Plane Master Copy

Chapter 271: : Questions about group possession

In the original work, the Uchihas were destroyed because the Uchihas became swelled. They actually wanted to conquer the power of Muye Village and rebelled, so they were destroyed overnight.

Now, the time of the Uchihas ’annihilation is many years in advance. This time, the reason for the Uchihas’ annihilation is also not small, that is, they actually invaded the wood leaves with the ninjas of other Ninja villages. Different from the betrayal village.

Wu Yan stood quietly on the top of the wall of the Uchiha clan, and looked down at the large Uchibo clan's dwelling. Almost all the high-rises were no longer there. Naturally, the Uchiha clan's people couldn't resist coming out The roots are organized.

The ninjas are all assassins. Not only are the ninjas of the Uchiha family, even the elderly and children, they are all ruthlessly wiped out.

Wu Kai is looking at everything in front of him. Tonight he is considered a big killing ring. Although there is a Tzang order for this reason, Wu Yan ’s ability. If he does n’t want to do it, Tuan Zang? Can you order him?

I can only say that what the Uchiha family did was that they almost killed Wu Yan. This was really annoying him, so there was no psychological pressure at all in driving this genocide.

Yan Wuyan stood on the high wall. After watching for a moment, his body flickered and disappeared.

When He appeared again, he was already in a courtyard. This is the home of the Uchiha clan ...

In a darkened room, a five-year-old ferret, holding a short knife in his hand, stared at a pair of scarlet writing-wheel eyes, and in his arms was Uchiha Sasuke, who was sleeping asleep in her arms.

The twenty-four-year-old child inevitably had a look of panic, but looking down at his brother in his arms, his face became extremely firm.

In the dark room, three masked ninjas slowly walked over, and by a ray of moonlight falling from the door, the figures of these three ninjas were elongated, and the swords in the hands of the three ninjas were too long. All stained with blood-red.

"Wangwangwang ...".

Alas, at this time, a rough barking sounded, although it sounded like a dog barking, the sound was not like a dog at all.

Hearing this voice, the three ninjas paused slightly, then backed away.

Xi Wuyan walked in from outside the door, and naturally followed Mo Yunbao next to him, and the three people beside him stepped aside.

"Leave it to me here, let's go." Wu Yan waved his hand and said calmly.

三个 The three ninjas did not answer, nodded slightly, and quickly left.

Wu Wuyan stepped forward slowly, his eyes fell on Yu Zhibo Itachi's heart, and he couldn't help sighing.

Tonight, Wu Yan's heart is full of anger and killing intentions. These anger and killing intentions are directed at the Uchiha family. However, looking at Uchiha Itachi, this anger and killing intention cannot be mentioned at all.

One is probably because of the influence in the original work, and the other is the most important one, that is, Wu Yan has a clear grudge.

The Yu Zhibo family wanted to kill themselves, then they destroyed the U Zhibo family, but they copied the blood from Uchiha Itachi, and it was due to him.

He looked at Uchiha Itachi, who was still young but very strong, and Wu Yan was silent for a moment before he said, "Would you like to be my disciple?"

The good guy does it to the end and sends the Buddha to the west. If he just let him go, as the orphan of Uchiha, even if Itachi's future achievements are as high as he is now only four or five years old, it will be difficult to face all parties Thoughts, the future may be even worse.

Therefore, since it was decided to let him go, it would be better to protect him under his wings.

"I'm willing!", Without much consideration, although Uchiha Itachi knows that this is an extermination enemy, but nodded firmly in the end.

"Sure enough, it is Uchiha Itachi, only five years old, has such a calm mind."

Why does Itachi agree? Apparently he also realized this and understood his situation, which made Wu Yan nodded secretly.

Uchiha Itachi wants to stay, so Uchiha Sasuke next to him will stay, after all, he has copied Heika's bloodline, it is hard to guarantee that he will not use Sasuke's bloodline.

Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, but the eyes of brothers need to be transplanted to maintain permanent light.

As Wu Yan and Itachi walked out, the Uchiha clan ’s extermination operation was slowly coming to an end. There were horrible scenes of Shura Hell everywhere, and there were screams, battles and anger beside. Drink endlessly.


When Xun walked, the door of a yard next to him was directly smashed by Huojinjutsu.

With the cracked door, two masked root ninjas were also directly knocked out, and the two ninjas that fell to the ground seemed to be out of breath and out of breath.

"Huh? Is this still a ninja left in the resident?", Looking at the house of this unique house, Wu Yan moved in his heart.

