Plane Master Copy

Chapter 319: : The 9th plane crossing

Different from Dalongshan base, as long as you have the ability to own an airplane or a flying evolutionary beast as a mount, you can enter and exit at will. The sky above the base of this hero city is protected by a huge energy barrier, so you cannot directly from the air. Will fall.

After letting Juhei land in the place where the planes and flying evolutionary beasts inherent in Hero City landed, Wu Yan patted Juhei, let it wait for himself, and then entered the Hero City with Fengwu directly. Meet the Lord of the Hero City.

The hero of the hero city, Wu Xiong, is a man in his forties who looks about 40 years old. He looks slightly thinner but has a very good mental state.

After Feng Wu briefly introduced it, Wu Xiongcheng's master couldn't see the master's shelf, and he shook hands with Wuyan very enthusiastically.

"It turns out that you are Wu Yan. The boy from Long San had met you several times in front of me. It really turned out that the hero was a boy. He was very close to the strength of the fourth-order awakener." After the hand, the owner Wu Xiong said to Wu Yan with a warm smile on his face.

Powerful, but it gives people a very good, approachable feel.

After Wu Yan sat down at the invitation of the Lord of the City, the two sides chatted and continued. The Lord of the City treated others to make people feel like a spring breeze. In the end, the topic naturally led to the mining of moon-marked spar.

"Feng Wu said that you want to work with me to mine together. I can accept this, but what is the way of mining? Do you have any ideas you can put forward?" Nodded, the city owner did not swallow the entire vein. Meaning, he asked Wu Yan.

"All the mining work can be left to the people at our Dalongshan base, and the safety of the mining work is the responsibility of the people at your hero city base. As for the ore that is mined, it's four or six points, and I four you Six, how? "Since the other party asked himself to speak, Wu Yan was not polite, and said directly to the Lion.

Regarding Wu Yan's words, the owner of the city wore a bland smile on his face. He did not agree or refuse, but just looked at Wu Yan calmly.

Wu Xiong's expression made Wu Yan's heart a bit embarrassed. Is his mouth too wide?

"Mr. Wu Yan, your allocation method is very problematic. I don't think it's suitable?"

The two sides stopped talking, but Feng Wu, who was next to him, couldn't help but said to Wu Yan.

"You have to know that the mining work is all tiring and heavy work. Your people only need to patrol around to protect their safety. This is completely easy and comfortable, but they can get 60% of the benefits. I already have Very sincere. "

The so-called sky-high price, returning the money on the ground, although Wu Yan also felt that some lions opened their mouths, but still insisted on talking.

"Well, maybe you do n’t know my character yet, Wu Yan. I always talk and do things, and there are not so many twists and turns."

After shaking his hand, the city owner Wu Xiong said, "Although you are right, mining ore is indeed a tiring and dirty job, but in this era, as long as there is a bite to eat, and then the tired and dirty work is also being robbed Do, so labor is worthless, and combat effectiveness is the most valuable thing. "

"Therefore, in the mining of ore, we, as the guardian, are the core of real value, and in the deep mining of the wild, there are endless zombies, and at least one fourth-level awakener is required to sit in town."

Having said that, the city owner Wu Xiong paused and said, "If you allocate it from the value side, you can only get a maximum of 20% of the benefits. That's all, because you defeated the talents of Iga Liu. Valuable. "

"20% !?", Wu Yan's brow frowned slightly when he heard Wu Xiong's words, very unhappy.

"The news is that the ninjas of Iga Liu already know it. It is difficult to guarantee that everyone will not know tomorrow. Those who put their eyes on the veins can only rely on me to block. 20% is already my biggest concession, otherwise We can only speak by means of eschatology. "The owner Wu Xiong was indeed very straightforward. One sentence directly confirmed the matter.

"Okay, two achievements and two percent." Seeing the fierce popularity of the city's owner Wu Xionglei, Wu Yan thought for a while, and no longer arrogant, nodded.

In fact, Wu Yan himself is very clear. His behavior can be regarded as a sky-high price and land repayment. In fact, the city owner Wu Xiong can mine the veins of moon-spar crystals without him.

Cooperation is naturally because both parties have what each other needs, and cooperation can achieve a win-win situation, which is the basis of cooperation.

