Plane Master Copy

Chapter 366: :swordsman

There was a twist in the void, and Wu Yan and Ju Hei emerged from the space-time vortex at the same time.

Wu Yan sat in the driver's seat of the car, looked around from side to side, and found himself in a barren place. There is a trail not far away, but this trail is a very primitive dirt road. If it is an off-road vehicle, this road cannot be taken at all.

After looking around, the place is so desolate that it doesn't look like the village before, it doesn't look like the store after.

Wuyan can only make Juhei drive along this dirt road. The top priority is to find out which plane he is in. The most important thing is to find a few people first. Just ask.

Rumble ...

The weather was pretty good at first, but it was like a woman's face. It was bumpy for about 20 minutes. Suddenly, there was a sound of thunder in the sky.

At the same time, the sky didn't know where many dark clouds came from. Obviously, it was going to rain.

Wu Yan expected nothing bad, and about 20 minutes later, the heavy rain fell from the sky, pouring heavy rain, making the road very slippery, more and more mud on the road, making huge Black walking is getting slower and slower.

Step on!

However, at this moment, suddenly Wu Yan saw seven or eight men running hurriedly under the pouring rain, messy footsteps, and muddy water splashing.

Then, behind these men, a man holding a huge sword was chasing after him, and the man who ran slower was directly killed by this man chopping melon and cutting vegetables. The sword skill was very sharp.

The killer did not blink, and the man holding the huge sword behind him was very violent. Under his sword, these seven or eight people were quickly resolved.

Then, the swordsman looked at the car in the middle of the road in amazement.

Wu Yan can see the swordsman and the person who was just killed through the glass of the car. They are all dressed in ancient China. Obviously, this should be the plane of the ancient Chinese background. Among such planes, When a car appeared, it's no wonder that the swordsman looked curiously.

After watching for a moment, the swordsman obviously saw Wu Yan in the car.

"This man, are you locked in an iron box? I'll save you out!".

Although the swordsman did not blink, he knew from the words of a few escaped men who begged for mercy that they stole the swordsman's money. He was enthusiastic about Wu Yan sitting in the car, and raised his hands between words. Sword.

"Wait ..." Seeing the swordsman misunderstood that he was locked in an iron box, and was about to cut Ju Hei to save himself, Wu Yan hurriedly called.

While talking, he lowered the window of the car, leaned out his head, and said, "This man, I'm not closed, I'm just hiding in the rain here."

"Hiding the rain? This is a good place." Watching Wu Yan lowered the window, the swordsman's eyes lightened, then came over, looked at the car there are still several places, and said: "This brother Taiwan, it's raining too much, I wonder if you can let me go in and hide too? "

Although the swordsman just wanted to chop the giant black, but the other party was just out of good intentions, and he just came to this plane, and he needs a good chat with the aborigines to see if he can determine the current Which is the plane, so Wu Yan directly opened the door of the co-pilot and let the swordsman get in the car.

At this time, the weather was still a bit cold. After the swordsman got on the bus, he was soaked, Wu Yan turned on the hot wind of the car, and kept blowing against the swordsman, which also provided some temperature.

"Well? This dude, your iron box is very interesting. It's a big crystal and can blow hot air."

Holding his sword wet and sitting in the co-pilot's position, the swordsman felt the warm wind blowing from the air outlet, and said with a look of surprise on his face.

"Hey hey, even if your boy has vision, this master has more skills", as the swordsman slipped, a huge black voice sounded, proudly said.

Originally, the swordsman wanted to chop himself. Juhei was still very annoying to him, but after hearing the swordsman's praise to him, Juhei's dislike of him was thrown away from the clouds.

"Ah? This iron box actually speaks? Is it a box monster?" Ju Hei didn't speak. It was okay to speak. It surprised the swordsman next to him and his hands were on the hilt. It seems that although it is possible to pull the sword out of the sheath.

"Okay, this is my car. Um, you do n’t know it, right? It ’s one of my magic weapons, you know it? It can not only shield the wind and rain, but also walk." Wu Yan stretched out his hand and held down the swordsman's hilt and hurriedly explained.

Seeing this swordsman's sword is very sharp, although Juhei is a silicon-based life-form Transformer, but if this sword is cut down, it will still be injured.

"Car? What?" The swordsman's face was confused, and what the so-called car was, he naturally did not know.

