Plane Master Copy

Chapter 34: : There is a sentence in my heart

Although the sun and moon deities are called demonism by the so-called orthodox school, it is undeniable that the power and status of the sun and moon deities are the righteous religions in the world. Otherwise, how could the Five Sword Sects What about fighting together?

With the unification of the East and Wu Yan unifying their opinions, the huge machine of the Sun and the Moon religion immediately turned into operation.

At this time, Ling Linghu rushed to gather a large number of people from the rivers and lakes, with thousands of people in full, marching toward Shaolin Temple.

At this moment, Linghu Chong who has been expelled from the division by Yue Buqun can be said to be completely free.

On the same day, Wu Yan sent the main hall in Huashan to copy the blocked skills to Linghu Chong. However, Yue Buqun's preconceived idea was to use Qiqi Sword's peerless sword trick. Therefore, after Wu Yan left on the same day, Yue Buqun Xiang Linghu rushed to ask, naturally not.

This caused Yue Buqun's suspicion that Linghu Chong wanted to swallow sword skills alone.

Secondly, Linghu Chong's lonely Jiujian arrogantly martial arts, but this peerless swordsmanship is the same as the sword technique performed by Wuyan that day, plus the title of Wuyan Ghost Hand Sword Master, Yue Buqun naturally recognized that Linghu Chong and Wuyan had long existed. Collusion.

Finally, plus my own jealousy of Linghu Chong's disciple.

After these factors are combined, finally, after Linghu Chong and the sacred aunt Ren Yingying made frequent contact, Yue Buqun broke out, and Linghu Chong was directly expelled from the division.

At the same time, in an inaccessible wood, an old man about 60 years old, wearing a dark, long black shirt, silver hair, sitting cross-legged, adjusting his power.

Next to him, a man in his fifties, holding a long knife, was guarding him.

After a long time, a silver-haired old man opened his eyes, stood up, his eyes were red, full of hatred, and said, "Make it to the left, my husband has finished adjusting his breath. Now, let ’s go to Shaohemuya. The old man has been anxious to crush the Eastern dog thief into thousands of pieces! ".

"Leader!", Heard that the man with the long knife knelt down and said: "Leader you are now recovering from injury, and you should not use force. Moreover, the current sun and moon gods have a ghost in addition to the Eastern dog thief. The sword Sacred Wuyan, whose wrist and martial arts practice, is not under the Eastern dog thief. "

"Huh, ghost sword Sword Wuyan? But how powerful a young junior is in his early twenties. The old man believes that with my reputation, he went to Heimuya to operate it. It will definitely allow many people to give up the dark and surrender. I! ", For Xiang Wentian, let me wave his hands, some can't wait to say.

In the past ten years, Ren Wuxing has been locked up in Meizhuang. Every day, the hatred of the East is invincible. Once he is out of difficulties, he naturally can't wait to kill the East in revenge and retake it. Your own leader.

He knows that the East is undefeated and it is difficult to win the position of Islamist leader now, but he can't wait for a moment.

"However, the leader ...", after hearing Ren Woxing's words, Xiang Wentian's face was also anxious, and he wanted to say another bitter sentence.

"Wait, someone is coming ..." But, just at this moment, suddenly I waved my hand and stopped Xiang Wentian's words.

The two jumped and hid in the canopy.

Soon after, a middle-aged man hurriedly came over here, with several sword injuries on his body. With his running, the blood flowed endlessly.

It's just that he simply doesn't have time to bother with the injuries on his body and can't stop escaping his life. It seems that there is something like a vicious beast behind him.

"What is this? Yu Canghai, the head of the Qingcheng faction? He is also the leader of the faction, is he so pretentious?"

I walk in the canopy and walk away to Xiang Wentian, looking at each other.

From the perspective of martial arts, is Yu Canghai a first-rate master of rivers and lakes?


I did not let Ren Woxing and Xiang Wentian guess how long, soon a figure ran quickly towards this side, catching up with Yu Canghai.

I saw this figure chasing and killing Yu Canghai, but it was just a young man in his twenties or so, dressed up as a sun and moon **** disciple.

"Yu Canghai, I see where you run, I see how much blood you can keep!", Lin Pingzhi held a steel sword in his hand, and said with hate in his mouth, the sword was stained with blood and blocked it. Yu Canghai's way.

"Well? I teach my disciples, can I chase Yu Canghai and run wild? Could this guy be the ghost-handed sword sacred Wuyan?", Looking at the following situation, hiding in the tree canopy for a while, My heart was secretly surprised.

"God, this person is called Lin Pingzhi, but a disciple of Wu Yan. It is said that the evil swordsmanship of his family's Fuwei Dart Bureau was once a must, but then it was destroyed by Yu Canghai ..."

Wu Xiangwen said to Ren Woxing in a low voice, all of which briefly introduced Lin Pingzhi's identity.

"Lin Pingzhi, you turtle son, did not expect that you escaped from your life that year, and you actually practiced your own evil swordsmanship ..." Yu Canghai looked at Lin Pingzhi in surprise and hate. Said, a mouth of Chuan Shu mouth.

I want to say that Lin Pingzhi's internal skills are not very good, but this sword technique is really amazing. In Yu Canghai's view, Lin Pingzhi should have secretly practiced the evil sword technique, otherwise, how can there be such power?

"Huh, my swordsmanship is not a fake evil swordsmanship, but it is taught by my master ghost hand sword holy Wuyan. Didn't think of it? I also have a day of turning over, and you hit our Lin family that day. The evil sword spectrum has destroyed me all over the door. Today, I want to smash your corpses to avenge my parents. "Lin Pingzhi's face was full of hatred ~ ~ said with gritted teeth.

I talked with my toes, and rushed straight up. The sword almost completely covered Yu Canghai's body.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

As the head of the Qingcheng school, Yu Yu Canghai was naturally good at swordsmanship, but he was suppressed by Lin Pingzhi's top lonely nine swords.

I could barely do more than a dozen tricks, and Yu Canghai's wrist was cut with a sword, his muscles were broken, and the long sword in his natural hands couldn't hold it and fell to the ground.

I really could say that after doing so, after cutting off Yu Canghai's muscles, Lin Pingzhi followed up with a full of seven or forty-nine swords, almost chopping Yu Canghai into a pair of pieces of flesh.

"Father, mother, the baby has finally avenged you ...", bearing such deep hatred for so long, he was revenge, Lin Pingzhi knelt on the ground, shouting loudly.

Let my bank hide in the crown of the tree. Just now the battle between Lin Pingzhi and Yu Canghai can be seen. Of course, he can see that Lin Pingzhi's lonely nine swords are extremely delicate, and his face has become very ugly. .

From Xiang Wentian's mouth, Ren Wuxing already knew that Lin Pingzhi's family had been destroyed by Yu Canghai not long ago. How long has this been? By worshiping Wu Yan as a division, can he kill Yu Canghai alone?

In just a few months, Lin Pingzhi can be tuned to this point. How strong is the ghost hand Sword Wuyan?

I was terribly terrified.

"By the way, to the left, did you find this one named Lin Pingzhi, who uses the same swordsmanship as Linghu Chong?".

I let my banker's face almost grimly drip water, whispered.

"Master, as far as I know, Wu Yan personally went to the Huashan School and taught Linghu Chong Sword" a few days ago, lowering his head, and said to Wen Tian carefully.

Let me do it: "...".

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