You can tell from the area of ​​this house that this family is very high in the Uchiha family.

The movements on my side naturally attracted the attention of several root ninjas, and on the other hand, four or five root ninjas rushed over, and then, in the broken door, a small figure stepped out step by step.

This figure turned out to be Uchiha to stop the water. Not only Wu Yan looked at the bun, but even the ninjas in the next few organizations looked at each other.

He was only eight or nine years old to stop the water, but at this time his pair of scarlet writing wheel eyes actually reached the state of three hooks ...

"Stop the water", watching the figure coming out, and the ferret holding Sasuke in his arms beside him, could not help but scream, apparently the relationship between the two of them was quite good.


I looked at the ferret next to Wu Yan, and Shui's face changed slightly, apparently thinking that he was caught by the enemy.

He only saw Wu Yan next to him, especially the iconic Moyun leopard next to him. Uchiha stopped the water for a moment, and said in amazement, "Mr. Wu Yan?"

During the conversation, looking at the surrounding scenes, two lines of tears could not help but emerge from the three-handed jade writing round eyes that stopped the water, saying, "Mr. Wuyan, why are you this? Why did we destroy the Uchiha family? ? ".

"The high-ranking members of the Uchiha family colluded with Sha Ren Village and Yan Ren Village and invaded Muye. This is a big crime of betraying the village, so ..." Wu Yan looked at the water in front of him, and after a moment of silence, explained .

"Betrayal village, this is the way it is ...", after hearing what the Uchiha family did, the look of the water stop turned dark, his head lowered, and the dagger originally held in his hand also fell to the ground.

Although he was only eight or nine years old, he knew very well what it meant to collude with other villages to invade the leaves.

Looking at the sword in the hands of Uchiha Zhishui, the ninjas in the next few organizations would miss this opportunity? Slammed in the past.

"Okay, you go down, give me here", but just watching the short knife fall on the water stop, Wu Yan followed.

Wu Yan ’s move is also very important. If possible, Wu Yan ’s move also wants to copy it. In addition, Wu Yan was more appreciative of the water stop, so I thought about it. Think, if you are willing to save him from your own heart, then save it ...

Wu Wuyan's anger towards Uchiha's family, but not Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha's stagnation of water. Since they encountered it, there was nothing wrong with saving them.

What's more, rescued them, there is no harm in themselves.

The Scarlet Night was over soon, and the ninjas of the root organization were more than half injured. Even if there were no top executives of the Uchiha family, they were the first giants of the wood leaves and the power was still very strong. The remaining ninjas, All went back to the root organization to report tasks.

As for Wu Yan? He returned to his home with his three young children of the Uchiha family.

The youngest Sasuke is only over half a year old. The middle child, Itachi looks like four or five years old, and then the biggest water stop, just like eight or nine years old ...

The weasel's expression was very low. He looked down to take care of Sasuke. Of course, the look of stopping the water was not good. The family was all destroyed. Although he knew it was the family's fault, he still felt sad.

"Mr. Wu Yan, you saved me, will it make you embarrassed ~ ~ But after a long silence, suddenly the water stop asked Wu Yan.

"Rest assured, since I have rescued a few of you, naturally there is a way to solve it." For stopping the water, Wu Yan waved his hand and said.

岩 Wu Yan is even more satisfied with stopping the water. At a young age, he has encountered such a drastic change. He still knows how to think from his own standpoint. He is indeed one of the few kind people in the Uchiha family.

I let a few of them stay in their own home, Wu Yan quickly constructed a space to transmit magic, and when it appeared again, it was already in the lobby of the root organization base.

After one night's killing, more than half of the ninjas of the root organization were killed and wounded. The wounded have already been treated, and the others are exhausted even if they are not injured. Therefore, there is an unprecedented silence in this hall.

Alas, Tuanzang sat here alone, apparently waiting for Wu Yan.

"Since it is an act of extermination, why do you still have a few children? You should understand the principle of raising tigers." After seeing Wu Yan's arrival, Tuanzang's expression was calm and he went straight into the question.

"Why? Because Itachi and Zhishui are different from other Uchihas, so they stay." Wu Yan calmly looked at Tuanzang and replied.

Luan Wuyan's answer made Tuanzang's brows frown, which was obviously very displeasing. He certainly couldn't accept this answer.

Wu did not wait for the Tuanzang to say anything more. Wuyan's eyes were slightly frozen, his eyes appeared the shape of three hooks of jade writing:

"I remember the village owed me three conditions, right? I want to accept these children as disciples. This is the first condition I put forward."

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