killed, the band will ensure that the reincarnation eye will not fall into the hands of others.

"Is you? Are you following me while I'm ordering, do you want to strike me?" Wu Yan reached out and Wushuangjian appeared in his hand, staring earnestly at the soil.

"It depends on your own choice."

Wu Yan wore a mask with a dog head, and he wore a spiral mask with soil. He said quietly, "I want to find a few companions to create a peaceful world without dispute with you. Your ability is exactly what I have What we need, if you are willing to join, we will be companions in the future. Of course, if you refuse, the former grievances will be calculated today. "

"How? Do you have time to do it with me now? Don't you care about the battle over there?" When he heard the words, Wu Yan nodded in the direction that Hanzang and Nagato fought there, and asked. .

Yeah, the focus of belt soil should now be on Nagato, right? How can I spend time with myself here?

"Oh? Looks like you know a lot of things," said Wu Yan, surprised by the reminder.

During the talk, the figure with soil flashed and rushed directly towards Wu Yan. At the same time, he said, "Your strength is good, but you only understand a little peculiar ninjutsu."

Looking at the belt that rushed towards him, Wuyan's Wushuang Sword was connected, and several sharp sword qi appeared in a few moments, and shot toward the belt.

However, in the face of these attacks, Bringing the Soil is not unavoidable, and let these spaces pass through his own body, and even the body with the soil also passes through Wu Yan's body.

After passing through the body, Li Ma shot back with a few shurikens backhanded and did not return, so it was too close to dodge.

However, under the control of Wu Yan's ability, these shurikens were suddenly controlled by the invisible force, but shot towards the side of the soil.

Then, these shurikens once again passed through the body with soil and shot to the ground.

"It's really buggy ...".

Although Uchiha's ability to write round eyes with soil has been known from the original book for a long time, under the melee combat, all his own attacks passed through the body with soil. This kind of battle is very uncomfortable.

On the night of the Nine Tail, the analysis of the wave wind and water gate is good. The battle with the soil is compared with the degree, not just the degree of movement, the most important thing is the degree of shot ...

The wave wind water gate can be said to have the fastest existence in the tolerance world. His ability to suppress the soil of Uchiha has nothing to say, but in terms of the degree of shot, Wu Yan is not as good as the wave wind water gate. When he started, Wu Yan was completely crushed by Uchiha with soil.

If it hadn't been shaved fast enough, perhaps Wu Yan had already lost in the hands with soil ...


With his hands tied with soil, and even if Wu Yan's attack interrupted his seal, he turned a blind eye. All these attacks passed through his body. Immediately, he opened his mouth and vomited at Wu Yan: Howling Fireball!

Watching the oncoming huge flame, Wu Yan tapped at his feet and stepped on the ground dozens of times in an instant. His shape was so fast that he could no longer see the naked eye.

The shaving technique copied from Karp is indeed powerful, but unfortunately, although this degree is fast, Wu Yan's dynamic vision is not enough to match the shaving degree. Naturally, the degree of hands-on is not fast either.

So when he started, he mainly dodged and was completely suppressed by the soil.

"No, at this time, even if the eight doors are open, it doesn't make much sense. If the shot is not fast, it will be useless to be strong ...".

After fighting for a while, he was completely suppressed, and Wu Yan's heart retreated.

There was a retreat in my heart ~ ~ Wu Yan naturally did not mean to do anything with the soil. With a little finger, the mirror space opened, ready to jump in and get rid of the soil.


However, watching Wu Yan prepare to jump in, suddenly, a pair of dark palms appeared in the ground, holding Wu Yan's legs tightly.

At the same time, black matter, like a fluid, began to spread toward Wu Yan's body.

"This is it? Hei Jue this old insidious !?".

Looking at the rapidly spreading black matter on his body, Wu Yan was shocked. He did not expect that he and the fighter with soil in it, Hei Jue had been waiting in the dark for a long time.

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