Plane Master Copy

Chapter 328: : Chinese National Clan

In a hotel, Wu Yan sat quietly by the window sill, with a look of contemplation between his eyebrows, and held a disassembled Kof95 invitation with a surprised look on his face.

Who is the organizer of this 95 contest? He sent an invitation letter to himself? I've only just come to this plane for more than half a month, haven't got any fame yet? The organizer knew he was there, and even sent the invitation letter to himself?

Is it because of the battle with Iori Kamin, Hongmaru, or Kusanagi Kyo that someone else saw it before?

He groaned secretly for a moment, Wu Yan felt that he could still go to the kof contest and watch.

Almost all well-known fighters will gather at the competition. For Wu Yan, being able to fight with many good people is also a way to quickly improve his strength.

However, according to the rules of the kof competition, each team must form a team of three people. Where can I find the other two teammates?

"If I can't find a suitable teammate, is it possible that I have to use the shadow avatar and transformation ability to impersonate my own teammate?" There is no suitable teammate goal after thinking about it, Wu Yan has There is no other way out.


In fact, of course, the invitation letter of kof95 is not only issued to Wu Yan alone. At this time, some famous fighters in the world have received invitation letters of kof95 one after another.

Although the grassroots of Beijing have their own team, of course, there is no need to worry, but there are many solo fighters, after receiving the invitation letter, and Wu Yan are also generally in order to choose the right teammates. distressed.

For example, Iori.

Iori is naturally very confident about his strength, but it is because of this that Iori is looking for a few eye-catching opponents. It is very difficult, and more importantly, the opponent he is looking for is to fight Cao Jingjing.

Therefore, since Iori received an invitation letter from kof95, these days lie in distress in order to choose the right teammates.

After all kinds of choices, Idol finally found a ninja who is slightly more eye-catching, such as Yueying II.

So, who should I call from another teammate? After thinking about it, a figure, Wu Yan, suddenly popped out of the head of Iori.

"Well, although the guy is annoying, his strength is still good. If he teamed up with him, Cao Jingjing's two teammates wouldn't have to worry at all." After thinking of Wu Yan, Iori's heart mourned.

Although Wuyan and Iori have no good impression, compared to the great event of finding revenge on Caojingjing, Iori is completely tolerable for some festivals with Wuyan.

Thinking of Wu Yan, Idol moved, and began to look for the trail of Wu Yan.

The next person, Ruoying Er, followed Wu Yan's side without saying a word, and the character of Iori was cold, and he did n’t need to discuss with him about ordinary things. qualifications.


Not only Wu Yan and Iori, they received invitations from kof95, and other martial artists naturally got one after another. As the champion team of the last kof competition, Cao Jingjing and their side, of course, also received from kof Invitation for the contest.

"Sure enough, as Mr. Wu Yan said, there will also be a kof contest this year," said Goro Gomon, reaching for the invitation to the contest, and said.

After looking down and looking at the invitation letter in his hand, his face could not help but change, and exclaimed: "Jing, look at this invitation letter quickly."

"What's the matter?" Unlike the character of Nikaido Hongmaru's escape, Daimon Goro's character is still very calm. Seeing his appearance, Cao Jingjing was slightly surprised, and took the invitation in his surprise. Han, looking down, his face changed.

"How can it be?".

The second Nikaido Hongmaru came naturally, looking at the invitation letter by Cao Jingjing, especially the "r" sign, saying: "This invitation letter has the same logo as last year. Last year ’s kof contest The host is Lucar, didn't he die with the explosion of the spacecraft? Is it? He is alive? "

Cao Jingjing looked at the sign on the invitation letter in his hand. The sign of r was exactly the same as last year. Could it be? Lucar is not dead yet?

Is Mr. Wu Yan really telling the truth? If so, then Lukar's suspicion is indeed the greatest if his father is taken away.

"Anyway, we are going to participate in this kof contest. One is to investigate the truth about my father's disappearance, and the other is to see if Lucar is really alive." After a moment of silence, Cao Jingjing said, looking serious.

The Nikaido Hongmaru and Daimon Goro also nodded earnestly.

If it is true that Lucar is not dead, this year's comeback, there must be a huge conspiracy, of course, to stop him.

The invitations to the kof contest spread like snowflakes in all corners of the world, and the fighters of all parties successively received these invitations.