However, after hearing Wu Yan ’s introduction as a magic weapon, the swordsman also learned a little bit, and looked up and down about Wu Yan's appearance. He did not look like he was dressed in the Central Plains. He said, “This brother, I misunderstood. However, watching Xiongtai is also performing martial arts, are you also a master?

The appearance of this swordsman seems to be a martial artist. I feel that Wu Yan also understands martial arts, and martial arts are very good. The swordsman's face has a feverish look, and it seems that he can't wait to pull his sword and Wu Yan to fight.

"Masters are not masters, I don't know, but I do have a bit of martial arts," and I don't know what plane this is, so Wu Yan did not dare to brag that he was very powerful, with some reservations.

Speaking, he asked the man's name and where it was.

"My name is Xia Houjie. As for where is this place? I can't say well, it's a wild country", the man replied when he heard Wu Yan's words.

"Xiahou Jie? I don't have any impression." At the name of the swordsman, Wu Yan groaned secretly for a moment. He had no impression of the name at all, let alone asked from his mouth what plane it was on.

"By the way, brother Xiahou, do you know what dynasty is now?" Wu Yan asked again after pondering for a moment.

"Dynasty? Brother Wu, aren't you from the Central Plains? Now it's the Ming Dynasty."

It ’s okay to sit in the car. The swordsman is willing to chat with Wu Yan for a few words. He knows everything about Wu Yan ’s inquiry.

From the swordsman's mouth, Wu Yan quickly learned that his plane was an ancient Chinese background, and the dynasty was the Ming Dynasty. The swordsman was obsessed with swordsmanship all his life, and then from his mouth Wu Yan knew that the plane was There are people who practice martial arts, and there are also some foreign warlocks, but these foreign warlocks are very mysterious to the swordsman, and they are rarely seen by themselves.

Of course, since there are outside warlocks, there are of course demons and ghosts, but the demons and ghosts are not visible to ordinary people.

"Are there warriors, warlocks, and demons on this plane?" From the mouth of the swordsman, Wu Yan had a general understanding of the situation of this plane, but just what plane he is in now, Wu Yan is still No clue whatsoever.

After chatting with Wu Yan for a while, the swordsman seemed a little hungry. He escaped from his arms with two big white hoees and then delivered one to Wu Yan, saying: "Brother Wu, give".

Wu Yan looked at the **** he had pulled out. He had already cooled down and shook his head. "Xiahou brother, don't you say that you rarely see Fangwai Warlock? I'll show you Fangwai Warlock today. s method".

During the conversation, Wu Yan let Juhei go to the side of the road, his palms folded together, and then he drank in a loud voice: Muya!


As Wuyan's Muzhu Ninjutsu was performed, the ground cracked, and countless trees appeared intertwined, quickly turning into a wooden floor to isolate the wet land.

Then, more wood appeared, entangled with each other, and looked like a patchwork, and soon turned into a delicate wooden house.

Although this wooden house is not large, only about one hundred square meters, it is a great pleasure to have such a delicate and gorgeous wooden house shelter from the rain in the wilderness.

With the construction of the wooden house completed, Wu Yan pushed the car door and walked down, and sat down on the chair beside him.

"Here, what is this means? Is this the means of an alien warlock? A house has appeared out of thin air?"

The swordsman also got on and off the car from the position of the co-pilot. Looking at the room that almost appeared out of nowhere, the whole man was dumbfounded, and two large white hoees in his hands also fell to the ground, and then quickly picked up.

Wu Yan sat in a chair ~ ~ Raised his hands in the void, and soon, several prepared dishes were taken out by Wu Yan and placed on the table.

There are also tableware such as dishes, spoons, spoons, etc. In addition, Wu Yan also took out a bottle of white wine and put it on the table, saying, "Brother Xiahou, you are soaked all over. Drink some wine and go to the cold ".


The swordsman who came to the dining table looked at the delicate dishes on the table, and then looked at the two big buns in his hands, and couldn't help but swallow.

Originally, it was a satisfying life to have two steamed buns in the wilderness, but now, by comparison, this swordsman feels like his life is like a pig and a dog.

"Hahaha, then I'm welcome, thank you Brother Wu for the hospitality." Putting up his two hoees, the swordsman sat directly in front of Wu Yan and raised his glass.

Tuk tuk

Just then, suddenly the door of the house was knocked ...

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