Plane Master Copy

Chapter 372: : Michiko Noji

"You kid, there's something wrong with your brain. Hurry and follow me."

"If I don't go, don't worry about it. Go back to your Lan Ruo Temple and go to bed."

"No, you must follow me today."


Wu Yan and Yan Chixia argued with each other.

Yan Chixia thinks that Wu Yan's strength is very strong, but his brain is not easy to use. Since I saw it, it is my fault if I don't save him today. Afterwards, I live in guilt, so I must save him. To take him away.

But in Wu Yan's opinion? I'm going to find the millennial tree demon, and try the strength of the millennial tree demon. If it is possible, I can destroy the tree demon.

However, Yan Chixia was doing bad things with good intentions, and that's it. The feeling that nine cattle could not be pulled back made Wu Yan very angry and funny.

Yan Chixia is obviously not a person who likes reasoning. Seeing Wu Yan looks even more embarrassed than herself, Yan Chixia started to do it in a panic.

If it doesn't make sense, then go ahead and take this guy away.

"Although I want to determine the level of force on this plane from the millennium tree demon, but Yan Chixia's strength is similar to that of the millennium tree demon. Since he is going to do it, he can try from him.

Unexpectedly, Yan Chixia actually shot at herself, Wu Yan was shocked first, and immediately raised her hand, and Wushuang Sword in the void appeared in front of Wu Yan.

Ding Ding Ding!

The two sides each exhibited the ability of imperial swordsmanship, and saw the continuous collision of Yan Chixia and Wu Yan's flying sword in midair, making a series of sounds.

Wuyan's Wushuang sword is of extraordinary quality, but the same, Yan Chixia's flying sword does not seem to be ordinary. The two sides are fighting each other, and they seem to be incomparable.

"They, they fought themselves?" Watching Wu Yan and Yan Chixia actually started, Xiao Qing beside him was dumbfounded, with a look of aggression.

Sandwiched by the two big men, Wu Yan and Yan Chixia, Xiao Qing had no qualifications to speak. At this moment, looking at the two of them, they fought. Where did Xiao Qing dare to stay more?

After a few turns of eyes, he immediately set off and flew away.

With this news, I have to quickly tell myself that this Lanruo Temple not only has a bearded stink priest, but also another young monk has come, and it seems that the strength is not under the bearded stink priest.

Watching Xiaoqing turn around and run away, Wu Yan thought about it, but didn't mean to chase it.

I am now at Lan Ruo Temple. The millennium tree demon will be able to find it someday, and will be caught by Yan Chixia. Now I can only fight Yan Chixia well.

Royal swordsmanship is superior to royal swordsmanship. Although Wuyan has not spent much time on royal swordsmanship, Wuyan's swordsmanship has been orthodox practiced by Shushan, so the basic skills are still solid.

Coupled with the knowledge of kendo copied from the unknown, this makes Wuyan's sword skill very exquisite. The battle between Yanyan and Yan Chixia is still dominant.

What about Yan Cabernet? Although he also knows the sword technique, but in Wu Yan's view, it is just some fancy tricks. Many places give people a paradoxical feeling.

To put it simply, Yan Chixia's sword technique is like drawing a cat from a tiger, but only the level of a layman.

"Good boy, she really has some skills. Look at me, the world is infinite, and the universe is borrowed."

After fighting for a while, Yan Chixia obviously felt that there was no way to defeat Wu Yan by relying on the sword alone. With a thought, she broke her finger and drew a pattern of Tai Chi in her palm.

Immediately, the invisible power between heaven and earth was attached to Yan Chixia's body.

Yan Chixia raised her palm and patted Wu Yan. The invisible force hit her, and she was shocked.

When shaving skills were exerted, Wu Yan instantly appeared tens of meters away.

Almost at the same time, where Wu Yan had just stood, there was a bang, and a terrible explosion sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a large pit ten meters in diameter appeared on the ground. This made Wu Yan's heart startled. The attack of Yan Cabernet in the original book is not so strong. Must be strong?

Bang Bang Bang ...

Not to mention how marvelous Wu Yan's heart was, Yan Chixia shot with both hands in succession, and a series of powerful energy shots came out of his palm, and a series of explosions sounded on the ground.

These terrible explosions turned almost everything within a few hundred meters into ruins.

Under these terrible and intensive attacks, Wu Yan's shaving was constantly performed, hiding all these attacks in the past.

Looking at Yan Chixia's violent look, Wu Yan secretly marveled at his stronger power than the original, and immediately lifted the crystal lens in his hand, and a faint red light fell on Yan Chixia.

Wu Yan's heart was surprised when he looked at the numbers that appeared on the crystal measuring device.


Wu Yan was shocked to see the figures appearing on the crystallizer.