For example, the Terry and Andy of the Hungry Wolves, such as the super-capable team Athena and Shi Quansong of the super team, for example, the women's fighting team did not know how to dance to them ...

For the kof competition held two months later, some people began to find suitable teammates to form a team. Of course, many people took advantage of the last two months to step up their training and strive to make a big splash in the competition ...

In recent days, Wu Yan is also walking around looking for suitable teammates. On this day, Wu Yan set foot on Chinese soil directly.

If Wu Yan wants to form a team with him, of course, the primary goal is the super-powered team. Wu Yuanzhai, a predecessor to ancient Chinese boxing, is still very interested.

Fortunately, I spent half a month in Caocheng City. Wu Yan also saw some information about Mr. Zhen Yuanzhai, so he took the spacecraft transformed by the giant black, and Wu Yan soon came to China. , Also found a beautiful mountain inaccessible.

According to the information displayed in the document, Mr. Zhen Yuanzhai retired here.

When visiting the door, of course, you can't come empty-handed. If you want to say something best, Wu Yan certainly knows that after getting off the spacecraft, Wu Yan carried a box of specially prepared wine and came to a bamboo house in the mountains.


Wu Yan came to this bamboo house and could hear the sounds coming from inside, which sounded very familiar.

"Is Mr. Zhen Yuanzi here? The younger Wu Yan is here to visit." When he came to the bamboo house, Wu Yan opened his mouth and asked loudly.

As Wu Yan's words fell, the bamboo door was quickly opened, and then a short, thin old man in emerald green came to Wu Yan's side, and grabbed Wu Yan's wrist, saying "The young man is here, but you are just missing you. Come with me quickly."

"Er, Mr. Zhen Yuanzhai, I took the liberty to visit today. Please don't blame me. Here are some wines that I specially prepared for you. I hope you like them."

Looking at the figure of the old man in front of himself, he actually grabbed his wrist, which surprised Wu Yan's heart, and also made a look of enthusiasm for Zhen Yuanzhai.

The first time I met, suddenly the enthusiasm was so overwhelming that it made the second monk feel scratched.

"Wow? The guy is interested, put it aside first." Looking at a box of wine carried by Wu Yan, Zhen Yuanzhai took a bottle from the box very quickly, and let Wu Yan put a box of wine. After coming down, some can't wait to greet Wu Yan into the room.

Under the overwhelming invitation of Zhen Yuanzhai, Wu Yan stepped into the small bamboo house, glanced at it, and looked at the appearance of the bamboo house. Wu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and there was something weird in his look. The scene inside It is completely different from Wu Yan's original imagination.

At a square table, two young men are sitting on each side of the table. They both look very young. They are the two people, Miya Athena and Shi Quansong, who are also disciples of Zhen Yuanzhai.

However, on the square table, there are many small cuboid gadgets, Wu Yan can see at a glance, this is Mahjong.

Obviously, the three of them had nothing to do with, and they actually stayed in the bamboo house to play Mahjong for fun.

"Is the boy called Wu Yan, right? Sit fast? We are always missing here. Someone is rare today. Let ’s accompany us for ten laps and eight laps." Zhen Yuanzhai took a bottle of wine and sat down skillfully. After arriving at his position, he said enthusiastically to Wu Yan.

The words of Zhen Yuanzhai made Wu Yan's mouth twitch slightly. At this time, he finally understood why Zhen Yuanzhai invited himself to come in so enthusiastically.

However, playing mahjong is a quintessence that has been handed down since China was very old. Wuyan would have some before the end of the year.

After sitting down, the cards were skillfully coded, and Wu Yan and Zhen Yuanzhai played and talked.

"I think you are a martial artist, too ~ ~ Is there anything wrong with suddenly coming to me this old man?"

After Zhen Yuanzhai reached out and touched a card, he asked casually in his mouth, and a card in his hand slammed out: "30,000".

"Touch!" Wu Yan spoke. After touching Zhenyuanzhai's 30,000, he ran a whiteboard and answered, "I received a kof95 invitation in Japan before, but I was missing Companions, so come back to China to see if you can find the right fighters and me to team up. "

"Oh? Is kof going to start?".

Hearing Wu Yan's words, Shi Quansong next to her face looked excitedly towards Zhen Yuanzhai, and even Athena at Ma Gong was full of interest.

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