There is indeed what Wu Yan needs here. One is that he can resist the puppets of the forces of Iga flow, and the other is that the strong side like the hero city can have a safe mining environment, but How about yourself? Can there be anything that Hero City needs?

After thinking about it, Wu Yan only knew that the Dimensional Gate was something he could get out of, and he could let the people in Hero City come and go safely. The mining was like being in his own home.

However, the dimension of the Yuanyuan Gate was too large, and Wu Yan could not afford to face the aggression of this hero city for a while and a half.

Since there is nothing that the other party needs, the so-called cooperation itself is not established, and the people in Dalongshan can only mine a few hard labor, and the last-day labor is the least valuable. ...

Wu Yan knows the situation himself, so in Wu Yan ’s view, as long as he can get 10% of the benefits, he is already making money.

Now the city owner Wu Xiong is willing to take out 20% of the benefits, Wu Yan's heart has already blossomed.

It is true that the owner of the city is acting resolutely. After the decision on the distribution of mining work and the distribution of benefits has been basically made, the next few detailed issues naturally have nothing to worry about.

It can also be seen that the main style of the city owner's behavior is crisp and clear, and Wu Yan has no worries. After discussing the two, they will soon have a preliminary plan for the mining work.

Then, Wu Yan followed up with the hero city for another day, and then said goodbye to the city's owner. It is natural that the work of moonspar spar mining should be performed as soon as possible.

Wu Yan Fengfeng set off on the next day and returned to the Dalongshan base. Then, he gathered some senior staff in the base and arranged it.

The existence of the hero city base, more or less of the seniors of the Dalongshan base, heard that Wu Yan has already had a close connection with the hero city, and even reached a cooperation with the hero of the hero city The agreement to mine the moon-marked spar ore veins made the seniors of the Dalongshan base look surprised.

Unexpectedly, finally, one day, did the contact between the hero city base and the Dalongshan base begin?

Regarding the strength of the Hero City base, these members of the parliament asked about it. They learned that Hero City has a population of 100,000 and that there are Level 4 Awakeners. These people are even more worried.

If there is frequent contact, will Dalongshan be annexed one day? In the last days, it is essential to guard against people. This is the most basic truth.

Of course, regardless of whether these crises really exist, at least for the moment, it is indeed a big profit to cooperate with the people of Hero City to get 20% of the benefits.

Moreover, this can arrange a large number of bases who are idle and waiting for the dead to work, can have a bite, and I believe many people are willing to go.

In the following days, the main energy of the Dalongshan base is focused on the cooperation with the Hero City. The relevant cooperation plan has been formulated for a long time, and of course, there are also days to meet together at the mine vein location.

With the base convening a large number of migrant workers to go to the mine vein for mining work, the news detonated the entire Dalongshan base.

In recent days, countless people are enthusiastically signing up, hoping to get a place, hiring and talking about the workers who go to work in the mine, each meal has a large bowl of food.

"It seems that I still have to find a lot of things for these people to do. I hope that we can arrange more than 10,000 people who are waiting to die in the base."

In recent days, although Wuyan has not personally experienced things at the Dalongshan base, they are all done by others, but the scene in the base is still clearly visible, which makes Wuyan's heart more Thoughts out.

Now that I am the leader of this base, so that everyone in the base has food to eat, is this what I should do as a leader?

After all, when his father built this Dalongshan base, these survivors ran here, not to die here, but to find a way to live here.

To mine a vein, this is not a simple job ~ ~ From the early survey, then recruiting people here, and then forming a team to go to the site of the vein, these tasks have taken a lot of work time.

There are also places where the veins are located. The heroic city also sent professional awakeners to build the corresponding buildings.

In this way, more than half a month passed quickly. Seeing that all preparations were almost finished, Wu Yan, as the leader of the base, personally escorted a large number of migrant workers to the site of the mine.

There was no dangerous appearance along the way. After Wu Yan had escorted these migrant workers to their destination, it was too late. Wu Yan sat on the off-road vehicle transformed by Juhei and left the mine. After the place.

Suddenly, the space-time vortex appeared, and Wu Yan took the entire car together and was involved in the space-time vortex, starting his ninth plane crossing journey.

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