Just before the start, Yan Chixia's crystal point number was only about 1,000. At this time, it actually soared by more than 500?

This Taoist method of borrowing law is somewhat similar to the Eight Doors, which actually can directly enhance one's strength.


Yan Chixia's palms were waving again and again, watching Wu Yan's shave, secretly marveling at his terrible moving speed.

However, at the back, Yan Chixia's palm waved again, but there was no powerful shock wave in his hand.

"Did Qiankang's magic power run out?" Looking at his palm, Yan Chixia whispered in her heart, and then spit out a curse "Prajo Parami" in her mouth.

"The crystal point number has already returned, and it really only increased the strength temporarily." Looking at the crystal point number that Yan Chixia had fallen back at this time, Wu Yan nodded secretly.

However, what marveled Wu Yan was that the Taoist technique of Qiankun borrowed law didn't seem to have much side effects. After finishing it, this Yan Chixia was still alive and kicking, which was better than Bamen Jiajia.

After fighting with Yan Chixia for so long, Wu Yan also has some understanding of his strength. Yan Chixia's ability, like a wild road child, has not been systematically cultivated at all. At first, from the tricks he used You can see above.

Royal sword skill, this is the ability of the sword fairy practitioner.

There is also the Taoism of Qiankun borrowing the law, which is the ability of the practitioner.

Finally, there is the curse of Prajna Paramita in his mouth, which is the capacity of Buddhism ...

These completely different abilities were used by Yan Chixia one after another, but all of them gave a plausible feeling.

This made Wu Yan understand that his abilities are indeed some wild ways.

Without the intention to accompany Yan Chixia to fight, Wu Yan took a deep breath and immediately squeezed a sword.

With his movement, Wushuang Sword changed rapidly in the sky, one into two, two into four, and four into eight ...

For a moment, however, there were more than a hundred flying swords in the dense sky. Under the control of Wu Yan, all of these flying swords shot towards Yan Chixia.

After dozens of seconds, I saw Yan Chixia panting and lying on the ground very embarrassed.

In Wu Yan's hands, Wushuang sword was pinched in his hand, and his sword pointed at Yan Chixia. Obviously, after this battle, Wu Yan was superior to Yan Chixia.


On the other side, in a pretty-looking courtyard, Xiao Qing fled in with a bit of haste.

In the room, the millennium tree demon who is also a man and a woman is talking to Nie Xiaoqian, all the female ghosts are looking at the millennium tree demon in awe.

"Xiao Qian, both you and Xiao Qing are like children who haven't grown up. They like to fight for favor, but fortunately, you as a sister have a lot of weight, so I'm very pleased."

The millennium tree demon looked at Nie Xiaoqian in front of himself, and said with a smile on his face, referring to the fact that Xiaoqing snatched the prey that was originally Nie Xiaoqian tonight.

"Whether it was me or Xiaoqing who brought the man over, I ended up enjoying it for you. The result is no different. Of course, I won't fight with Xiaoqing." After hearing the words of the millennium tree demon, Nie Xiaoqian wore a Calm expression, said quietly.

"Well, you can think like that, I'm very happy." Looking at Nie Xiaoqian, a smile appeared on the face of the millennium tree demon, and he nodded.

"Well, it's not good, big things are not good."

However, at this moment, Xiaoqing's expression was full of arrogance, with an urgent and frightening cry in his mouth, and he hurried in.

The next group of female ghosts looked at Xiao Qing's appearance, all startled, and hurriedly avoided it.

Nie Xiaoqian looked at Xiaoqing's appearance, and Dai Mei raised her head slightly, feeling a little surprised, she didn't understand why Xiaoqing was so panic, and she came back empty-handed.

"Xiao Qing, what's the matter?", The millennium tree demon asked in a deep voice, and apparently felt very unhappy about Xiao Qing's panic look.

Seeing that his face was a little upset, Xiao Qing was startled and calmed down a few emotions. Then he said, "Oh, I just met a man in the woods ~ ~ I wanted to give him to your elderly Yes, but it was disturbed by the bearded stinky priest. "

"Hum, that stinky priest, too, I am so angry!".

Finally, another prey came to his mouth, and Yan Chixia was stirred again, and the face of the millennium tree demon called with an angry look.

During the talk, the millennium tree demon looked at Xiaoqing in surprise again, and said, "Wait, if that stinky priest shot, how can you come back alive?".

"Well, the big thing I said is not good, it's because of this."

Nodded his head, Xiaoqing hurriedly opened his mouth and elaborated on the things he had just encountered, one by one, one hundred and fifty.

Hearing the beginning and end of the matter, the face of this millennium tree spirit also sank and murmured.

"Wu Yan? Can his practice be compared with Yan Chixia's stinky priest? This is really a bad thing, a stinky priest is already so troublesome, come again."


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